Saya U Thein Lwin-dam - Damn

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Saya U Thein Lwin


DAM - DAMN  dam (n) {d@m}

= a structure in a river or a stream preventing the flow of water.

a&umwm? qnf? wrH? wm½dk;/ - They are building a new dam at the mouth of the valley.

awmifMum;0rSm qnftopfBu;D wpfcu k kd olwYkd wnfaqmufaew,f/ - The beavers built a dam at the narrowest part of the stream.

acsmif;&JU tusO;f qH;k ae&mrSm zsaH v;awGu wrHwpfcu k kd wnfaqmuf cJMh uw,f/ - There is a dam across the Ayeyarwady river.

{&m0wDjrpfudk jzwfNyD; aqmufxm;wJh a&umwmwpfck &Sdw,f/


 dam (v)

139 = to place a barrier in a river or a stream to restrict the flow of water; hold back by a dam.

wmwrH wkyfonf? qnfonf/ - They are trying to dam the river.

jrpfudk qnfxm;zdkY? wrHwkyfzdkY olwdkY BudK;pm;aeMuw,f/  dam (v)

= control, hold back.

xde;f csKyo f nf? csKyw f nf;onf/ - You should dam up your feelings.

rif;&JU cHpm;csufawGudk xdef;csKyfoifhw,f/  dam (n)

= the female parent of an animal.

wd&pämefwpfaumifaumif\ rdcif/ - A dam is also the mother of an animal such as a horse, goat or sheep.

jrif;? qdw?f od;k uJo h aYkd om wd&pämefwpfaumifaumif&UJ rdcifuv kd nf; 'rfvdkY ac:wmaygh/  damn (v) {d@m}

= condemn; to cause to be condemned as bad, unacceptable.

½Iwcf sonf/ - The critics will damn this film.

'D½kyf&Sifum;[m raumif;bl; ...? vufcHEkdifzG,f r&Sdbl; ...vdkY a0zefoal wGu ½Iwcf sMuvdrrhf ,f/  damn (interj.) = expressing anger, irritation ... etc. pdwq f ;dk jcif;? pdwrf &Snjf cif;aMumifh a&&Gwaf om pum;/ - Damn! I've forgotten my identity card.

aovdkufygawmh[mµ igh rSwfyHkwifuwfjym; arhusefcJhNyD/


 damn (n)

Saya U Thein Lwin = something unimportant or of no value.

ta&;rygaom? wefz;kd rJah omt&m/ - It's not worth a damn.

'g ... tvum;[myg ...? ta&;rygygbl;/  damn (v)

= to condemn someone to punishment.

jypf'PfcaH p&ef tjypfay;onf/ - The court chose to damn the traitor to a life-time of banishment.

opömazmufukd wkid ;f jynfrS wpfoufv;kH xGuo f mG ;&ef ESix f w k (f jynfEiS f 'Pfay;)zdkY ½Hk;awmfu tjypfay;qHk;jzwfcJhw,f/

DAYS - DAZE  days (n) {dez}

= (the plural of day) the period between sunrise and sunset.

aeYwmrsm;? aeYtcgrsm; (aexGuEf iS hf ae0ifMum;)/ - During the summer time, days are much longer than during the winter.

aqmif;&moDrSmxuf aEG&moDrSm aeYwmawG ydk&Snfw,f/ - The days are warm but the nights are cold.

aeYtcgawGrSm ylw,f? 'gayrJh ntcgawGrSm at;w,f/  days (n)

= (the plural of day) a twenty-four hour period.

&ufrsm; (ESpfq,fhav;em&D wpf&uf)/ - There are seven days in a week.

wpfywfrmS ckepf&uf&w dS ,f/ - You will feel better in a couple of days.

ESpf&uftwGif; rif; oufomvmygvdrfhr,f/


 daze (v) {dez}

141 = to make confused (eg. by a blow or a shock).

