Saugerties Police Consolidation - Town Of Saugerties Study Of Service Configuration Options For The Village And Town Police Department

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Saugerties Public Safety S Service i C Configuration: fi ti

Town of Saugerties Police Department Village of Saugerties Police Department Prepared by


A St Study d off Service S i Configuration C fi ti Options O ti for the Village and Town Police Departments Presentation of Final Report Village Board Meeting Monday, August 17th, 2009 This document was prepared with funds provided by the New York State Department of State under the Local Government Efficiency Incentive Grant Program.


† Overview of the Public Safety Reconfiguration Study † The Study Process † Results of the Fiscal Impact Analysis † Other Non-Fiscal Impacts † Implementation of the Recommended Scenario p † Next Steps August 17th, 2009

Final Report


Introduction to the Public Safety Reconfiguration Study † Study Objective Develop recommendations for restructuring the Police Departments in the Village and Town in order to… 1. Maintain or improve the quality of services, and 2. Reduce the cost of public safety services

† Key Goals „ No tax increases for Village residents or Town residents outside of the Village „ No loss of service; service improvements wherever possible „ A more efficient department structure and operations, including: 1. A single chief and chain of command 2. Reduced need for administrative personnel 3. Simplicity and standardization August 17th, 2009

Final Report


Inform mal:

Contract Law Enforcement

Functional Consolidation

Other options fell short of the envisioned goal for the study…

August 17th, 2009

Final Report

Consolidated/ Merged Departments


Mutual Aid Agreements

High Risk, High Reward d

Low Risk, Lo ow Reward

A Full Range of Reconfiguration Options Was Considered

So, the committee focused on consolidation.


The Study Process Helped Identify the Best Reconfiguration Options

Task 1: Identify Reconfiguration Goals & Objectives

Task 2: Collect Department Data

Task 4b: Evaluate Fiscal and Non-Fiscal Impacts of Configuration Options

Task 3: Identify Legal/Contractual Constraints

Work Plan

Task 5: Select Preferred Alternatives & Prepare Final Report

Task 6: Develop Implementation Plan

Task 4a: Identify Configuration Options

The Committee and Fairweather Consulting identified and evaluated eight potential reconfiguration scenarios before settling on a preferred scenario.

August 17th, 2009

Final Report


For Each Scenario, Fiscal and NonNon-Fiscal Impacts Were Weighed

Fiscal Impacts

Non-fiscal Impacts

Increases/decreases to equipment and contractual costs

Impacts on existing/retained personnel (benefits, seniority, etc.)

Salary increases to achieve standardized compensation

Impact on levels of service provided to each community

Increases/decreases to costs of benefits

Disposition of assets owned/used by each Dept.

Personnel reductions and elimination of vacant positions

Oversight and governance of new department

O ti costs One-time t off iimplementation l t ti

Professional P f i l ddevelopment l t opportunities within new department

Increases/decreases to insurance costs Grants and other new revenues August 17th, 2009

Public perceptions about restructuring

Final Report


How Are Police Services Paid in Saugerties? Village g General Budget g

Townwide General Budget g ((Fund A))



47% 53%


Other Village Services Police

Other Services

$0.9M $1.1M


Total Amt to be Raised by Taxes

= Tax Rate

Total Assessed Value of Property

Village Tax Bill

$2 $2.0M 0M =$7.68 $259M

Town Tax Bill (Village)



Town Police (Dispatch)

Other Services



$2,000,000 88% Town Police


$2 $2.6M 6M =$1.63 $1.58B

Town Tax $2 $2.6M 6M Bill (Outside) $1.58B

$2.0M 0M =$1.63 + $2 =$1.49 $1.32B

Town Outside Resident

Village Resident Total Effective Tax Rate = $9.32 $9 32 August 17th, 2009

Town Outside General Budget g ((Fund B))

Total Effective Tax Rate = $3.12 $3 12 Final Report


How Are Police Services Paid in Saugerties? Village g General Budget g

Townwide General Budget g ((Fund A))



47% 53%


Other Village Services Police

Other Services

$0.9M $1.1M Total Amt to be Raised by Taxes

= Tax Rate

Total Assessed Value of Property

Town Outside General Budget g ((Fund B))



Town Police (Dispatch)

Other Services



If we adjust these… $2.4M

$2,000,000 88% Town Police


It affects these… Village Tax Bill

$2.0M $2 0M =$7.68 $259M

Town Tax Bill (Village)

$2.6M $2 6M =$1.63 $1.58B

Town Tax $2 6M $2.6M Bill (Outside) $1.58B

$2 0M =$1.63 + $2.0M =$1.49 $1.32B

Town Outside Resident

Village Resident

Which affects these…

Total Effective Tax Rate = $9.32 $9 32 August 17th, 2009

Total Effective Tax Rate = $3.12 $3 12 Final Report


Leading Scenario: Merge Village Police Department into Town Police Department † Level of Service: „ At least 4 officers on patrol throughout the Town and Village at all times „ A minimum of 2 officers would be assigned to patrol the Village at all times, with additional coverage as needed „ A foot patrol will be provided during peak periods, and Town police will continue to support Village events (Garlic Fest, HITS, Car Show, etc.) † Personnel: „ 18-member patrol force (13-14 FT officers, 4 sergeants, and 0-1 lieutenant) „ One chief of police „ 2 detectives „ 1 School Resource Officer † Governance: p to the Town Supervisor p and the Village g Mayor y „ Chief reports August 17th, 2009

