Sample Newsletter

  • June 2020
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Empowerment Schools 1230 Zerega Avenue Suite 23 Bronx, New York

Sonia Menendez, Senior Achievement Facilitator Phone (718) 828-2440

Maria Quail, Network Leader Network Team Specialists Caterina DiTillio, Larry Keasley, Shehnaz Hashim, Luis Taveras, Melissa Walford Fax (718) 828-6282

January 12, 2009

“Everyone has heard the proverb: „Practice makes perfect‟. In learning to read it is true that reading practice- just reading- is powerful contributor to the development of accurate, fluent, high-comprehension reading.” Richard Allington Richard Allington: Over 120 professionals from our network and others attended this event held on January 7th in the Bronx U.F.T. center. This presentation not only enabled people to gain a greater understanding of literacy but it provided us with another opportunity to meet in a collaborative fashion and learn as a team. I have attached an article written by Allington that summarized his talk. ELA Scorers: Many principals are having difficulty entering scorers in the portal. This is often because teachers who have Board of Examiners licenses are not reflected in the lists of eligible teachers. Many of these teachers are our most qualified scorers, and should be included in the scoring effort. If you are having difficulty with this, please do the following: 1. Assign a placeholder scorer in place of the teacher who is not listed (e.g. Administrator X). This person will not actually have to score, but will allow the principal to complete the scheduling tool. 2. Send an email to [email protected] explaining that John Smith (file #555555) will take the place of Administrator X for scoring on Y-Z dates. OA has been dealing with these problems on Friday and the above steps are the best solution for ensuring principals complete the online tool in a timely manner. Inquiry Team Interface Survey Deadline Extended to January 16, 2009. Since there were technical issues connected with schools inputting their

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information, the Office of Accountability extended this deadline to the end of business today for schools affected by these problems. Kindergarten Registration: Please find attached a copy of the Kindergarten Memo. Also included below is a link to the Kindergarten Admissions webcasts.

Maria, Sonia, Shehnaz, Caterina, Larry Luis and Melissa

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~ If there is anything that is happening in your school community that you would like to share with the network please e-mail Shehnaz by Friday so that we can put it in the newsletter the following week.

~ PS 8 and PS 85 are under renovation in their library. Both schools were awarded grants to completely modernize their libraries. Students and staff were both involved with designing their new libraries. We look forward to the finished products.

~ Updates on ELA Test Administration and Scoring

Elementary and middle schools / Events: January Administration of the New York State English Language Arts test begins January 13 for grades 3-5 and January 21 for grades 6-8. Please make sure that you adhere to the following administration schedule for each grade: Grade(s) 3 and 5 4 6 7 and 8

Test dates January 13-14 January 13-15 January 21-23 January 21-22

Make up dates January 15-23 January 16-23 January 26-30 January 23-30

Multiple choice documents are due to designated ISC offices on January 13 for grades 3-5 and January 21 for grades 6-8. Please package the documents in the black and white or red and white boxes that were delivered to your school. Please review assessment memo #6 at with your school’s testing team. This memo outlines specific instructions for administering the ELA test. Please also review the guide to reducing data exceptions with your testing team. You can also access the 2008 Manual for Administrators and Teachers for the ELA test on the State Education Department’s Web site at Please remember to take all necessary steps to avoid using guidance counselors to administer this and other standardized tests. Should there be an emergency situation or if there is no other alternative, you may use counselors during the administration. For more information on the limitations on assignments for guidance counselors, please review Article 7B of the UFT contract at

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If you have any questions, please contact the assessment implementation director at your ISC or Grace Pepe at [email protected].

~ Monday, January 12: Special Education Supervisor/Coordinator meeting at Zerega Ave. 9:00-12:00 Kindergarten Registration Begins Grade 5 Math Calendar Day Tuesday, January 13: Certify BESIS January 13-14 Grades 3 & 5 ELA January 13-15 Grade 4 ELA Wednesday, January 14: Middle School Choice applications due Friday, January 16: BEDS, LAB-R exams delivered to ISC, Special Education projections due Grade 1 Math Calendar Day

~ January 21 – 23 Grade 6: January 21 – 22 Grades 7 & 8

~ Complete Annual Facilities Survey

All schools / Deadline: February 27

The annual facilities survey will be available starting this Thursday, January 8 at (you will need to be on a DOE computer to access the survey). It is essential that all principals work together to ensure the accuracy of this survey. The deadline to submit the survey is February 27. If you have any questions about the survey, please e-mail #[email protected].

