Sample Proposal

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,621
  • Pages: 22
1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study We are here to introduce our Data Management System for Tulay sa PagUnlad Incorporation (T.S.P.I.) Development Corporation. The Corporation was published in October 09, 1981, headed by their “President Mr. Ruben C. Delaria”, it is located at 1260 Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City. The Corporation was divided in 13 centers and with an appropriate reason, we choose the “Dubai Center” because it was the nearest center we can provide a system handled by the chairman Mrs. Patricia A. Patriarca. Every center has 30 members that can borrow money from the corporation that is good for six months and must be paid back in installment payments. We offer this system to prevent the lost of information’s. This Data Management System is more efficient and reliable for managing Time, organizing Data and provides Value for cost-effectiveness. 1.2

Statement of the Problem 1.2.1 General Problem The Corporation used the old system which is the manual listing of information’s in data storage, the Record books. These Record books containing information only the Names, Date and Time and the amount of Money they dropped are listed. 1.2.2 Specific Problem There are problems of using Record books handled by the Chairman of the Dubai center; for the lost of Data, it’s hard to tell that all information in the Record books are normally protected. There are cases of lost of pages or even the Record book, for those members who need to refund their money for emergency purposes…there’s nothing to retrieve.

Data Management System for T.S.P.I.



Objectives of the Study 1.3.1 General Objective Our general Objective is to change the old system into Data Management System for more efficient, faster, secured and useful storing of Information. 1.3.2 Specific Objective In this Data Management System, they will not going to use Record books as their usual storage instead they will use Personal Computer. In a short period and span of time they can store and find Data they need and it will easier for them to manage and manipulate their important Information. By the use of ORACLE, (the Software we use to implement the System) problems in storing Data and lost of information will lessen.


Significance of the Study

This Data Management System provides Benefit for the Members of Dubai center: It is Easy to store and find their Data and it will be easier for them to refund their money for emergency purposes. For the Corporation: It is easy to manipulate Data and manage important information. For the Country: It improves the Standard and offers a high quality of Services. 1.5

Scope and Limitations

The Software we use is the Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle RDBMS or simply ORACLE) consists of a relational database management system (RDBMS). About the installation of ORACLE into a Personal Computer, wrong installation process of this software turn to breaking down of the computer’s system. Only a person who has a knowledge and background of using and installing this software can have the access to install it.

Data Management System for T.S.P.I.



Methodology Since we are on the process of learning ORACLE, we need the use of our handouts for using the commands and we need to have the installer of ORACLE for the installation of the software to implement the System. For the user of the software, we provide all the handouts containing all the procedure of installing it including all the usage of the commands need to be familiar. For the installation of the software that is too sensitive, we need the guidance of our instructor and list all the procedure of how to install it.


Review of Related Studies Case Study NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. NASDAQ Deploys SQL Server 2005 to Support Real-Time Booking and Queries NASDAQ, which became the world’s first electronic stock market in 1971, and remains largest U.S electronic stock market, is constantly looking for more efficient ways to serve its members. As the organization prepared to retire its aging large mainframe computers, it deployed Microsoft SQL Server 2005 on two 4-node clusters to support its Market Data Dissemination System (MDDS). Every trade that is processed in the NASDAQ marketplace goes through the MDDS system, with SQL Server 2005 handling some 5,000 transactions per second at market open. SQL Server 2005 simultaneously handles about 100,000 queries day, using SQL Server 2005 Snapshot isolation to support real-time queries against the data without slowing the database. NASDAQ is enjoying a lower total cost of ownership compared to the large mainframe computer system that the SQL Server 2005 deployment has replaced. Situation NASDAQ is the largest U.S electronic stock market. With approximately 3,300 companies, its lists more companies and, on average, trades more shares per day than any other U.S market. NASDAQ prides itself in being the home to category-defining companies that are leaders across all areas of business including technology, retail, communications, financial services, transportation, media, and biotechnology.

Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


Since its debut in 1971 as the world’s first electronic stock market, NASDAQ has been at the forefront of innovation, using technology to bring millions of inventors together with the world’s leading companies. Trades are executed through a computer and telecommunications network that transmits timely, critical investment information to more than 1.3 million users in 83 countries. As part of its ongoing commitment to providing the most technically advanced infrastructure and the greatest value for traders, NASDAQ is replacing large mainframe computers with Intel-based servers that are more powerful, easier to customizes and manage, and less expensive to acquire and maintain. A key area designated for large mainframe computer retirement was the trade reporting system that NASDAQ market participant’s access for trade summary, risk management, broker clearing, and related needs. Because this information is needed in real time, NASDAQ needed a solution that would offer: • • •

Enterprise-ready availability and performance. Agility to enable NASDAQ’s internal developers to swiftly react to customer need. Lower total cost of ownership to help NASDAQ provide the best value to its members.

