Sat-2008 (paper)

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At what angle two plane mirrors should be placed to form 11 images of an object ? (A) 20º (B) 30º (C) 40º (D) 50º



Which frequency of sound will be heard by us ? (A) 10 Hz (B) 16 Hz (C) 18 Hz (D) 25 Hz



Space appears as : (A) Blue (C) Orange




(A) 20º (C) 40º

(B) Black (D) White

At what temperature, the density of pure water is maximum ? (A) 0º C (B) – 40º C (C) 4º C (D) 2º C


Some physical quantities and their units are given in column I and II respectively. Column-I Column-II


(a) Momentum (b) Pressure (c) Work (d) Power

nkslery niZ .kks ad ksfd l d k.skij j[kkt k, fd fd lh fcEc d scuusoky sizfrfcEcksad h la[;k 11 gks? (B) 30º (D) 50º

fd l vko`fÙk d h /ofu gesalqukbZnsxh \ (A) 10 gVZ ~t (B) 16 gVZ ~t (C) 18 gVZ ~t (D) 25 gVZ ~t varfj{k fn[kkbZnsrk gS% (A) uhy k (B) d kyk (C) ukja xh (D) lQ s n 'k)q ikuhd klokfZ/kd ?kuRo fd l rkieku ij gkrskgS \ (A) 0º C (C) 4º C

(B) – 40º C (D) 2º C

dq N HkkSfrd jkf'k;k¡,oamud sek=kd Ø e'k%a ,oab es a fn, x, gSaA a

Kg.  m Sec . (ii) Newton × meter (iii) Newton/m2 (i)

(C) d k;Z

fd xzk- ehls(ii) U;w Vu × eh(iii) U;w Vu × eh-2

(D) 'kfä


(A) la osx (B) nkc

Newton  m (iv) Sec.

(A) a(i), b(iii) ,c (ii) ,d (iv) (B) a(i), b(iv) ,c (iii) ,d (ii) (C) a(ii), b(iii) ,c (i) ,d (iv) (D) a(iii), b(i) ,c (iv) ,d (ii)

b (i)

U;Vu w  ehls-

(A) a(i), b(iii) ,c (ii) ,d (iv) (B) a(i), b(iv) ,c (iii) ,d (ii) (C) a(ii), b(iii) ,c (i) ,d (iv) (D) a(iii), b(i) ,c (iv) ,d (ii)


An object is placed at focus of a convex lens the image will be formed at : (A) At focus (B) Between focus and infinity (C) At infinity (D) No where


mÙky y sUl d sQ ks d l fcUnqij j[ksfcEc d kizfrfcEc cusxk : (A) Q ks d l fcUnqij (B) Q ks d l fcUnqo vuUr d se/; (C) vuUr ij (D) d ghaij Hkhugha


An electric bulb is connected in an electric circuit. If 10 C charge flows through this bulb in 5 seconds, current flowing in bulb will be : (A) 2 Ampere (B) 3 Ampere (C) 4 Ampere (D) 5 Ampere


fd lh fo|qr ifjiFk esay xs,d cYc esa5 lsd .M esa 10 d w y ke vkos'kizokfgr gksjgkgSarksml ifjiFkesa cYc esacg jgh /kkjk d k eku gksxk : (A) 2 ,Eih;j (B) 3 ,Eih;j (C) 4 ,Eih;j (D) 5 ,Eih;j


The source of electrical energy in artifical satellite is : (A) Uranium (B) Solar battery (C) Thorium (D) None of the above


Ñ f=ke mixzgksaesafo|qr Å t kZd k L=kksr gksrk gS% (A) ;w jsfu;e (B) lkS j cSVjh (C) Fkkf sj;e (D) mDr es alsd ksbZugha




Light object (mass m1 and velocity v1) and heavy object (mass m2 and velocity v2) posses equal kinetic energy, then correct statement is : (A) m1v1 < m2v2 (B) m1v1 > m2v2 (B) m1v1 = m2v2 (D) m1v2 = m2v1


The body temperature of a person is 99º F then what is equivalent temperature in Celsius ? (A) 114.6º C (B) 72.8º C (C) 37.2º C (D) 36.6º C


To be a molecule of compound, following


fd lh;kfSxd d sv.kqes afuEukfad r es alslR; d Fku gS a& (A) d s oy ,d izd kj d sijek.kq,d nw l jslst q Ms+jgrs gS Aa (B) d s oy nksijek.kq,d nwl jslst qM +sjgrsgSaA (C) U;w ure nksfHkUu rRoks ad sijek.kq,d nw l jslst q M+ s jgrsgSaA (D) rhu lsvf/kd ijek.kq,d nw l jslst qM +sjgrsgSaA


d kcZu d sfuEukafd r : iksaesalsd kSulk: i fØ LVy h; : i ughagSa\ (A) ghjk (B) pkjd ks y (C) xz Q kbV s (D) Q q y jhu

(A) m1v1 < m2v2 (B) m1v1 = m2v2

(A) only one kind of atoms combines together. (B) only two atoms combine together. (C) at least two atoms of different elements combine together. (D) more than three atoms combine together. Which of the following forms of carbon is not a crystalline one ? (A) Diamond (C) Graphite

