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The mission of St. Philip’s is to:  Invite and Welcome everyone into our Christian community;  Nurture and Strengthen each other in our faith;  Reach out and Share God’s love in the world.

St. Philip’s Lutheran Church  6180 Highway 65 NE, Fridley, MN 55432  (763) 571-1500  [email protected]

EVERYONE is welcome to worship at St. Philip’s!

“The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3: 8 We just celebrated the birth of Jesus – born in a stable – to parents of limited means – in the tiny town of Bethlehem. The Gospel of Luke tells us that the first ones to hear the good news were shepherds out in the field “keeping watch over their sheep by night”. It was a rather humble beginning. He went on to become a carpenter in Nazareth, following in Joseph’s footsteps. At 30, Jesus began to gather disciples – twelve men and several women – who followed him, watching and listening. Jesus’ ministry mainly took place among the poor, the sick, the outcast, the weary. He gathered crowds around him, but who would have dreamed that this was the beginning of Christianity – one of the great religions of the world.

JANUARY 2009 Volume 51  #1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: St. Philip’s Giving


Hunger Emphasis 2008-2009


Things to Celebrate


New Associate Pastor


New Director of Youth Ministries


Adult Forum


Mission Festival


Holiday Office Hours


Paul’s Letter to the St. Philippians


Thank You Thank You Thank You


Disaster Relief Team News


IRA Charitable Rollover Approved for 2009


From The Staff


Discovering Your Healing Path


Communication Emphasis


Music Notes


Youth News & Nigeria


January Calendar


Church Statistics & Staff


But so it is with the Holy Spirit – who, like the wind, blows and moves where it chooses. Through men and women and children, the Holy Spirit spreads the good news of Jesus from generation to generation – from continent to continent! So here we are at St. Philip’s, two thousand years later, blessed by the Spirit who has chosen to move among us. • Our hearts and minds have been touched by the teaching of the Spirit – taught to know God — a God of mercy and unconditional love – a God who calls us by name and makes us God’s own beloved children. • Our hope is strengthened by the Spirit who assures us that God is forever present in this life and in the next. • Our path in life is not certain for “like the wind, the Spirit blows where it chooses”. There will be surprises along the way, but the Spirit is there: guiding, comforting, strengthening, encouraging, challenging……. • Our compassion is awakened by the Spirit, leading us to acts of mercy and kindness, of justice and peace. • Our joy is made real by the Spirit – a joy in God’s presence with us, news too good to keep to ourselves. Thanks be to God for the gift of the Holy Spirit – active and alive in humanity – working to make Christ known – giving hope to generation after generation. Like the wind, the Spirit blows and moves where it chooses, in and through and around us. Grace and Peace,

We will continue to present our budgeted income/expenses, as well as our actual income/expenses in each month’s issue of the Friend.

Please keep the following in mind: 1. Again this year, we have several members who prepaid their 2008 pledges through stock gifts, IRA gifts, etc. 2. We will continue to work very carefully to keep our spending in check in response to the pace of members’ giving. 3. It is our hope to end the year with a positive $1,188 to overcome the 2007 deficit. 4. These numbers are through November 30, 2008. 2008 Budget Year-To-Date Actual Year-To-Date Income $911,348 $875,758 Expense ($909,310) ($902,748) TOTALS $ 2,038 ($ 26,990) Net Income (Loss): ($29,028) JOHN HIERLINGER CALLED AS ASSOCIATE PASTOR On Sun., Nov. 23, a special congregational meeting was held to consider calling John Hierlinger as Associate Pastor of Education and Family Ministries. Following a report and recommendation from the Call Committee, a motion was made and seconded to call John to this position. The vote totals at the meeting were: YES - 190; NO - 11; ABSTAIN - 2 We are glad to have John on board as an associate pastor, and we know that he will contribute much to the education and family ministries of St. Philip's. His strong faith and enthusiasm are a blessing to our congregation. The Board of Administration and the congregation thank the Call Committee for their thorough work on our behalf. We appreciate the many hours and careful deliberation they gave to this important responsibility. A Note from Our New Director of Youth Ministries ASHLEY TANGEN Hi! I am Ashley Tangen and I am SO excited to be joining the congregation of St. Philip's Lutheran this January as the Director of Youth Ministries. I grew up far away in Dickinson, North Dakota and have been living in the Twin Cities for the past year. I received my Social Studies Education Degree at Minnesota State University Moorhead May 2007. I have spent several summers working at bible camps in North Dakota, Minnesota and even way down in Texas! I have a strong passion for working with youth, so I am greatly looking forward to rocking it out Lutheran style here in Fridley, Minnesota!! St. Philip's is a special place for me because I was actually a member here as a little girl in the late 80's! My dad, Steve Tangen, was a pastor here from 1986-1989. It's a great treat to be worshipping at St. Philip's again and I can't wait to get started in my new position!

