Sample Risk Assessment

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  • Words: 3,764
  • Pages: 12
Bees Marquees

Risk Assessment and Method statement For

Sample Document

Risk Assessment header sheet OVII

Bees Marquees Risk Assessment Job Number:


Task or Work Operation

Construction of temporary hall

Site: Assessors Name:

Tom Russell

Signature: Date of Assessment:

19th March 2007

Equipment to be used:

Ladders, Mobile Scaffold, Hand tools, Drills, Power Saws, MEWPS Forklifts

Working Environment:

Semi level concrete. Dock side environment


Working at height, weather, moving vehicles, underground services

Safety equipment to be used:

Safety harness & lanyard, hard hats, gloves, hiviz clothing, goggles, safety footwear

Employees involved: are they trained

All staff are experienced in the erection of large frame marquees and fully aware of risks involved. Only qualified personnel to operate plant.

Employees especially at risk:

Young persons, persons with a medical condition, anyone with a disability.

Non Employees who may be at risk:

Clients staff, other contractors, visitors, general public.

Tom Russell

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Risk assessment

Hazards Working at height

Potential Harm Cuts, bruising, broken bones, possible death

Persons Likelihood Severity Exposed Staff



Risk 10

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Existing Measures Ensure only trained personnel use MEWP Ensure safety harness is worn Ensure lanyard is securely fastened to a good strong anchoring point Ensure MEWP is inspected before use Ensure MEWP has current certificate

Action Continuation of existing measures



















Ensure safe working practices / procedures are followed though correctly at all time Where possible work from ground level Use correct elevation tool for the job

Ensure you don't over stretch / reach from MEWP Do not climb out of basket to gain extra height Ensure awareness talk on working at heights is given Banksman' to ensure area is clear of personnel & vehicles Only use safe and stable ladders Scaffold only to be erected by competent persons Moving vehicles around site

Cuts, bruising, broken bones





Continuation of existing measures Only certificated personnel to drive MEWP's, Forklifts or Trucks around site. All driving site rules to be adhered to. Use Banksman to escort when positioning vehicle during works All staff to wear HI-VIZ


Electric shock, possible death

Staff / Public 2



Use only 110v site eclectics

Slips Trips and Falls

Cuts, bruising, broken bones

Staff / Public 2



Ensure good house keeping. Tidy site Continuation of existing measures as work progresses

Falling Objects

Cuts, bruising, broken bones, Possible head injuries

Staff / Public 2



Ensure all equipment on the platform Continuation of existing measures is secure at all times Ensure hazard signs are present Ensure Hard hats are worn at all times Ensure all visitors wear hard hats

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Safe working practices / procedures to be followed at all times

Risk assessment


Potential Harm

Persons Likelihood Severity Exposed


Page 2

Existing Measures





Site, Public access

Cuts, bruising, broken bones





Exclude public from site all visitors to be escorted

Continuation of existing measures




Anchoring / underground services

Electric shock, possible death, Gas leaks Fire,





Check with client for know underground services, if in doubt use cat scanner Look for tell tell sign i.e.. Manhole covers or inspection chambers

Continuation of existing measures





Exposure, cuts, bruising, broken bones





Check weather forecast, stop work in Continuation of existing measures over 25mph winds. Have suitable rest area to dry out.




Misuse / Interference with structure / Vandalism

Cuts, bruising, broken bones, possible death





Brief client about safe use of structure. Continuation of existing measures Make them aware of the dangers of removing components from the structure Use of 'lock nuts' of critical bolts Ensure site is secured when not manned





Burns, Smoke inhalation, Death





All Materials used meet current Government specifications of fire retardancy





1 2 3

Unlikely Likely Highly likely


1 2 3

Minor Serious Major


1 10

Lowest Highest


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Continuation of existing measures

General Risk Assessment, Method Statement and Terms and Conditions 25m



Site condition


Loading/unloading of trucks




Laying out of structure


Craning/pushing up of structure


Electrical equipment


Adverse weather conditions


Personal safety clothing


Terms and Conditions

Tom Russell

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General Risk Assessment, Method Statement and Terms and Conditions 25m


