Sandford Street Eis: Background Information Sandford S Extension 19 Oct 09

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Download & View Sandford Street Eis: Background Information Sandford S Extension 19 Oct 09 as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 1,624
  • Pages: 7
Request for a Scoping document for EIS Background Information to Sandford Street Extension 1 Background The project comprises the investigation, design and construction supervision of the extension of Sandford Street (currently Morisset Street) to the Federal Highway at the Antill Street roundabout. Sandford Street has been nominated as an arterial road in the Territory Plan, providing an alternative route linking the Federal and Barton Highways, access to the Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, and for heavy vehicle access to Mitchell.

2 Objective The objective of this project is to construct the extension of Sandford Street (currently Morisset Street) to Federal Highway and the work will provide:  An alternate route (to Northbourne Avenue) for vehicles travelling between the Federal Highway and Barton Highway. 

Heavy vehicle access to Mitchell.

Transport infrastructure for the development of and Kenny.

Reducing traffic delays for Gungahlin residents.

traffic and public transport access to the new Youth Justice Centre “Bimberi”,

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traffic and transport to the future suburbs of Harrison 4 and Kenny by extending Sandford Street address the stormwater management issues relating to Sullivans Creek crossing, particularly the inclusion of water quality control measures, formalise existing equestrian routes,

The proposed construction of Sandford Street is required to facilitate adjacent residential development in Harrison and Kenny for 2012-13 based on the “Indicative Residential Land Release Program 2008-09 to 2012-13 – April 2008 by Chief Minister’s Department”. This land release program has necessitated the commencement of the construction works by February 2010.

3 EIS Process The project described above has triggered the need for an EIS under the Planning and Development Act (Refer Schedule 4 of the Act) on the following basis. There are two potential triggers of an ecological nature under Schedule 4, Part 4.3, of the P&D Act which could require the preparation of an environmental impact statement for the proposed road extension. These are: SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION Background Information – October 09


if the proposal is likely to adversely impact on the conservation status of a species or ecological community that is endangered; or

if the proposal involves the clearing of more than 0.5ha of native vegetation.

Particular attention will be given to analyse the most likely trigger for action under the EPBC Act is the potential impact of the road on the endangered ecological community, White Box – Yellow Box – Blakely’s Red Gum woodlands and derived native grasslands. Traffic and transport impact on suburbs Hackett and Watson will also be assessed as part of this EIS process. The EIS process is described in the Planning and Development Act and Regulations. The basic steps in the process can be summarised as follows (noting this is a simplified list); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Proponent request to ACTPLA for scoping document on EIS ACTPLA requests scope items from ’referral entities’ Scoping document provided to proponent Proponent prepares Draft EIS Draft EIS lodged with ACTPLA for checking ACTPLA publicly notifies draft EIS Public submissions received on Draft EIS ACTPLA accepts draft EIS or provides opportunity for proponent to address any unaddressed matters ACTPLA discusses draft EIS with DEWHA Provide draft EIS and Assessment Report to ACTPLA Minister Minister approves EIS.

The above steps assume that no public consultation on the scope of the EIS is required and that Ministerial discretion is not applied to the decision on whether to undertake an EIS, notification to legislative assembly and/or, an inquiry is not necessary. A separate referral to the Commonwealth under the EPBC Act may be required and will depend on the findings of the proposed ecological investigations as identified in the project brief.

4 Scope of works The project comprises the forward design of the extension of Sandford Street from Flemington Road to Federal Highway. The consultant has been engaged to produce design plans and reports and associated documents to DR (Document Readiness) stage to this project that covers: •

Traffic analysis data consistent with short term and long term requirements for Sandford Street;

SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION Background Information – October 09