Things to Celebrate as a Congregation • On November 23, St. Philip’s called John Hierlinger to be our Associate Pastor of Education and Family. His ordination was a huge celebration on December 6. Welcome John! • Beginning January 5, Ashley Tangen will be our new Director of Youth Ministries. You may recognize the name as her father is a former pastor at St. Philip’s. Welcome Ashley! • So far this year, we have sent approximately $2,600 dollars each to CEAP and SACA. This does not count the many, many groceries which members donate and are picked up at the church by CEAP. Thank you so much for your continuing generosity to help our neighbors! • Assembling 26 Thanksgiving Baskets! • Receiving so many generous Christmas gifts to be delivered through CEAP, SACA, The Fridley Infant, Toddler, and Teen Program (FITT), Plymouth Christian Youth Center, The Angel Tree (Prison Fellowship -- families of those in prison), Crisis Nursery, and Lynwood. • Many pounds of food to be delivered to the local food shelves (CEAP and SACA) • A deeply meaningful and safe trip to Nigeria with the opportunity to visit our companion congregation in Bille and the Evangelist, Pius Kasawa. Thanks be to God: Pastor Hougen, Eric Hougen, Phyllis Ehlers, Larry Ehlers, and Pastor Jan Hartsook


Heifer Project This February our congregation will again have the opportunity to help communities in over 100 countries to become more self-reliant through our donations. The Heifer Project is a program which raises money to buy animals such as heifers, sheep, or goats, which are then given to villages in need. The recipients also receive training regarding how to use these animals to produce food or income. The profits from these animals are then used to buy food, to educate their children, or to provide for medical needs. This project has traditionally been an exciting one for our members because the offering is so basic and yet the results are very dramatic. Feb. 1, 8, 15, and 22 are the dates. Other specifics will be printed in next month’s Friend and in the service bulletins. Look forward to this chance to serve through these special gifts!

**Sundays at 9:35 a.m. in the Chapel unless otherwise noted**

JANUARY - Global Missions Month at St. Philip’s You will be my witnesses… to the ends of the Earth ACTS 1:8 January’s special emphasis on global missions will include exciting weekly forums and an informative and fun-filled festival weekend. Look forward to adult forums:  1st Sunday: St. Philip’s Disaster Relief Team will give updates on their work in Mississippi as well as Cedar Rapids, IA  2nd Sunday: St. Philip’s Youth will give updates on their work in Juarez, Mexico  3rd Sunday: St. Philip’s travelers to Bille, Nigeria will present on their trip  4th Sunday: St. Philip’s travelers to Bille, Nigeria will continue their presentation on their trip We will be having a service that is centered on the trip to Bille. Pr. Sekenwa Briska will be giving the sermon Festival Weekend, January 24/25. We have been able to obtain a 22’ x 24’ quilt made by the Mashiah Foundation. The quilt will be on display in the Sanctuary the weekend of January 16/17. It is an extremely beautiful piece of artwork. We are very fortunate to be able to have it for all to see. We will be having various displays by other groups for you to look at; a slide presentation from Jim and Carol Sack, our missionaries in Japan, Lutheran World Relief items will be for sale along with items our travelers brought back from Bille, purses from South Africa will be for sale, free trade coffees and teas will also be for sale. A lot of activity will be going on during January 2009 relating to Global Missions. So mark your calendars as we invite you to be part of this activity and fun!

