Sced 646 The Sett Framework

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 657
  • Pages: 4
The SETT Framework Student: ____________JAMES__________________________________________ __4/13/2019__________________________________

What we know

Student Environment - James is an 11 years -James attends a old fifth grade special school for student. students with significant disabilities. -He was diagnosed with autism when he was 3 years old. -He has minimal verbal communication, which is comprehensible only to familiar listeners.

-The school has only one floor and it is ADA compliant. -James’s classroom has two secure exit doors that can easily be accessed in an emergency.

Task -As students come into the classroom, they keep their belongings in the appropriate storage.


Tools LOW TECH -Fidget sensory toys. This support will aid James in calming down, relieve stress, and increase focus.

-Students pick up their schedule binders and work materials -Picture Exchange from the cabinets and Communication return to their seats. System (PECS). This will enable -Following the visual James broaden his prompts, students communication using communicate the next pictures. activity using the picture exchange communication.

-Students participate -He is very active and in classroom groups would climb and based on jump on furniture. chronological age. -He fidgets intensely and frequently by pinching his fingers in front of his own face and in the faces of peers and staff. -James needs to be calm so he can focus on instruction, direction and tasks. -He requires an alternative means of communication that will enable him express his wants and needs to everyone.

-The day starts with students stating the day, date, year, and weather.

-Adapted storybooks. James will benefit from this repeated exposure to curriculum with a predictable format.

-The day’s activities are projected so that students can align that MID-TECH with the visual schedule. -Textured Sequencer. This will -During instruction, help James to students use physical enhance his manipulatives and communication, communication - Visual schedules, engaging him in devices to participate simple conversations visual cues, and and answer questions. by playing prepictures are placed around the classroom recorded messages. for students to see. -There are six students in the classroom. Each student has an aid. The special education teacher and two paraeducators give and monitor instructions.

This will help him participate more effectively during instructions by asking or answering questions in the classroom.

-There are two kidney -Visual prompts and tables for group work schedules are used to activities. help students transition between -A corner of the activities. classroom is designed as the “calm down” area. It is a carpeted -James thrives on section of the structure and routine. classroom with a boundary couch, a -He enjoys movement large three-legged bouncy ball, and a activities. beanbag. -He substitutes gestures and facial expressions in order to communicate his wants and needs.

-The classroom has a bookshelf as the library and file cabinets storage for students’ academic materials.

-Go Talk 9. This will help James expand his vocabulary and improve his communication skills. HIGH TECH -IPAD. This device will allow many useful apps to be downloaded on it. It is lightweight and user friendly. -Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices. This will be beneficial to James because he

-James likes to take walks in the hallway and PE motor activities. -He repeats words he hears from conversations going on around him. This helps him to repeat directions and verbal prompts given to him.

-There is a projector screen and 3 large desktop touch screen computers, each with a large colorful key board and easy to maneuver mouse.

-Four of the students in this classroom are on the lower spectrum of ASD. Three of them are non-verbal. -He reacts positively Two students have when his IPad is used OHI. as a reinforcement. He also responds -All the students are appropriately to sensitive to high pitch visual prompts. noise and bright light.

responds very well to visual cues. - Speech Therapist with Mirror Assistive Technology Communicator. This will help James visualize the formation of words, enable him to initiate a two-way communication, and encourage selfattention and focus.

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