20 Marks Sample Test Paper From Msbte

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 374
  • Pages: 4
Sample Test Paper – I Academic Year:-

9036 Course Name Course code Semester Subject Duration

:- Computer Engineering Group :- CO/CT/IF/CD :- Third :- Object Oriented Programming :- 1 hours

Marks: 20

Instructions: 1] All questions are compulsory. 2] Figures to the right indicates full marks. 3] Use of non-programmable calculator is permissible. Q 1: Attempt any TWO :

(2 x 2 = 4)

a) List characteristics of oop. b) List basic concepts of oop. c) How to define member function outside of class?

Q 2: Attempt any TWO :

(4 x 2 = 8)

a) Write a structure declaration for 5 students having following data members. i.Name. ii.Phone number. b) State characteristics of static data members in a class. c) Define a class result consisting of data members i.Name. ii.Percentage. Write a member function to accept data values for data members.

Q 3 : Attempt any TWO :

(4 x 2 = 8)

a) Define the following terms i.Data abstraction. ii.Encapsulation. b) Write a program to illustrate friend function. 1

c) Write a program to accept data for 5 cars for the given class Class car { private: char name[20]; float price; public: void accept(); }


Sample Test Paper – II Academic Year:-

9036 Course Name Course code Semester Subject Duration

:- Computer Engineering Group :- CO/CT/IF/CD :- Third :- Object Oriented Programming :- 1 hours

Marks: 20

Instructions: 1] All questions are compulsory. 2] Figures to the right indicates full marks. 3] Use of non-programmable calculator is permissible. Q 1: Attempt any TWO :

(2 x 2 = 4)

a) Define abstract class. b) List different forms of inheritance. c) How to initialize a pointer? Q 2 Attempt any TWO :

(4 x 2 = 8)

a) When do we use protected visibility specifier? b) Write a code to display a string using pointer to the string. c) Illustrate concept of ‘this’ pointer. Q 3: Attempt any ONE :

(8 x 1 = 8)

a) Write a program to concatenate two strings using pointer to string. b) Write a program to implement the inheritance as shown in figure. Class name: staff Member variable: name

Class name: staff_detail

Class name: staff_info

Member variable: subject qualification

Member variable: address phone no. 3


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