Solution NASDAQ’s internal development team created its Market Data Dissemination System (MDDS) using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database running on the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition operating system. Both Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server 2005 are part of Microsoft Windows Server System integrated server software. MDDS receives direct feeds from NASDAQ’s trade reporting system, and collects the data, storing it in SQL Server 2005. It in then available in real time for queries by market participants, including those using the NASDAQ Workstation, a Web based tool that connects to NASDAQ trading systems. MDDS is a critical system for NASDAQ, as it keeps the official daily record of all trades. It must be fast and highly available because data is constantly inserted. NASDAQ’s MDDS solution receives about 8 million new rows of data per day, and gives user a view into risk management, trade summary, broker clearing, and NASDAQ market calendar information. MDDS handles 5,000 transactions per second plus a large volume of Web queries that come from NASDAQ’s WebLinkACT 2.0 a browser-based application that electronically facilities the post-execution steps of price and volume reporting, comparison, and clearing of trades. Some of the basic elements of the solution include use of: Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedures- Stored procedures are used to implement business rules and other functions, including identification of system users to determine what data are allowed to see. (One trader can’t examine the transactions to another trader.) SQL Server 2005 Snapshot Isolation- To facilitate query responses without slowing the real-time delivery of trading information, the solution uses the Snapshot Isolation feature of SQL Server 2005, which provides data concurrency without requiring locking, through use of temporary database that holds updated row versions for each transaction. SQL Server 2005 Database Mirroring- MASDAQ is evaluating of SQL Server 2005 Database Mirroring as part of its disaster recovery infrastructure. Database Mirroring increases availability of SQL Server 2005 database by copying transaction log information directly from one server to another, providing the option of quickly transferring operations to the standby server if the primary server becomes unavailable. The solution is hosted on two 4-node active/active cluster using computer running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Clustering Services. Each computer has four 3.3 gigahertz (GHz) processors and 32 gigabytes (GB) of memory. Benefits The move to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is providing NASDAQ with number of benefits, including lower total cost of ownership, agility to meet customer needs, real-time reporting with Snapshot Isolation, and enterprise availability and performance. Lower Total Cost of Ownership Moving applications from mainframe to server-based environments can bring substantial savings, which is important to NASDAQ because it exist in an increasingly competitive market. “One of the most important initiatives here at NASDAQ is to get our technology costs down to provide greater value for NASDAQ members,” says Ken Richmond, Vice President of Software Engineering, and Market Information System at NASDAQ. “Reducing costs was primary driver for this project. The project has been a great success when you look at the total cost of ownership compared to our old system,” NASDAQ, like many other organizations around the world, is being asked to do more for less. “In essence we’re in a commodity business,” says Richmond “As with other commodity businesses our prices continue to fall at the same time that the volumes we must handle are going up. Ten years ago NASDAQ earned Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


about penny per trade. Today we make about one-tenth of a penny per trade. SQL Server 2005 is helping us meet our goals of offering our customers more while charging them less”. Agility to Meet Customer Needs Moving trade booking operations from the large mainframe computer database to SQL Server 2005 has great enhance the agility NASDAQ internal developers enjoy when customizing existing or creating new solution. “We have so much more flexibility with SQL Server 2005,” says Richmond. “The differences really stand out when someone asks for an application to make what I felt was fairly large change involving adding new functionality to an application. The change would have been exceedingly difficult to do with our old system. Working with SQL Server 2005 our team completed the task in three of four days.” “We have a great set of development tools with SQL Server 2005.” says Paul Buu, Senior technical Specialist at NASDAQ.” “Management Studio provides great working environment that simplifies testing and debugging. I can simulate q query coming in from the client, for example, generate a report, and then test the whole process.” NASDAQ developers like the fact that SQL Server 2005 significantly enhances the database programming model by hosting the Microsoft.NET framework version 2.0 Common Language Runtime (CLR). It enables writing procedures, triggers, and functions in any of the CLR languages, including Microsoft Visual C#R.NET 2003 development tool, Microsoft Visual Basic.Net 2003 development system, and Microsoft Visual C++ 2003 development system. “So far we’ve been working with stored procedures, but we very much like the idea of the new SQL CLR features,” says Buu. “SQL CLR gives us the ability to integrate powerful programmatic solutions without taking the time hit of leaving the database to access an external application. NASDAQ is devoted to delivering real-time so the ability to use CLR from within the SQL CLR form within the SQL Server 2005 database is a much appreciated feature.”