(B) Charcoal (D) Fullerene

(B) m1v1 > m2v2 (D) m1v2 = m2v1

fd lhO;fä d s'kjhj d krkieku 99º F gSrksmDr rki d k lsfY;;l rqY; rki D;k gksxk \ (A) 114.6º C (C) 37.2º C

statements is true -


gYd h oLrq(nzO;eku m1 rFkk osx v1) vkSj Hkkjh oLrq (nz O;eku m2 rFkkosx v2) leku xfrt Å t kZj[krhgSa] rc lgh d Fku gS%

(B) 72.8º C (D) 36.6º C


Which of the following non-metal is found in liquid state at room temperature ? (A) Sulphur (B) Carbon (C) Iodine (D) Bromine


fuEuka fd r esalsd kS ulkv/kkrqd {kd srkieku ij nzo voLFkk esaik;k t krk gS\ (A) lYQ j (B) d kcZ u (C) vk;kM shu (D) cz ks ekbM


Mass number of oxygen is (A) 8 (B) 16 (C) 20 (D) 32


vkWDlht u d h nzO;eku la[;k gS&


Which of the following element forms two or more than two chloride ? (A) Sodium (B) Aluminium (C) Copper (D) Barium



Some matter and their group are given in column P and Q respectively. Column-P Column-Q (a) Air (i) Element (b) O2 (ii) Mixture (c) Copper sulphate (iii) Base (d) Sodium hydroxide (iv) Salt The correct option is (A) a (ii) , b (v) , c (i), d(iii) (B) a(iv) b, (iii), c (ii) d (i) (C) A (i), b (ii), c (iii) d (iv) (D) a (ii) , b (i), c (iv) d (iii)


(A) 8 (C) 20

(B) 16 (D) 32

fuEufy f[kr esalsd kSulk rRo nks;k nkslsvf/kd Dy ksjkbM cukrk gS\ (A) lks fM;e (B) ,Y;q fefu;e (C) d kW ij (D) cs fj;e d qN inkFkZvkSj mud soxZØ e'k %LrEHk P vkSj Q esa fn, x, gSa& LrEHk–P LrEHk–Q (a) gok (i) rRo (b) vkW Dlht u (ii) feJ.k (c) uhy kFkks Fkk (iii) {kkj (d) d kfLVd lks Mk (iv) yo.k lgh fod Yi gS& (A) a (ii) , b (v) , c (i), d(iii) (B) a(iv) b, (iii), c (ii) d (i) (C) A (i), b (ii), c (iii) d (iv) (D) a (ii) , b (i), c (iv) d (iii)


Carbon mono oxide is hazardous gas. Inhaling this gas which of the following is affected ? (A) haemoglobin (B) plasma (C) cell membrane (D) plastids



Change of water into vapour is called (A) biological change (B) physical change (C) chemical change (D) bio-chemical change



Which of the following compounds does not produce oxygen ? (A) Potassium paramagnet (B) Potassium chlorate (C) Water (D) Salt



Petroleum gas is obtained as a by product in the process of refining of petroleum, mainly consists of (A) methane (B) butane (C) oxygen (D) hydrogen



Insulin is produced by (A) Stomach (B) Liver (C) Gall bladder (D) Pancreas


bUlqfy u d k fuekZ.k LFky gS(A) vkek'k; (B) ;Ñ r (C) fiÙkk'k; (D) vXuk'k;


Which disease is cured by DOTS strategy ? (A) T.B. (B) Typhoid (C) Rabbies (D) Malaria


MkVs~ l iz .kkyhlsfd l chekjhd kbykt fd ;kt krkgS A (A) {k; (B) VkbQ kbM (C) js cht (D) eys fj;k


Diagnostic test for AIDS is (A) Bidal test (Widal Test) (B) Lepamin test (C) Alisa test (ELISA Test) (D) Biopsy


,M~l d h t k¡p fof/k gS& (A) fcMkW y VsLV (C) ,fy lkVs LV


Synthesis of protein in cell occurs at (A) Nucleus (B) Chloroplasts (C) Cell membrane (D) Ribosomes


d ksf'kd k esaizksVhu l'y s"k.k d k eq[; LFky gS& (A) d s Unzd (B) Dyks jksIy kLV (C) d ks f'kd k& fHkfÙk (D) jkbckl s kes


Suicidal bags of cells are (A) Lysosomes (B) Ribosomes (C) Centrosomes (D) Nucleosomes


d ksf'kd kd hvkRe?kkrhFkS fy ;k¡gS& (A) ykblks l ks e (B) jkbcks l ks e (C) lS UVª ks l ks e (D) U;w fDy;ks l ks e