~ Updated Compliance Calendar

All schools

The Office of Compliance Services has prepared a calendar of important actions for January. This document includes reminders that will help you maximize your school’s compliance level. The calendar is available on the Principals' Portal ( by clicking on the “compliance” section of the “General Counsel/Compliance” landing page. Updated calendars will be posted on the Principals’ Portal throughout the year. For additional information, contact your compliance officer or e-mail

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[email protected]

~ Updates on Periodic Assessments

All schools

1. Volunteer for Acuity Clicker Pilot Are you interested in finding more flexible ways to administer instructionally-targeted assessments (ITAs) while increasing their effectiveness as classroom tools for your students and teachers? If so, you might be a perfect candidate for the Acuity Clicker pilot during the ITA administrations this spring. Participation would not require schools to own or acquire any additional hardware and would not necessitate any additional assessments. Clickers are handheld devices for students to use for entering answer choices (rather than answer grids) while an educator monitors class progress on a laptop in the classroom - no computer lab required. As always, the pre-designed ITAs are multiple-choice only and should be administered in a single class period. Clickers allow teachers to conduct a traditional administration or to use the assessments as a classroom exercise and an opportunity for active discussion. There are limited spots available in the pilot, and participants must be willing to train on the clicker devices and participate in follow-up discussions after administration. To learn more about this opportunity or let us know you’re interested, visit 2. Acuity Grades 3-8 Math Predictive Post-Administration Updates The fall math predictive administration window has closed. Please read the postadministration memo available at for updates on scoring constructed response items, assigning instructional resources, handling student data exceptions, and understanding your new predictive assessment reports.

~ Monthly Highlights for Student Support Staff and College Advisors

All schools

Each month, the Office of School and Youth Development (OSYD) releases suggested monthly highlights for K-8 and 9-12 pupil personnel services teams. These highlights can help your student support staff plan for important dates, meet deadlines, prioritize responsibilities, and use best practices to provide students with the highest level of support services. Please share the monthly highlights with your assistant principals, guidance counselors, CBOs, PPT coordinators, and all other school-based service providers. Starting this month, the information that previously appeared in a separate bulletin for college advisors appears in the update for grades 9-12. Please be sure to share this information with your college advisor. January K-8 highlights: January 9-12 highlights:

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For more information, contact the OSYD research and resource center at [email protected] or (718) 935-4357.

~ Schools Can Apply for the Physical Education Grant

Elementary schools / Deadline: January 15

The Sports Play and Active Recreation for Kids grant application is open. This grant program trains K-2 classroom teachers to implement physical activity lessons with their students in the classroom, gymnasium, and schoolyard. Schools that receive this grant will receive training, a curriculum, equipment and music for each teacher and classroom that participates, as well as a professional development stipend (at the training rate). This grant is valued at $5,000 per school. The deadline to apply is 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 15. Schools will be notified about whether they have received the grant on Tuesday, January 20. To apply, visit For additional information, contact Rhonda Johnson at (212) 676-2147 or [email protected].

~ Workshop on Advanced Laboratory Techniques

High schools / Event: January 16

Teachers and administrators can attend a one-day workshop designed to provide an overview of the components of a well-organized laboratory facility. It will focus on topics such as laboratory safety, equipment, and some of the more common techniques used in the high school laboratory. The workshop will take place on January 16 from 8:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at St. Francis College (180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn). The cost of the workshop is $100 per participant (FAMIS item number TLMATH190). You can register on Protraxx at using activity code 051-09-029-073. For more information, e-mail Denise McNamara at [email protected].

~ Free Comprehensive Health Education Course on Puberty

Elementary schools / Event: January 21

The Office of Fitness and Health Education is offering a free full-day training for teachers of 4th and 5th grade to complement the elementary school HealthTeacher Curriculum 101 and prepare teachers to facilitate the HealthTeacher puberty lessons. Teachers will learn to help students understand what puberty is and how it affects boys’ and girls’ bodies, feelings, behaviors, and relationships. Participation in model lessons will enable teachers to practice discussing sensitive issues and answering challenging questions. Topics include the maturational process, the reproductive system, adolescent development, family life, and cultivating respect for self and others. Previous participation in the Comprehensive Health Education 101 workshop is a prerequisite.

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The training will take place on Wednesday, January 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Petrides Complex (715 Ocean Terrace, Building C, Staten Island). To register and view additional dates, visit (activity code 051-09-004-055). For additional information, contact [email protected].


