Sat-2008 _paper

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A particle is moving along a straight line. The magnitudes of the velocity at t = 0s, t =10s and t = 20s are 0m/s,10 m/s and 30 m/s respectively. Its average acceleration over the second interval of 10s is then more than its average acceleration over the first interval of 10s, by : (A) 20% (B) 50% (C) 100% (D) 150%


A rectangular wooden block floats on water with 75% of its height under water. The relative density of wood is : (A) 0.25 (B) 0.50 (C) 0.75 (D) 1.33


A particle has a kinetic energy of 0.1 J. The momentum of the particle is now doubled. The resulting change inthe kinetic energy of the particle would then be : (A) 0.1 J (B) 0.2 J (C) 0.3 J (D) 0.4 J


A block of mass 0.5 kg rests on a horizontal surface. When a horizontal force of 2.0 N is applied on it, it acquires an acceleration of 3 ms–2 . The force of friction between the block and the horizontal surface is : (A) 0.0 N (B) 0.5 N (C) 1.0 N (D) 1.5 N



Ice floats on water because its volume : (A) increases when it melts down (B) per unit mass is less than that of water (C) per unit mass is same as that of water (D) per unit mass is more than that of water



The path of a ray of light in going from medium 1 to medium 2 is as shown in the diagram. If 1 and 2 denote the refractive indices of the two media and v1 and v2 the speed of light in them, we have :





,d d .k ,d ljy js[kh; ekxZ ij xfreku gSA t = 0s, t =10s vkS j t = 20s ij bld sosx d seku Ø e'k%0m/s,10 m/s vkS j 30 m/s gS A nw a l js10 ls d .M d svUrjky es abld svkS l r Roj.kd keku bld sigys 10 ls d .M d svUrjky d svkSl r Roj.k d seku ls ----------- vf/kd gS% (A) 20% (C) 100%

(B) 50% (D) 150%

ikuh ij rSj jgsy d M+h d s,d vk;rkd kj d qUnsd h 75% Å ¡ p kbZikuh d sHkhrj gh gSA bl y d M+h d s vkisf{kr ?kuRo d k eku ----------- gksxk % (A) 0.25 (C) 0.75

(B) 0.50 (D) 1.33

,d d .kd hxfrt Å t kZd keku 0.1J gS A bl d .kd s la os x d keku nqxukfd ;st kusij bld hxfrt Å t kZ esagq, ifjorZu d k eku -------------- gksxk % (A) 0.1 J (C) 0.3 J

(B) 0.2 J (D) 0.4 J

0.5 fd xz k-nzO;eku

oky k ,d fufi.M ,d leLrjh; lrg ij j[kkgqv kgSA bld sÅ ij 2.0 N d klery cy y xkusij bls3MS–2 d k Roj.k izkIr gksrk gSA fufi.M rFkkleLrjh; lrg d schp d s?k"kZ.kcy d k eku ------------ gS% (A) 0.0 N (C) 1.0 N

(B) 0.5 N (D) 1.5 N

cQ Zikuh ij rSjrh gS]D;ksafd % (A) fi?ky usij bld k vk;ru c<+t krk gS (B) nz O;eku dhiz fr bdkbZijbldkvk;ru ikuhlsde gkrskgS (C) nz O;eku d hiz fr bd kbZij bld kvk;ru ikuhd s cjkcj gksrkgS (D) nz O;eku d hiz fr bd kbZij bld kvk;ru ikuhls vf/kd gksrkgS ek/;e 1 ek/;e 2 esat kusij izd k'kd h,d fd j.ko ekxZfn[kk;sx;svkjs [kd svuql kj gSA nksuksaek/;eks ad s viorZukad Ø e'k%1 vkSj 2 gSavkSj muesaizd k'k d h xfr d kekc Ø e'k%v1 vkS j v2 gS A ge d g ld rsgSfd bl fLFkfr esa------------- gksaxs:

Medium 1

ek/;e 1 Medium 2

ek/;e 2 (A) 1 > 2 and v1 > v2 (B) 1 > 2 and v1 < v2 (C) 1 < 2 and v1 < v2 (D) 1 < 2 and v1 > v2

(A) 1 > 2 vkS j v1 > v2 (B) 1 > 2 vkS j v1 < v2 (C) 1 < 2 vkS j v1 < v2 (D) 1 < 2 vkS j v1 > v2


A student is provided a concave mirror a convex


,d Nk=kk d sikl ,d vory niZ.k ,d mÙky niZ.k ,d vory y S al rFkk,d mÙky y Sa l miy C/kgSA mls ,d oLrqd k,d vkHkklhlh/kkrFkkvfYir izfrfcEc izkIr d juk gSA bld sfy ;sog ------------d k iz;ksx d j ld rh gS% (A) vory niZ .k ;k vory y Sal (B) vory niZ .k ;k mÙky y Sal (C) mÙky niZ .k ;k voÙky y Sal (D) mÙky niZ .k ;k mÙky y Sal


