Sample Test Paper - 20 Marks

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 212
  • Pages: 2


Roll No. Name of the Institute: Course Name: Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/IF/CD

Semester : Second Subject : Programming in ‘C’ Duration: 1 Hour

Subject Code: 9017 Marks : 20

Instructions: 1. All Questions are compulsory. 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3. Use of not-programmable calculator is permissible. Q. 1 Attempt Any Two

( 2 * 2 = 04)

a) Give the syntax of do-while statement. b) What is constant ? Give any 2 examples. c) Enlist different format specifiers. Q.2 Attempt Any Two

(4 * 2 = 08)

a) Find out output of following program fragment. main() {

int x=5,a,b; a=x++; b=--x; c = x++ * --b; printf(“\n%d %d %d %d”, x ,a ,b, c);

} b) What is a standard input/output header file used in ‘C’ ? How header files are used in ‘C’ program ? c) Write a ‘C’ program to accept any two integer numbers and display addition of it. Q.3 Attempt Any Two

(4 * 2 = 08)

a) What do you mean by branching statement ? Describe any one with example. b) Write a ‘C’ program to generate following output, using ‘for’ loop. **** * ** ** * c) Explain relational operators in ‘C’.

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