Site Conditions/Foundations/Services

Largescreen Limited is able to overcome most problems relating to site conditions. We have a thorough system for identifying possible hazards and introducing controls to reduce the risk of injury. The structures we are erecting at the site are of the mixed structure type up to 25 metres and mechanical handling is essential on structures over 20ml. Should the need arise, due to working in the close proximity of other contractors, to use mechanical handling the relevant precautions have been allowed for. Areas of Public Access will generate a certain public interest, but during the build and dismantle period, in the marquee site area, there should be no access for the general public and usual site rules will apply. Adequate security must be maintained by the client, to prevent theft, abuse or damage to the marquee and ancillary equipment. The presence of underground services is deemed to have been identified by the client, and any that may be at risk to have been marked accordingly. All marquee dimensions are measured to the centre of the leg and a further 300mm needs to be provided for the base plates 500mm for 20 / 25m, as is normal practice. Adjacent structures can to some degree overlap base plates, provided adequate ground anchors can be secured, and the eaves of the marquee are not obstructed. The marquee is to be staked using iron anchors 800mm long, or bolted using M12 expanding bolts M16 hammer in anchors for 20/25m structures, alternatively weighted down or guy roped using the appropriate means, based on the available fixings and prevailing conditions. If the marquee is to be erected within an existing structure then sufficient anchor points need to be available for the purpose of tying down. When weighting, the friction between the foot and the ground is to be considered and appropriate action taken to minimise slippage. Our normal Terms and Conditions apply. See Section 9. All our employees are made fully aware of our customers Contractor Requirement documents if applicable. 2.

Loading/Unloading of Material/Trucks

The use of heavy plant machinery required for such tasks as the loading and unloading of materials, will give rise to certain obvious hazards: load shift/load collapse/falling objects etc. All persons working on behalf of Largescreen Limited, to operate such machinery, are qualified, licensed and appointed to do so. 3.


The use of site machinery probably involves the most risks to workers undertaking site operations. Poorly maintained machines are dangerous and costly to repair. A good maintenance schedule is therefore essential to reduce the untimely need of emergency replacement.

Tom Russell

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General Risk Assessment, Method Statement and Terms and Conditions 25m

All Largescreen Limited machinery is regularly serviced and tested to ensure it is safe to use and without risks to health. Where it is not possible to use our own machinery, we hire in from reputable hire companies within the U.K. Our agreement with hire companies is that all machinery is supplied with a current safety inspection certificate and the operator has competent plant operator’s certificate, issued by an approved body. Only experienced and competent personnel are permitted to use machinery. A person is deemed to be competent on the successful completion or relevant training in combination with their on-site performance. 4.

Laying out of Structure

The hazards involved with the lying out of the structure are predominately those arising from manual handling operations (repetitive strain injury, upper body limb disorders, muscle fatigue and tiredness). Although it is not possible to completely remove all of these hazards on a site, we do have ways of reducing the risk of injury. All materials can be located very closely to their required destination, thereby limiting the distance for the materials to be carried. 5.

Pushing Up Structures

Because this is one of the higher risk areas, it is perhaps the most carefully monitored of all our operations. We are dealing with heavy materials being pushed or lifted into the air with a team of builders working beneath. There is an obvious danger of falling materials with the potential to cause major injury. The heavier materials have the potential to cause the most harm, therefore only the most experienced foremen are authorised to build structures (12 metres or above in width). 6.

Electrical Equipment

Regular checks are made to ensure there are no loose wire or damaged components. Any hired electrical equipment must be delivered with a guide to its safe use. All site workers are familiar with the safe use and working practices using electrical equipment. The equipment which may be used on site include lighting, drills, saws, and a 110v generator. 7.

Adverse Weather Conditions

In very strong winds, it may be necessary to cease or delay such operations as erecting or dismantling structures for safety reasons. Likewise, snow falling on an unheated structure that has its roof-sails in position creates a danger of overloading the roof beams and collapse. Regular checks are made with the Meteorological Office to avoid, so far as is reasonably practicable, adverse weather conditions. In winds over 20 mph the erection can be delayed, and the foreman will monitor winds on site.

Tom Russell

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General Risk Assessment, Method Statement and Terms and Conditions 25m

All Largescreen Limited foremen have the authority to make such decisions, as they deem appropriate and necessary, with regard to the erection and evacuation of the structures, because of unsafe situations arising from adverse weather conditions.


Personal Safety Clothing

Employees are made aware that they are required to provide their own safety clothing such as: safety boots and gloves. METHOD STATEMENT FOR ERECTION AND STRIKING OF TEMPORARY STRUCTURE Work Equipment Equipment Sufficient, suitable, equipment in good condition must be supplied to allow the job to be done safely. All equipment must be checked and/or serviced before it leaves the depot. Faulty equipment, including ladders and steps, must not be delivered on site. Tools The correct tools for the job must be provided, and they must be used in the correct manner. Personal Protective Equipment Health and Safety Policy, Section 3 and Training & Information Checklists refer. Goggles Must be worn when power saws are being used. First Aid A First Aid Kit should always be available on site. On larger sites this could be in the site office but on smaller sites it may be more practical to place a kit permanently in the foreman’s car or lorry as appropriate. Measures must also be taken to ensure that the emergency services can be alerted if required. Transport The equipment is loaded on the lorry under supervision of the lorry driver and foreman. Carriage to and from the lorry (in depot and on site) is to be, as much as possible, by fork truck, trolley truck or sack trolley. The driver is responsible for the strapping or tying down of the load and thus its security.