Teachers and Administrators Can Register for Early Childhood Institute

Elementary schools / Event: January 26

The DOE, in collaboration with the Administration for Children Services, the Council of Supervisors and Administrators, and the United Federation of Teachers, is hosting the Fourteenth Annual Interagency Early Childhood Professional Development Institute. The theme of the Institute is “Changing Lives, Building Futures: One Child at a Time.” The institute features workshops, presentations, and a plenary session with Dr. Sandy Lynne Holman, director of The Culture C.0.–O.P. This one-day institute will be held on Monday, January 26 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the New York Marriott at Brooklyn Bridge (333 Adams Street, Brooklyn). For additional information, including workshop descriptions and registration procedures, please visit

~ Half-Day Arts Workshop for Administrators

Elementary schools / Event: January 28

Studio in a School Association and the DOE invite elementary principals and assistant principals to attend a half-day program at PS 255K on January 28 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. on sharing successful strategies for visual arts programming. PS 255K has embedded visual arts learning across the curriculum and has made significant progress with ELL students. The workshop will also address budgeting and space, the New York State Instructional Requirements for the Arts, strategies for creating partnerships with arts and cultural organizations, and arts accountability. PS 255 is a Collaborative Community site partnering with the Studio in a School Association. Space is limited. Registration will occur on a first-come first-served basis. To register, visit For more information, please e-mail Anne Wright at [email protected].

~ Workshops on Middle School Mathematics

Middle schools / Events: February 17-19

The Department of Math and Science is offering several one-day math workshops for sixth, seventh and eighth grade math teachers. Language, writing, procedures, strategies and tools will be explored, traced and developed in these one-day programs that will create a crosswalk of content relevant to the sixth, seventh and eighth grade classroom. Participants

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will study tools for intervention, enrichment, and enhancement of curriculum using verbal and written expression to improve student achievement in the middle school math classroom. The workshops include: Topic Numbers, Numeration and Operation Geometry



Date and Time February 17, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m

Cost per Participant (FAMIS Item #) $100 (TLMATH176)


February 18, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m February 18, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m February 19, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m

$100 (TLMATH177)

TBA in Manhattan


$100 (TLMATH178)

TBA in Manhattan


$100 (TLMATH179)

TBA in Manhattan


TBA in Manhattan

Protraxx Activity Code 051-09-010-048

Register on Protraxx at using the indicated activity code. For more information, e-mail Elaine Carman at [email protected].

~ Institute on Preparing ELLs for the ELA Exam

Middle schools / Event: February 23

Middle school educators of English Language Learners (ELLs) are invited to participate in an institute focusing on ways to help ELLs prepare for the English Language Arts exam. Participants will use item analysis from the ELA exam to determine how it addresses New York State standards and the skill sets that students must master. Sessions will address research-based strategies that help students access informational, narrative, and expository texts, while highlighting reading and writing strategies that promote students’ development of academic language. The institute is scheduled for February 23, March 17, and April 21 and costs $300 per participant (FAMIS # TLELL0036). To register, visit Confirmed registrants are required to attend all sessions and will receive a confirmation e-mail that includes the institute’s location. For more information, contact Stela Radovanovic at [email protected].

~ Students Can Apply for Free Summer Arts Institute

Middle and high schools / Deadline: February 27

Students entering grades 8-12 in September can apply to attend the Summer Arts Institute, a free, four-week intensive arts program held at Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan in July. Seven tracks of study are offered: dance, drama, vocal music, instrumental music, photography, film, and visual arts. Students may apply to and audition

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for only one discipline. The program is designed for students at an intermediate or advanced level of study in their chosen art form. An experienced staff of teachers and artists will guide students in developing their skills and creativity as they prepare for their next level of study. Admission to the program is by application and competitive audition. For more information and an application, visit The application deadline is February 27. Please encourage your arts teachers to share this opportunity with their students. For additional information, e-mail [email protected].

~ Free Workshops in Genetics and Biotechnology

Middle and high schools / Events: Winter

The DOE and the Dolan DNA Learning Center of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory are sponsoring a professional development program to enable teachers to deliver hands-on, inquiry-based experiments in genetics and biotechnology. The program will train 8th through 12th grade science teachers to implement lab activities to complement the NYC Scope and Sequence, Living Environment Regents, and AP Biology curricula. Training will be provided by expert DNA Learning Center staff, and is offered at no charge to participating teachers. The workshops will take place in the Harlem DNA Lab (120th Street and 1st Avenue in Manhattan). In addition, participants who would like to receive 3 P-credits can register with the DOE Office of After School Professional Development ( for course P17-212F08. For additional information and a full schedule of workshops, please visit For information on specific laboratory topics, visit

~ Fall Professional Development Listings from Teaching & Learning

All schools

Fall professional development offerings from the Division of Teaching & Learning are now available online at We will update these listings throughout the year, so visit the page often to get the latest information on new courses.

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