Final Report


Year 1 & 2 – Savings for Village No Impact To Town Outside Taxpayers Village g General Budget g

Townwide General Budget g ((Fund A))

Town Outside General Budget g ((Fund B))




50% 50%


16% Police Services

84% Other Services


$0.9M Total Amt to be Raised by Taxes

= Tax Rate

Total Assessed Value of Property

Village Tax Bill

$1 $1.1M 1M =$4.28 $259M

Other Town Services Police

Other Services

$2.4M $2.4M


Town Tax Bill (Village)

$4 $4.9M 9M =$3.07 $1.58B

=$3.07 + $63K =$0.05 $1.32B

Town Outside Resident

Village Resident Total Effective Tax Rate = $7.35

Total Effective Tax Rate = $3.12


August 17th, 2009

Town Tax $4 $4.9M 9M Bill (Outside) $1.58B


Final Report


Year 3 – Village Sees Greater Savings, Town Outside Remains Unchanged if CostCostSaving Measures Are Implemented Village g General Budget g

Townwide General Budget g ((Fund A))

Town Outside General Budget g ((Fund B))





52% 48%

Other Services

Other Town Services Police


$2.4M $2.2M

Total Amt to be Raised by Taxes

= Tax Rate

Total Assessed Value of Property

Village Tax Bill

$0 $0.9M 9M =$3.59 $259M

Town Tax Bill (Village)

$4 $4.6M 6M =$2.94 $1.58B

Town Tax $4 $4.6M 6M Bill (Outside) $1.58B

Other Services


=$2.94 + $240K =$0.18 $1.32B

Town Outside Resident

Village Resident Total Effective Tax Rate = $6.53

Total Effective Tax Rate = $3.12


August 17th, 2009


Combination of cost-saving measures & new revenues reduce police expense by $214,000 or 8.8%


Final Report


Year 3 – If CostCost-Savings Are Not Realized, Village Sees Less Savings & Town Outside Sees Slight Tax Increase Village g General Budget g

Townwide General Budget g ((Fund A))

Town Outside General Budget g ((Fund B))





50% 50%

Other Services

Other Town Services Police



$2.4M $2.4M

Total Amt to be Raised by Taxes

= Tax Rate

Total Assessed Value of Property

Village Tax Bill

$0 $0.9M 9M =$3.59 $259M

Town Tax Bill (Village)


$4 $4.6M 6M =$3.07 $1.58B

Town Tax $4 $4.9M 9M Bill (Outside) $1.58B

=$3.07 + $240K =$0.18 $1.32B

Town Outside Resident

Village Resident Total Effective Tax Rate = $6.66

Total Effective Tax Rate = $3.26


August 17th, 2009

Other Services


Final Report


Explanation of Changes to Town and Village Tax Rates Village Taxpayer

Town Outside Taxpayer




21% Savings


28% Savings

No Change

30% Savings

$3 12 $3.12

$7.35 6.00










$3 12 $3.12




No Change 0.18

$3 12 $3.12

1.49 2.00




4% Increase


1.63 2.94

1.63 0.00


Before Merger

Years 1 & 2

Year 3 Year 3 (Best (Worst Case) Case)

Fund A Rate Village Rate

August 17th, 2009

Fund B Rate

Before Merger

Years 1 & 2 Year 3 (Worst Year 3 (Best Case) Case)

Fund A Rate Village Rate

Final Report

Fund B Rate


A Variety of NonNon-Fiscal Impacts Must Be Considered During Implementation Positive • All Village dept. staff would be brought over to the Town (except the Chief and either the Lieutenant or one FT officer).

Negative What will happen to staff not brought over to the Town?

According to NYS Civil Service Law, any staff who involuntarily lose their job as a result of the merger will be added to a preferred list for future vacancies. For 4 years they will have the right to first refusal for any openings.

How will seniority be determined, and what contractual benefits will be affected?

The two PBAs have agreed to meet to discuss issues related to the current Town contract. From a civil service perspective seniority will remain unchanged after the merger. The PBAs will determine the best method to h dl shift handle hift andd vacation ti biddi bidding.

How will time accrue toward retirement?

PBAs will review this as part of the discussion about how the current Town contract must be modified to facilitate the merger. merger

• Larger pool of police to draw from for overtime and special events • Increased opportunities for advancement within the force • Village less reliant on State Police for investigations • Abilityy to draw on best ppractices from each department to create the most effective police force • Less confusion about jurisdiction for the public, dispatchers, and officers • Village Police office freed up for other uses August 17th, 2009


Final Report


Implementation of the Police Department Merger † Step p 1 – Village g adopts p resolution calling g for a referendum on a law abolishing the Village Police Department † Step 2 – Town and Village agree to terms of Police Merger † Step 3 – Village Board holds a public hearing to gather comments

09/08 / – SR. CITIZENS CENTER † Step 4 – Village Board votes on the referendum


† Step 5 – If app approved o ed by Board, oa d, residents es de ts vote ote on o the t e referendum e e e du


† Step 6 – Village and Town execute agreement, transfer function

12/31 – MERGER EXECUTED August 17th, 2009

Final Report


Saugerties Public Safety S Service i C Configuration: fi ti

Town of Saugerties Police Department Village of Saugerties Police Department Prepared by


A St Study d off Service S i Configuration C fi ti Options O ti for the Village and Town Police Departments Presentation of Final Report Village Board Meeting Monday, August 17th, 2009 This document was prepared with funds provided by the New York State Department of State under the Local Government Efficiency Incentive Grant Program.

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