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Intersection of Sandford Street and Well Station Road, incorporate the crossing of Wells Station Road with regard to its historical context; DR requirements for a single carriageway of Sandford Street as an arterial road from Flemington Road to Federal Highway; Associated access requirements to the Bimberi Youth Justice Centre including ACTION bus stop and access requirements; Associated existing individual block access requirements including maintaining 24 hour local access during construction; Associated intersections for accessing Harrison and Kenny; Intersection of Sandford Street with the Federal Highway; Associated culvert crossing and floodway works (Kenny Water Quality Control Pond is not covered in this contract); Associated floodway and equestrian trail following Sandford Street road alignment; Noise impacts and any remediation measures required within the road reserve to reduce noise at the residential interface to acceptable levels; Associated landscape components for the roads; Review the existing geotechnical reports and comment on any possible constraints; All existing services within the road alignment and area to be landscaped including stormwater, trunk water, trunk sewer, electricity, gas and telecommunications; Include all on-road/off-road cycleway/pedestrian path routes; Make provision for future services including conduits at road crossings; Provide temporary traffic management and traffic control devices to be used during construction; Identify the extent of earthworks and strategies for spoil management. Indicate any fill within the project area; Include streetlights; Include erosion control measures; Provide a detailed cost estimate for all works to be constructed; Comply with the WSUD General Code (Water Ways) for the management of stormwater runoff quality and quantity; Arrange for the alteration to the boundary and cadastral information and the adjustments of all relevant records in accordance with the proposed design. Provide all kerb/median information in CAD format, as well as one copy of each appropriate plan with the submission of the DR report; and Identify any impact (if any) on Natural Temperate Grasslands or other matters of National Environmental Significance or other controlled event under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999) to allow assessment on whether a referral under the Act is required. If required, prepare EIS in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2007.

SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION Background Information – October 09


5 Project Details Project Details Site Location map and Project Site Detailed concept and layout plan showing all proposed buildings, structures, plant and equipment and other facilitates (temporary and permanent)

Comments Refer to the attached map – Figure 1 Blocks , 601, 738, 393, 440, 774, 775, 751, 753,, 376, ( Refer to the Application) Suburb: Gungahlin

Mostly rural Blocks and no plant and equipment identified. For further details refer to:

SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION TO THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY SCOPING STUDY AND ASSESSMENT OF EIS REQUIREMENTS The nature, sources, location and quantities of all materials to be handled on site including the storage and stockpiling of raw materials. Access, internal roads, car parking, equipment compounds and proposed infrastructure associated with the project. All activities, including chemical and mechanical to be conducted as part of the project. Waste treatment process involved, including site drainage, and erosion control. Life of the project and employment projections. volume and characteristics of liquid and solid wastes generated; construction methods; hours of work (construction and operational);

Construction works described above and will involve excavation, earth works, stockpile and reuse of material

existing infrastructure available on and adjacent to the project site(s); extent of any clearing of vegetation; and land tenures affecting the project site(s).

Flemington Road and associated infrastructure

SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION Background Information – October 09

Infrastructure proposed described above Construction chemicals applicable road construction works will be used. Typical construction waste to be generated and will be managed to comply with EPA’s erosions and pollution control measures. 2 years ( including 12 months defect liability periods) Minor waste resulting from construction works Road construction 7am to 5pm

Refer to the Ecological Report Attached. Land tenure: Lessee’s agreement detailed in the Application.


6 Matrix of Potentially Significant Environmental impacts A preliminary review of potentially significant environmental impacts has identified the specific impacts summarised in the table below. Reference:

Summary Project- • Potentially Significant Environmental Impact Bio-diversity and Nature conservation Environmentally Sensitive Areas Threatened Species and Communities Aboriginal and European Cultural heritage Erosion and Sediment Water Quality Flooding Contaminated Sites Traffic and Transport Construction stage Long Term Transport Options

SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION TO THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY To be investigated Yes Yes Yes To be investigated Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No

7 References documents Project Scope • ACTPS - Project Brief for the FOR DESIGN AND SUPERINTENDENCE CONSULTANCY SERVICES WELL STATION DRIVE EXTENSION TO HORSE PARK DRIVE AND SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION TO FEDERAL HIGHWAY David Hogg Reports • SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION TO THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY SCOPING STUDY AND ASSESSMENT OF EIS REQUIREMENTS • SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION TO THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY - ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Planning and Engineering • The Territory Plan; • East Gungahlin Structure Plan dated March 2008; • Final Sketch Plan of Well Station Drive Extension dated February 2007 by Bill Guy and Partners; • Report for Kenny Sandford Street Extension Feasibility Study dated August 2001 by Brown Consulting Engineers; • Review of Infrastructure Planning for Sullivans Creek Catchment Final Report dated July 2003 by Bill Guy and Partners; and SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION Background Information – October 09


Environmental Protection Guidelines for Construction and Land Development in the ACT, EPA ACT August effective 31 March 2008.

SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION Background Information – October 09


Site Plan: See Attachment.

SANDFORD STREET EXTENSION Background Information – October 09


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