Sankhya Model Of Human Body-mind System

  • Uploaded by: Prof. (Dr) Ananda M Ghosh.
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  • Words: 838
  • Pages: 16
First Scientific Model of Human Body-Mind Activities: Proposed by Sankhya Prof. Ananda M. Ghosh.


Man as an Interpreter & seeker of Truth has ...... 5 sense organs for Observing the Nature 5 Tanmatric signals can excite those organs 5 bhuta i.e. elements provide support for body-mind growth 5 Pranas cause circulation inside every body Brain acts as a CPU Individual [jib- Atma] realization becomes different due to separate Mind+Intelligence+ego • 5 (karmendria) i. e. Output Organs act as actuators with the external world • • • • • •


Sankhya’s Objective/Subjective Division • External Sense Organs can detect only Objective Universe (Prakiti)

• Sankhya tried to discover the Subjective Universe present inside every Human Being (purusha) • Sankhya believes in Vedas but not in God; • Veda believes that a perfect man can only realize the holistic TRUTH 3

Sankhya Philosophy • Purusha gets manifested in the form of Micro-Consciousness in every person • External Physical Nature also has embedded Macro-Consciousness that acts as a Server • Lower instinctive Consciousness acts as Mind • Higher or Super-Consciousness only can see the TRUTH • Truth finding Subjective Universe of an individual can grow by Sadhana [education, Yoga, Meditation, etc] 4

Sankhya-Tattwa : 24 Basic Elements present in every Person • 5 (bhuta) Body Materials:: khiti (earth), apa (water), teja (fire), marut (air), bhyom (free space) • 5 Tanmatra :: (excitation signals for) Vision, Sound, Touch, Taste, Smell • 5(gyanendria) Sense Organs :: Eye, Ear, Skin, Tongue, Nose • 5 (karmendria) Output Organs :: Mouth, Hands, Legs, Anus, Genital • Mind + Ego (I-ness) + Intelligence/Memory (chitta) give rise to individual Personality [sattwa /Raja/ tama]


Mind-Pyramid • Purusha & Prakiti Divisions anandamaya vigyanmaya Manomaya Pranamaya Annamaya

(Chit/atma) Purusha Domain Consciousness Prakiti Domain Knowledge N A Ego + MIND T U BODY R E 6

Veda’s 5-Functional Layers:[Kosha] • Annamaya Kosha -- Body Biology [Supported by 5 - bhuta]

• Pranamaya Kosha -- Circulatory Systems [Activated by 5-Tanmattra + flow-dynamics]

• Manomaya Kosha-- Ego+Intelligence+Memory • Vigyanmaya Kosha - Knowledge + Wisdom [ acquired by Study, Sadhana, Practice + Mind Purification]

• Anandamaya Kosha-- Realization of TRUTH [Macro-Micro Relationship:: Client-Server (atma -Parmatma or Prakiti - Purush) communication ]


Human - Computer Relationship • Human Body -- Computer Hardware Mind -Software Algorithm + Heuristics • Intelligence -absent • Ego ( I-ness) -• Consciousness(Chetana) -- absent • Computer has been developed by Human Creativity ..... inherited from the Nature’s MacroCreativity[ called Bramha or Prodhan Purush { may be called GOD}] 8

Man-Bramha Communication • Creativity Server is in possession of the Almighty { Bramha or Pradhan-Purush} • Man’s chetana is the Client process that can establish a direct path of communication using Sadhana i.e. Meditation or by concentrated Study & research • Request ( Prayer) must be initiated by man • Sadhana ( Mind purification process) helps reducing communication path-impedance 9

Prana - tattwa

[ Dynamic Activities within Human Body] •

Continuous dynamic processes are going on in every living person for body/mind interactions


• Prana controls physiological processes as well as propagates signals to brain;

• Udan-outgoing currents from heart controlled by Susumna [ death-switch makes this current OFF]

• Byan- blood flow through the entire nervous system • Apan-controller of Digestive & reproductive organs • Saman-controller of Mind, Ego[amittwa] & Intelligence • [ Body extracts energy from air, liquid & solid foods] 10

Yoga & Pranayam • For improved & optimized Body functions, Prana activities, Mind-Ego-Intelligence & Character building/balancing-- Yoga & Pranayam Practices have been recommended by • Patanjal in Yoga Darsan – Sankhya gives the theory of personality development, but – Yoga & Pranayam describe the quickest implementation processes 11

Brain & Individuality • Basal ganglia & Cortical cells of brain have both • • •

afferent[inflow] & efferent[outflow] activities Sensory signals move from lower neuron layers to upper layers, Intention signals ( coming from mind) move from higher to lower neuron layers -- to maintain a balance or samata Mind gets access to upper neuron layers whereas lower neuron layers receive signals from sensory organs (ganendriya) Individuality = Perception + Realization + Retention + Mahattwa [ talent manifestation ]


Neural Network vs Sankhya Model of Brain Chetana

Love/emotion/creativit y Buddhi ( Intelligence )

Ego (amitwa) Mind (chitta) generating activation Mind ( chittasignals ) + inhibition Karmindra


Processing layers (hidden) Gayanindria Excited by Tanmatra


Purusha & Prakiti • Omni-presence of Purusha [Micro/Macro] can be discovered by yoga-sadhana & samadhi • Prakiti -- Physical cause-effect relationships are discovered by scientists • Pradhan-Purush (macro-chetana) can retain, in the Global memory, the database of individual micro- chetana’s attributes for subsequent replication at re-birth 14

Chit-Science::Physical-Science • Human Perfection -> Perfecting both Body & Buddhi (micro-mahattwa) essentially required to know the Absolute Truth

• Spiritual-Science -- is the science of purifying mind and manifesting hiddentalents • Prakiti-> [ Imperfect] Observing Mechanism • Purush-> [Real ] Observer [ when purified] • World -> [Apparent] Observations {Maya}


--The End --

»Thank You


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