(xdcdkufrI? xdwfvefYrI ponfwdkYaMumifh) rl;a0 onf? rl;aemufonf? rSifwufrdonf? awGa0 onf/ - Repeated blows to the head began to daze the boxer.

acgif ; ud k xyf w vJ v J txd k ; cH & vd k Y vuf a 0S Y x k d ; wJ h v l [ m rl;aemufaemuf jzpfvmw,f/  daze (n)

= a bewildered or absent minded state.

rSiw f ufrjd cif;? Muufaoaojcif;/ - I've been in a complete daze since hearing your sad news.

rif;&JU aMuuGJzG,fowif; Mum;&vdkY ig vHk;0 rSifwufNyD; Muufao aooGm;w,f/

DEAR - DEER  dear (adj.)

= costly; expensive; high in price.

aps;Bu;D aom/ {dI}} - Clothes are not cheap, they are very dear. t0wftpm;awGu aps;raygbl; ...? odyfaps;BuD;w,f/  dear (with to) = highly valued, precious. tvGew f efz;kd xm;aom? jrwfE;dk aom/ (adj.) - My grandmother's antique locket is very dear to me.

uRerf tbGm;&JU a&S;a[mif;avmhuufo;D av;udk uRerf t&rf;wefz;kd xm;w,f/  dear (adj.)

= very lovable.

tvGecf sppf &maumif;aom/ - She is such a dear little girl that everybody loves her.

ol(r)u odyfcspfp&maumif;wJh uav;rav;wpfa,mufqdkawmh vlwidk ;f u cspMf uw,f/


 dear (n)

Saya U Thein Lwin = a person who is lovable and charming.

cspEf pS o f ufz, G af umif;aomol/ - Htet Htet is such a dear.

xufxufu wu,fcspzf aYkd umif;wJo h /l  dear (n)

= a person who is loved or liked (esp. used to address someone).

cspcf ifEpS o f ufonfh oabmjzifh oH;k onfh tmvkyf pum;/ - Now, my dear, what may I do for you?

uJ uG,f ... rif;twGuf udk,f tck bmvkyfay;&rvJ¿ - Come in, dear.

0ifcyhJ guG,/f  deer (n)

= a kind of large grass-eating animal,


the male of which sometimes has antlers.

orif? orifrsm;/ - The tiger tried to catch the deer.

usm;u orifudkzrf;zdkY BudK;pm;cJhw,f/

DEMUR - DEMURE  demur (v) {dI'mj}}

= to object; to make an objection.

uefu Y u G o f nf/

- I appreciate your suggestion but I must demur. That is the wrong approach.

rif;&JU tBuHjyKcsufudk wefzdk;xm; aus;Zl;wifygw,f/ 'gayrJh iguawmh uefYuGuf&vdrfhr,f/ tJ'gu csOf;uyfyHk rSm;aew,f/  demure (adj.) {dI'mjur}

= modest; coyly decorous.

£a`EB´ u;D aom? taetxkid f ydjym;aom? odraf rGU aom/



- Your mother is very demure. She will never do such a bold thing.

rif;&JUrdcifu odyu f kd £a`E&´ w dS m? 'Dvrkd suEf mS ajymifwu kd &f wJh tvkyf rsKd; b,fawmhrS vkyfrSmr[kwfbl;/

DENSE - DENTS  dense (adj.) {dEnts}

= thick, closely grown.

xlxyfaom? tkyq f idk ;f ydwq f aYkd om? odyo f nf; aom/

- Although U Kyaw has a dense head of hair, his elder brother U Hla is nearly bald.

OD;ausm&f UJ acgif;rSm qHyifawG xlyed ;f aeatmif aygufayr,fh olt Y pfukd OD;vS&UJ acgif;uawmh wpfacgif;vH;k ajymifravmufe;D yg;yJ/ - The fog was very dense and the travellers could see nothing.

jrLawGu odyx f x l yfveG ;f awmh ... c&D;onfawG[m bmudrk S rjrif &bl;/ - The soldiers marched through the dense forest.

tkyq f idk ;f ydwq f aYkd ewJh awmBu;D xJu jzwfNy;D ppfom;awG csw D ufomG ;cJh Muw,f/  dense (adj.)