MISSION FESTIVAL We will be celebrating Mission Festival January 24 and 25, 2009. More information will be coming on the various activities, speakers, potluck, etc. that will take place during January.

Mark your calendars now!

February 1- Heifer Project A speaker from Heifer International will speak to us about new Heifer projects, which are helping families throughout the world. February 8, 15 and 22 War, Peace, and God: Rethinking the Just-war Tradition By Dr. Gary Simpson What do people mean by a "just war"? What are the moral criteria for justifiably going to war and fighting in war? Can Lutheran congregations be peace churches and be within the Just War Theory? These are the important questions explored and addressed in this timely book and to be addressed in Dr. Simpson’s presentations on Sundays February 8, 15, and 22 at 9:35 AM in the Chapel. We are truly blessed to have this author and professor joining us for Adult Forum. Dr. Simpson’s book, War, Peace, and God: Rethinking the Just-war Tradition, will be available for sale in the Narthex prior to his coming in February. Please consider reading through his book and then joining the conversation and presentations. Dr. Simpson’s presentations will be informative and stimulating even if you do not read his book. Join us Sundays February 8, 15, and 22 and bring a friend! Dr. Gary Simpson was named associate professor of systematic theology at Luther Seminary in 1990 and professor of systematic theology in 1998. Earlier, he served as a Lutheran pastor for 14 years. He received the B.A. degree from Concordia Senior College, Fort Wayne, Ind., in 1972. He earned both the M.Div. and the Th.D. degrees at Christ Seminary-Seminex, St. Louis, Mo.

HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS December 24 – The office will be open until Noon. December 25/26 – The office will be closed. January 1 – The office will be closed. Thank you for noting this schedule change. 3

PAUL’S LETTER TO THE ST. PHILLIPIANS A report from your president

This report summarizes our November 24 board meeting, which Pastor Ryan began with devotions from Chapter 2 of Opening the Book of Faith, a discussion of how Lutherans view and study the Bible. Our October financial report showed that income was down again from last year. This was partially offset by lower than expected utility bills, but we need a good November and December. We noted that giving for many members is down slightly from expectations rather than a few members being down a large amount. A letter will be mailed in early December encouraging members to meet or exceed their pledged giving for the year. The Call Committee attended the meeting and discussed issues that had come to their attention while conducting their work. Most of these related to the importance of good communication between the board, staff, and members of the congregation. They commented that communication has improved significantly in the past few months. The board commended the committee for the thorough process they used in arriving at their recommendation that John Hierlinger should be called to St. Philip’s as a pastor, and their frequent status reports to the congregation. Benevolence Committee Chair, Sue Davis gave their report. She told about some of the many social ministry projects that come under this committee and how important they are to people in need. We brainstormed ideas for improved hospitality, one of four priorities developed at a staff/board workshop earlier this year. The suggestions could generally be grouped into categories including: • Visitor and new member impressions • Ease of use and physical appearance of our facility • Making our worship services more user friendly We assigned many of them to individuals or committees for implementation. We also reviewed previously assigned actions for the other three priorities communication, faith formation, and relationships. We

noted that many of them have been completed and made additional assignments for future action. We continued last month’s discussion of an “Open Mike” Program for Board meetings, suggested a few revisions, and then approved it. It dedicates up to thirty minutes at board meetings in even numbered months for members to be heard on any nonpersonnel issue or to ask questions of the board. Guidelines will be publicized before our December meeting, when the program will start. We appointed Linda Benson to chair the Parish Fellowship Committee for the remainder of the year, and approved the hiring of Ashley Tangen as our Youth Director, beginning in January. Ashley is the daughter of former Pastor Steve Tangen. Pastor Jan reported that a care giver program is being developed and will be conducted in February and March. She also commented on the frequent funerals at St. Philip’s for non members, and told us that she is on an Advisory Board for CEAP. Pastor Ryan reported that the leadership training program for pastors he has helped develop will be held in February. Fifteen pastors will participate and both Augsburg College and Luther Seminary are involved. He also has provided counseling at Fridley High School following the recent shooting death of a student. Administrator Becky Leicher has begun the annual budget process by projecting possible adjustments from this year and reported on pledges received for 2009. At the time of the meeting the number of pledges returned was fewer than the total a year ago at the same time, but the average pledge is higher. Total dollar amount of pledges received was less than last year. The Stewardship Committee is following up with members who have not yet pledged, and more pledges come in each day. Becky also reported that the keyless entry system, approved at our meeting a month ago, is being installed and that our that web site is being updated. Paul Rebelein, President