Real-Time Reporting with Snapshot Isolation Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


Snapshot Isolation feature of SQL Server 2005 was a key motivation in NASDAQ’s decision to do an early deployment of the new database. “We process about 100,000 queries per day,” says Richmond. “We is early demonstration of Snapshot Isolation and knew this was the solution we needed to run queries against real-time data without slowing the delivery of trading data. It has worked perfectly for us.” Executing or cleaning brokers and authorized NASDAQ supervisors can use queries to access a broad range of trading information including: •

Trade Scan- Provides a range of trade information including reversals, step-out, and as-of-trades.

Advanced Trade Scans- Users can filter transaction by entering any combination of the following filters/criteria, which can be based on either current or prior day entry date, security symbol ID, contra firm, firm ID, Act ready, price, start trade time, and trade time, trade status, trade venue, by/against, trade side, and special indicators. Quick Scan- Users can filter transaction by entering any combination of the following required filters/criteria, for current day: ACT control number FIX trade, reference ID, firm ID, trade status, and security symbol ID.

Summary Scans- Users can utilize the scan to view risk management summaries and real-time market exposure on the firm security level.

Risk Management Scans- Users can view risk management limit and realtime exposure. The risk management scans can be used by market maker, order entry, and clearing firms to view real-time market exposure for a firm (executing broker’s dollar limits, current trade dollar balance, percent but limit, percent sell limit, balance for each type of securities, and other factors).

“All queries are performed through stored procedures,” notes Ray Edwards, Director of Market Information System at NASDAQ. “We’ve created about 20 stored procedures that help the users vary parameters to provide different views of the data according to their query. This gives users the flexibility they need to research data. SQL Server 2005 Snapshot Isolation gives us the ability to support real-time queries without slowing database performance.”

Enterprise-Read Availability and Performance

Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


NASDAQ needed a solution that was enterprise ready and found it with SQL Server 2005. “Every trade that it is processed in the NASDAQ marketplace goes through MDDS,” says Richmond. “When we started this project in May 2005 we decided that we would be better served using SQL Server 2005 even though it hadn’t yet been released. We’re now in the process of upgrading our other database form SQL Server 2005,” The move form large mainframe computer to SQL Server 2005 and Intelbased servers is something of a milestone in the industry. “For years, we used large mainframe computers because of their reputation for reliability,” says Richmond. “The fact that we can move mission- critical applications from large mainframe computers to SQL Server 2005 and Intel-based server shows how both Microsoft and Intel are creating enterprise-grade solutions.”


Theoretical Framework We are computer science student. In this proposal, we applied our knowledge as a System Analyst to improve and developed a System. This factor involved for accomplishment of the objectives, for the solution of business problems and improved business plan. We need a reliable Strategies and Guidance from our Instructor for effective system enhancement and implementation, application of tested solution based on solution construct and planning for the On-going Maintenance and developments of system flow during day-to-day Work or Transaction Processing System.


Data Gathering Procedures and Outputs We used the one of the most effective tool in gathering Information for the system changeover, the On-Site Observation. We personally go to the site and observed the operational problems of using their old system which is the manual listing of information in their Data Storage. We discovered all the System Element need to be change for the Enhancement and Improvements including the collected factual information of the system as a System Data File by asking some questions about their services and all the information of the current system.

Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


Questionnaire for the Entire Enhancement 1. What is the name of the Corporation___? • Tulay sa Pag-Unlad Incorporation (T.S.P.I.)Development Corporation 2. The Corporation is located at___? • 1260 Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City 3. The Corporation is headed by___? • Mr. Ruben C. Delaria 4. The Corporation was published in___? • October 09, 1981 5. Up to how many Members___? • 30 Members 6. What is the Service offered by this Corporation___? • Members can borrow money from the corporation that is good for six months and must be paid back in installment payments. 7. How do you secure all the Data ___? • All confidential files and information are placed in a Record book. 8. Do you want improvements for new system___? • Yes, we want to change our system for the reason that we want modern like other company. 9. Are you willing to support a proposal to improve the current system___? • Yes, if it is suitable to our corporation. 10. What is the brief History of the Company___? • The Corporation published in October 09, 1981 headed by Mr. Ruben C. Delaria and it was divided into 13 centers. The Corporation used the old system which is the manual listing of information in Record books. These Record books containing information only the Names, Date and Time and the amount of Money they dropped are listed.