,d mÙky yS l d h ukHkh; yEckbZ¼Q ks a d y yS XFk½ 'f' a ls UVhehVj gS A ,d oLrqd ksbl yS l lsigysd1 ls a ehd hnw jh(0 < d1 < f) ij j[kkt krkgSrFkkckn es ad2 ls ehd h nw jh (f < d2 < 2f) d h nw jh ij [kk t krk gS A nks uks a fLFkfr;ks aes acuusokysiz frfcEc Ø e'k%------------gks xs% a (A) (vkHkklh]vkof/kZ r) vkS j (okLrfod vkof/kZ r) (B) (okLrfod ]vkof/kZ r) vkSj (vkHkklhvkof/kZr) (C) (vkHkklh]vfYir) vkS j (okLrfod vfYir) (D) (okLrfod ]vfYir) vkS j (vkHkklhvfYir)


,d la;qä lw {en'khZcukusd sfy ;sfuEufyf[kr p;uksa esals------------- lokZf/kd mi;qä gksaxs % (A) 200 cm rFkk 20 cm ukfHkd h; y EckbZ¼Q ks dy yS XFk½ (B) 2 cm rFkk4 cm ukfHkd h; y EckbZ¼Q ks d y y SXFk½ oky snksmÙky y Sal (C) 10 cm ukfHkd h; yEckbZokyk,d mÙky yS l rFkk a 10 cm ukfHkd h; y EckbZoky k ,d vory y S al (D) 2 cm rFkk4 cm ukfHkd h; yEckbZokysnksvory yS lA a


,d vuq Hkohfo|q r fo'k"skK d ks,d ?kj d s,d d ejses a,d cYc ,d V~ ;cwykbV rFkk,d ia [kkyxkukgS A og % (A) cYc rFkkV~ ;w cykbV d ks,d ,d nw l jslsJs .khc) t kMsd+ j]ia [ksd ksbl la ;äq Js .khd slekukUrj t kMsx+ skA (B) V~ ;wcy kbV rFkk ia[ksd ks,d nwl jslsJs.khc) t kMsd+ j]cYc d ksbl la ;äq Js .khd slekukUrj t kMsxs+kA (C) ia [ksrFkk cYc d ks,d ,d nwl jslsJs.khc) t ks M+ d j]V~ ;w cykbV d ksbl la ;q ä Js .khd slekukUrj t kMsx+ skA (D) rhuks aoLrqv ksa & cYc]V~ ;wcy kbV vkS j ia[ks & d ks,d nwl jsd slekUrj t ksM +sxkA

mirror, a concave lens and a convex lens. To get a virtual, erect and diminished image of a given object, she can use either a : (A) Concave mirror or a concave lens (B) Concave mirror or a convex lens (C) Convex mirror or a concave lens (D) Convex mirror or a convex lens


The focal lengths of a given convex lens, is 'f' cm. An object is placed first at a distance d1 cm from the lens (where 0 < d1 < f) and next at a distance d2 cm from the lens (where f < d2 < 2f). The images formed in the two cases are : (A) (virtual, magnified) and (real, magnified) respectively. (B) (real, magnified) and (virtual, magnified respectively). (C) (virtual, diminished) and (real, diminished respectively). (D) (real, diminished) and (virtual, diminished respectively).


From the choices given below, the combination of two lenses that is best suited for designing a compound microscope is : (A) two convex lenses of focal lengths 200 cm and 20 cm respectively. (B) two convex lenses of focal lengths 2 cm and 4 cm respectively (C) a convex lens and a concave lens of focal length 10 cm each (D) Two concave lenses of focal lengths 2 cm and 4cm respectively


An expenenced electrician has to connect a bulb, a tube-light an a fan in one room of a given house. He would connect ? (A) the bulb and the tube-light in series with each other and the fan in parallel with this combination. (B) the tube-light and the fan in series with each other and the bulb in parallel with this combination. (C) the fan and the bulb in series with each other and the tube-light in parallel with tis combination. (D) all three the bulb the tube-light and the fan in parallel with one another.


The long metal rod used, to protect tall buildings against lightning has : (A) sharp points at its upper end and a thick metallic strip, buried deep inside the earth, at is lower end. (B) Sharp points at its upper as well as at its lower ends. (C) thick metallic strips at its upper as well as at its lower ends. (D) a thick metallic strip at its upper end and sharp points at its lower end.


Hkoukas d ksrfM+ r d siz d ks i lscpkusd sfy;siz ;äq yEch /kkrqNM+d s% (A) Å ijhNks j ij rh[ksfcUnqrFkkfupysNks j ij i` Foh esaxgjkbZij j[kh /kkrqd h ,d eksVh Iy sV gksrh gSaA (B) Å ijh,oe~fupysnks uks aNks jks aij rh[ksfcUnqgks rsgS Aa (C) Å ijh ,oe~fupy snks uksaNksjksaij /kkrqd h eksVh Iy sVsagksrhgSA (D) Å ijhNks j ij /kkrqd h,d eks VhIy sV rFkkfupy s Nksj ij rh[ksfcUnqgksrsgSA


A student writes the following three statements about artificial satellites : (1) A sun-syncnronous orbit satellite passes oven a particular location on the earth at (approximately thesame lical time. (2) The time period of revolution of a geostationary satellite about the earth is the same as the time period of rotation of the earh about its own axis. (3) The farthest point, from the earth, on the