Thank you for organizing our talk on Nov. 2 during the adult forum. We are very glad we could share about our ministry in Russia with you. Many blessings to you and please remember us in your prayers. From Eric and Liza Debelak Thank you for your generous donations of 232 pounds of food, 22 birthday bags, and one huge box of clothing and shoes. From SACA Thank you for your gift of $250 to the children and youth programs of PCYC. Know that we treasure your involvement and your gifts and your wisdom. From Plymouth Christian Youth Center I am very grateful for those who drove for Meals on Wheels the week of 11/10-14, 2008. Thank you for giving of your time: Meredith and Larry Hille; Barb Johnson; Larry Johnson; Becky Trancheff; Roger Musolf and Ellen Raeker; Clem Coverston; Lynn Holter; Mike Tipler; Thelma and Myron Nash; Judy Beinie; Earl Hatten; Bob Johnson; Kathy Tostenson; Don Breining; Norm Herzog; Bev and Chip Sperry; Wally Helmbrecht; Ron Cadwell; and Lynette Thompson. May God bless all of you! From Beth Terpstra The St. Philip’s Library Committee thanks everyone who helped to support the Holiday Book Fair held recently. The book fair was a big success thanks to everyone who bought books, gave a cash donation, or bought a book for the library. Watch our shelves for wonderful new books arriving soon! From the Library Committee Greetings from Geneva in the name of Jesus Christ! This is to express my profound gratitude to the St. Philip’s congregation for your hospitality expressed in the opportunity to share with you in worship and at the reception. I felt one greatly blessed having the opportunity to worship at St. Philip’s again. My family and I will continue to treasure the love we received from this congregation as families and individuals opened their space and lives to us. Together the church body became our family and home thousands of miles from our motherland. We pray that God’s grace continues to walk with the saints at St. Philip’s and the memory of those that departed remain blessed. From Rev. Dr. Musa Filibus Thank you for the very beautiful cross that was presented to me from the congregation. I will truly treasure it. How blessed I am to be serving here at St. Philip’s as one of your pastors. From Pastor Jan

Throughout 2008 and into 2009 we have many volunteers who work with the office staff. The first group we would like to thank is the Work Crew, who comes each Wednesday a.m. throughout the year and work on our computers, electrical projects, plumbing problems, seasonal decorating, upgrading bathrooms, work on roof repairs, etc., etc. We can never thank this group of people enough for all they do for us and for all of the money they save the church! Without this group of men, we would be paying thousands of dollars out of our budget for repairs needed throughout the church. THANK YOU WORK CREW, WE APPLAUD YOUR WORK AND YOUR LOYALTY TO ST. PHILIP’S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Also, the office has some volunteers who work in the office each week and many members may not know who they are, so they are listed below: Kathy Swenson – Works each Monday late afternoon entering contributions into the computer, so each of you gets credit for your giving. Joyce Johnson – Works each Tuesday answering the phones during the staff meetings. Also, Joyce assembles bulletins each Friday. Kay Hansen – Works each Wednesday a.m. answering the phones, doing projects, files, and fills in for Sue or Wanda when they are on vacation. Kay also answers questions in the office on various Sundays throughout the year. Margaret Oelschlager - Works each Thursday a.m. answering phones and assists with proofing the bulletins. Margaret also assists in answering questions in the office on various Sundays throughout the year. She, too, fills in for Sue or Wanda if they are on vacation. Marie Holmberg - Comes in and enters the information from the Communion cards into the membership module of Shepherd’s Staff. Anne Gilbertson – Works each Friday to assist in assembling the bulletins. Cori Olsrud – Who assists in answering questions in the office on various Sundays throughout the year. Shirley Mosman - Who assists in answering questions in the office on various Sundays throughout the year. Thank you for all you do for us, we greatly appreciate your hard work. God bless you all for your dedication to St. Philip’s Lutheran Church.