Documentation of the Current System Data Management System for T.S.P.I.



Company Background Tulay sa Pag-unlad Incorporation Development Corporation was published in October 09, 1981, headed by President Mr. Ruben C. Delaria. The Corporation is located at 1260 Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City and divided into 13 centers with 30 members in each centers. We choose the “Dubai” Center because it is the nearest center we can provide a system handled by the chairman Mrs. Patricia A. Patriarca.


Description of the System In Dubai center having 30 members that can borrow money from the corporation that is good for six months and must be paid back in installment payments, they used the manual listing of information in data storage, the Record books. These Record books containing information only the Names, Date and Time and the amount of Money they dropped are listed. After the process of information needed to store, from the record books they provide a receipt for every transaction.


Data Flow Diagram Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


6.3.1 The Old System

Member Information Process Information



Processed Information List Information


Verify Information

Record Book

Verified Information

Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


6.3.2 The New System

Member Information Process Information



Processed Information List Information


Verify Information


Verified Information


Problem Areas Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


The Corporation encountered the lost of Record books or even lost of pages because of the oldie Record books. In some part of the system that is being implemented, only the names, date, time, and the amount of money are listed resulting of unsecured information or prone to erasing of Data. 30

The Proposed System 7.1

System Overview and Process Specification The proposed system is a data management system that interacts from the user to machine in retrieving and storing data. It provides availability of information based on the records from the database, which ensures that all the members were processed and verified. Since our focus is about storing of Data, the system designed to manipulate data and information for more efficient storage. Data can be grouped together into logical transactions. The name of the proposed software is, ORACLE9i: SQL. By used of this software, we incorporated timely manner backup features and security. This ensures that the record was secured and organized. By means of this software, the system can retrieve data from database; enter new rows, changing existing rows and removes unwanted rows from the tables in data storage. It can setup changes and gives or removes access right to both the database and structure within it. For the backup features, we will add up an external hard drive for extended backup in case that the system crash or the alternative solution, the use of flash drive for code retrieval of the system is included but optional. A man who Specifications: Memory : 256mb minimum 512 recommended Processor : 550 MHz minimum Disk Space : Basic Installation total 2.04 GB Advanced Installation total 1.94 GB Software : Microsoft Windows XP Professional

7.1.1 Data Dictionary Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


The old system Attributes Name Address Date and Time Amount Signature

Description Name of the member Address of the member Date and Time of payment Amount of payment Member signature

Elements Lastname + Firstname + M.I.(optional) Street Address + District + City (MM/DD/YY – hh/mm/ss) Amount Signature

The new System Member Profile Data Dictionary Table: MEMBER_PROFILE Attributes Description MEMBER_ID Display the ID number MEMBER_NAME Name of the member DATE_OF_ADMISSION Display the admission date AGE Display the age SEX Display the gender GROUP_CODE Show the name of center ADDRESS Address of the member STATUS Show the current status CONTACT_NO Show the Contact number

Elements ID number Lastname + Firstname + M.I. Format: DD-MONTH-YY Age Gender Group code Street Address + District + City Status Option: landline / mobile

Member Transaction Data Dictionary Table: MEMBER_TRANSACTION Attributes Description TRANSACTION_NO Show the entire access MEMBER_ID Display the ID number RECEIPT_NO Display the receipt number DATE_OF_PAYMENT The date of payment TIME_OF_PAYMENT The time of payment AMOUNT Show the current payment TOTAL_AMOUNT Display the total payments


Elements Birthday + member ID ID number Receipt number Format: DD-MONTH-YY Format: hh-mm-ss Amount Total amount + Amount

Screen Layouts / Specification

Table 1: MEMBER_PROFILE Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


Figure 1.0

Figure 1.1

Figure 1.2

Table 2: MEMBER_TRANSACTION Figure 2.0 Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


Figure 2.1


System Implementation 8.1

Resource Requirements Data Management System for T.S.P.I.