= dull; stupid.

xltaom? em;a0;aom? xHkaom/ - The boy is so dense that the teacher has to teach him repeatedly.

aumifav;u odyx f w kH t hJ wGuf q&mru olu Y kd xyfwvJvJ oifay; &w,f/


 dents (n) {dEnts}

Saya U Thein Lwin = ( the plural of dent ) an indentation or hollow made by a blow or pressure.

wdu k rf cd u kd rf í d jzpfay:vmaom tcsKid t hf cGu/f - The autobody shop was able to repair all of the dents in the car's bumper.

um;abmf'x D w k ½hJ u kH befygrSmjzpfaewJh tcsKid t hf cGuaf wGtm;vH;k udk jyifay;Ekid w f ,f/

DENTAL - DENTIL  dental (adj.) {'dEnt{l}

= having to do with teeth or dentistry.

oGm;zufqidk &f m? oGm;ESiq hf idk af om/

- Regular dental care is essential, if you want to possess healthy teeth.

oGm;aumif;csif&if (oGm;aumif;av;awGudk ydkifqkdifcsif&if) oGm;udk rSefrSef*½kpdkufzdkY r&Sdrjzpf vdktyfw,f/  dental (adj.)

= pronounced with the tip of the tongue against the back of the upper teeth.

tay:oGm;aemufbufEiS h f vQmzsm;xdí qd&k aom/ - The sounds of d and t are said to be dental because of the way they are spoken.

t*Fvyd pf mvH;k 'D eJY wD &JU toHawG[m vQmzsm;eJY tay:oGm;eJx Y Nd y;D qd&k wJ[ h mawG jzpfw,f/  dentil (n) {'dEnt{l}

= a small, rectangular decorative block projecting below a cornice or overhang on a building.

'ifwD; yef;uvyftrGrf;/



- The dentil had fallen here and there; but the look of the old building was still pleasant.

ae&mtESHYtjym;rSm yef;uvyftrGrf;awG jyKwfuscJhNyD;ayr,fh ... taqmufttHt k a[mif;Bu;D &JU oGijf yifu tckxd ESpv f zkd , G af umif;qJ ygyJ/

DEPENDENCE - DEPENDENTS  dependence (n) = the state or quality of relying on some{d{'pEnd{nts}

one or something else.

rScD akd e&jcif;/ - Children remain in a state of complete dependence on their parents for many years.

om;orD;awG[m rdbawGtay:rSm ESpaf ygif;rsm;pGm vH;k 0rScD akd e&wJh taetxm;rSm&Sw d ,f/ - You should find a job and end this dependence upon your parents.

rif;taeeJY tvkyw f pfc&k mS Ny;D rdbawGtay: rScD akd e&rIukd tqH;k owf oifNh y/D  dependents (n) =

(the plural of dependent) someone who


relies upon someone else for support. (esp. US = dependant)

rScD o kd rl sm;? rScD akd e&olrsm;/ - How many dependents are there in this camp?

'Dpcef;rSm rScD akd e&olawG b,fEpS af ,muf&o dS vJ¿


Saya U Thein Lwin

DEPRAVATION - DEPRIVATION  depravation (n) = corruption or downfall. pm&dwyå sujf ym;jcif;? (aemufq;kH wGi)f ysupf ;D qH;k ½I;H {dEpr{'ve•n} apaom usqif;rI/ - Association with the wrong people seemingly caused the depravation of this innocent woman.

raumif;wJhvlawGeJY aygif;oif;rI[m tjypfuif;pifwJh 'D½dk;½dk;tt rdef;rBuD;&JU ysufpD;qHk;½IH;rIudk jzpfap[efwlw,f/  deprivation (n) = a condition of loss; losing or removing {dEpr{'ve•n}

something hardship.