St. Philip’s Disaster Relief Outreach Cedar Rapids Trip #1 comfortable beds; hot showers; hot tea to warm us up after Reflections on “Pruning” by Nellie Landrus chilly days at the work site; cookies hot from the oven when we Nellie Landrus is a member of Atonement Lutheran in New got back to our host families; bag lunches, snacks, and Brighton and also an integral member of St. Philip’s Disaster beverages; delicious pumpkin cheesecake (one hostess was Relief. She often writes “Reflections” on her experiences. ‘practicing for Thanksgiving’); cats to sleep with us; dogs to play "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinegrower. He ball with us; clothes washed by one hostess so we would not removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch have to wash all our dirty clothes when we got home. Our host that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit.” John families kept saying thanks for coming to help their town when 15:1-2 it felt like we should be saying thanks for all they did to make us feel welcome and for the loving ways they cared for us. Upon beginning this reflection, I felt like I did on the first morning when we climbed the stairs, put on our masks, and walked into the brick house on Ellis Boulevard in Cedar Rapids. Where and how do I start? We were told that all of the walls have to come down. One of the others on the team whacked the plaster with a hammer and I did the same. The first blow made a hole in the wall and many more followed. Slowly the walls came crashing down in piles at our feet. The walls were plaster on top of sheetrock that was nailed about every two inches so after we knocked down the areas between the studs, we used our pry bars to start the slow process of chipping away on what was left on the studs. We pulled nail after nail until the studs were stripped bare from floor to ceiling. We knocked it down and the faithful bucket brigade would shovel it up and dump it into buckets or out the windows into a wheelbarrow below and then haul it out to the pile along the curb in front of the house. In a sense, we carried the house, along with the past owners’ lives and memories, out in five gallon buckets! Later the big claw truck would pick it up and haul it away. And we would make another pile. Some of us spent hours on our “perches” (4’ step ladders) chipping away at the top of the walls while others were down on their knees on the floor working away at the bottom of the walls. The St. Philip’s Disaster Relief team is filled with many skilled builders and has worked rebuilding many water damaged homes. We have always known that mucking out and clearing out a house is an important part of the recovery process. Perhaps this trip gave us a deeper appreciation of the work of those who have often gone before us. After all, before people can build up a house there are things that others must tear down. God stirred some thoughts about that and reminded me of Jesus’ words about how he is the vine and we are the branches. God is the vine grower who prunes the branches to help the vine bear more fruit. Before the houses devastated by hurricanes and floods can be rebuilt for families to live in, the damaged stuff must be torn out (pruned) to allow new walls (growth) to be built. It is hard work, and it is painful to see the devastation, but we trust in God that after the pruning a time of new growth will come and our work as God’s hands and feet will bear fruit. The journey of the St. Philip’s Disaster Relief team to Cedar Rapids would not have been possible without many others who shared their gifts and blessings. God called each of us who traveled on the trip, but also those who provided financial support and those who blanketed us with their prayers. And we cannot say thanks enough for the gracious hospitality of the people of St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Cedar Rapids. They went out of their way to make us feel welcome, with many family members giving up their rooms for a few days to provide places for us to stay. Thanks to them we enjoyed warm,