Genetic characters of a Iiving being are transmitted to the offsprings by (A) Ribosomes (B) Chromosomes (C) Plasma (D) Lysosomes


t hoksaesavkuqoaf'kd y {k.k larku esay st k, t krsgSa& (A) jkbcks l ks e }kjk (B) xq .klw =kks a}kjk (C) Iy kTek (D) ykblks l ks e }kjk

d kcZu eksuksvkWDlkbM ,d gkfud kjd xSl gSA bld s 'olu lsfuEukafd r esalsfd l ij izHkko iM+rk gS\ (A) fgeks Xy kschu (B) Iy kTek (C) d ks f'd kf>Yyh (D) yod t y d k ok"i esacny uk ifjorZu gS& (A) t S fod ifjorZu (B) HkkS frd ifjorZ u (C) jklk;fud ifjorZ u (D) t S o&jklk;fud ifjorZ u fuEuka fd r es alsfd l inkFkZlsvkW Dlht u xS l iz kIr ugha d h t k ld rh gS\ (A) iks Vsf'k;e ijesxusV (B) iks Vsf'k;e Dy ksjsV (C) t y (D) ued isVªksfy ;e xSl t ksisVªksfy ;e d s'kks/ku d h izfØ ;k d s le; ,d mRikn d s: i esaizkIr gksrhgS]mlesaizeq[k xSl gksrh gS& (A) ehs Fks u (B) C;w Vsu (C) vkW Dlht u (D) gkbMª ks tu

(B) y s izkfeu


(D) ck;kI slh


The process of photosynthesis in green plants involves (A) Intake of nitrogen and release of oxygen (B) Intake of oxygen and release of nitrogen (C) Intake of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen (D) Intake of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide


gjsikS/ksesaizd k'k la'y s"k.k d h fØ ;k esagksrk gS& (A) ukbVª kst u y suko vkWDlht u NksM +uk (B) vkW Dlht u y suko ukbVªkst u NksM +ukA (C) d kcZ u MkbZvkWDlkbM ysukvkWDlht u Nks M +ukA (D) vkW Dlht u y s uko d kcZ u MkbvkW DlkbM Nks M +ukA


Virus was discovered by (A) Darwin (B) Dr. Khurana (C) Robert Hooke (D) Iwanowski


fo"kk.kq¼ok;jl½ d h [kkst d h xbZ& (A) MkfoZ u }kjk (B) MkW -[kqjkuk}kjk (C) jkW cVZgqd }kjk (D) vkbos uks foLd h}kjk


Which organ of human body does the goitre disease affect (A) The nose (B) The ear (C) The throat (D) The eye


?k?askkjkxs es aekuo 'kjhj d kd kuSlkva x iz Hkkfor gkrskgS A (A) ukd (B) d ku (C) xy k (D) vk¡ [k


Which of the following food will provide the


fuEu es alsd kS ulkvkgkj ekuo 'kjhj es au, Å rd ks ad h o`f) d sfy , iks"kd rRo iznku d jrk gSA (A) iuhj (B) Q y (C) feBkbZ ;k¡ (D) lfCt ;ka

nutrient for the growth of tissue in human body (A) Cheese

(B) Fruit

(C) Sweets

(D) Vegetables


Which hormone when secreted increases heart beats (A) Insulin (B) Adrenalin (C) Cortisone (D) Testosterone


fd l gkekZ us d sL=kkfor gkusslsân; xfr c<+t krhgS & (A) bUlq fy u (B) ,s fMª ufy u (C) d kf sVZ l kus (D) Vs LVks LVs jks u


Amount of which of the following components'


'olu fØ ;kesaok;qd sd kSuls?kVd d hek=kkesad ksbZ ifjorZu ughagksrk gS& (A) vkW Dlht u (B) d kcZ u MkbZvkDWlkbM (C) ukbVª ks tu (D) t y ok"i


(A) (1) (i) (2) (ii) (3) (iii) (4) (iv)

dq N 'kkjhfjd ra =k,oamllsla ca f/kr va x Ø e'k%LrEHk P vkS j Q esafn, x, gSaA LrEHk - P LrEHk - Q (A) ikpu ra =k (i) o` Dd (B) jDr ifjla p j.k ra=k (ii) vkek'k; (C) mRlt Z u ra=k (iii) /kefu;ka (D) iz t uu ra=k (iv) Q s y ksfi;u ufy d k lghfod Yi gSA

(B) (1) (ii) (2) (iv) (3) (i) (4) (iii)

(A) (1) (i) (2) (ii) (3) (iii) (4) (iv)

(C) (1) (iii) (2) (i) (3) (ii) (4) (iv)

(B) (1) (ii) (2) (iv) (3) (i) (4) (iii)

(D) (1) (ii) (2) (iii) (3) (i) (4) (iv)

(C) (1) (iii) (2) (i) (3) (ii) (4) (iv)

in air does not change in process of respiration-


(A) Oxygen

(B) Carbon di-oxide

(C) Nitrogen

(D) Water Vapour

Some body system and the related part of system are given in column P & Q respectively. Column-P


(1) Digestive system

(i) Kidney

(2) Circulatory system

(ii) Stomach

(3) Excretory system

(iii) Arteries

(4) Reproductive system (iv) Fallopian tube The correct option is -

(D) (1) (ii) (2) (iii) (3) (i) (4) (iv) 34.

Measles disease in children is caused by (A) Bacteria

(B) Virus

(C) Fungi

(D) Mycoplasma


cPpksaesa[kljk chekjh gksrh gS& (A) t hok.kqls (B) okbjl ls s (C) d od ls (D) ekbd ks Iy kTekls


Which of the following diseases is caused by


fuEu esalsd kSulk jksx d hV d sd kVuslsgksrk gS\ (A) Ld ohZ (B) Ma xw s (C) fueks fu;k (D) nek


uhpsd qN ?kVuk,¡vkS j frfFk;k¡nhxbZgS a]bud kfey ku d j lgh fod Yi pqfu, & (a) vf[ky Hkkjrh; d kx alz s d es Vhus^Hkkjr NkMsksiz Lrko ikfjr fd ;k (i) 15 vxLr]1947 (b) xk¡ /kht hd hgR;k (ii) 26 t uojh]1950 (c) Lok/khurkd hiz kfIr (iii) 30 t uojh]1948 (d) Hkkjr ,d x.kjkT; cuk (iv) 8 vxLr]1942

insect (A) Scurvy 36.