Hardware Requirements The hardware requirement of our system proposal is that your computer hardware should have a 60GB to 80GB 0r higher WD Internal hard disk drive this is the only hardware requirement of our system for you to able to use our proposed system. The computer must be Pentium IV 2.0 Ghz to 2.4 Ghz and memory of 256 MB or higher. Including the CTR or LCD Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse


Software Requirements The software requirements of our proposed system are as follows: Your computer should be Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 in operating mode and for other; the Microsoft Office 2000 must be included. Your computer should be 1GB faster so that it would be easier to install and execute the database.

4.1.3 Human Resource Requirements For the user of our system, he/she should be a trained user of Oracle. For the user to use this database, he/she should know the basic ways of executing the commands and undergo training is only for the person who will take charge in storing Data.


Implementation Plan 4.2.1

Site Preparation Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


Since the Chairman of Dubai center have personal computer located at the office, there’s nothing to worry anymore about the cost and use of computers for implementation of the system. The site is already prepared and waiting for our system to be installed. The corporation’s computer has already the hardware and software requirements. By means of installation guide, now we can install the software directly to the computer. CHAIR









Office of Dubai Center 8.2.2 Technical Details Computer available on the site: 1 (one) Specification: Memory Processor Disk Space Software

: 512 MB : 550 MHz (Minimum) : Basic Installation total 2.04 GB : Microsoft Windows XP Professional

8.2.3 Personal Training The corporation will assign the chairman or some of the members be trained then we will send out two to three members of our group to train them until they can on their own. We’re going to Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


provide them a hardcopy and softcopy of commands and handouts to be their guide and reference on the training. 8.2.4 Implementation Schedule We’re going to present our proposed system and if they liked the proposal, that’s the time we’re going to implement the system. It’s up to the corporation if they would want to implement our system, only the chairman and executive have the access to approve the entire changes of the current system.


System Testing and Maintenance Since the corporation does have a maintenance person for our proposed system, we’re going to focus on teaching the personnel. First, we’re going to test if the unit functions well. Second, we’re going to check if the unit does have the requirements needed for the system. Third, we’re going to implement the system. After installation, we’re going to check if the system is working well, finally, we’re going to test and asked the trained user if he/she knows already on how to use the software. We asked some questions and we compare the answer to the expected output that is being asked. The corporation should be informed and updated with the latest trends about the Oracle database. By means of external hard drive for extended backup and flash drive for code retrieval of the system, All the information are fully protected and secured. All the outputs are saved to the flash drive and send it to an Email for history file and additional storing of information to perform the expandability of the proposed system.


Conclusion and Recommendation In this study, we learn to manage business plan, we learn on how to socially communicate with the company, understand how their system worked and gives an experience that we can equip to our next project. In this proposal we accomplished the system’s complex work into a simple computerized way of Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


storing Data including reliable and consistent data for the company in terms of storing, retrieving and creating information and reports.

Bibliography Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


Resource Person

Mrs. Erla G. Germintil

Ms. Christine F. Bagaforo

Acknowledgement We would like to express all of our gratitude within the bottom of our hearts for the people and places that contributed to make our proposal to be a success.. Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


First of all, we are deeply indebted to our beloved Adviser / Subject Instructor, Sir. Reynold Lorens M. Acal for giving us the opportunity to present our proposal. Second to Chairman Mrs. Patricia A. Patriarca of the Dubai Center of T.S.P.I. Development Corporation for providing us the references of their current manual system that greatly help to complete our proposal. Third to Secretary Erla G. Germintil of the Dubai Center of T.S.P.I. Development Corporation for providing us the information in their Corporation and all data of the following members of the Dubai Center. Fourth to Sir. Garcia for his advice and recommendation in making our system proposal, his words of wisdom greatly encourage us to work hard for it. And also to National Bookstore for being the nearest school supply shop and providing us our needed items in the compilation of our proposal. Fifth to Mr. Reynan Oliver D. Diaz and his personal computer, in the times of our needs he provide us special attention, when we urgently need to edit and to add details in our proposal. And we can’t forget the help of AICS Computer Laboratory 1 this computer laboratory provide us free hands-on computer usage when we need to access Oracle Database. And same to ADY Internet Café for the free printing and internet surfing and for the finalization of our proposal We also would like to thank the people that we ask but apparently didn’t do anything to help us, instead of helping they bring pain to us! Even if they resist we thank them… And special thanks to our Almighty God for giving us the people we need to make this proposal the possibility to be presented in the near future towards the light of success.

Data Management System for T.S.P.I.


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