Salt & Light Magazine July 09

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  • Words: 15,065
  • Pages: 32
2nd issue, July 2009, 3Q


United in Purpose


Joyelle’s Story

Featured in Outreach Section Pg.18

Pastor Section College Section Youth Section Family Section International Section

You are the salt of the earth; You are the light of the world; Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:13a;14a;16

Editor in Chief Daniel Ruiz

Graphic Design Scott Paden


Gabriella Sanchez


Target Distributing, Inc.

Special Thanks to:

New Mexico’s Body of Christ (NMBOC) was created to spread the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ and strengthen the ministries of His children. To join and knit together all Christ centered Businesses, Organizations, Churches, Classes and Events in New Mexico. To have a Christ-centered website for one to shop, find faith based businesses and organizations to work with, to find classes, events and churches to attend in New Mexico that will edify His children and strengthen the Body of Christ. Our Purpose: To unite New Mexico Christ-centered Events, Ministry & Counseling Classes, Businesses, Organizations and Churches joined and knit together on our website. To live and demonstrate a visual and functioning Body of Christ throughout New Mexico. To bring to life Ephesians 4:15-16, Ephesians 2:19-22, Romans 8:28 & 1 Cor. 1:10.

The men, women and Salt & Light Magazine is an extension of NMBOC. If you would like to write youth who took time an article or advertise your business or just have an idea to help our magazine to meet with us for an further God’s Kingdom please contact us! Together WE are His Body! interview or who wrote Contact Info: an article. To the Chrisp. (505) 264-5201 f. (505) 884-4507 tian owned businesses PO Box 3495 Albuquerque, NM 87190 [email protected] who paid for ads to support our magazine. This magazine would not and will not move forward without the financial support of our Christian businesses. Pastors Section ..........................4 Outreach Section .....................18 So please give them the opportunity to earn College Section .........................9 International Section ...............24 your business. Our hope for the third Youth Section ..........................13 Featured Story .......................28

of Contents

issue is to add a Political & Military Section Family Section .........................15 Event Guide ............................30 and go to a 48 page magazine.

N e w M e x ic o s B o d y o fC h r i

It is time that we, as leaders in the body

of Christ, become noisy among men. It is time that we no longer remain silent in the face of God’s enemies. It is time we become a praise unto God, a people set aside as a tithe unto the Lord. With that said, let me introduce myself. I am Pastor Bill Ruhl, Co-Founder of Bill Ruhl - Co-Founder of Global Global Destiny Ministry, Staff Pastor at Destiny Destiny Ministry Church of Albuquerque, host of SBN KCHF TV11’s “It is this attitude of isolation “He Brought Them Out”, within the walls of a church and City (Albuquerque) Director for Christians facility that has caused United For Israel (CUFI). the Church to be impotent My purpose in writing and powerless in a world today is not to chastise becoming quickly devoid of anyone, but to encourage Biblical Values.” everyone in the Body of Christ to action. Together we become a loud voice. Together we bear each others’ burdens. Together we transform a culture and release future generations out into their destinies. How often have you heard the response to “can you be there” or “can you support us in this” coming as an almost instant cliché: “Sorry, I’m much too busy with things at my church to add anything else right now. Maybe another time.” It is this attitude of isolation within the walls of a church facility that has caused the Church to be impotent and powerless in a world becoming quickly devoid of Biblical Values. Pastor Rod Parsley expressed it this way, “I will not remain quiet…God is watching.” That’s it! God is watching! I need no other persuasion, nothing else to compel me to action than the knowledge that “God is watching.” We’ve experienced the effectiveness of our combined voices during the recent legislative session in Santa Fe in which a number of key issues were successfully addressed. Many of you were introduced to the political realm for the first time: what an eye opener! Others were energized, once again, as they became involved after many years of “silently” watching their rights and values being legislated away. We are a people and a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values and principles. It’s time we act like it. God is watching! Many have said it’s not politically correct to wear our Christianity on our sleeves. They are correct; you can always just roll up your sleeves. We are called to put on the “full armor of God”. We are called to be both “Salt (preservative and flavor) and Light

(illumination and revelation)”. We are to be a city set upon a hill where all can see it. Therefore, put your support behind every Christian event in your community. Develop a “Call to Action” group within your congregation to speak out on issues concerning family and moral values. Travel to Santa Fe (next session) and Washington, DC (July 20-22) and let the Word of the Lord be heard once again throughout this state and nation. It is time and God is watching! For information on how to be involved on a local, state, regional, college, or national level please e-mail: Attn: Pastor Bill Ruhl [email protected] or


am Joey Basey, a Pastor at Restoration Ministries Church, Albuquerque, NM. In 2003, I was ordained as Associate Pastor under Sr. Pastor’s Marci and Dinah Baca.

Pastor Joey Basey Restoration Ministries I remember I was about 20 years old Church

when Mr. Linkletter knocked on my door and invited me to Berean Baptist Church. It was there that I received the Lord at 21 years old. While attending Berean, I knew I was searching for something, but didn’t know what. It was the word of God, being preached and taught, that my soul was lacking.

“Are you like I was— one foot in the world, and one foot trying to walk towards God?” Yet, there came a time when I didn’t feel connected anymore, and after 10 years, I left Berean. Immediately God had me start a family bible study. The home bible study also lasted 10 years. In 1995, I attended a “Manpower” conference in Los Angeles. While there, I heard the Lord say, “go back to Albuquerque and marry Gwyn.” But, I didn’t. I had one foot in the world; God had the other. One day, I was at work where I had been employed for twenty-seven years. My plans were to work until retirement, then kick back and enjoy my single life to the fullest. God had other plans. I was on break and I heard God say, “Joey, I’m not playing with you any longer.” Immediately, I left work and drove straight to the jewelry store and bought an engagement ring for Gwyn. That was Friday evening; the next day we were going to Colorado Springs for a Focus on the Family seminar. While there, I proposed. We married the following year. Then God started moving in my life. We at-

tended Freedom Fellowship, where I was ordained as an Elder. A few years later, the Church closed. We then visited Restoration Ministries Church, at the invitation of friends. After a year, I was ordained as an Elder. In 2003, I was ordained as Associated Pastor. Truly the power of God at work. It had been prophesied earlier, to my wife and I, that God would teach us in the School of the Holy Spirit and that I would preach full time. I have no formal seminary training. I have been trained by the best, the Holy Spirit. Now, I would like to ask you a question. Are you like I was—one foot in the world, and one foot trying to walk towards God? Do you find yourself more self-centered, having the “it’s all about me mentality” and thus quenching the Holy Spirit that is trying to operate in you? God warned me; he warns us all of that very thing – “Do not quench the Spirit” [1 Thessalonians 5:19]. So I implore you, Brethren, heed the voice of the Holy Spirit and stand fast. Be encouraged by the words of the Apostle Paul—But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth [2 Thessalonians 2:13].

Salt & Light Magazine

Pastor Brad Ficklin Evangel Ministries

spoke with Pastor Brad Ficklin in a video recorded interview. We discuss the blessings and struggles of a four year old church. He shares with us the four essentials marks we should see in Christians in the 21st century. Go to

to watch this video interview in our online magazine August 1st. Visit To watch all video recorded interviews and extended articles.

Salt & Light Magazine

spoke with Pastor Steve Smothermon in a video recorded interview. We discuss what God has on his heart for Albuquerque and New Mexico, his concern for the Spiritual Health of our state and how we have allowed the world to Pastor Steve Smothermon separate the Body of Christ Legacy Church through Politics. He gives an encouraging view on how we as Christians should see those we are voting into office. If your hope is to live in a Christ-centered state where our legislature is truly voting Biblical principles and God’s values then I highly recommend you watch this video. Go to to watch this video interview in our online magazine August 1st.

N e wMe xi co sB o dy o fC h ris t.c om

Faithful Christian, stay on course to the end of your life.

Your work and your life must go off the stage together! Persisting to the end will be the burr under your saddle- the thorn in your flesh – when the road ahead seems endless and your soul begs an early discharge. It weighs down every other difficulty of your calling. We have known many who have joined the army of Christ and liked being a soldier for a battle or two, but have soon had enough and ended up deserting. They impulsively enlist for Christian duties, are easily persuaded to take up a profession of religion, and are just as easily persuaded to lay it down. Like a new moon, they shine a little in the first part of the evening, but go down before the night is over. Yes, man of God, this is hard work! Taking up the Cross daily, praying always, watching night and day and never laying aside our Amour to indulge ourselves, sends many sorrowful away from Christ. Yet this is your calling: to make the Christian faith your daily work, without any vacation from one end of the year to the other. So faithful Christian, stay on course to the end of your life: in Christ Jesus- Amen.