csKdUiJhrI? qif;&Jjcif;? qHk;½IH;jcif;/ - Deprivation of food and clothing made their existence miserable.

tpm;tpmeJY t0wftpm; csKdUiJhrIu olwdkYb0udk pdwfqif;&Jp&m jzpfap w,f/

DESCENSION - DISSENSION  descension (n) = {d{'sEn•n}

the process of going from a higher rank, status or attitude to a lower one.

avQmusjcif;? wa&GUa&GU avsmjh cif;? qkw, f w k jf cif;/ - The wrestler's sudden descension in the tournament's ranking was a shock to his teammates.

eyef;orm;&JU NyKd iyf t JG qifh ½kww f &uf usqif;oGm;jcif;u ol&Y UJ tzGUJ om;awGukd wkev f yI o f mG ;apw,f/  dissension (n) = quarrelling; disagreement of opinion. {d{'sEn•n, dI'sEn•n} jyif;jyif;xefxef oabmuGv J rJG ?I oabmrwlnrD /I - There was no dissension between the two lovers.

cspo f El pS Of ;D Mum;rSm oabmxm;uGv J rJG I r&Syd gbl;/



- Your proposal will cause a great deal of dissension.

rif;&JU tqkjd yKcsuu f oabmxm;uGv J rJG aI wG trsm;Bu;D jzpfvmapvdrhf r,f/

DESCENT - DISSENT  descent (n) {d{'sEnt}

= a movement downward.

tqif;? tus? oufqif;usa&mufjcif;/

- The descent of the mountain took two hours.

awmiftqif;c&D;u ESpef m&DMumw,f/  descent (n)

= birth; lineage.

om;pOfajr;quf? rsKd;½dk;? rsKd;EG,f/ - Do you know your lover's line of descent?

rif;cspfol&JU rsKd;½dk;udk rif; odovm;¿  dissent (n) {dI'sEnt}

= disagreement.

oabmrwlnrD /I

- I don't want to express the strong dissent at the meeting.

tpnf;ta0;rSm jyif;jyif;xefxef oabmxm;uGJrIudk uRefawmf rjycsib f ;l /  dissent (v)

= to disagree.

oabmxm;qef Y u sif o nf ? oabmxm; uGo J nf/ - I strongly dissent from what my friend has said.

uReaf wmfo h il ,fcsi;f ajymoGm;wmudk uReaf wmf tjyif;txef qefu Y sif w,f/


Saya U Thein Lwin

DESERT - DESSERT  desert (n) {'dEz}t}

= a hot, dry area of land, usually covered with sand.

oJuEÅm&/ - There is hardly any life in the sands of the desert.

oJuEÅm&&JU oJaomifjyifawGay:rSm ouf&o dS wå0gqdw k m r&So d avmuf ygbJ/  desert (adj.)

= like a desert, dry and sandy; not lived in.

vlou l if;rJah om/ - The sailors were wrecked on a desert island. (i.e. one on which no people were living.)

oabFmom;awG[m oabFmysuNf y;D vlou l if;rJw h hJ uRe;f av;wpfuRe;f ay: a&mufomG ;Muw,f/  desert (v)

= to leave or abandon someone or something on purpose.

pGefYypfxm;onf? ppfwyfrS xGufajy;onf/ - Why did you desert your children?

rif;&JU om;orD;awGudk bmaMumifh ypfxm;cJhwmvJ¿ - A loyal soldier would never desert his regiment.

opöm&Sw d hJ ppfom;wpfa,muf[m b,fawmhrS rdcifwyf&if;udk pGecYf mG xGuaf jy;oGm;rSm r[kwb f ;l /  dessert (n) {d{'z}t}

= the last course of a meal, usually some thing sweet; fruits, sweets etc. served at the end of dinner.

tcsKyd ?JG npmpm;tNy;D wGif wnfcif;aom opfo;D ? tcsKdyGJ ponf/ - I like fruit for dessert.

tcsKdyGJtaeeJY opfoD;pm;&wmudk uRefawmf BudKufw,f/

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