(B) Dengu

(C) Pneumonia (D) Asthama Some events and dates are given below, match them and select the correct option(a) The all India congres committee Passed the 'Quit India Resolution' (i) 15th August, 1947 (b) Gandhiji was assassinate (ii) 26th January, 1950 (c) Achievement of Independence (iii) 30th January, 1948 (d) India became a Republic (iv) 8th August, 1942 Options– (A) (a) iv (b) iii (c) i (d) ii (B) (a) ii (b) iii (c) iv (d) i (C) (a) iv (b) ii (c) iii (c) i (d) i (D) (a) iii (b) iv (c) i (d) ii

fod Yi – (A) (a) iv (b) iii (c) i (d) ii (B) (a) ii (b) iii (c) iv (d) i (C) (a) iv (b) ii (c) iii (c) i (d) i (D) (a) iii (b) iv (c) i (d) ii


The writer of the book "Humayu Nama' is – (A) Gulbadan Begum (B) Kalhan (C) Humayu (D) Babar


^gqek;quke iqLrd d sy s[kd gSa& (A) xq y cnu osxe (B) d Yg.k (C) gq ek;q (D) ckcj


With which seer's name, Nathadwara is linked out of the following– (A) Ramanujacharya (B) Vallabhacharya (C) Madhvacharya (D) Nimbarkacharya


ukFk}kjk d ksfuEukafd r esalsfd l euh"kh d suke d s lkFkt ksM +kt krkgS& (A) jkekuq t kpk;Z (B) oYy Hkkpk;Z (C) ek/kokpk;z (D) fuEckd kp Zk;Z


The founder of the 'Khalsa Panth' was – (A) Guru Govind Singh (B) Shivaji (C) Aurangzeb (D) Guru Tegbahadur


^[kky lkiaFkd hLFkkiukd jusoky sFks& (A) xq # xksfoUnflag (B) f'kokt h (C) vkS ja xt s c (D) xq # rsxcgknqj


The famous donator and Maharana Pratap's Childhood friend was – (A) Durgadas (B) Bhamashah (C) Banveer (D) Mansingh


izfl) nkuohj vkSj egkjk.kk izrki d sckY;d ky d s lkFkhFks& (A) nq xkZ nkl (B) Hkkek'kkg (C) cuohj (D) ekufla g


The dynasty of south India which specially contributed to protect Indian civilization and culture is- ; (A) Chole (B) Chalukya (C) Rastrakoot (D) Pallava


nf{k.k Hkkjr d sft l oa'k usHkkjrh; lH;rk vkSj laLÑ fr d slaj{k.k esafo'ks"k ;ksxnku fn;k og gS& (A) pks y (B) pky q D; (C) jk"Vª dw V (D) iYyo


The lady who lead the Revolution of 1857 in Lucknow was – (A) Ajijan Bai (B) Hazarat Mahal (C) (C) Zeenat Mahal (D) Avanti Bai


y [kuÅ esa1857 d h Ø kfUr d k usr`Ro d jusoky h efgy k Fkh & (A) vt ht u ckbZ (B) gt jr egy (C) t hur egy (D) voUrhckbZ


The great Indian who returned the honour of 'SIR'


^t fy;ka okykckx gR;kd k.M d sfojks /kes a^lj d hmikf/ k okfil d jusoky segku~Hkkjrh; Fks& (A) lq Hkk"kpUn cks l (B) johUnz ukFkVS xksj (C) egkRekxk¡ /kh (D) vjfoUn ?kks "k

in opposition of 'Zaliawal Bag Massacre' was – (A) Subhash Chandra Bose (B) Ravindra Nath Tagore (C) Mahatma Gandhi (D) Arvind Ghosh 44.

The amazon Rajasthani lady who gave her life embracing with trees for protection of forests(A) Gabari Bai (B) Amrita Devi (C) Sahajo Bai (D) Kali Bai


ouks ad hj{kkd sfy, is M+ kslsfyiV d j viuht ku ns us okyhjkt LFkkuhohjkaxukFkh& (A) xcjhckbZ (B) ve` rk nsoh (C) lgt ksckbZ (D) d kyhckbZ


Out of the following whose birth-day is celebarated as Teachers day? (A) Sardar Patel (B) Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar (C) Dr. Radha Krishnan (D) Pt. Jawahar LaI Neharu


fuEuka fd r es alsfd ld st Ue&fnol d ksf'k{kd &fnol d s: i esaeuk;k t krk gS\ (A) ljnkj iVs y (B) Mk-WHkhejko vEcs Md j (C) Mk-Wjk/kkÑ ".ku~ (D) if.Mr t okgjy ky us g:


Some facts are given below - Match them and select the correct option (a) The main cause which makes difference between boy and girl. (i) Opening of day care centre. (b) To feel similiarity between man and woman. (ii) Male dominating society (c) A cause responsible for increasing nuclear families (iii) Gender Sensitivity (d) The result of neglecting elderly persons. (iv) Increasing population Options – (A) (A) iii (B) iv (C) i (D) ii (B) (A) ii (B) iii (C) iv (D) i (C) (A) i (B) ii (C) iii (D) iv (D) (A) iv (B) iii (C) ii (0) i


fupsd qN rF; fn, x, gSa]mud klEcfU/kr lsfey kus d hft , vkSjlghfod Yi pqfu, & (a) cky d ckfy d k es aHksn d jusoky k izeq[k d kj.k (i) Ms & d s;j lsUVj [kqy uk (b) L=khvkS j iq# "knksuksaesleHkko vuqHko d juk (ii) iq # "k iz/kku lekt (c) ,d y ifjokjks ad sc<+usd k ,d d kj.k (iii) t s .Mj laosnu'khy rk (d) cq t qxksZd sizfr c<+rh mis{kkd k ifj.kke (iv) c<+ rh t ula[;k d k ifj.kke


The system of govt. in which the Head of the Nation is elected – (A) Democracy (B) Aristocracy (C) Monarchy (D) Republic


og 'kklu O;oLFkkft les ajk"Vª /;{kfuokZ fpr gks rkgS& (A) iz t kra =k (B) d q y hura =k (C) jkt ra =k (D) x.kra =k


Which Fundamental Right/is known as a 'Guard


d kS ulkekS fyd vf/kd kj ^t ura =kd kigjs nkj d suke ls t kuk t krk gS& (A) 'kks "k.kd sfo#) vf/kd kj (B) /kkfeZ d Lora=krkd kvf/kd kj (C) la oS/kkfud mipkjksad kvf/kd kj (D) f'k{kkvkS j laLÑ fr d kvf/kd kj


gekjsns 'kd sjk"Vªxku d ksxkusd hfu/kkZ fjr vof/kgS& (A) 52 ls d .M (B) 54 ls d .M (C) 56 ls d .M (D) 58 ls d .M

Options – (A) (A) iii (B) iv (C) i (D) ii (B) (A) ii (B) iii (C) iv (D) i (C) (A) i (B) ii (C) iii (D) iv (D) (A) iv (B) iii (C) ii (0) i

of Democracy ? (A) Right against exploitation (B) Right to freedom of Religion (C) Right to constitutional Remedies (D) Right to education and culture 49.

The time period fixed for singing the 'National Anthem' of our country is(A) 52 Seconds (B) 54 Seconds (C) 56 Seconds (D) 58 Seconds


You want to cast vote in Panchayat Election of your area, for this what should be your minimum age – (A) 25 years (B) 21 years (C) 30 years (D) 18 years


vki vius{ks=kd siap k;r pquko esaer nsuk pkgrsgSa] bld sfy , d e lsd e vkid h vk;qfd ruh pkfg, & (A) 25 o"kZ (B) 21 o"kZ (C) 30 o"kZ (D) 18 o"kZ


Out of the following, to whom the central council of ministers is responsible – (A) President (B) Supreme court (C) Lok-Sabha (D) Rajya Sabha



Which institution works at Internationa level for the betterment of Health, Nutrition and Education of Children(A) UNESCO (B) W.H.O. (C) I.L.O. (D) UNICEF


d Usnz h; ea =khifj"kn~d k^lkew fgd mÙkjnkf;Ro fuEuka fd r esalsfd ld sizfr gksrk gS& (A) jk"Vª ifr (B) loks ZPp U;k;ky ; (C) yks d lHkk (D) jkT; lHkk d kSulhla LFkkvUrjkZ "Vªh; Lrj ij cky d ksad sLokLF;] iks"k.k ,oaf'k{kk d smUu;u gsrqd k;Zd jrh gS& (A) ;w us Ld ks (B) MCY;w -,p-vks(C) vkbZ -,y -vks (D) ;w fuls Q


The Prime-Minister of India who as¢ertained the principles of 'Panchsheel', was – (A) Lal Bahadur Shastri (B) Pt. Jawahar lal Neharu (C) lndira Gandhi (D) Atal Bihari Vajpayee



To link our Economy with the world Economy is called(A) Globalization (B) Nationalization (C) Liberalization (D) Integration



'Human Rights day' is celeberated on– (A) 24th October (B)10th December (C) 14th January (D) 8th March



The names of some Dam Projects and the states related to them are giver below, match them and select the correct optionName of the Project Name of the State (A)Nagarjun (i) West Bengal (B) Heerakund (ii) Punjab (C) Bhakhra Nangal (iii) Orissa (D) Damodar River Valley (iv) Andhra-Pradesh


Options– (A) (A) i (B) iii (C) ii (B)iv (B) (A) iv (B) iii (C) ii (D) i (C) (A) iii (B) iv (C) i (D) ii (D) (A) ii (B) iii (C) iv (D) i