Ray of Hope Ministries is an outreach Ministry that serves Christ Jesus by evangelism, at bus and train stations, hospitals, nursing homes, shelters and street ministry; with (FREE) Bibles, Christian books, booklets, and tracts, and a (24) hour prayer line.

N e wMe xi co sB o dy o fC h ris t.c om

I write this short encouragement as a young man to

young men. We are strong, says the proverb, yet our are short. Our days are full of life, but the But You Knew That, Right? memories reality is that most of us have not lived much life yet. It’s no surprise then that when suffering and trial make their way into our padded life that the response is often less than Godly.

Greg Schneeberger Minister to Youth Desert Springs Church

Perhaps I can only speak for myself, but growing up in a culture of entitlement, my natural (read fleshly) reaction is to seek out comfort. I run from pain, from fear, from challenge. How quick I am to forget that God’s word promises us that men who desire to live Godly lives will be persecuted (2 Tim 3:12). Notice in the preceding verse that Paul does not pad his words to young Timothy by making his statement conditional. There is no ‘if’ or ‘might,’ but an affirmative ‘will.’ If we love Christ more than this world, ourselves, and the many temptations of the devil, a cross is sure to follow. This is the glorious scandal of the gospel; the good news that we are saved and recreated in Christ for a deeper purpose. When we are weak we are strong because he is strong. It is when we see clearly, by God’s grace through His Spirit, that we cannot in our own strength fabricate the fullness of joy that we are free to die that we might live. It may seem like a mystery to young men like me, raised in an age of coddling and immediate self gratification, but God’s word stands. It stands in the toughest of times when it is hardest to be a man of love and integrity. The world, with its many enticing idols does not deliver. We may be young but we are not stupid. We know that the promise of fulfillment in anything temporary is as fading as the words used to try and persuade us. That part we have down, in theory. The part we tend to forget easily in our youth is that the normal Christian life is not one of easy gains and cushy lives either but the costly grace of discipleship. The difference is that option B is worth fighting for. Doesn’t Christ tell us that the sheep will follow the shepherd wherever he goes and that the first would be last? In the same breath he promised us that his burden is light. Make no mistake my young brothers; there will be blood. Sometimes it will be your blood as you put your own sin to death in Christ’s power. Sometimes it will be the blood of another as you help support them lest they fall. Yet our hope is always the blood of Christ, on our best and worst day, that as the God-MAN he is faithful to finish the work that he began in us.

Someone once told me that if

you give God an inch, He’ll take a mile and blow your mind. I started out by giving God something so small (I changed my major at UNM). I was planning on doing Emergency Medicine - I wanted to be a Paramedic and save people, Ramzy Blanch physically - and then hopefully Renovate Calvary spiritually, through the sharcollege aged Ministry ing of Jesus Christ. It was my idea of ‘working’ for the Kingdom. God gracefully changed my heart, my life - I became a new creation - with a new heart, and new pleasures in life. I realized it wasn’t about what I could do for Jesus, but that Christ would give me a joy and passion for things and through that, naturally, ministry would have its perfect opportunity. The best witness for Christ is the one that is joyful. I changed my major to something I felt like God gave me a real passion for - Mass Communications. I loved music and I wanted to work in the music industry. And giving God that ‘inch’, He proceeded to map out a journey that would take me thousands of miles from Albuquerque to Nashville, Belize, England, Israel and now Denver. I started getting involved on the UNM campus with Student Special Events. It was a student run organization that booked bands and speakers on campus. After volunteering for a couple of months I was brought on staff. Doing that for a year led to another job. My boss at UNM knew I was a Christian and had a passion for music so he hooked me up with his friend Jenna, who at the time was the morning show host and Program Director for M88. I started volunteering there and soon was hired on. I had the best college job ever. I worked for an awesome Christian Radio Station; got to work with glorifying music, meet and interview my favorite bands, take part in youth ministries all over Albuquerque and proclaim the Gospel on-air all throughout New Mexico. It was incredible! I also attended annual Gospel radio conventions in Nashville; check out new artists, build relationships with older artists and rub up against the industries finest. It was a huge blessing which I thought could not get any better, but God did. After serving at M88 for three years, I then had the opportunity to move to Belize and help out another radio station down there. It was a much smaller teaching station on a little island, but it had a big impact on the hearts and lives of the people. It was Lighthouse Christian Radio Station in San Pedro, Belize. Besides running the station, I was blessed to be able to lead a weekly bible study and help out with various outreaches. It was a very growing year for me, so much so, that I wanted to take the next season in my life to just study God’s word. After that the Lord opened up the doors for me to go to Calvary Chapel Bible College in York, England. I had previously sold all

my things to move to Belize, so moving again would be easy. In England, I took class’s everyday on different books of the bible; Daniel, Revelation, Matthew... and so on. It was a wonderful time to study God’s Word and be sharpened by other students. We lived together, studied together and served together. I was able to take part in prison ministry, sports outreach and youth groups - just to name a few. I was also able to take the journey of a lifetime thru Israel and study God’s Word, where it was written. The Words just jump off the page in Israel. Now everyday when I read my bible, I can truly picture the place. After my journey thru UNM, M88, Belize, England, Israel - I came back to Albuquerque in 2008 and got engaged to the girl of my dreams; Audra Meiklejohn. It’s like God can’t stop blessing me more and more and more. As the Psalms read - In His Presence is the fullness of Joy, at His right hands are pleasures forevermore; Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. God has put it on our hearts to move to Colorado and serve Him there. On the very first day I moved here, God provided for an awesome job with a sporting goods store (another pleasure of mine). We are currently, joyfully, planning our wedding and the rest of our lives together. At 27, God has abundantly overwhelmed me with blessings and I feel like this is only the beginning. Life with my wife is going to be amazing. Since that day, seven years ago that I gave God that inch in my life that started with me changing my major, He has literally shown me the world, and most importantly - shown me His face. Making decisions when you’re young can be really tough and stressful. We love God and want to serve God with everything we have, but we worry about what His will for our life is. God’s ultimate will is that you love Him. After we do that, we are new creations in Him (2 Cor 5:17), with new a new heart, with new passions and desires. He is faithful to open up doors and provide (which is a whole other testimony) for us to serve Him joyfully if we are truly seeking His glory, and His glory only. God Bless and enjoy Jesus - Ephesians 3:19

N e wMe xi co sB o dy o fC h ris t.c om


Attention all graduating high

school seniors, future college freshman, and current or ,as they labeled us back in the sixties (yes, that’s 1960’s), perpetual students: Christians United For Israel On Campus has a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about US/Israeli relations and present day Middle East circumstances. In an era of secular humanistic teaching, revisionist history and the denial of our Judeo-Christian roots, here in America, it is time for the “Joshua and Esther Generation” to “fear not” and take hold of the leadership opportunities available to them as a College Campus Representatives or Campus Liaisons for Christians United For Israel. The Radical Islamic Brotherhood, financially supported by terrorist regimes from all over the globe, has established over 500 political/ religious chapters on college campuses across our nation with the primary agenda of indoctrinating our youth with a hatred for Israel, the Jewish people, the United States, and Christians. The message is not one of peaceful co-existence, but outright annihilation. As the current president of Iran has vehemently declared, “to wipe them from the face of the earth and from our memory!” Christians currently have only 35 campus chapters to combat this offensive rhetoric and properly educate our students in past history and current

events. We can not be silent. We shall not remain quiet. A GENERATION WITH A CAUSE must arise, become watchmen on the walls, and rebuild that which the enemy has destroyed. This is your opportunity to become a voice for your generation and to demonstrate your faith and Christian values and beliefs. “Christians United For Israel on Campus understands that the success of Biblical support for Israel lies with the future generation. CUFI on Campus equips and trains Christian Students to become effective advocates for Israel on their campus, in their church, and in their community.” Psalm 102:13 “You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor for her; the appointed time has come.” For more information visit and click on STUDENT. For Albuquerque: Pastor Bill Ruhl - com or at the state level: [email protected] (Annette Garcia - CUFI State Director)