,d Nk=k usÑ f=ke mixzgksad sfooj.k d sckjsesa fuEufy f[kr rhu oDrO; fy [ks% (d ) lw ;Zd sleØ fed d {kk oky k ,d mixzg i`Foh fLFkr fd lh fof'k"V LFkku d sÅ ij lsml LFkku d s ¼y xHkx½ fuf'pr LFkkuh; le; ij gh fud y rk gSA ([k) i` Fohd sled {kfLFkj izrhr gksusoky smixzg d k viuhd {kkes a?kewusd kd ky i` Fohd sviuh/kq jhd sfxnZ ?kweusd sd ky d scjkcj gksrk gSA (x) mixz g d hd {kkesai` Fohlslclsvf/kd nwjhoky k fcUnqmiHkw¼isfjt h½ d gy krk gS% (A) (d ) vkS j ([k) (B) ([k) vkS j (x) (C) (x) vkS j (d ) (D) (d ), ([k) vkS j (x)

An element has an atomic number of 24 and a mass number of 60. The number of neutrons present in the nucleus of this element is (A) 24 (B) 60 (C) 36 (D) 84


fd lhrRo d hijek.kqla[;k24 ,oae nzO;eku la[;k 60 gS aA bl rRo d sijek.kqd sukfHkd esafd rusU;wVªkWu gSa\


Which of these is a mineral of aluminium ? (A) Bauxite (B) Haematite (C) Galena (D) Cinnabar


fuEu esalsd kSu lk Al d k [kfut gS\ (A) ckW DlkbV (B) fges VkbV (C) xs y huk (D) flus ckj


Which process is used for the separation of different compounds of petrluem ? (A) Fractional distillation(B) Separation (C) Distillation (D) Sublimation


is Vkªfsy;e lsfofHkUu inkFkkZsd ksfd l iz fØ ;k}kjki` Fkd fd ;k t krk gS\ (A) iz Hkkt hvklou (B) Nkud j (C) vklou (D) m/oZ ikru }kjk


Which of these is not a metal ? (A) Mercury (B) Sulphur (C) Copper (D) Silver


buesalsd kSu lh /kkrqughagS\ (A) ejd jh;kikjk (B) lYQ j (B) d kW ij (C) pk¡ nh


Which of these is an unsaturated hydrocarbon? (A) CH4 (B) C3H8 (C) C2H6 (D) C4H8


fuEu esalsd kSu vlar`Ir gkbMªksd kcZu gS\

Which metal is stored in kerosene oil ? (A) Sodium (B) Zinc (C) Iron (D) Magnesium


orbit of the statements are.



(A) (1) and (2)

(B) (2) and (3)

(C) (3) and (1)

(D) (1), (2) and (3)

(A) 24 (C) 36

(A) CH4 (C) C2H6

(B) 60 (D) 84

(B) C3H8 (D) C4H8

fuEu es alsfd l /kkrqd ksfeV~ Vhd srs y es aMq cks d j j[krs gSa\ (A) lks fM;e (B) ft a d (C) yks gk (D) es Xuhf'k;e



Which of these used for packing of medicines? (A) Fe (B) Al (C) Zi (D) Mg


Rain water is (A) Acidic (C) Basic

20. (B) Neutral (D) None of the above

nokvkasd hiS fd xa es afd l /kkrqd hiRuhd kiz ;kxs gkrskgS\ (A) Fe (C) Zi

(B) Al (D) Mg

o"kkZd k ikuhgksrk gS (A) vEyh; (C) {kkjh;

(B) mnklhu (D) mijkD sr es alsd kbsZuga h


Which of these is the hardest ? (A) Lead (B) Diamond (C) Gold (D) Iron


fuEu esalsd kSu d Bksjre gS\ (A) 'kh'kk (B) ghjk (C) lks uk (D) yks gk


The main component of CNG is (A) Methane (B) Propane (C) Butane (D) Pentane


CNG d k eq [; (A) feFks u (C) C;w Vsu

Which does not liberate hydrogen gas on reaction with dilute HCl ? (A) Mg (B) Cu (C) Zn (D) Na


The chemical formula of marble is (A) Na2CO3 (B) NaOH (C) CaCO3 (D) MgCO3



Man is belleved to have originated in : (A) Egypt (B) China (C) India (D) Africa


euq"; d h mRifÙk d k LFkku ekuk t krk gSA (A) felz (B) phu (C) Hkkjr (D) vÝ hd k


Microbes are used in which of the following process (A) Enriching the soil with Nitrogen (B) Wine preparation (C) Antibiotic synthesis (D) All the above


fuEufyf[kr es alsfd l iz fØ ;k@ iz fØ ;kvkases at hok.kvq ksa d k mi;ksx gksrk gS% (A) e` nk esaukbVªkst u d h ek=kk c<+kuk (B) lq jkcukuk (C) iz frjks/kd nokvksad scukusesa (D) mijks Dr lHkhesa


Traits are transferred from - parents to off spring through : (A) Ribosomes (B) Chromosomes (C) Microsomes (D) Golgi apparatus


ekrk & firk d sy {k.k mud h larfr esafd ld s}kjk vkrsgSaA (A) jkbZ cks l ks e (B) xq .klw=k (C) ekbZ Ø ks l ks e (D) xkW y ~t hd k;


Periyar Sanctuary is known for protection of : (A) Tiger (B) Chinkara (C) Panther (D) Elephant



Unripe mangoes ripen faster if kept together with ripe mangoes because of : (A) Ethylene (B) Auxin (C) Gibberellin (D) Cytokinin



