Scan Apr 1, 2019.pdf

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 806
  • Pages: 3
I .I M l'l'A TUINS O f' TII~: ST IJl>Y


Ill e 1c., pH r1Scsg,vcu bythccmploycescanbcbias l'i. Kl r<;;,I vi-,l,ohl y 1,y 1hc ~uggcsl,o ll ~ m ay not b e assessed


Wl11k ,l,.,,H~ 1lic '1 Jrvcy m1 ly t l1c regular em p loyees a rc considered

J lw c n,p loyccs HTtrnming or probation are not rnken into considern1inn -1

/"h<: s;ornplc dncs not cover HII 1hc workers in 1he organilation due \o th e l ., ,g 1·,1, ,_,.r D. ,n , lrni ri ts



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Sl l( j(_j FSTIO N ~ Sumc reco 111mc11dat ions for i 11111rn,·i 11 g I he p i: 1 rl) 1111 .1 11cc Orga ni ?.ation arc given hclow


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For th e offi ce rs the pcrti.Hrnan cc appraisal l'orn1/ l( ll 11 w1 :;l11 11 ild he mo re dctaikd , a:-- thry have nHffl' rcspo11 si hility l·o 111p . i1 l'cl l \l ()I l1c1 rn1 plo yce i super\'isors, Wt)l'ks111c11 etc 1


Supcr\'i sm should go for half yea rl y app1a1 sc d Both ncgn ti,·c and pnsiti VL' lt.Tdba ck sltoultl hl' l:(11111111111 1c.i 1cd I() the emplLlyec St) that th ey can know where tli cy sl,11HI 111 1l 1c ()I U;111i1.c1tio11 with

other emplo yees . N~w methods of appraisal method should li e adopt ed li ke r\ ) Criti ca l Incid ent Method :- Under this method til e in cid ent s or eve nts occurred arc recorded by the immediate hc11111111111 ca t1011 <1 11d lhe ap praise , ma y ~,Hm 111 u 1c ;ih tll!I ;ipprn isL'l' ilrid hi s prnli le111 \

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Senior Mana '-gers should b(•" a1)1)1··ti·scLl l)\1 11 1t..:• 1'·•.\ 1C lll il I l' .\ jl l' II S 1 • 1 R_t~ward systc,11 should be ad opt ed by the orga11i 1.a 1i u11 i c ti • , I ' , I 1 •1 vcs the bctt , · f · ~ , ie c mp O\ cc 10 ~ pc, onn a11 cc among t li e oth er c111pl uyccs sliou Id be rc~v·ml ,d ; sscss mcnt nl I 1ccr l o und ergo r . t ., · · · ' t: 1 ·ti l · ,· . ' 0 1 ld111lll g t o lc.: ,-trll ll C\V 1ccl111 ic 1u cs 11 L: lnl s n apprai sal So that the , .. · I , , i.: 111pl l)~·cc > c<1 11 Ju e gc well 111c pcrlurmance nf

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