based band, Asper Kourt, is not a “Christian” band per se though the members would attribute their success and inspiration to God. This five some of Believers are a truly motivated and dedicated group linked through their passion for life expressed through music. Singer/ song- writer, Kevin Herig finds that his family, friends, and life circumstances are hugely influential sources of inspiration for his lyrics. The Christian undertones to his music are undeniable to all who listen. Even through Asper Kourt’s heavier songs like Timid Feet and Throwing Stones, listeners are still left with a feeling of love and optimism. Since Asper Kourt’s official conception, God has led the group to numerous shows and venues that have bettered the band as Christians and musicians along with bettering the community they play in. They have had the privilege of opening up for the Robbie Seay Band at the Lobo Theater, playing for the annual fundraiser at the Albuquerque Christian Children’s Home, playing at a Wyldlife lock-in at Hoffmantown Church, and

performing at a self organized benefit concert for the victims of the Myanmar cyclone and the earthquake in China that devastated the region in the summer of 2008. God has also led the group into a national “battle of the bands” competition against 28 other bands from across the nation with the winner receiving a recording contract with Song Joust Records. Currently in 2nd place, Asper Kourt hopes to pull off an upset when voting ends on June 20th. Continue to watch for new shows and events featuring Asper Kourt around the southwest. Their new CD, Changing Times, was publicly released in April and can be found on iTunes, Amazon mp3, along with hard copies soon to be available at local music stores in Albuquerque. Asper Kourt was founded in 2007. The band offers a fresh range on musical talents with stage dynamics that captivate the most diverse crowds. The rhythmic, acoustic feel on top of relatable, sing-a-long song writing is the leading tone behind their collaborative, soul music. If you’d like more information about this AsperKourt, or to schedule an interview with them, please call Kurt Sorenson at 505-517-1719 or e-mail Kurt at asperkourt@ Additional band information can be found at asperkourt

“Of course I’ll marry you!” Those

are the words I never thought I would have said a year ago! In June of 2007 my heart had been broken and my spirit had been crushed by a very bad relationship. I really didn’t know what to do or where to turn. I felt so broken and so useless. I had been told throughout this relationship that I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t pretty enough, wasn’t Ashten Pick Hoffmantown Church smart enough, and I really believed it all. I felt so lost because I no lonGirls’ Ministry ger sought my identity in Christ but I looked for it in this relationship. Once it was over I felt so alone and really just prayed to God that He would help me and heal my heart. A few days later I heard the voice of God clearer than ever before. He led me into the arms of an amazing Christian woman, named Dianne, who truly loved me and spoke the truth of Gods word into my life. I began turning to God for my comfort and my strength. God made it very evident to me that I needed to be single and take time away from dating so I vowed to God to be single for an entire year and asked Dianne to hold me accountable. Throughout the year I grew in incredible ways into a mature, strong, confident woman whose heart was filled by the spirit of God. Dianne had told me one day that Justin, the boy who broke my heart, had made me fell like an old running shoe. I wasn’t something he cherished, but something that was comfortable that he just kept around to get dirty. She said she really wanted me to find a man who looked at me no longer like an old running shoe but like a glass slipper, beautiful, unique and cherished. After growing closer to the Lord throughout the year and finding my identity in Christ again, it wasn’t but a year later in the summer of 2008 I met an amazing Christian man named Matt. We met at the church summer camp which quickly progressed into him asking Dianne for permission to date me.

“Little did I know He was preparing me not only for another relationship but for marriage!”

After gaining her approval Matt and I began dating in late June and on Christmas Eve I found myself flying over Albuquerque in a helicopter looking at Christmas lights reading “Ashten, Will You Marry Me” in twenty foot letters of lights spelled out in Matt’s backyard. “Of course I’ll marry you” I said. Matt and I plan to get married in July and I couldn’t be more excited to be marrying such an amazing man. Matt truly cherishes me and I feel like a beautiful glass slipper that is truly cherished everyday! I am so thankful for the relationships God allowed me to experience before Matt because even though there was pain and many trials, I truly learned from each one. I’m also very thank-

ful for my year of singleness because it allowed me to focus all my attention on God and my relationship with Him. Little did I know He was preparing me not only for another relationship but for marriage! The verse that I feel is so true for my life is Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart," because after truly seeking God He brought me the man my heart so deeply desires. I really challenge you that if maybe a relationship or experience in your life has made you feel like an “old running shoe” that you would take time to truly seek God and have faith that His plan for your life is perfect. You are precious in the eyes of the Lord and my hope is that you never settle until you feel like a glass slipper.

N e wMe xi co sB o dy o fC h ris t.c om

gnition youth ministry

Justin is a young man in one of the three youth detention centers in the city of Albuquerque where the volunteers of LifeQuest minister on a weekly basis. He, like so many other young people today, was deceived by the world; where drinking, stealing, and gang-banging and “looking’ out for number one” is glorified. His worldview was radically changed when he recognized the Truth about his life and began to see things from God’s perspective. Read his words. Dear God I thought that I was fine. I thought I could do it alone. I pushed You to the side. And I sat upon my own throne. Everything was great at first. I had not a care in the world. But then I got put in YDDC. The juvenile prison I now call home. I’m here for a couple years. Yet I still thought I was fine. Until I thought about my life I felt the tears, I started crying. I blamed it on the judge. I blamed it on the police. But it was I that put me in here. I was walking on my own feet. Because not only was I against the law, but I was against You as well. Stealing and drinking, thinking it was ok. So You put me in here Yourself, to help me change my ways. You showed me there’s nothing for me down my road. But to follow You is surely the only way to go. So now I stop with all the dumb things. And go with You to find the best things. Because as long as I’m with You, I know I’m saved. And maybe I can help others, to follow Your ways.

-Justin One of the strongest delusions that permeate our culture today is the lie that a healthy family can exist without both a mother and a father. These young men and women in detention understand, first hand, the reality that where a “complete” family is lacking, an alternative “family” will be sought after. Unconditional love, acceptance, encouragement and guidance are just a few of the fundamental needs that if not provided at home, will be “provided” by the gang; a powerful counterfeit to what God intended. But like so many of the lies, this is soon revealed for what it is: a house of cards. And when it comes crashing down the unconditional love turns to broken promises and betrayal. The acceptance turns to rejection, the encouragement turns to discouragement and their guidance just gets them locked up. Hey Little Kids, Listen! When I was locked up this year, it was hard on my family when the judge gave me two years. I was locked up for sticking up for my 14 year old sister. Sitting in a place like this as a young man is hard. If I could talk to little kids about the life I have lived I would tell them to stay away from the gang and drug use. It’s not worth losing your life over things like gangs or drugs. If I could, I would go back and make the right choices instead of bad ones. I have wasted one year of my life and have another year to go in 09 over things that people should never do to other people. If only I could talk to the littler kids about making the right choices in life and help lead them in the right path and help get them into heaven and away from the gates to hell. The choices I made were wrong and I made them because of the gang life and drug use. -Sergo V. It’s been said that a person can live weeks without food, days without water but only moments without hope. Unfortunately, false hope is to often the only hope that young people today are given. It’s only in Christ that genuine hope is found. Hope

Drugs, alcohol, and bad habits with the homies running from the cops like a bunch of rabbits. All reasons for landing up at YDDC. A place that will help you understand and see. To see the right way to life. To see that your family will always be their by your side. They will never leave you denied. They will help you stay alive and survive. Because to survive is one of the hardest things to do on the outside But now, I am here locked up away. I am with God, is now the right thing to say. I will work and have a family because it’s the right way. That time is a very close day -Ruben To find out more about the ministry of LifeQuest and the youth that we minister to, visit our website at

















505.338.0181 4001 OSUNA ROAD NE


87109 VOCAL & DANCE AUDITIONS WHERE: North Fourth Art Center, 4904 4th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM, 87107 WHEN: Friday, September 11, 2009 TIME: Singing Auditions: 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m., Dance Auditions: 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Brushfire Stage Production presents THE TORN VEIL an original Easter musical portraying the story of Jesus Christ seen through the life cycle of a butterfly. This production will be performed at The National Hispanic Cultural Theatre, March 26th 7:00 p.m., March 27th 7:00p.m., and March 28th 4:00p.m of 2010. Rehearsals will be every Friday evening at the North Fourth Art Center and other locations starting in late September. We’re looking for experienced dancers ages 15 and up. The dance styles are Krump, Hip hop, Ballet, Jazz, Flamenco, Stomp, African and Lyrical. Please prepare a two minute dance piece (with accompanying music on CD (CD player will be provided.) Modest attire required. We are looking for ensemble and solo singers, ages 15 and up. Please prepare a one minute a-capella song. We are looking for children, ages 4-7, to be flowers.. Know audition will be required, but just need child’s information. Brief performance forms will have to be filled out on day of audition.