Which one of the following is a true fish : (A) Sea anemone (B) Sea horse (C) Starfish (D) Jellyfish


isfj;kj vkJ; fd l i'kqd h j{kk d jrk gSa% (A) 'ks j (B) fpa d kjk (C) ra nq s , (D) gkFkh d Ppsvkeksad ksid svkaeksd slkFk j[kuslsog fd l d kj.ko'k 'kh?kzifjiDo gkst krsgSa% (A) ,fFkyhu (B) vkW fDlu (C) ft Ccjhyhu (D) lkbZ Vkds kbZ uhu buesalsd kSu&lk eNy h gh gS% (A) lh,s fueksu (B) nfj;kbZ?kks M+ k (C) LVkjfQ + 'k (D) t f syfQ + 'k



/kkjd gS& (B) iz ksisu (D) is UVs u

fuEu esalsd kSu lh/kkrqruqHCl vfHkfØ ;kd jd sH2 xSl ughafud ky rk gS\ (A) Mg (C) Zn

(B) Cu (D) Na

laxejej d k jklk;fud lw=k gS& (A) Na2CO3 (C) CaCO3

(B) NaOH (D) MgCO3


A bacteriophage is : (A) A virus that kills bacteria (B) A bacterium that kills viruses (C) A vaccine that kills viruses (D) An antibiotic that kills bacteria


cSDVhfj;ksQ s+t D;k gS% (A) ,d okbjl t kscS DVhfj;k d k uk'k d jrk gS (B) ,d cS DVhfj;e t ksokbjl d k uk'k d jrk gSA (C) ,d Vhd k ¼oS Dlhu½t ksokbjl d k uk'k d jrk gS (D) ,d ,UVhckbZ ;ksfVd t kscSDVhfj;kd ksekjrhgSA


Which of the following is arranged in correct ascending order biological organization : (A) Tissue, organ Cell, Organism (B) Cell, Tissue, Organ, Organism (C) Organism, Organ, Tissue, Cell (D) Tissue, Cell, Organism, Organ



Which one of the following does not help in locomotion (A) Pseudopodia (B) Flagella (C) Cilla (D) Villi


fuEufy f[kr esa ls d kSu&lk t Sod h; t fVy rk d s lgh Ø e esafy [kk gqv k gS% (A) mÙkd ]va x]d ksf'kd k]t ho (B) d ks f'kd k]mÙkd ]vax]t ho (C) t ho]va x]mÙkd ]d ksf'kd k (D) mÙkd ]d ks f'kd k]t ho]vax fuEufy f[kr esalsfd ld k iz;ksx py useasughagksrk % (A) iknkHk (B) d 'kkHk (C) i{khd kHk¼lhfy;k½ (D) ohykbZ


Identify the odd one out : (A) Neem (B) Amaranthus (C) Rose (D) Cuscuta


fuEufy f[kr esad kSu&lk fHkUu gS% (A) uhe (B) pkS y kbZ (C) xq y kc (D) d ld w Vk¼vejcsy ½


Locate the malarial parasite : (A) Entamoeba (B) Trypanosoma (C) Paramoecium (D) Plasmodium


buesalsd kSu ey sfj;k ijt hoh gS% (A) ,UVkehck (B) Vs ªiuks l ks ek (C) iS jkehfl;e (D) Iykt + eks fM;e


The factorization of (x – 3y – 3z)3 + (2y + 2x – x)3 + (y + z)3 (A) (x – 3y – 3z)(2y + 2z – x)(y + z) (B) (x – 3y + 3z)(2y – 2z – x)(y – z) (C) 3(x – 3y – 3z)(2y + 2z – x)(y + z) (D) 2(x – 3y + 3z)(2y – 2z – x)(y – z)


xq.ku [k.M+gksxs%

If the selling price of 5 articles is same as the cost price of 6 articles then the gain percentage is : (A) 1% (B) 5% (C) 10% (D) 20%


If the simple interest on x is y and that on y is z for the same time and same rate, then the relation between x, y and z is : (A) x2 = yz (B) y2 = zx (C) z2 = xy (C) xyz = 1





(a  b ) 2 (b  c ) 2 If a + b + c = 0, then + + ab bc (c  a ) 2 is equal to ca (A) 3 (C) 3(a + b = c)

(B) 3abc  1 1 1 (D) 3     a b c

(x – 3y – 3z)3 + (2y + 2x – x)3 + (y + z)3 (A) (x – 3y – 3z)(2y + 2z – x)(y + z) (B) (x – 3y + 3z)(2y – 2z – x)(y – z) (C)3(x – 3y – 3z)(2y + 2z – x)(y + z) (D)2(x – 3y + 3z)(2y – 2z – x)(y – z)

;fn 5 oLrq v ks ad kfoØ ; ew Y; 6 oLrq v ks ad sØ ; ew Y; d s cjkcj gSrksy kHk izfr'kr gksxk: (A) 1% (C) 10%

(B) 5% (D) 20%

;fn leku nk o leku le; d sfy , x ij lk/kkj.k C;kt y gSvkSj y ij z gSrc x, y vkSj z lEcU/k gS: (A) x2 = yz (C) z2 = xy


;fn a + b + c = 0, rks (c  a ) 2 ca

(B) y2 = zx (C) xyz = 1

(a  b ) 2 (b  c ) 2 + + ab bc

d k eku

(A) 3

(B) 3abc

(C) 3(a + b = c)

 1 1 1 (D) 3     a b c

43 3 40.


74 3


y , x  z, y  z (where z


is the set of integers) then (A) x = – 1, y = 12 (B) x = 1, y = – 12 (C) x = 1, y = 12 (D) x = – 1, y = – 12 41.