We cannot thank God enough for our brothers and sisters in Christ at St. Stephen’s Lutheran who showed us God’s love in so many ways. They shared many stories with us. They know people who are allergic to the flood damaged area due to the mold, but wanted to be able to help in some way so provided lunches and beverages for us. We were told of one retired member of the congregation who worked on flood relief seven days a week for months. Other people have worked two or three days almost every week since June. One member came to help while we were there and told us that she figured if we could come from Minnesota to help she could drive 30 miles. We shared our stories with them as well. And, as God has called us to do, we shared God’s love with one another. Without our connection, as branches, to the life-giving vine of Jesus, none of this would be possible. It is God’s love flowing through all of us, sharing our gifts with one another, that enables us to work together and grow together and to bear fruit in God’s kingdom. For that we say thanks be to God! Adult Forum Join the Disaster Relief team members at the Adult Forum on January 4th. The presentation will be based on the ELCA Disaster Response devotional booklet Meeting God in the Ruins and will include reflections from team members and photos from past Katrina, Rushford, and Cedar Rapids trips. We will also share information about future trips. Lasagna Dinner The 2nd annual Lasagna Dinner is tentatively set for February 8, 2009. The menu includes homemade lasagna, salad, bread, beverages, and dessert. Tickets sales start in January. This year’s dinner also includes a sealed bid auction. (Bidders make a single, concealed bid on an item. Bids will be reviewed and the high bidder will then be notified the week after the dinner.) Auction items will include tools, gift baskets, electronics, computer accessories, household items and gift cards. Watch the bulletin announcement, weekly emails, and the next Friend for more information about the dinner. Upcoming Trips Proceeds from the dinner will continue to fund the St. Philip’s Disaster Relief outreach with much of the money used to cover gas for team travel. Another flood relief trip to Cedar Rapids is planned for February and a hurricane relief trip in April is tentatively planned for the Galveston area. If you’d like additional information on the Disaster Relief efforts, please contact Mike Anderson at [email protected] or 763784-7977 or Renee Johnson at [email protected] or 763571-6828. To learn more about past disaster relief trips, visit our website at Financial contributions are always needed and greatly appreciated. Please make checks payable to “St. Philip’s Disaster Relief.”

IRA Charitable Rollover Approved for 2009 On October 3, 2008, Congress passed and the President signed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (H.R. 1424), legislation that includes a two-year extension of the IRA charitable rollover. The provision, originally enacted as part of the Pension Protection Act of 2006, permits Individual Retirement Account (IRAs) owners starting at age 70 ½ to make charitable gifts totaling up to $100,000 per year from their IRAs tax-free made directly to qualified public charities such as St. Philip’s Lutheran Church. Key Provisions • Donors must be age 70 ½ at the time the gift is made. • Charitable Rollover Gifts must be made directly from an IRA account to a charity. IRA rollover may be used to pay a pledge or make any monetary gift to St. Philip’s Lutheran Church. IRA Rollover Gifts may be used to satisfy the Required Minimum Distribution amount you must take out each year after age 70 ½. • Total Gifts of $100,000 may be made in 2008. Additional Gifts of up to $100,000 may be made in 2009. • Spouses can gift $100,000 each year, too. • Donors can support many charities and ministries at varying amounts as long as the total gifts do not exceed $100,000. •

• •

Who is most likely to benefit? Individuals who must take mandatory minimum withdrawals, but don’t need additional income. And qualified charitable distributions from IRA accounts count toward the owner’s Required Minimum Distribution Amount you must take out each year after age 70 ½ without becoming taxable. Individuals who do not itemize and who make a charitable gift in an amount less than the standard deduction will benefit from a transfer directly from their IRA to charity. Many seniors do not have a mortgage and their medical deductions are less than 7.5% of adjusted gross income. The IRA rollover allows donors who do not itemize deductions to contribute IRA assets to charity and enjoy tax benefits similar to those derived from claiming itemized charitable deductions. Required IRA distributions may increase an individual’s adjusted gross income and increase the percentage of Social Security payments on which he or she has to pay. By choosing to make a charitable distribution with all or part of their required IRA distribution, donors may reduce income and reduce the percentage of social security subject to taxation. Individuals whose level of income causes a phase-out of certain deductions. Generous donors who desire to give more than 50% of adjusted gross income from their regular assets and then make “over and above” gifts from their IRA.