Tom Russell

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General Risk Assessment, Method Statement and Terms and Conditions 25m

Erection The frame work of the structure can be laid in place followed by assembly of the legs and rafters making sure that the locking pins are correctly positioned. The ‘A’ frame is lifted into the air slowly to avoid undue frame stress and twisting around the base plate pivot point until the frame is vertical and square. Use either cross bracing or eave bars to hold the ‘A’ frame in an up right position. On 25m structures the first frame is lifted by Telehandler or crane with a sufficient lifting strop, once it is vertical it will be triangulated guy roped with ratchet strap of 100mm strapping min. only then will the lifting strop be removed. Repeat the above and lift the next frame into position. Secure by dropping in the purlins and eaves bars, on first bay 3-12m you must place a set of bracing scissors and then every 7 bays after that. On 10/15/20/25m you must use wire bracing on the first bay then every 5 bays (as per manufactures specification) The next rafter section can then be raised and secured as before. This procedure is then repeated until completion. Once completed the guy ropes on 25m structure cane be removed. A pulling line can then be thrown across the ridge of one bay and two hauling lines clipped to it before it is retrieved back. The roof sheet is fitted into the channelling of the rafters through the guides and the hauling ropes clipped onto ‘D’ rings. The original pulling rope is also secured on to a D ring. The roof sheet can now be pulled over the structure, the two hauling ropes unclipped and secured to the original pulling rope which can then pull them back over the roof sheet and slid along to the next bay to repeat the procedure. The sheets are secured and tensioned by stretching the shock cord and securing inside their cleats, or by tensioning with a ratchet where that system is fitted. The roof bracing wires can now be fitted to the relevant eyebolts on the legs and fully tensioned to ensure that the structure is rigid and true. The walls are then attached to the legs by sliding the kader on the wall canvas into the channelling on each leg, the top rings slid on to the curtain rail and two halves pulled to the centre and laced together. If the structure is having either solid walling (200mm tongue and grove planks) or glass doors and windows, these require the addition of leg channels fitting to the leg. Then the solid walls can be slid in from the top to make a solid wall. To increase rigidity on bays over 2500mm steel strengthening rods need to be inserted every 3 panels starting with the bottom panel. The glass panels and doors are fitted by using the correct size leg channel and sliding the door or glass into this and then fitting either a H channel upright or T channel upright depending on whether it is first or last upright and finished with a locking plate onto the T channel. The ground rail then goes through the pocket and is fitted to the leg base pivot pin. Remember to replace the ‘R’ clip through the pinhole. The gable ends can be slid up through its channel using a ridge push up bar, laced together and secured to the crossbeams to complete the erection.

Tom Russell

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General Risk Assessment, Method Statement and Terms and Conditions 25m

Securing stakes can now be driven home or if it is not practical to stake, the structure may by bolted down, using either M12 or M16 expanding bolts requiring a hole to be drilled to 22mm by the correct depth for the anchor used. If the holes are to be filled after the event it will be with proprietary cold setting tarmac type product, or a sand and cement mix, whichever is deemed to be the most appropriate. However weights in some instances may also be used to secure the structure to the ground, if this is the case, manufactures recommendations are followed to determine the loading required for each leg. Timber flooring is made up of either 3000x500mm or 5000x500mm timber boards (depending on bay size). These are laid on 3” x 2” or 3” x 3” bearers, which are laid directly onto the ground at a minimum of 800mm intervals. With Aluminium extrusion on the joining ends, to produce a rigid and stable platform. Where the floor needs to be raised because of unlevelled ground, chocking will be used. This will consist of a mix of 250x150x18mm and 250x75x50mm. We can usually level out most undulation with this. Where we need to raise the floor higher up to 500mm we would use 300x600x300mm concrete blocks, anything above this height would possible require scaffolding Interlocking plastic flooring is placed directly onto the ground, with the male lugs located on top, and locked into place by applying pressure. Carpet can be laid directly onto the ground or onto solid floor; joints should either be marked with tape or glued to the sub floor. If ‘second lay’ carpet is used it should be tensioned to minimise creasing and can be nailed if laid directly onto the ground. All carpet needs at least 24 hours to normalise, if the time is not available it should be laid and tensioned. Matting should be laid on ground using a plastic membrane underneath to prevent seepage. Matting should be tensioned and nailed using 6” or 4” nails depending on the ground. All joints to be tensioned and nailed. Striking Remove ground rails and side wall/s in the reverse order of the erection. Roof covers and wires to be removed. Remove purlins and eaves beams and lower the ‘A’ frame to the ground and dismantle. Repeat for each frame. Timber floors are lifted, and dismantled from the long side first and stacked into correct pack sizes for easy loading. Plastic floors are dismantled into 3 x 7 piece sections and palletised. Carpet can be rolled or folded and have tape removed. Matting should have all nails removed, be turned over folded in half, then rolled from the fold end.