If x =

3 2 3 2

3 2


3 2

x2 + xy + y2 is : (A) 5 (C) 98



(D) –


3 2 3 2


1 2

(B) x  5 or x 

3 2

(B) 99 (D) 100




3 2

(D) –

(B) 1 (D) 6

lehd j.k| 3x – 10 |  5 d k gy gksxk: 5 3

(C) x  – 5 or x  –

Which of the following number is divisible by 99 ? (A) 3572404 (B) 135792 (C) 913464 (D) 114345


The largest natural number by which the product of three consecutive even natural number is always divisible is : (A) 16 (B) 24 (C) 48 (D) 96


A sum of Rs.7000 is divisible among A, B, C in such a way that shares of A and B are in the ratio 2 : 3 and those of B and C are in the ratio 4 : 5. The amount recelved by C is : (A) Rs. 2600 (B) Rs. 2800 (C) Rs. 3000 (D) Rs. 3900


1 2

;fn (x2 – x – 12) vkSj(x2 – mx – 8) d k e-l-i(x – 4) gSrks m d k eku gks xk:

(A) x  5 or x  5 3

(B) 1

(A) 0 (C) 2

5 3

rc x2 + xy +

;fn 2x = 3y = 6–z, rks x  y  z  d k eku gksxk:


(D) x  – 5 or x  –

3 2


(A) 0


5 3

;fn x =

The solution the equation | 3x – 10 |  5 is :

(C) x  – 5 or x  –




5 3

y , x  z, y  z (t gk¡z

(B) x = 1, y = – 12 (D) x = – 1, y = – 12

(A) 5 (C) 98

If (x – 4) is the HCF of (x2 – x – 12) and (x2 – x – 8) then the value of m is : (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 6

(A) x  5 or x 



(B) 1

3 2


(A) x = – 1, y = 12 (C) x = 1, y = 12

y2 d k eku

 1 1 1 If 2x = 3y = 6–z, then  x  y  z  is equal to :  


74 3

,d iw.kkZad ksad k leqPp; gS) :

(B) 99 (D) 100

(A) 0


then the value of

43 3


(B) x  5 or x  5 3

5 3

(D) x  – 5 or x  –

5 3

fuEufy f[kr la[;kvksaesalsd kSu lh99 lsHkkT; gS? (A) 3572404 (C) 913464

(B) 135792 (D) 114345

og cM+hlscM+hizkd `frd la[;kft llsrhu]d ekxr le iz kd f`rd la [;kvks ad kxq .kuQ y lnS o foHkkft r gks ] gksxh : (A) 16 (C) 48

(B) 24 (D) 96

7000 : i;ks ad ksA, B rFkkC esabl

izd kj ck¡Vkt krk gSfd A rFkkB d sfgLls2 : 3 d svuqikr esagSarFkk B vkS j C d sfgLls4 : 5 d svuq ikr es agSC }kjkiz kIr : i;s gksaxs: (B) 2800 (A) 2600 : (C) 3000 : (D) 3900 : -





A discount series of 10%, 20% and 40% is equivalent to a single discount of (A) 70% (B) 50% (C) 56.8% (D) 66.8%


A train 150 meter long crosses a man walking at a speed of 6 kmph in the opposite direction in 6 seconds. The speed of the train (in kmph) is : (A) 66 km/hr (B) 84 km/hr (C) 96 km/hr (D) 106 km/hr The length of a side of rhombus is 5 meter and one of its diagonal is of length 8 meter. The other diagonal is of length : (A) 5 cm (B) 8 cm (C) 7 cm (D) 6 cm


If tangents QR, RP, PQ are drawn respectively at ABC so as to form another PQR, then RPQ is equal to : (A) 180º – BAC (B) 180º – 2BAC


10%, 20% vkS j 40% d srqY; (A) 70% (C) 56.8%

(B) 50% (D) 66.8%

150 ehVj yEchxkM+ hfoijhr

fn'kkes a6 km/h d hxfr py usoky sO;fDr d ks6 lS-esaxqt j t krhgSA xkM+hd h xfr gksxh: (A) 66 km/hr (C) 96 km/hr


cV~Vk gksxkA

(B) 84 km/hr (D) 106 km/hr

y Ech; leprqHkqZt d h ,d Hkqt k5 lseh gSvkSj ,d fod .kZd hy EckbZ8 ls ehgSrksnwl jsfod .kZd hy EckbZ gksxh: (A) 5 cm (C) 7 cm

(B) 8 cm (D) 6 cm

;fn QR, RP rFkkPQ ,d o` Ùkt ksU;w u d k.skh; ABC 'kh"kksZ lsgksd j xqt jrk gSd sfcUnqA, B rFkk C ij Ø e'k%[khap h xbZLi'kZjs[kk;sagSat ksPQR, curh gS rksRPQ d k eku gksxk: (A) 180º – BAC (B) 180º 2BAC

1 (C) 180º – BAC 2 (D) BAC

(C) 180º –

1 BAC 2

(D) BAC 52.