^iap 'khy d sfl) kUrksad kiz friknu d jusokysHkkjr d s iz/kkuea =khFks& (A) y ky cgknq j 'kkL=kh (B) ia fMr t okgjy ky usg: (C) bfUnjkxk¡ /kh (D) vVy fcgkjhokt is ;h viusns'k d h vFkZO;oLFkk d ksfo'o&vFkZO;oLFkk ls t ksM +usd ksd grsgSa& (A) oS 'ohd j.k (B) jk"Vª h;d j.k (C) mnkjhd j.k (D) ,d hd j.k ^ekuokf/kd kj fnol euk;k t krkgS& (A) 24 vDVw cj (B) 10 fnlEcj (C) 14 t uojh (D) 8 ekpZ uhpsd q N ck¡ /kifj;ks t ukvks avkSj mulslEcfU/kr jkT;ks a d suke fn, x, gSa] ud k fey ku d j lgh fod Yi pqfu,& ifj;kst ukd kuke jkT; d k uke (A) ukxkt q Zu (i) if'pe ca xky (B) ghjkd q .M (ii) ia t kc (C) Hkk[kjkuka xy (iii) mM+ hlk (D) nkeks nj unh?kkVh (iv) vkU/kziz ns 'k fod Yi & (A) (A) i (B) iii (C) ii (B)iv (B) (A) iv (B) iii (C) ii (D) i (C) (A) iii (B) iv (C) i (D) ii (D) (A) ii (B) iii (C) iv (D) i


The city known as the 'Lankashayer of the East' is– (A) Ahamadabad (B) Mumbai (C) Kota (D) Surat


t ks'kgj ^iwoZd ky ad k'kk;j d suke lst kukt kr gS] og gS& (A) vgenkckn (B) eq EcbZ (C) d ks Vk (D) lw jr


Out of the following which gas is called 'Green House gas' also(A) Helium (B) Nitrogen (C) Ozone (D)Carbondioxide


fuEufy f[kr esalsd kSulhxSl d ks^xzhu gkml xSl Hkh d grsgSa& (A) ghfy ;e (B) ukbVª ks tu (C) vkt s ks u (D) d kcZ uMkbZ v kW DlkbM


The 'world water day' is celebarated on – (A) 22nd March (B) 22nd May (C) 22nd July (D) 22nd September


^fo'o t y fnol euk;k t krk gS& (A) 22 ekpZ (B) 22 ebZ (C) 22 t q y kbZ (D) 22 flrEcj


The event of up and down of ocean water regularly twice in a day is called– (A) waves (B) Ocean currents (C) Tide (D) Tsunami



On which river's bank Allahabad, Kanpur, Varanasi, Lucknow, Patana and Kolkata are situated. (A) Yamuna (B) Ganga (C) Hugali (D) Chambal


fnu esanksckj fu;fer : i lsegklkxjh; t y d k mBuk ,oafxjuk d gy krk gS& (A) rja xs (B) egklkxjh; /kkjk,¡ (C) TokjHkkVk (D) pEcy by kgkckn] d kuiqj] okjk.klh] y [kuÅ ] iVuk vkSj d ksy d krk fd l unh d srV ij clsgq, gSa& (A) ;eq uk (B) xa xk (C) gq xyh (D) pEcy


An Alluvial triangular tract formed at the mouth of a river is called– (A) Peninsula (B) Nadmukh (C) Delta (D) Island


fd lh unh d seqgkusij fufeZr f=kd; HkwHkkx d ks d grsgSa& (A) iz k;}hi (B) uneq [k (C) Ms YVk (D) }hi


The highest sweet water lake of the world is– (A) Timsa (B) Dul (C) Otaria (D) Titikaka


fo'o d k loksZPp ehBsikuh d h >hy gS& (A) frelk (B) My (C)vkV skfj;k (D) fVfVd kd k


The National Animal of Australia is– (A) Kangaroo (B) White Elephant (C) Zebara (D) Camel


vkLVªsfy ;k d k jk"Vªh; i'kqgS& (A) d a xk: (B) lQ s n gkFkh (C) t c sjk (D) Å ¡ V


Which of the continent is disolate and covered with ice– (A) North America (B) Antarctika (C) South America (D) Australia


og egk}hi d kS ulkgSt ksfut Z u ,oafgekPNkfnr gS& (A) mÙkjhves fjd k (B) vUVkd Z fVd k (C) nf{k.khves fjd k (D) vkLVª fy;k s


The system in which means of production and distribution are controlled by society or the Govt. is(A) Capitalism (B) Marxism (C) Socialism (D) Gandhism


ft l O;oLFkk esamRiknu ,oaforj.k d slk/kuksaij lekt vFkok ljd kj d k fu;a=k.k gksrk gS]og gS& (A) ia t hokn w (B) ekDlZ okn (C) lekt okn (D) xk/ ¡khokn


The Period of Finencial year is from – (A) 1st January to 31st December (B) 1st April to 31st March (C) 1st July to 30th June (D) 1st August to 31st July



The account in which a fixed amount is to be deposited upto a fixed period is called (A) Fixed Deposit Account (B) Saving Account (C) Current Account (D) Recurring Account



