Sanjib Saha Aniketa

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 6
Sanjib Saha Aniketa a bright student of the university having stood first class first and first class second at the Undergraduate and postgraduate levels respectively. He is a Botanist as well as a Microbiologist who was attached with renowned Research Institute and University as a research scholar in the Department of Bioorganic chemistry. Now by profession , a SG Lecturer and writer. He is engaged with literary activities from his childhood. Among his writings, a trilogy—Basbhume Parabas, Ei Ghar Sei Ghar and Dinjaponer Siddhanta are very important. Kendrabindu and Jibaner Janye Ekdin are two other sensitive fictions written by the author. Kuwor Byang is the collection of experimental short stories . He also established himself as a renowned poet and published many books like Sampradaiykatar Biruddhe, Tir-o-Tarabari, Antardwiper Sabdacinha etc. He is a popular science writer and published many articles to magazines and daily newspaper. Among his important books , Pran , Prakriti-o-Pratibesh is the collection of several articles based upon philosophy of life in respect to science and nature.

Novels: Basbhume parabas (In exile, At Home ):Subhomoy, an overwhelmed boy, suddenly recapitulates the landscape of dancing green leaflets of Sajina with golden first light of the day-it might be the incident of yesterday or the day before , or even across the birth. It trembles the heart of a sensitive little boy, brought up with Sahanara, Saira di,Saheli apa, Smritirekha, Tikly, Sayon, Mahidul and several other keen faces. Experience of first love intermingled with the curiosity and sensation of soft bodily responses floats in a light and shade and makes a wave in the boyish heart of Subhamoy. The communal riot and war pendulate him but the same seems to have enriched the

growing phases of his nervous system. A sense of feeling emerges within his soul—‘ even that man only loves human being . no religion, no caste would be the barrier in front of it and make a darkshade on this human relationship.’ So , Subhomoy can easily pray to Almighty for his beloved friend sayon at his right—janaja with a fistful of soft soil of self just by touching the tilted glow of twilight and steps forward for ever for mankind. This highly appreciated novel by Sanjib Saha Aniketa in Bengali is the first part of a trilogy, spread on an elaborate canvas of Pabna ,a town of EastPakistan(now Bangladesh)in the 1960s,whern the immediate effects of partition became conspicuous to the Hindus and theMuslims alike.The writer in his first novel Basbhume Parabas,is able to enlist some critical attention presenting the picture of life through the growth of an innocent boy who could easily murmur—‘this is the soil of mankind , neither for hindus, nor for Muslims and no one is communal by birth and that is why an old Hindu widow could easily tell Rahaman saheb –I never met a God , you are my God’. Ei Ghar Sei Ghar ( Looking for a Home in Homelessness): Ei Ghar Sei Ghar is the sequel to Basbhume Parabas , but it attains an independence. It is the second part of the trilogy . This novel, based on the freedom movement of Bangladesh (Muktijuddha) in 1971, is located in Pabna and its surroundings.That was a great genocide by Eahiya Khan in the history of Mankind after Hitler. Subhomoy faced a lot and left Sahanara who was

his first love of the adolescent days. But that was not only a freedom movement , but a struggle for the survival of human relationships during the great genocide.The novelist depicts all these through the adolescent eyes of Subhomoy , characters like Chotobow, Rustam bhai, Basir, Marjina bubu,Sabita, Dadu and many others having induced his feelings to survive.Only for that region, Subhomoy, opened his eyes with bullet wound from the heap of dead bodies as Marjina bubu, a victim of rape by Pakistani military, cried from the core of her heart –‘ Bhai, Bhai re amar , katha ka (Brother , Oh my Brother! Please respond to me).Subhomoy moved forward with bullet wounded feeble steps, one among thousands of evacuees to touch, the life across the border where shining red petals of Krishnachura invited him for further fullness of life. Dinjapaner Siddhanta (The Resolution of Living On): This is the third part of the trilogy and also a continuation of Basbhume Parabas and Ei Ghar sei Ghar . In the turbulent phase of the late `60s and early`70s , West Bengal faced the flood of evacuees from East Pakistan, making their exodus to escape the genocide by Pakistani Military, the Naxalite movement and natural calamity. Tapas , ayoung doctor of a primary health center of Sadikhan`s dearh became part and parcel of the common people of the village. He wanted to save the poorest of the poor from starvation by forming Gramsangabandhoni sabha .Subhamoy , a member of the evacuees camp , dreamt to be aMuktijoddha, but became the face of all faces. Chapala, with her romantic eyes met Tapas and the breathing of him became heavier day by day with the

progress of incurable disease of Chapala. Meherunnisa , a widow, never bowed to the so called society , but struggled for pushing forward her life and that of her offspring . Flood did not me4rcy, rather it was her destiny which floated on the waves of flood water.Pakistani military surrendered to India and Bangladesh became free. That was the festive night and Subhomoy moved in the same pace of thousands of people on the road , shouting Joy Bangla. But Tapas started a new struggle to sustain Chapala in this living world and the ambulance moved to Calcutta by keeping aside the bright faces of the evacuees. Jibaner Janye Ekdin (Struggle for Existance): A novelet reflects the struggle for existence during the genocide by Pakistani army in the struggle for the freedom of Bangladesh. Ahsan Kabir apoet and aprofessr with the leftist leaning failed to forsee the brutality of counter revolutionary backlash leading to genocide.when he understood , was too late to survive. But Ishara and Sarifa , the daughters of the poet, the two rape victims , struggled for life by taking shelter in the cave of fox where the decaying bodies of their parent forced them to rember the nature of light of this earth . The novelet describesd how human being fights for life in a situation full of fear but devoid of food. Every moment of these two young girls refracted a pendulating philosophy of life for sustaining human being as a human in this world. It is wholly an example of psychological fiction based on a transitional phase hanging between life and death of two young girls.

Kendrabindu (center of focus): this is also a psychological novel, mentioning the different corners of human relations. Love and sex , emotion and dreams, affection for the offspring, faith and hatred , philosophy of life – all these shades co-minglinging and crisscrossing to become the driving force behind the rough rolling of life in this the novel becomes transformed to be poetic version of life.

Collection of short stories Kuwor Byang (The Parochial): It is a collection of short stories. By dusting the transparent eyes, the unethical incidents are happing in this society. This pain has given rise to these stories. Most of the stories are experimental and unconventional. Pratham sahid: Ismail (The first Martyr : Ismail):A collection of emotional and sensitive short stories based upon the facts during the partition of India and Bengal .

Collection of poems Sampradaykatar Birudhhe (Against communalism ) and Tir-o-Tarabari (The arrow and the sword): Both these books are collection of poems and these poems have specific aims –i.e, to stand up against the evils of communalism. But these poems are never intended to be

slogans. Humanity is the primary focus of all the poems – religion is secondary. Antardweeper sabdachinha (Words marked in the silence –Within): Collection of poems of this book are nothing but the search of insight and worth feeling. Sabder aswarohi( Riders on words ): A collection of poems published with other two poets -- Kuntal chottopadhaya and Manas Chowdhury.

Collection of essays Pran, Prakriti-o-Pratibesh (life nature and surroundings): A collection of valuable articles based upon philosophy of life in respect of science and nature.

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