If three equal circles of radius 3 cm each touch each other, then the area of the shaded portion is :


leku f=kT;koky srhu o`Ùk( f=kT;k3 lseh) ,d nwl js d ksNq rsgS Aa rhuks ao` Ùkkasd se/; Nk;kfad r {ks =kd k{ks =kQ y gksxk:

Shaded portion



3 (2 – ) cm2 2

9 (2 3 + ) cm2 2

Nk;kafd r {ks=k


9 (2 3 – ) cm2 2



3 (2 + ) cm2 2


3 (2 – ) cm2 2

9 (2 3 + ) cm2 2


9 (2 3 – ) cm2 2


3 (2 + ) cm2 2


ABC a triangle angled at B and M, N are the points of AB and BC, then 4(AN2 + CM2) is equal to : (A) 4 AC2 (B) 6 AC2 (C) 5 AC2




5 AC2 4

If one of the interior angles of a regular polygon


9 is to be equal to   times of one of the interior 8

In the adjoining figure ABCD is a rectangle and area of ABE = 15 cm2, If EC = 2BE, area of the rectangle in cm2 is :

(A) 4 AC2

(B) 6 AC2

(C) 5 AC2


fd lh leckgqHkqt d s,d vUr% d ks.k d k eku le 9  

ckgqHkqt d hHkqt kvksad hla[;kgksxh: (A) 7 (C) 4 55.

(B) 8 (D) 5

fn;sfp=kes aABCD d kvk;r gSrF; {ks =kABE = 15 lseh2, ;fn EC = 2BE, rksvk;r d k{ks=kQ y gksxkA c A


(A) 90 cm2 (C) 45 cm2




5 AC2 4

"kVHkqt d svUr% d ks.k d seku d k  8  xq.kk gSrks

angles of a regular hexagon, then the interior sides of the polygon is : (A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) 5 55.

f=kHkq t ABC t ksB ij led ks.kgSHkq t kAB vkS j BC d s 2 2 e/; fcUnqM vkSj N gSA rc 4(AN + CM ) d k eku gksxk:





(A) 90 cm2 (C) 45 cm2

(B) 120 cm2 (D) 60 cm2

(B) 120 cm2 (D) 60 cm2


Kalibangan and Lothal are associated with (A) Chinese Civilisation (B) Harappan Civilisation (C) Egyptian Civilisation (D) Mesopotamian Civilisation


d ky hcaxu o y ksFky d k lEcU/k gS% (A) phu d h lH;rk ls (B) gM+ Ii d hlH;rkls (C) felzd hlH;rkls (D) es l ks iks Vsfe;kd hlH;rkls


Kautilyas 'Arthashashtra' deals with (A) Polity (B) Economy (C) Society (D) Religion


d kSfVY; d s^vFkZ'kkL=k d k fo"k; gS% (A) jkt Ro (B) vFkZ & O;oLFkk (C) lekt (D) /keZ


The token currency introduced by Muhammad bin Tughluq was of (A) Paper (B) Silver (C) Iron (D) Copper and brass


eqgEen fcu rqxy d }kjk py kbZxbZlkad sfrd eqnzk% (A) d kxt d hFkh (B) pka nhd hFkh (C) y ks gsd hFkh (D) rka cso d kal sd hFkh


The 'Renaisaance' laid emphasis on (A) Imperialism (B) The importance of reason (C) Capitalism (D) Moral principles


iqut kZxj.kusfuEufy f[kr esalsfd l ij cy fn;k\ (A) lkez kT;okn (B) rkfd Z d rk d k egÙo (C) ia t hokn w (D) uS frd fl) ka r


A new sea-route from Europe to India was discovered by : (A) Vasco-da-Gama (B) Columbus (C) Marco Polo (D) Napoleon


;w jksi lsHkkjr d k,d u;kleq nzhekxZ<wa < fud ky kFkk (A) okLd ks & Ms& xkekus (B) d ks y Ecl us (C) ekd ks Ziksy ksus (D) us iksfy ;u us


Why did the English promote English education in india ? (A) For administrative reasons (B) For economic reasons (C) For social reasons (D) For cultural reasons


va xzst ksausHkkjr es ava xzst hf'k{kkd ksD;ksac<+ kokfn;k\ (A) iz 'kklfud d kj.kks als (B) vkfFkZ d d kj.kksals (C) lkekft d d kj.kks als (D) lka LÑ frd d kj.kksals


Which was the movement that began after Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (1919) ? (A) Swadeshi Movement (B) Quit India Movement (C) Civil Disobedience Movement (D) Non–Cooperation Movement


t fy ;kaoky k ckx ujlagkj (1919) d sckn d kSu&lk vkUnksy u izkjaHkgqv k\ (A) Lons 'khvkUnksy u (B) Hkkjr Nks M+ ksvkUnks yu (C) lfou; voKkvkUnks yu (D) vlg;ks x vkUnks yu


Azad Hind Fauz was formed by (A) Subhas Chandra Bose (B) Bhagat Singh (C) Rashbehari Bose and Captain Mohan Singh (D) Lala Lajpat Rai


vkt kn fgUn Q kSt d k xBu fd ;k Fkk (A) lq Hkk"k pUnzcksl us (B) Hkxr fla g us (C) jklfcgkjhcks l ,oad Irku eksgu flag us (D) y ky k y kt ir jk; us


Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar played a prominent role in : (A) The field of literature (B) The field of cinema (C) The field of art (D) The framing of Constitution


Hkhejko vEcsMd j usizeq[kHkwfed kfuHkkbZ (A) lkfgR; d s{ks =kesa (B) py fp=k d s{ks =k esa (C) d y k d s{ks =k esa (D) la fo/kku d sxBu esas