As a consumer upto how much amount you can complain at District Level Forum(A) Rs. 10 Lac (B) Rs. 20 Lac (C) Rs. 30 Lac (D) Rs. 40 Lac


foÙkh; o"kZd h vof/k gksrh gS& (A) 1 t uojh ls31 fnlEcj (B) 1 viz sy ls31 ekpZ (C) 1 t q y kbZls30 t wu (D) 1 vxLr ls31 t q y kbZ og [kkrk ft lesaizfrekg ,d fuf'pr jkf'k]fuf'pr vof/k rd t ek d jokuh gksrh gS]d gy krk gS& (A) LFkkbZt ek[kkrk (B) cpr [kkrk (C) pky q[kkrk (D) vkorhZ[kkrk ,d miHkksDrkd s: i es avki ft ykea p es afd ruhjkf'k rd d h f'kd k;r nt Zd j ld rsgSa (A) # 10 y k[k (B) # 20 y k[k (C) # 30 y k[k (D) # 40 y k[k



From the point of classification the tertiary area occupation are– (A) Education-Medical (B) Cottage Industries-Banking (C) Agriculture–Animal Husbandry (D) Mining-Large Scale Industries

1 1 1 1 1 1 The value of 1  [1  1  (1  1  1 )] 2 2 2 2 2 4



oxhZd j.k d h n`f"V lsr`rh;d {ks=k d sO;olk; gSa& (A) f'k{kk&fpfd Rlk (B) d q Vhj m|ksx &cSafd x (C) Ñ f"k&i'kq ikyu (D) [kuu&cM+ sm|ksx 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  [1  1  (1  1  1 )] d k eku gS& 2 2 2 2 2 4

is (A)

1 2

1 (C) 16


1 4

1 (D) 1 5

If (4)3 × (6)4 × (10)5 = 2x × 3y × 5z , then the value of x + y + z is (A) 12 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 24



A sold a comodity to B with 10% profit. If B resold the same comodity to A with a loss of 10%, then A will have (A) 1% loss (B) 11% loss (C) 1% profit (D) 11% profit



An amount at certain rate of compound interest becomes Rs. 700 in 3 years and Rs. 756 in 4 years. Rate of interest is(A) 7% (B) 10% (C) 8% (D) 10.5%






1.21 = 1.1, then

(A) 0.0011 (C) 0.11



.000121 is equal to -

1 2



1 16

(D) 1

1 5

(B) 15 (D) 24

A us,d

oLrqB d ks10% ykHkij cs p hA ;fn B usmlh oLrqd ks10% gkfu mBkd j okil A d kscs p fn;krksA d ksd qy gksxk/ gksxh(A) 1% gkfu (B) 11% gkfu (C) 1% ykHk (D) 11% ykHk pØ o`f) C;kt d h fd lh nj ij d ksbZ/ku 3 o"kZesa: 700 rFkk 4 o"kZes a: -756 gkst krk gSA C;kt nj gS(A) 7% (C) 8%

(B) 10% (D) 10.5%

;fn 1.21 = 1.1gks] rks .000121 cjkcj gS(A) 0.0011 (C) 0.11


1 4

;fn (4)3 × (6)4 × (10)5 = 2x × 3y × 5z gk,srksx + y + z d k eku gS(A) 12 (C) 20

(B) 0.011 (D) 11.0

The value of 0 .4 is -



d k eku gS-

(B) 0.011 (D) 11.0


4 10


4 9


4 10


4 9


4 100


9 4


4 100


9 4

Factors of x2 + ax + b are (x – 7) and (x + 9) then the value of a and b is (A) a = 2, b = – 63 (B) a = –2, b = 63 (C) a = –2, b = – 63 (D) a = 2, b = 63


x2 + ax + b d sxq .ku[k.M (x – 7) o (x + 9) gS] rksa

vkSj b d k eku gS(A) a = 2, b = – 63 (C) a = –2, b = – 63

(B) a = –2, b = 63 (D) a = 2, b = 63


Three numbers x, y and z are such that x = y  z but x + y + z = 0. Value of

(A) –

(C) 79.

3 5

3 5

z y


is -

x, y ,oaz rhu

la[;k,¡bl izd kj gSafd x = y  z

ijUrqx + y + z = 0 gSA


4 5

(A) –


5 3

(C) 79.

z2  x 2

d k eku gS-

z2  y 2

3 5

3 5


4 5


5 3

,d fHkUu d h gj va'k ls6 vf/kd gSA ;fn va'k esa3 t kMs+fn;kt k, rFkkgj es als2 ?kVkfn;kt k, rksfHkUu 6 7

6 , then the equation so formed is7

gkst krh gS]rksbl izd kj cuh lehd j.k gS-


x4 6  x3 7


x3 6  x4 7


x4 6  x3 7


x3 6  x4 7


x 3 6   x6 2 7


x 2 6   x6 3 7


x 3 6   x6 2 7


x 2 6   x6 3 7

The value of x in

x 1  x  1  x   = 2 is 2 3  

(A) 1 (C) 3 81.


The denominator of a fraction is greater than numerator by 6. If 3 is added to numerator and 2 is subtracted from denominator, the fraction becomes


z2  x 2


(B) 2 (D) 0

l1, l2, l3 are three parallel lines. AD = 2 cm, BE = 6 cm and CF = 12 cm then the true relation between AB × EF and BC × DE is-

(A) AB × EF =


1 BC × DE 2

(B) AB × EF > BC × DE (C) AB × EF < BC × DE (D) AB × EF = BC × DE

x 1  x  1  x   = 2 es ax d k eku 2 3  

(A) 1 (C) 3 81.