N e wMe xi co sB o dy o fC h ris t.c om Warrior life is about living a life according to a code. A code that is inherent in all men, but regretfully, only a few men are willing or able to exercise the discipline necessary to live that code. Warrior life is about a revolution, a heart and mind revolution for those willing to embrace it. Warrior Life is a revolution that upsets the status quo. Matt 10:34. Warrior life is about men who are ready to show the world what a Godly man is supposed Are you living a life? to be like, talk like and act like. It is about recapturing the time when men would sacrifice themselves for God and country. Eph Many men today are abdicating their responsibility to be the 5:25. Is a time when men were willing to die for principle? Godly leader of their families. The circumstances of life often Warrior life is about reclaiming the warrior spirit and attacking tire men to the point where they think, “What’s the use?” As a life with ferocity. result, many women have taken over the role as the Godly leader of their homes, churches and society as a whole. While it is awe- Warrior Life is not about religion. Warrior Life is about the life some that women are filling the void leftover by their husbands, of a man and what a man’s supposed to do by living the abunthat does not excuse men from their God given charge as the dant, high life Christ has ordained for each and every man willspiritual leader. God’s command to man in the beginning was ing to embrace it. John 10:10. Every man faces a battle where sin to be fruitful, multiply and subdue the earth. Gen 1:28. After is standing at the door; it is man’s duty through the Holy Spirit all, man was made in God’s own image. Gen 1:26. While there to stand in battle against the devils schemes. Gen 4:7. However, are many wonderful qualities about our God, one aspect of God not every man faces that battle with the tenacity and ferocity of that the Bible refers to is God as a a warrior. Those of us who have embraced warrior life choose Ex 15:3. This is a side of to live for a purpose. We know that we have a destiny. Jerm “Warrior life is warrior. God that many men either chooses 29:11. We live life with vision and determination. No longer about men who are to forget or just don’t know. This do we live for the next sporting event or newest video game. To ready to show the is a side of God that many fail to us, life is more than just us. We operate for a larger purpose. consider when dealing with their We master our weaknesses while taking responsibility for our world what a real “man” problems. This is a side own actions. A warrior faces his battles instead of running from man is supposed of man that many neglect to see them. 1 Sam 17:48. We live life above the circumstances instead themselves. Today’s man has of being under the circumstances. We thrive at life instead of to be like, talk like in not been given a free-pass when just surviving life. and act like. It is it comes to this aspect of their It is time for men to rise up and recognize they are created in about recapturing lives. God has called his people God’s own image. They have been created in the image of a to put on the full armor of God the time when men and the strength of his might. Eph warrior. Men have been called to battle, to battle against the attacks of the enemy that come against their minds, their famiwould sacrifice 6:10 and that includes men. lies, their jobs, and all other aspects of their daily lives. We are themselves for Let me begin by saying what War- commanded to fight the good fight of faith. 1 Tim 6:12. For rior Life is not. Warrior Life is our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulduty and honor.” not about joining a class or people ers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world getting together on a certain night and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. to talk, learn and debate. Warrior Life is not some touchy feely Eph 6:12. Make no doubt about it, your enemy the devil prowls click, club or organization. It is not about joining a particu- around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 lar church, a denomination or a particular sect. Warrior life is Peter 5:8, for that reason us, as men, must be on guard and be not about young men, old men or middle age men. Warrior life willing to go to battle and fight. is not about hugging or crying on someone’s shoulder. While God created the Warrior Life. I invite you to participate and these things have their place in life, warrior life is not the place. live a higher life than what you have experienced. As a warrior, Warrior Life is best defined by violent men who take the kingdom there is always another battle to fight and another hill to climb. of God by force. Matt 11:12. Warrior life is a particular way Do not allow yourself to be a prisoner to comfort and a slave to of life to men that have embraced it. It is about men (regardless fear. 2 Tim 1:7. Break out and reclaim your warrior spirit! of age, culture, socio-economic status) who are tired of going Dave Standridge through the motions of life. It is about men who are ready to Believers Center of Albuquerque reclaim their warrior spirit. It is about men who seek to live a life of honor. It is about men who are tired of the perversion, rudeness and slothfulness of as dictated by today’s culture.”

Hoyt Roberson Montogmery Boulevard Church of Christ


has been and continues to be a major topic in Christian circles. Disregarding the political, Hoyt is a Licensed Marriage and social and religious discusFamily Therapist, holds Masters sions about the definition Degrees in both marriage coun- of marriage, entire magaseling, and ministry, and serves zines and in fact industries as an elder at Montgomery are based on the perceived Church of Christ. He can be con- need to care for marriages tacted either through the church – especially Christian maroffice 505-884-7926 or through riages. Questions arise his office 505-896-0928. concerning the relative priorities of spouses and children; of just what we mean when we say the husband is the head of the household or the spiritual head of the family; what are acceptable reasons for separating from your spouse – and if you do, the criteria for re-marriage; of how much and what sorts of intimate behaviors are appropriate between married partners; of who should manage the money and how many checking accounts couples should have. Then there are the seemingly more mundane considerations that have spawned their own industries – how to communicate; how to fight fairly; how to include family members in decision making. Marriage is big business, employing writers, researchers, therapists, publishers, circuit speakers, coaches, couples educators, retreat hosts and various forms of ministers and pastors. And yet, with all the money, time and talent spent on various aspects of marriage, Christian marriages have zero to slightly better survival rates than non-Christian marriages – even in the Bible belt. Why is this? Why, with all our efforts, do we have the same failure rate as everyone else? The answer, I think, is in our approach to the challenge. We have focused too much on the immediate problem rather than building an adequate base to support our marriage efforts. During wedding ceremonies we often hear the traditional passages dealing with husbands and wives, familiar words of leaving, cleaving, honoring, and sacrifice. Those are good things to read, but they too are more superstructure than foundation. The problem it seems is that we have tried to make husbands and wives out of people who do not know how to live first, in God. While weddings are appropriately concerned with husbanding and wifing, these can only draw their power, their endurance from two people who first are Christians. Being married, quite frankly, is secondary to who the couples are. So is, incidentally the millions of dollars we spend on the marriage industry. Unless we are speaking, writing, and ministering to people who are prepared to give up themselves first, we are largely wasting our time. Every relationship we have, every role we play, must first and

foremost be grounded in a personal faith conviction that places God first in our life. Unless and until we do a better job of nurturing a personal ownership of our faith rather than an ability to profess objective ideas or participate in ministries at church, we will not affect marriage to any significant degree. Husbands and wives must see themselves first as children of God, and must understand what that means from a Scriptural – not a personal transformation viewpoint. We have heard and likely will continue to hear and read marriage books talking about Ephesians chapter 5. The problem is that we all too often use that chapter to set behavioral expectations for people who do not adequately understand why chapter 5 was penned in the first place. Chapter 5 is not a textbook on marriage; it is rather a text book on developing and owning a Christian perspective of ourselves. A husband does not love his wife because she’s his wife; rather, he loves her because God has transformed him into someone who loves people. A wife is not patient with her husband because she is married to him; rather, she has patience with him because she has allowed God to transform her into a patient woman. Why do Christ followers love people, and why are they patient with them? The answer to this question is critical in order for us to make any progress. The most common answer to these questions is that we are that way because God tells us we are to be that way, but this is the wrong answer. Oh, it’s good enough for a start; for beginners, but it is deadly for mature Christians. The reason we behave the way we do must be that we have allowed ourselves to be transformed into closer images of God. We love and are patient, not because God essentially forces us to be, or because we feel compelled to be, but because we come to join with God’s view of the world, of ourselves, and of others. For this transformed person, the fruit of the Spirit and a worldview that is more comfortable putting others first, becomes more and more natural. When we make it our priority to grow in the ways of the Spirit, we naturally see others in a different light and we accept them with their failures and inconsistencies. Do you want a marriage that will last? Focus primarily on being a transformed follower of God and the rest becomes a lot easier.

