Sample Sb.docx

  • Uploaded by: Sana Ghazi
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 873
  • Pages: 9
Screen No.


Screen Title


On-screen Components

Screen Type


Voice-overs Hello and welcome to the module: Fundamentals of Construction Contracting. Select the Launch button to begin the module.


Select the Launch button to begin the module  

Development Notes

Playback VO and bring the image on stage Stock photo ID: As the user clicks launch button, proceed to the next screen

Screen No.


Screen Title


On-screen Components

Screen Type

Animati on

Voice-overs Imagine a situation, where you want a renovation work for your house and you gave the contract to a veteran construction company.

Commented [SG1]: The VO here can be done more attractively. Grammatically also I believe, it can be more apt.

Abruptly, you hear from the veteran that due to some unavoidable situations at their end – stipulated time will be prolonged. You need to figure out the strategy to surpass the situation.

Commented [SG2]: Are we taking this scenario forward in a way that we can say “ let’s see how you will or you can surpass the situation” Or may be you can show a character and not “you” and then take this forward…may be!

This module focuses simply on identifying and beginning to assess the “Construction Contract”

Ready to get started? By the end of this module, you will be able to:

Describe constructi on contract concepts and terminolo gy Analyze owner contracts and subcontr acts Demonstr ate people

Commented [SG3]: Singular plural consistency. “terminologies”

Commented [SG4]: I don’t think this fit well. How would the learner demonstrate the bullet smart people?? May be I couldn’t get it

who are “bullet smart” in contracts


Playback VO and display OST along with the graphics.

For the first two screens, The graphics content will be moved out of the static, It will be turned into a panning animation with stylized characters – in which we pan across a changing environment in which a characters move from one environment to the other, the situations in which they will move will be the items you can see in the screenshots below:

Stock Photo Id:

Development Notes

Screen No.


Screen Title

Module roadmap

On-screen Components

Screen Type

Animati on


Over the next few slides, we are going to broach the topics of, 

What Makes a Contract/Con tract Documents

Major Contract Concepts, Issues

Resources for Contracts

Key Takeaways & Next Steps


Commented [SG5]:

Continue i-Text

Select any topic to explore  

Build the graphic as shown and fade in the text in sync with VO Make all the tabs clickable

This is the page where learners will explore each topic. The learner should be free to explore the sections in any order. After exploring the topic the learner should be brought back to this screen. Display a checkmark on the topic when the learner completes a topic and returns to this page. On clicking any of these the learner should be taken to the concerned screen If the user selects the Continue button transition to screen 4

Development Notes

Labels: What Makes a Contract/Contract Documents Major Contract Concepts, Issues Resources for Contracts Key Takeaways & Next Steps Q&A

Screen No. Screen Title

4. What Makes a Contract/Contract Documents

On-screen Components

Scre en Type

Animati on


Commented [SG6]: Question mark??

A few years ago, people were accustomed to the face – value. Today, the world has accelerated, therefore people want to abide by Contract and Law for getting their work done.

So what is a contract? It is an agreement between two or more persons obligating each of them to do, or not do, particular things.


Commented [SG7]: I think “and” would fit better than “therefore”

Commented [SG8]: Here also question mark

Development Notes

Playback VO and display OST along with the graphics.

Screen No.


Screen Title

Major Contract Concepts, Issues

On-screen Components

Scree n Type

Interacti vity

Voice-overs Contracts are indispensable part of a business relationship but it can be complex as well. Therefore, it becomes extremely important for you to fully understand, 

Form ation of Cont ract


Select each tab to explore    

This is a part of main branching screen. Playback VO and display interactivity. As the user selects the tabs, display respective OST in sync. When the contact for the tab is shown highlight the tab. Display a checkmark on the section when the learner completes a section.

Content to be displayed upon clicking each tab is given in the table below.

Development Notes

Elem ents of Cont ract Purp ose of Cont ract

Screen No.


Screen Title

Knowledge check

On-screen Components

Scree n Type


Voice-overs Before we proceed, let’s check your understanding .


Development Notes

Select the correct option and select Submit    

Playback VO and present the question Key is highlighted in green If the user response matches the key display feedback. That’s correct. Allocation of risk and general legal remedies is considered as an integral purpose of a Contract. Otherwise display feedback. That’s incorrect. Please try again.

Commented [SG9]: I think it should be “understanding so far”

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