What are salt water takes formed along the coast called ? (A) Playa (B) Backwater lake (C) Lagoon (D) Oxbox lake


leq nrzV ij; >hy d ksD;kd grsgS a\ (A) Iyk;k (B) cS d okVj >hy (C) y xw u (D) vkW Dlcks>hy


Whon type of soil is associated with the steppe grasslands ? (A) chernozems (B) alluvial soil (C) black soil (D) loess


LVs i ?kkl d seS nku es afd l iz d kj d hfeV~ VhikbZt krh gS\ (A) 'kjuks te (B) t y ks <+feV~Vh (C) d kyhfeV~ Vh (D) yks ,l


Indias only active volcano is found on (A) Kavaratti island (B) Barren island (C) Nicobar islands (D) Pitli island


Hkkjr d k ,d ek=k lfØ ; Toky keq[kh d gk¡gS\ (A) d kokjÙkh}hi (B) cS ju }hi (C) fud ks ckj }hi (D) fiVyh}hi


Which or the following ocean currents has a warning influence on the coast along which it flows : (A) Gulf Stream (B) Labrador Current (C) Humboldt Current (D) Oiyushio Current


fd l leq nz h/kkjkd siz Hkko lsrVh; fd ukjsd krki c<+ t krk gS\ (A) xYQ LVª he (B) ys cz M ks j /kkjk (C) gEcks YV /kkjk (D) vks ;kf'k;k/kkjk


Which one of the following is not a factor influencing temperature ? (A) altitude (B) longitude (C) latitude (D) distance from the sea


fuEufyf[kr es ad kuS&lk,d d kjd rkieku d ksiz Hkkfor ughad jrk gS\ (A) Å ¡ p kbZ (B) ns 'kkUrj js[kk (C) v{kka 'kjs[kk (D) leq nzlsnwjh


The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through


d d Zo`Ùk js[kk fd l jkT; esalsughaxqt jrh gSa\ (A) jkt LFkku (B) NÙkhlx<+ (C) mM+ hl (D) f=kiq jk


fd l d wi esaloZnk ikuh jgsxk \ (A) t ksigkM+ h d sfupy sHkkx esa[kksnk t k;s (B) t ksvolknh 'kS y esa[kksnk t k;s (C) t ksvf/kd o"kkZoky s{ks =k esagks (D) t ksHkw fexr t y lzksr ij fLFkr gks

(A) Rajasthan (B) Chhattisgarn (C) Orissa (D) Tripura 71.

A well will always water if (A) it is sunk at the bottom of a hill (B) it is sunk into sedimentary rocks (C) it is located in a rainy region (D) it is on a spring line


Aluminium is extracted from which mineral ? (A) bauxite (B) chromium (C) cobalt (D) nickel


,Y;qfefu;e fd l [kfut inkFkZlsizkIr gksrk gS\ (A) ckW DlkbV (B) Ø ks fe;e (C) d kc skYV (D) fud s y


Under shifting cultivation, when land is


LFkkukarj.k'khy Ñ f"k i) fr esat c Hkwfe vuqit kÅ gks t krh gSa]rc (A) vU; Q ly mxkbZt krh gS (B) moZ jd ksad kiz;ksx fd ;kt krk gS (C) Hkw fe d ksNksM +fn;kt krkgS (D) Hkw fe d ksx`g fod kl d sfy , csp fn;k t krk gS

exhausted of its fertility, it is : (A) planted with some other crops (B) treated with fertilizers (C) abandoned (D) sold for housing development 74.

Which of the following word was incorporated in the preamble of Indian Constitution through 42nd amendment ? (A) Socialist (B) Democratic (C) Sovereign (D) Rrpublic


fuEufy f[kr esalsd kSu&lk'kCn Hkkjrh; lafo/kku d h izLrkouk esa42 osala'kks/ku d sek/;e lst ksM +k x;k \ (A) lekt oknh (B) yks d rU=kkRed (C) iz Hkq Ro lEiUu (D) x.kjkT;


Which of the following is not an original sourced Indian Foreign Policy ? (A) Non-Alignment (B) Panchsheel (C) Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (D) Disarmament


fuEufy f[kr esalsd kSu&lk Hkkjr d h fons'k uhfr d k ewy vk/kkj ughagS\ (A) xq V fujis{krk (B) ia p 'khy (C) ijek.kqviz l kj la f/k (D) fu'kL=khd j.k


Which of the following related to the rights against exploitation ? (A) Right to work (B) Right to life (C) Abolition of untouchability (D) Limitation on Begar


'kks "k.kd sfo#) vf/kd kj d klEcU/kfuEufyf[kr es als fd llsgS\ (A) d ke d kvf/kd kj (B) t hou d kvf/kd kj (C) Nq v kNqr d hlekfIr (D) cs xkj ij izfrca/k


In 1994 South Africa became a democratic country. For several years the struggle had continued against the discrimination that was being practised against the non-whites. The leader of this struggle is known by the name (A) Rajiv Gandhi (B) George Bush (C) Nelson Mandela (D) Kofe Annan


lu~1994 es anf{k.kvÝ hd kyks d rkfa=kd ns 'kcukA yEcs le; rd v'os r yks xks ad siz fr erHks n d sf[kykQ la ?k"kZ gqv kA bl la?k"kZd sizeq[k usrk d k uke gS (A) jkt ho xka /kh (B) t kt Zcq 'k (C) us y lu e.Msy k (D) d ks Q hvUuku