N e wMe xi co sB o dy o fC h ris t.c om Spiritual Leadership in the Home As the everyday pressures of life seem to occupy every waking moment, most men find little time to address one of the greatest responsibilities we have as husbands and fathers in our own homes – the responsibility MICHAEL PATRICK of spiritual leadership. Many of is a Christian writer us feel uncomfortable or unpreand apologist. He pared to lead our families spirituholds a degree from ally. Maybe we’ve never stepped the College of Santa up and our wives have assumed the role in some way. Maybe our Fe, and he has writchildren have gotten older, and we ten for several online feel awkward introducing spiritual Christian information guidance when it’s been neglected services and journals. for so long. Even so, the responsiHe resides in Rio bility to lead our families spirituRancho, New Mexico, ally is mandated by the Lord, and with his wife Eileen, it rests with us as men to meet that and his four children responsibility. Some might not Erin, Ryan, Hannah, feel qualified to lead and choose and Sean. instead to rely on their pastor or others to fill the gap. The truth is that no one is better qualified than you are to lead your own family in spiritual matters. Assuming the role of spiritual leader may initially be intimidating, but it’s not difficult. There are certain steps you can take to insure success. First, pray. Prayer is the single most important aspect of leadership, whether it’s in the home or elsewhere. When we pray, we ask God to join with us in our effort. He will be faithful in honoring that request. Second, it’s important to insure that your own walk with God is healthy. It’s nearly impossible to provide spiritual leadership without actually living out our own faith. Third - study. Take time to prepare each meeting you have with your family. Handouts and presentations aren’t necessary, but an understanding of the topic at hand is.

Finally, being a good spiritual leader is more than group time and family devotions. It’s our responsibility as men to set obvious Biblical standards and expectations for our families. Children learn by example, and by outwardly living a godly lifestyle, you’ll go far in meeting your goal as spiritual leader in your home.

started before the Revolutionary War on September 7, 1774. Samuel Adams recommended to the Continental Congress that Mr. Jacob Duche’, an Episcopal clergyman, become the first chaplain. The Chaplaincy has gone on steadily through all of America’s history. Each service branch has a Chaplain Corps. The Navy Chaplains serve the Navy, the Marines, Chaplain (Major) David L. Mansberger and the Coast Guard. The Army Chaplain Corps and the Air Force Chaplain Corps US Air Force complete the military service chaplaincy. The United States Air Force Chaplains Service evolved from the days of the United States Army Air Corps. Since 1947, the United States Air Force (AF) has had Chaplains and has recently moved from being a Chaplains service to a Chaplain Corps. Chaplains are required to have at least a 90-hour Masters of Divinity, two to three years experience in a local parish or congregation, and must meet the AF fitness and age requirements. Each chaplain is endorsed by a denominational body, i.e. Assemblies of God, Catholic Church, Methodist, Jewish, etc. Once endorsed, the Chief of Chaplains office in Washington, D.C. makes the call to either bring the ordained professional clergyperson onto active duty or place them in the reserves. Each AF Chaplain is an officer and therefore must complete and carry out any training that any other officer in the AF must do. The Chaplain is an officer, a professional pastor (usually has a congregation on a base), does a great deal of counseling (most

Chaplains have a background or degree in marriage and family, marriage counseling, psychology, finances, and any variety of other training), and provides invocations, benedictions, and wedding services. The unique thing that an AF Chaplain brings to the men and women of the Air Force is being a “visible reminder of the Holy.” Chaplains have access to the people of the AF. The men and women of the AF are the greatest asset of the Air Corps. Chaplains are able to visit in the workspaces and participate in the units, detachments, squadrons, and wings in order to support good morale, healthy morals, and wise ethical decision making. It is important to note that many of the AF Chaplains have had prior service as enlisted members in the Navy, Army, Air Force, or Marines. This prior service experience helps Chaplains build bridges with the enlisted force that often cannot be built by other officers. Chaplains deploy to the AORs (areas of responsibility) all over the world. The AF has over 100 Chaplains currently involved in the war on terrorism. In addition, Chaplains support many other places in this world caring for and providing for the spiritual needs of airmen. The Chaplain exists in the military to ensure the Constitutional Rights of everyone to have the freedom of religion. The Chaplain supports the military members with clergy from their faith group, materials, and often a place for them to worship. The Chaplain also works diligently to support commanders and other leaders in explaining religious holy days that may impact military personnel. Chaplains are in the 21st Century with the Airmen of today serving and encouraging them in their faith any place, any time.

N e wMe xi co sB o dy o fC hris t.c om CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF SERVICE! By Chaplain Commander Briane L. Dennison, Albuquerque Police Department On March 10, 2009, Mayor Martin J. Chavez, Chief of Police Raymond D. Schultz and the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the APD Volunteer Police Chaplain Unit. During this time, Chaplain Ross Nicholas received the 2008 Chaplain of the Year Award. In addition, Chaplain Marvin and Janice Capehart were presented with the Marvin and Janice Capehart Lifetime Achievement Award for their 40 years of volunteer chaplain service to the Albuquerque Police Department. A few facts about our police department… we have a history of serving the community for over 125 years. We are comprised of a diverse workforce of over 1,700 employees and in December 2008 we surpassed 1,100 officers for the first time in our history. We respond to over 42,000 calls for service per month. In addition, we strive for excellence in meeting the needs of residents and visitors by helping to create a safe and friendly community. One way that we meet those needs is the interaction between the community and our Volunteer Police Chaplain Unit. The Unit consists of 35 chaplains of different faiths that provide spiritual, moral, ethical support of our department employees and their families. We also provide counsel and guidance to persons in crisis within the Albuquerque community. In 1969, the Chaplain Unit grew from a proposal by a local minister, the Reverend Virgil Bonto who had some prior experience with police chaplaincies. Reverend Bonto approached APD Chief of Police Paul A. Shaver and suggested that an APD Chaplain Unit should be formed. On March 10, 1969, with Chief Shaver’s full support and encouragement, the Reverend John A. “Jack” Price (the Albuquerque Law Enforcement Building is named after him) became the first full-time Chaplain Commander for the Albuquerque Police Department. The first Unit consisted of 35 ministers and one motor vehicle that was donated by a local automobile agency. One of the first goals for the Unit was to demonstrate a readiness to stand and bear witness to the forgiving love and concern of God Almighty. The goal applied to everyone, but especially those in sorrow and despair. The goal still guides the Unit today. Over the four decades, the Chaplain Unit has enjoyed strong support from whoever was Chief and we continue to have strong from Chief Schultz who appointed

me in 2006 as the first sworn officer Chaplain Commander. Emerging into the 21st Century, the chaplain program has continued to work diligently to provide a strong diverse unit which reflects the ever-changing needs of the department and the community. Whether it is responding to over 400 police call-outs a year; notifying a wife that her husband has died, celebrating the birth of an officer’s child, feeding over 700 department employees every year for a Thanksgiving dinner, or assisting other fire and law enforcement agencies around the nation to establish chaplaincies, the outcome is consistently the same – APD Chaplains bring faith, hope and encouragement to others. One of the ways this has been accomplished in APD is the development of a strong support system by chaplains interfacing with department employees. Due to the high-visibility of chaplains from the police academy to the area substations, chaplains are able to provide the “troops” with the spiritual resources in the field. Subsequently, there is a demonstrated need for APD chaplains. As the need for support increases, so does the need for additional chaplains. If you are a fully ordained or qualified priest, rabbi, or minister and would like to apply to become a volunteer police chaplain, please e-mail me at bdennison@cabq. gov or call 768-2131 to receive an application.

ALBUQUERQUE FIRE DEPARTMENT CHAPLAIN HISTORY In the mid 1990’s with the rise of increased world wide and domestic terrorism the need for fire chaplains was recognized in particular, the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing in which several AFD fire personnel were involved through the FEMA Incident Support Team. Firefighter Tim Tsoodle observed how closely the chaplains worked with the local fire department providing a service of Spiritual and emotional care and comfort as well as a liaison between the Jerome Rael, AFD local faith community and the emergency Chaplain, Lt. responders. Shortly after their return, the APD/AFD Chaplain vision of bringing a chaplaincy program Office - 505-768-2132 to AFD began under the tenure of former Fire Chief Greg Chavez and continued through his successor Fire Chief Morris Huling. The vision to continue a chaplain program was stalled but the desire remained and was refueled On September 11, 2001, when New York Fire Department Chaplain Michael Judge, along with 343 NYFD firefighters tragically lost their lives during the Twin Towers terrorist attack. As a result of this tragic event, the realization that a chaplain program for the Albuquerque Fire Department was not only necessary and needed, but long overdue in the Department’s one hundred year history. In 2005, a seven - member steering committee, was formed and led by Commander Gilbert Santistevan. The steering committee, consisting of both uniform and retired fire personnel, established the Mission, Vision and Purpose of the program. In the following year with the completion of the 2006 Albuquerque Fire Department evaluation and master plan observations, a recommendation for the establishment of a department chaplain program was made and soon after a pilot program was initiated. In the November 2007 AFD Medals Ceremony, it received its’ official status as the very first AFD chaplain program by Fire Chief Robert Ortega who gave it firm support when he publically announced the implementation of the program and appointed the very first sworn uniformed firefighter as Senior Chaplain, Lt. Jerome Rael. And finally, in April of 2008 Fire Chief Robert Ortega adopted the program as an official Division of the Albuquerque Fire Department. Since then, the chaplain program has grown from a vision born from tragedy to a mission accomplished through faith, hope and practical application in demonstrating Gods love and compassion through a service of excellence by serving those who serve and those to whom the Albuquerque Fire Department responds.