Tom Russell

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General Risk Assessment, Method Statement and Terms and Conditions 25m


Terms and Conditions

The required deposit must be paid to confirm a booking All cheques made payable to Largescreen Ltd. 1- Goods are offered subject to remaining unlet upon receipt of any order and, whilst we shall make every effort at all times to carry out orders accepted, it must be a condition we shall not be responsible for any loss sustained as a result of nondelivery caused by breakdown, accidents, labour disputes, fire, flood, abnormal weather conditions, or any other causes beyond our control. 2- We reserve the right to erect marquees to any size near to that ordered. 3- At the discretion of Bees Marquees all orders cancelled more than 10 days after confirmation will be charged 30% of estimated price. Cancellation made within 30 days of date booked will be charged 50% of estimated price. Cancellation made within 10 days of date booked will be charged at 75% of estimated price. 4- During the continuance of the hire period the Hirer shall make good to Bees Marquees all loss or damage to marquees or equipment from whatever cause the same may arise, unless a special insurance has been otherwise arranged, fair wear and tear excepted. The Hirer shall completely indemnify Bees Marquees in respect of all claims by any person whatsoever for injury to person or property caused by or in conjunction with or arising out of the use of the marquees, plant or equipment and in respect of all costs and charges in connection therewith whether arising out of statute or common law. 5- All marquees must be returned as received, fair wear and tear excepted. 6- Deficiencies and damage in transit must be reported to Bees Marquees within 24 hours of delivery. Bees Marquees can entertain no claims for deficiencies unless notified accordingly. 7- The Hirer shall pay in respect of all equipment not returned a sum equal to the current price of new materials and in respect of equipment damaged the cost of repair. 8- No responsibility can be accepted by Bees Marquees for the consequence of any failure in action, nor for any breakdown due to any latent defect of material, of workmanship nor of any contingent liability. All equipment is inspected before it leaves Bees Marquees premises. The Hirer therefore shall accept full responsibility for any accidents caused by or arising out of negligence, misuse of equipment, or failure to comply with the Building (Safety Health and Welfare) Regulations 1948, or other applicable statutes and regulations. 9- Bees Marquees accept no responsibility for inaccuracies or misunderstanding arising through orders, instructions or information given to them by telephone, or verbally passed to employees other than through their main office and confirmed in writing. 10- The hire charges are based on the assumption that the site is flat, level firm ground with easy access for motor transport, and that no drains, pipes, cables or other services are buried beneath the surface or otherwise concealed. The hire charges do not include any making good or repair of damage to site. Special rates will be

Tom Russell

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General Risk Assessment, Method Statement and Terms and Conditions 25m

payable for the hire of equipment on sites not conforming to the above requirements or for delivery of goods other than on ground level. The Hirer shall provide the contractor with a plan showing the position in which the marquees or equipment are to be erected or shall have a representative on the site for that purpose, and in the absence of both the contractor having erected the marquees or equipment where he thinks fit shall be deemed to have completed the contract. 11- The final decision on the safety of the erection or removal of the equipment rests with the foreman on site, and it must be accepted that temporary structures will only be erected if the prevailing or forecast conditions are within the recommended safety limits of the structure. The hirer can then feel assured that the structure has been built to the appropriate standard for the purpose required. 12- The Hirer is responsible for giving whereabouts of underground services, i.e. Gas, Electricity, Sewerage, Telephone Cable etc. 13- A deposit of 30% of total cost must be received from the Hirer as a conformation of booking. Only then can the required equipment be reserved for the Hirer. The outstanding cost must be settled in full 28 days prior to delivery, unless otherwise stated. 14- Marquees and equipment are hired on the above conditions only and an acceptance of marquees and equipment is acceptance of our terms and conditions of hire.

Tom Russell

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