(B) 2 (D) 0

rhu lekUrj js[kk,¡gSA AD = 2 lseh vkSj, BE = 6 ls eh vkSj CF = 12 lseh gSa] rksAB × EF o BC × DE eslR; lEcU/k gS l1, l2, l3

(A) AB × EF =

1 BC × DE 2

(B) AB × EF > BC × DE (C) AB × EF < BC × DE (D) AB × EF = BC × DE


In the diagram BC || DE, if AD = 3 cm, DB = 4 cm and AC = 10.5 cm then, the value of EC is-

(A) 4 cm (C) 6 cm 83.

(B) 4.5 cm (D) 7 cm

In cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, AD = DC, AB = BC and ABC = 70º. Value of x is

(A) 35º (C) 90º 84.

(A) OP > OQ

1 OQ 2

(B) OP < OQ (D) OP = OQ

fp=k esaBC || DE gSA ;fn AD = 3 lseh, DB = 4 lseh vkSj AC = 10.5 lseh gS] rksEC d k eku gS-

(A) 4 cm (C) 6 cm 83.

(B) 55º (D) 110º

In the diagram O is the centre of a circle. AE + EB = CE + ED. OP  AB and OQ  CD then true relation between OP and OQ is -

(C) OP =


(B) 4.5 cm (D) 7 cm

pØ h; prqHkqZt ABCD esaAD = DC, AB = BC rFkk ABC = 70º gSrksx d k eku gS &

(A) 35º (C) 90º 84.

(B) 55º (D) 110º

fp=k esaO o`Ùk d k d sUnzgSA AE + EB = CE + ED. OP  AB vkS j OQ  CD, rksOP vkSj OQ esalgh lEcU/kgS -

(A) OP > OQ (C) OP =

1 OQ 2

(B) OP < OQ (D) OP = OQ


In right angled triangle ABC, EC is a bisector of the BCD and BD  AC. BAC = 30º, then CED is-

(A) 65º (C) 60º 86.


(A) 9 sq. unit (C) 25 sq. unit 88.



(B) 15 sq. unit (D) 34 sq. unit

If area of a circle A1 is 25 times the area of a circle A2, then ratio of their circum ference is(A) 1 : 5 (B) 5 : 1 (C) 25 : 1 (D) 1 : 25


(B) 45º (D) 30º

fn, x, leckgqABC es aD, E rFkkF Ø e'k%BC, AB rFkkBD d se/; fcUnqgSaA ;fn BEF d k {ks=kQ y 25 oxZlseh gS]rksABC d k {ks=kQ y gS-

(A) 25 sq. cm (C) 100 sq. cm

(B) 50 sq. cm (D) 200 sq. cm

ABCD is a square whose vertices are A(3, 0) and B(0, 5) then the area of square is

led ks.kf=kHkq t ABC esaEC, BCD d klef}Hkkt d gSvkS j BD  AC ;fn BAC = 30º gS ]rksCED gS-

(A) 65º (C) 60º

(B) 45º (D) 30º

In the given equilateral ABC; D, E and F are the mid points of sides BC, AB and BD respectively. If the area of the BEF is 25 sq. cm then area of ABC is-

(A) 25 sq. cm (C) 100 sq. cm


(B) 50 sq. cm (D) 200 sq. cm


oxZgSft ld s'kh"kZA(3, 0) rFkkB(0, 5) gS ] a rksoxZd k {ks=kQ y gS&

(A) 9 oxZls eh

(B) 15 oxZls eh

(C) 25 oxZls eh

(D) 34 oxZls eh

;fn o`ÙkA1 d k{ks =kQ y o`Ùk A2 d s{ks =kQ y d k25 xquk gks]rksmud h ifjf/k d k vuqikr gS(A) 1 : 5 (C) 25 : 1

(B) 5 : 1 (D) 1 : 25


Radius and height of a cylinder are 7 cm and 14 cm respectively. It is divided along its axis vertically into equal parts. The increase in its total surface area is(A) 392 sq. cm (B) 308 sq. cm (C) 196 sq. cm (D) 154 sq. cm


csy u d hf=kT;k,oaÅ ¡p kbZØ e'k%7 lsehvkSj 14 ls eh gS A blsmld sv{kd svuq : i m/okZ /kj : i lsnksleku Hkkxksaesad kVkt krkgSA bld slEiw .kZi` "B esao`f) gksrh gS(A) 392 oxZls eh (B) 308 oxZls eh (C) 196 oxZls eh (D) 154 oxZls eh


Mean of salary of 10 employees is Rs. 5000. If salary of employees are Rs. 3000. Rs. 4000, Rs. 5000, Rs. 6000, Rs. x, Rs. 7000, Rs. 8000, Rs. 3800, Rs. 2200 and Rs. 9000 then value of x is(A) 2000 (B) 3000 (C) 4000 (D) 5000


nl d eZp kfj;ksad sosru d k ek/; 5000 : - gSA ;fn d eZp kfj;ksad k osru 3000 : -4000 : -, 5000 : -, 6000 : -, x : -, Rs. 7000 : -, 8000 : -, 3800 : -, 2200: -vkS j 9000 : -gksrksx d k eku gS(A) 2000 (C) 4000

(B) 3000 (D) 5000

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