Currently, the chaplain program continues to serve both the Department and the Albuquerque Community as “Ambassadors” dedicated to a ministry of presence offering spiritual guidance, emotional care and comfort and meeting various needs to all persons who are affected by sudden tragedies and difficult life situations.

Salt & Light Magazine

spoke with Steve Vaughan, Director or the Albuquerque Area Firefighters Random Acts to learn more about their mission and how God is using them in our community. Go to to read this article in our online magazine August 1st. Visit To watch all video recorded interviews and extended articles.

AMCC Albuquerque Metropolitan Chaplain Coalition Salt & Light Magazine spoke with USAF Ret. Lt. Col. “Chaplain” Doughty; Jerome Rael AFD Chaplain Lt; Briane Dennison, APD Chaplain Commander; Sr. Chaplain Les Palmer B.C.C.C., C.S.T. in a round table video interview. We discuss their personal testimonies and the unity between the Chaplains, their agencies and how they are unity through Christ with purpose for New Mexico. Go to to watch this video interview in our online magazine August 1st.

Chaplain Ministry What is it? Why do we need it? How do we get involved? Chaplains are men and women who have felt the call of God and is unlike any other ministry, as it is truly a cross-cultural immersive “ministry of presence.” Therefore to understand why we need chaplains it is vital that we have the same understanding of what a Chaplain is. By definition, a Chaplain is simply a “minister in the workplace” and can therefore have an extremely wide range of environments from full time chaplaincy to part time disaster workers. They can serve in congregations, law enforcement, emergency services, hospitals, corporations and more. As such, the services that Chaplains provide are far reaching and varied providing counseling, education, advocacy, life improvement skills, juvenile, court and family mediation, emergency, disaster & crisis services, “There are many recovery training, and providopportunities to take ing a bridge between the secuclasses in preparation lar and spiritual environments to become a of community life throughout Chaplain.” the world. We endeavor to seek both the means and the methods necessary to provide working relationships between the Sacred and the Secular in society. As a result of the Constitutional protection which is afforded to Chaplains there can be a workable and beneficial relationship between the secular & religious sectors of society for the purpose of ministry in the work place and the education & training of a professional work force in the area of Chaplaincy. It is our desire to see chaplains who are professionally trained, licensed and equipped, providing meaningful, life changing service to the communities in which they live through involvement in every sector of community life. To provide practical community support and spiritual counsel to emergency service workers, those in crisis, secular society and those persons in transition by meeting their needs. Trained and licensed chaplains will provide counsel, education, advocacy, life improvement skills and recovery training, providing a bridge between the secular and spiritual environments of com-

munity life throughout the world. We believe that God has called and inspired ministry in the workplace. As Chaplains who minister in the areas of Critical Incident, Grief and Loss, and Trauma, as well as the Spiritual needs of those whom we serve, we believe that professionalism is essential in both the religious and secular areas of our ministry. We will endeavor to prepare ourselves morally, spiritually, and educationally in order to present ourselves in the role of professional and compassionate ambassadors of God. Therefore, we must and will, maintain the highest standards of accountability and integrity. We believe that God is using chaplaincy as a movement mobilizing His Church to leave the building, go into the world, be the church without walls “Providing Care and Service In His Name.” Therefore the real questions are, “What is it that you are called to do? and “Where do I go to get involved?” First and foremost you need to do some research to find out if this is truly a ministry where you want to devote your efforts. The scripture we use to exam our heart and motives is Matthew 9:36 “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.” Jesus was moved with compassion and this is truly a compassion filled ministry. If you are willing to “weep with those that weep” Romans 12:15, and “Bear one another’s burdens…” Galatians 6:2 then this is the opportunity for you to be used by God in a new and exciting way. My recommendation as the Director of the Crisis Caregivers and as an instructor with the International Fellowship of Chaplains (IFOC) and International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) is to go and talk to a local Chaplain either APD, AFD, BGEA, or other recognized organization who can answer your basic questions. Following that conversation, pray about it and see if this is where God wants you to serve. There are many opportunities to take class in preparation to become a Chaplain. IFOC is offering a 45 hour intensive training program in ALB this October 19th through the 23rd. This course offers the very basic training every agency requires prior to their specific orientation and training depending on the organization. Remember this course is the basic and it alone will not qualify you to serve without further education in any of these departments. Every agency has there own minimum requirements you would need to fill prior to them allowing you to represent their agency. In the mean time there are a number of classes being offered here locally. ICISF/CISM course “Responding to School Crises Intervention” is being offered in July 25th and 27th, and ICISF/CISM course “Individual and Peer Crisis Intervention” is being offered here in October 2nd and 3rd as well.

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Missions have always been a passion in my life. After I graduated from the University of New Mexico with my teaching degree, I felt God calling me to use my gifts to help others in need. I came on my first mission trip to South Africa and Swaziland in 2007 and fell in love with the people, the culture, and especially the children. Jasmine Gallegos God opened up doors for me to return Partners In Action to Africa and teach some missionary Swaziland, Africa children in 2008. In the following year, God also opened up the door for me to return to Swaziland - the first place I ministered, where God spoke to me so clearly about my future in missions. It is amazing to see how God has brought me back full circle to Bulembu, Swaziland. Swaziland is a forgotten gem - nestled between South Africa and Mozambique - a diverse and beautiful country. Beneath the surface though, it is a kingdom of 1 million people who are in danger of extinction. It has the highest AIDS epidemic in the world, with 120,000 orphans and 70% of its population in abject poverty. Due to the high AIDS death toll, many heads of families are no more than 11 years of age. Bulembu Ministries is a group of ministries in the Kingdom of Swaziland based in an abandoned mining town called Bulembu. This mining village is being transformed into a place where orphans can be nurtured, educated, trained, given health care and healed so they can become productive citizens of Swaziland. Bulembu Ministries’ focus is caring for orphaned and vulnerable children who have been left hopeless and impoverished due to the rising AIDS pandemic raging through this region. Because of AIDS, the United Nations has stated that Swaziland will be extinct by 2050. Bulembu offers hope! The vision of Bulembu Christian Academy (formerly “Valley of Hope School”) is to give the local children a hope and future by providing loving and nurturing homes, education and security. The school has been specifically opened for the children of Bulembu. I am teaching a class of 13 children. The ages range from 6yrs-12yrs. I am teaching my student their ABC’s, sounds, and how to read. Most of my students are orphans from the local orphan homes. A lot of them have been abused and abandoned. Some of their parents have died of Aids, and some of the children are living with the disease. It is great knowing that God has put me as their teacher to help restore healing in their life, shower them with love, and bring hope to them through knowing Christ. It is my desire to see the children of Bulembu reach their full spiritual and educational potential, as citizens of Bulembu and as citizens in the Kingdom of God! I also help lead a girl’s discipleship group. We have 20 girls that come from the school. Some are from the community and oth-

ers are from the orphan homes here in town. So many of the girls have been abused sexually, physically, and emotionally. We have been talking with the girls about how God loves them with His whole heart and how they can fall more in love with Him. I am excited to be able to disciple this group of young girls and lead them on the right path towards purity. I am blessed to be here and be a part of the Swazi culture and make a difference in a few more lives for God. I am honored to be a part of the school and watch it continue to grow and be a light here in Swaziland. I wonder sometimes if I possibly have one of the future leaders, pastors, doctors, businessmen, farmers, and teachers of Swaziland here in my class. The students of our school are the ones who are going to turn this nation around. I am very blessed and excited to a part of the children’s life’s here in Bulembu, Swaziland. You to can play a part in reaching out to these desperate children whose only hope is Jesus through your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for healing for the children and openness to be healed. If you have any questions or comments about the school, town, or me please, feel free to contact me at: [email protected]. To donate online by credit card go to: Or Make checks payable to: Partners In Action, (Jasmine Gallegos in memo line) Send to: Partners In Action, 7729 E Greenway Rd, Ste 500 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Smiles from the Africa, Jasmine Gallegos ‘’I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’’ Jeremiah 29:11

N e wMe xi co sB o dy o fC h ris t.c om Having had the privilege of closely working with around 100 full-time missionaries over the past decade and spending time with many of them on their turf, I have come to learn that there are things missionaries are not likely to admit to the general church population. Hopefully, this insider’s viewpoint will help each of you to pray for and better understand the missionaries you support.