Why do you think that Gram Panchayat is an active unit of Panchayati Raj Syatem ? (A) Consruction and maintenance of government buildings (B) Levying and collecting local taxes (C) Helps Patwari in measuring the land (D) Helps the state govenment in making laws and policies


vki ,sl kD;ksaekursgSafd xzke iap k;rh]iap k;r jkt O;oLFkk d h ,d lfØ ; bd kbZgS\ (A) ljd kjhbekjrks ad kfuekZ.k ,oans[k&js[k d juk (B) LFkkuh; d j y xkuk ,oabd V~ Bk d juk (C) iVokjh d kst ehu d k uki y s usesaenn d juk (D) jkT; ljd kj d ksd kuw u ,oauhfr;kacukusesa lgk;rkns uk


Who is responsible to maintain the cleanliness,


ft l 'kgj esage jgrsgSaogk¡d h lQ kbZ] lM+d ksad k fuekZ .k]ikuhd kO;oLFkkbR;kfn d hft Ees nkjhfd ld h gS\ (A) d s Unzh; ljd kj (B) jkT; ljd kj (C) uxj fuxe (D) ft y kia p k;r

road construction, water supply etc, of the city we live in ? (A) Central Government (B) State Government (C) Municipal Corporation (D) District Panchayat 80.

What do you mean by "Unity in Diversity" ? (A) People of different religion are united (B) People of different region are united (C) People speaking different languages are united (D) All the above


^^fofo/krk esa,d rk lsvki D;k le>rsgSa\ (A) fofHkUu /keks Zd sy ksx ,d gkst krsgSa (B) fofHkUu iz karksad sy ksx ,d gkst krsgSa (C) fofHkUu Hkk"kk,¡cks y usoky sy ksx ,d gkst krsgSa (D) Å ij fn, x, lHkh


The Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination practised on the grounds of caste, sex race or place of birth through : (A) Article 14 (B) Article 18 (C) Article 19 (D) Article 15


Hkkjrh; lafo/kku es at krh;]ja x&Hks n ¼o.kZ½, fy a x]t Ue LFkku d svk/kkj ij gks usokysHks nHkko ij jks d yxkrkgS % (A) vuq PNsn 14 (B) vuq PNsn 18 (C) vuq PNs n 19 (D) vuq PNs n 16


In a government along with the rulling party why do we have opposition party ? (A) To keep a check on the action of the government in power (B) It is the general practice (C) To assist the government (D) None of these


fd lhHkhljd kj es a'kkld ny d slkFkfoi{khny D;ks a gksrk gS\ (A) ljd kj d sd k;ks Zd sfujh{k.k d sfy , (B) ;g lkekU; iz fØ ;k gS (C) ljd kj d kslgk;rkiz nku d jusd sfy , (D) bues alsd ksbZugha


Contribution of agricultur to the national product of India is nearly : (A) 20% (B) 50% (C) 60% (D) 75%


Hkkjr d sjk"Vªh; mRikn esad `f"kd k;ksxnku y xHkx gS (A) 20%

(B) 50%

(C) 60%

(D) 75%


Proportion of Indian working population dependent on agriculture is nearly :


Hkkjrh; d k;Z 'khy t ula [;kd hÎÑ f"kij fuHkjZrkvuq ikr y xHkx gS%


1 3


1 2


1 3


1 2


2 3


3 4


2 3


3 4


Currency notes of Rs. 2 and above are issued by : (A) Central Bank of India (B) Reserve Bank of India (C) State Bank of India (D) Mints


nks#-o vf/kd d sud nh uksVksad k fuxZeu d jrk gS% (A) ls UVªy cSad vkWQ bfUM;k (B) Hkkjrh; fjt oZcS ad (C) Hkkjrh; LVs V cSad (D) Vd lky ]


Profit is earned by : (A) Worker (C) Capitalist


y kHk vft Zr d jrk gS (A) Jfed (C) iw t hifr a

(B) Landlord (D) Entrepreneur

(B) Hkw feifr (D) m|eh


A market in which only one firm exists is called: (A) Duopoly (B) Competitive (C) Monopoly (D) None of these


ckt kj ft lesad soy ,d Q eZgksrh gSog d gy krk gS (A) nq okf/kd kj (B) Li/kkZ (C) ,d kf/kd kj (D) bues alsd ksbZugha


Which of the following is not a Nobel Laureate? (A) Amartya Kumar Sen (B) C.V. Raman (C) Rabindra Nath Tagore (D) Dr. Manmohan Singh


fuEue esalsukscsy iqjLÑ r d kSu ughagS\ (A) veR;Zd q ekj lsu (B) lh-oh-jeu (C) johUnzukFkVS xksj (D) MkW -eueksgu flag


Capital is : (A) a factor of production (B) a consumer goods (C) income of household (D) None of these


iwat h gksrh gS% (A) mRiknu d klk/ku (B) miHkks DrkoLrq (C) x` gLFkd hvk; (D) bues alsd ksbZugha


Budget presented in Parliament by (A) Prime Minister (B) Finance Minister (C) Home Minister (D) None of these


lal n esact V izLrqr d jrsgS% (A) iz /kku ea=kh (B) foÙkea =kh (C) x` g ea=kh (D) bues alsd ksbZugha

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