Riverside County Sheriff's Office (california) - 287(g) Foia Documents

  • June 2020
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Download & View Riverside County Sheriff's Office (california) - 287(g) Foia Documents as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 272
  • Pages: 1



. November 30, 2005

Dear ~ssistant Secretary Clark:

I am ~ting to request participation in the Delegation of Authority Program pursuant to 287(g) of the Immigration and Naturalizatien Act. Given our historical relationship, this is a partnership that will enable us to better serve and meet the safety needs of the nearly two million residents of R(b~~ounty. We have

been,in~Qmmuni~~on wi~ your Riverside California Oiiice. Assistant Sp~~j~

Agent i~ Cha:rg~,_ ~ been extremely; helpful and with his guidance ;we are making the fo~roposal: ~

. ,~

Establishment of an Identification Review Officer through three of our five detention faci!hies, the Robert Presley Detention Center, the Southwest-Detention Center, and the Indio Jail. These are booking and pre-trial.detention ia~ilities . Train seven (7) Con-ectional Deputies who have a minimum of two years experience, a secure background accepta~le to ICE, and have appropriate second language skills. The officers will be initially deployed at each facility to provide 12 hours a day, seven day a week coverage.


There are training facilities available at Ben Clark Training Center. Instructors can use computer training aids, video, as well as conventiOtfal material used in instruction at the Clark Training Center. This./facinty is regularly used to provide training, and has space for more than fifty students ~ <some classrootpS: -

This program. will allow as to ~r into a Memonmdwn ofUnderstanding.tbat will enable us to pat1icipate with ICE in i
Ri'v.xde County. I 1(.;0& forn:ard to.,your speedy endorsett}.¢nt<~f this requesNmd moVing ~~'~itlrtl1ts protIam furtbe-f?enefit of all:; . . "



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