Missions work, though rewarding and exhilarating when fruit is produced, is very difficult and has its “dark side” of troubles.

The work of missions neither prospers automatically nor is it made easier by just having the most qualified, most experienced, or most gifted people doing it. Missions work, though rewarding and exhilarating when fruit is produced, is very difficult and has its “dark side” of troubles. It’s not that missionaries experience an entirely different set of challenges from those who work at the home church. It’s that the nature of the work and the isolation from a larger and more stable body of believers accelerates and intensifies the missionaries’ experience of similar challenges that face any faithful servant of Jesus Christ. And yet, there are good reasons why missionaries might not admit that such difficulties exist. Perhaps the most common reason is that they are afraid of the reactions of people who, all too often, respond to them with words or actions that communicate something like, “You are not supposed to struggle. As a missionary, you are superspiritual. Now I have reason to doubt that you are as spiritual as I expect you to be, so I’m considering withdrawing my support from your ministry.” Whatever the reasons are, please pray for your missionaries to have God’s ability to deal with each of the following: Admission #1: One of the greatest difficulties missionaries face is getting along well with other missionaries and/or national Christians. You might be surprised to learn that the number one reason missionaries leave the mission field prematurely is conflict with other Christians. Things such as geographic isolation, the work of the enemy to divide and conquer, and not resolving conflicts while they are small due to fears of losing workers or opportunities all combine to make the mission field a minefield for relationships. Please pray that God will give missionaries the grace and love to both apply the instruction from His word on how to resolve conflict and to build godly relationships with each other. Admission #2: One of the greatest challenges a missionary faces is adjusting to a different culture. They have the task of distinguishing between the sins of the culture, their own personal preferences, and those things which are neither sinful nor unbiblical, but are simply different from their own culture.

Please pray that God would give your missionaries the grace to die to self where they have to sacrifice personal preferences, the ability to discern between cultural differences and cultural sins, and the strength and grace to address those things from their own cultural setting that need to be transformed by God. Admission #3: One of the greatest joys of a missionary is making a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Most people don’t realize that this is very rare among most unreached cultures. For example, on a recent ministry trip to Mongolia I was told by a 12-year veteran missionary to Mongolia with Campus Crusade, Floyd Sebold, that a pastor can expect to make only six to ten true disciples of Christ after the first ten years of intensive ministry. Please pray that God gives missionaries the power and the patience to accomplish the primary task He has given them, to make disciples of Jesus Christ. A great Christian from times past, Charles Thomas Studd, had this to say: “Some wish to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.” It is because so many missionaries have this same heart and calling that the challenges they face on the field are so intense. May we be more mindful that missionaries are people too, and that with our prayerful help their missions can be possible. Neil Ortiz Calvary Missions Pastor Director of Global Adventures, the Missions Arm of Calvary of Albuquerque

What happens to someone as they answer the call of the Lord to go into the world and preach the good news of Christ? Many of Jesus’ teachings on being sent tell of the wonders that will occur in the lives of receivers, but something more miraculous happens in the one who goes out. John 9: 1-7 is a beautiful demonstration of the power of Christ working within the individual disciple to make him more like Jesus when He is sent. In this section of scripture, Jesus speaks with the twelve disciples about a man who was blind from birth, saying that the man’s blindness was not caused by sin, but has happened so that the work of God could be displayed in his life. As he is speaking with the twelve, Jesus commissions them to do the work of the Father, “As long as it is day we must do the work of Him who sent me.” After saying this, Jesus walked over to the blind man and made a paste of mud and spit which He then put on the man’s eyes. “Go”, He told him, “Wash in the pool of Siloam. (This word means Sent). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing” (9:7). As a result of this man’s obedience to washing in the pool of Siloam or ‘Sent’, his eyes were opened and he was able to clearly see his Maker and the world around him. As Disciples of Christ we have the same opportunity to see our God and this world more clearly by answering the call to go and spread the good news. A small group of believers has an opportunity this November to travel to the Philippines on a mission trip with the purpose of preaching Christ. The mission trip is organized by Global Adventures, the missions arm of Calvary of Albuquerque. The group will partner with Faith, Hope, and Love Kid’s Ranch headed by missionaries Celestino and Lorraine Lamar to bring encouragement to our brothers and sisters in Christ and to share the gospel with unbelievers. Space is still available for you to join our team. We would also like to invite you to be a part of this trip by praying for the team and consider donating to a general team fund to cover the $2,500 cost of the trip per person. For more information, please contact Calvary at 505-338-3680 or visit Donations for the Philippines Mission Trip can be sent to: Global Adventures 4001 Osuna Road NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109 Please write “2009 Philippines Mission Trip General Fund” on the memo line.

N e wMe xi co sB o dy o fC h ris t.c om America to join him in launching this new initiative. Over 400 Christian leaders answered the call and Christians United for Israel was born. How to be involved We pray that you will visit often and participate in our efforts to ensure the safety and security of Israel and America.

Who are we and why should you be involved?

1. Join CUFI.

Over the last three years, CUFI has quickly grown to be the largest Christian grassroots movement in America. We now have state directors in every state in the union and we have city directors in over 90 of America’s leading cities. Since our founding, we’ve held over 100 Nights to Honor Israel in cities across America. In July 2008, over 4,000 Christians from all 50 states came to Washington, D.C. to participate in the Third Annual CUFI Washington-Israel Summit. CUFI has only just begun. We want YOU to be part of our phenomenal growth. Statement of Purpose The purpose of Christians United For Israel (CUFI) is to provide a national association through which every pro-Israel church, parachurch organization, ministry or individual in America can speak and act with one voice in support of Israel in matters related to Biblical issues. “The Lord answered me and said: ‘Write the vision, And make it plain on tablets. That he may run who reads it.” Habakkuk 2:2 History Israel is in peril. The President of Iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the map and he’s rapidly acquiring the nuclear technology with which to make good on this threat. In the meantime, Iran’s proxies in Hezbollah and Hamas are arming themselves at an alarming rate and Hamas has been firing missiles into Southern Israel. The enemies of Israel are the enemies of America. They are the enemies of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These enemies have drawn the battle line. If a line has to be drawn, then draw that line around both Christians and Jews. Millions of Christians across America have a deep love for Israel and the Jewish people and want to stand with them during these difficult days. Yet, until recently, pro-Israel Christians were divided and often silent. They limited their support of Israel to prayers and charitable donations. In February, 2006, Pastor John Hagee decided the time had come to create a national grassroots movement focused on the support of Israel. He called upon Christian leaders from across

2. Apply to Become a CUFI Congregational Representative. 3. REGISTER FOR THE 2009 SUMMIT. We’re going back to Washington for CUFI’s Fourth Annual Washington-Israel Summit from July 20 to July 22, 2009 to let our leaders know that we expect them to stand with Israel during these difficult times. We’re going to Congress so that each of you can share your support for Israel directly with your elected officials. You need to be there with us! Every single voice matters. Every single person can make a difference. 4. Subscribe to The Torch - Christians United for Israel’s magazine. 5. Become a CUFI College Campus Liaison with CUFI On Campus. 6. Sign the ISRAEL PLEDGE online. 7. Attend and support or organize “A Night to Honor Israel” in your city. 8. Educate your church and yourself. 9. PRAY FOR ISRAEL! For additional information please visit our website: or local contact

When Joyelle went into middle school she was in the accelerated classes. We had to go to the school board and complain about the school not being wheelchair accessible. What ended up happening was we had to pay out of pocket to have ramps put in the public school. Because of the age of the school they were not required to meet ADA requirements. After the first semester we noticed a small change in Joyelle’s attitude and of course we marked this up to becoming a pre-teen. Her grades still remained the same; she just became distant with Jack and I. One day Jack decided to come home for lunch and I was doing volunteer work at the hospital. When he got on our street he noticed our dog lying on the sidewalk. He got out of his car and ran over to the dog, noticing the dog’s head was at a funny angle. It did not appear the dog had been hit by a car but his neck was broken. Jack immediately buried the dog so that Joyelle did not see it when she came home from school. This was the route she always took when coming home. When Jack went into the house he noticed that the back door was locked as usual and he could not figure out how the dog got out. He thought maybe when I left that morning I let her out and forgot to put her back in. That night when Jack told me about the dog I explained to him that I know I had put the dog in the house before I left and locked up. Explaining to Joyelle was another matter, Jack told her the dog ran out of the house and got hit by a car. We had no idea at the time that Joyelle knew differently. We had a terrible winter that year with lots of snow which made it very difficult for Joyelle to get around. Jack and I both had this strong feeling that we needed to move. Not knowing why at the time we thought it was to make mobility easier for Joyelle. We put our house on the market at the end of the school year and it sold within a month. We did not have a place to move to at that time so Jack and I stayed with friends and Joyelle stayed with her best friend Courtney, they had been inseperable during the entire school year. After two months we knew we would be moving to Florida. Joyelle had a difficult time leaving Courtney it was like she was scared and we marked it up to moving. We relocated to Miami knowing it would be so much easier for Joyelle to get around. We moved into a section called Miami Lakes because we heard that Joyelle would not be bused to another part of the city and she would be going to the local

school. We did not realize at the time that all of her classes had translators because of the influx of students from Cuba. After she came home with failing grades we became very concerned and placed her in a private school where the classroom had only sixteen students as opposed to twenty-seven. One thing we did notice after our move was that Joyelle seemed to have developed allergies. She was always waking up with headaches and always seemed to be tired. At least her grades were back up, but she still was having trouble developing friendships. We did let her call Courtney at least once a week. Eventually, Joyelle did develop a friendship with a young man the same age that lived near us. The year went by fairly quickly, Jack adjusting to his new position with a rehab hospital and Joyelle anticipating Courtney’s visit that summer. When Courtney arrived we noticed that the girls shut themselves up and we never saw them unless they were in the pool or at meal time. Oh well there’s that pre-teen thing again. By Christmas of the following year we were moving again due to the joys of Healthcare Administration, this time we were going to Dallas, TX. I noticed that Joyelle was becoming more distant and had stopped sharing her feelings with Jack and I. We decided to keep Joyelle in a private school when we moved to Dallas, not knowing how she would do in the public schools. Now we’re looking at high school and it looks like our social butterfly is finally back on course, there are still the weekly calls to Courtney, but at least she is making new friends; some more acceptable than others. I decided to become active at the school and developed a close friendship with the principle, as a matter of fact she was a close neighbor.

When she was finally able to speak she told us she had been RAPED... and she just did not want to live.

After being in Dallas for about seven months we noticed that Joyelle was either in her room or out with friends, she never seemed to have time for family. Then the shocker came; the phone bills were going up and up we had a $10,000.00 phone bill within a three-month period. Needless to say the phone came out of Joyelle’s room and eventually Jack took all the phones out of the house when he went to work. The phone company was not willing to work with us and we even asked them if we could get a pay phone in the house. Of course our children are

N e wMe xi co sB o dy o fC h ris t.c om smarter than we are; Joyelle had decided to get her own phone which went everywhere with her so we could not find it. The tension was mounting in our home; we just didn’t understand what was going on. Finally, Joyelle’s principle called and said she was very concerned about Joyelle, not so much about her grades as her attitude and actions. Our first concern was that she might be on drugs. At this point we knew we had no choice but for all of us to go to counseling. Our first choice of therapists was not a good mix and we tried it for a while but nothing was getting better. Then, one day Joyelle asked me to call her father and see if we could meet for lunch. We met at a restaurant near Jacks facility, not knowing what was in store we prepared for the worst or so we thought. As we are sitting there Joyelle starts sobbing, we said please let us know what is bothering you, no matter what it is we will always love you and we will get through this together. When she was finally able to speak she told us she had been RAPED (several times) by a substitute teacher in Fall River, MA and she just did not want to live. Joyelle’s therapist was very concerned about her emotional state. She scheduled a second opinion evaluation and that therapist arranged for immediate hospitalization with suicide watch. Again the story doesn’t end here!!! In the next issue we will walk you through the hospitalization and what we learned and the signs to look for when dealing with a child who has been molested. We will go through the judicial process and what to do and not do. By: Jack & Sandi Booth Resources: Rape Crisis Center (Albuquerque, NM): 505-266-7711 UNM Behavioral Health Hospitals & Programs. UNM Children’s Psychiatric Center: 505-272-2890 Desert Hills Behavioral Health Center: 505-836-7330 Lovelace Behavioral Health: 505-727-8855 Albuquerque 505-256-0065





Sequoyah Adolescent Treatment Center: 505-222-0300 Christ Centered Facilities Christian Counseling Center of New Mexico – 505-856-0300 Family Therapy of Albuquerque – 505-821-3628 Healthy Families - 505-842-9911 FOR PART 1 OF JOYELLE’S STORY: VISIT WWW.NEWMEXICOSBODYOFCHRIST.COM

July 3rd - Freedom Celebration – July 4th&5th - The Pecos Valley Cowboy Church is hosting Open Rodeos – July 10th-11th – Beth Moore Live – July 10th - M88 Volleyball Tournament – July 13th – Don’t Waste Your Life Tour – July 17th - Women’s Ministry “Fall Preview of Bible Studies” Open House! [email protected] July 17th - Calvary Skate Outreach - or 505-338-0181 July 18th –Sportsmen Outreach Banquet July 25th – “Purely Fashionable” a fashion show for moms and daughters of all age -505-417-9841 July 25th&28th – Crisis Caregivers Training – asp July 27th-31st - LifeWay Worship Leadership & Conference - Aug. 1st - M88 Golf Tournament – Aug. 3rd-8th – National Collegiate Week - Aug. 7th - Legacy Academy Golf Tournament Aug. 15th - Calvary Skate Outreach - or 505-338-0181 Aug. 21st-22nd – Ignite – Men on Fire Men’s Conference - Aug. 22nd - BBQ Fundraiser and Car Show for Albuquerque Christian Children’s Home - Aug. 24th – School of Ministry/School of Worship 2009/2010 session Aug. 28th-29th – Extreme Commitment 2009 – Sept. 5th-7th - Freedom Fest 2009 – Sept. 20th-23rd & 22nd-25th – Fly Fishing Adventures - www.lifeway. com/conferencecenters All Summer - Women at Calvary’s Summer of Surprises - To advertise your Events, Fundraisers, Concerts, Bible studies, Ministry & counseling classes on the web calendar, contact Daniel Ruiz at: (505) 264-5201 or [email protected]

A Picture 2 Treasure…......................................... 25 A Pony Ride Express…....................................... 21 A&S Automotive…............................................... 22 ACI Financial ……............................................... 16 Affordable Bookkeeping Services.................... 8 America’s Auto Center......................................... 21 Amor Realty.......................................................... 24 Brushfire Stage & Production.............................. 14 Chocolate Destiny............................................... 6 Computer Network Design.................................. 10 Dwain’s Automotive............................................ 13 Ekklesia Outreach.............................................. 9 Fresh Beginnings.......…....................................... 31 Furniture Liquidators Corral…............................. 31 Global Destiny Ministry................................... 4 Happy Days Christian Day Care............................ 26 Healthy Families................................................... 29 Herbalife................................................................ 9 Ideal Mirror & Glass.......................................... 21 Ignite – Men on Fire Men’s Conference........... 32 Justice, Grace and Joy Bookstore....................... 31 Joy Junction......................................................... 7 KKIM Radio........................................................ 8 Kenyon Plastering................................................ 17 Lisa Ortiz – Hair Stylist.................................. 26 MTA Pest Control............................................ 25 Melanie Maids.................................................... 19 New Life Center for Development................ 29 Options Acupuncture & Acutonics........... 5 Pinnacle Security................................................ 26 Pray ABQ........................................................... 29 Ray of Hope Ministries............................ 8 Quic Transmission.............................................. 17 Saxby’s Coffee House...................................... 11 Screen Images.................................................... 23 Shaklee................................................................. 4 Share’n Care Pharmacy................................... 12 Southern Boulevard Automotive.................. 5 Special Touch Salon........................................ 21 Starline Printing… ...................................... 2 Storms Insurance Agency............................... 26 Stribling Chiropractor....................................... 27 Target Distribution........................................... 3 Trinity Mortgage, Real Estate & Financial Services 12 Wisdom Shouts................................................ 4


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