Remember: If you are intending to have this transfer qualify for exclusion for the year 2008, it is imperative that the distribution be postmarked no later than December 31, 2008. The purpose of this article is to provide general gift giving information and is not intended as legal, accounting or other professional advice. For assistance in planning charitable gifts with tax and other financial implications, the services of appropriate advisors should be obtained,

FROM THE STAFF 1. The 50th Anniversary Cookbook Committee raised enough funds to pay for a good portion of the new stove in the kitchen, 12 new round tables and racks for the Fellowship Hall, and table cloths for the new round tables. Sue Neisen and Wanda Benson were co-chairs of this committee. 2. The Business Administrator, Becky Leicher, completed the first portion of her classes at St. Thomas University last summer to become a Certified Church Business Administrator. She will complete the second portion of the classes next May at St. Thomas. 3. The staff is thrilled to welcome Ashley Tangen as the new Youth Director at St. Philip’s. Ashley starts January 5. 4. The staff is also thrilled to have our newly ordained pastor, Rev. John Hierlinger, as a continuing staff member. 5. There are still 50th Anniversary Cook books available for sale in the office for $15 each. 6. There are still 50th Anniversary medallions and stands available for sale in the office. The costs are $12 and $3 respectively. 7. The staff meets each Tuesday at 9 a.m. Notes from these meetings are shared with part-time staff who cannot attend the meetings and are also shared with the Board of Administration. This is another thing we do in our continuing efforts to improve communication within St. Philip’s 8. Happy new year to each and every one of you. May God bless you throughout 2009!

How do I make a Charitable Rollover gift? To make a qualified charitable rollover to St. Philip’s Lutheran Church to pay a pledge or make any monetary gift to St. Philip’s Lutheran Church, you should contact your IRA custodian. Ask for the IRA Charitable Rollover transfer forms. And to qualify for a charitable distribution, your IRA custodian must directly transfer the funds to the church rather than a withdrawal by you for later gifting. Otherwise, the IRA withdrawal will be taxed if you receive it. You will receive a written acknowledgement from St. Philip’s Lutheran Church of your gift.

Remember: If you are intending to have this transfer qualify for exclusion for the year 2008, it is imperative that the distribution be postmarked no later than December 31, 2008.



Caregiver – You Are, Have Been or Will Be By Tuni Turner RN, Parish Nurse

Did you know? In Minnesota, over 600,000 family caregivers provide an estimated 651 million hours of care to family, friends and neighbors each year. While this care is unpaid, its value has been estimated at 7.1 billion dollars annually. Family caregivers provide 92% of longterm care services in Minnesota. Every 1% decline in these efforts costs the public sector $30 million dollars a year. (Statistics are from the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging – MCAA). These statistics demonstrate that individuals, families and society as a whole benefit significantly from the efforts of caregivers. It is clear that Minnesotans desire to care for and do what’s best for their loved ones. But the costs to caregivers are great. They take on new roles and responsibilities while continuing to balance their many other life roles and responsibilities, including self-care. On the financial front, caregivers report taking time away from work, decreasing their work hours, and turning down promotions. Caregiving work is hard and alters the lives of individuals and their families. Caregivers need help and support. This is not just an individual or family issue – it is an important public issue as well. Current legislation to support caregivers has been introduced at both the federal and state level. Proposed policy changes include enhancements to the Family and Medical Leave Act, tax credits for care expenses, funding for information and referral services, study and promotion of “caregiving best practices”, and the establishment of respite services. I encourage you to educate yourself about this important constituency that you have been, are or will be a part of. I pray you will discover a way to get involved. A comprehensive list of state and federal policies introduced and the status of the bills can be found at the National Alliance for Caregiving website, or the Caregiver Alliance National Center on Caregiving,

Did you know? Most family caregivers become more assertive in gaining the skills and finding the resources they need once they start thinking of themselves as “caregivers”. Those who work in service to family caregivers often lament that the most challenging part of supporting caregivers and preventing caregiver “burnout” is trying the reach them at the beginning of their caregiver journeys. Family caregivers find it difficult to identify themselves as caregivers. Caregiving tasks are often considered the expected duties of a wife, husband, son, daughter, sister, neighbor, etc. Thus, the greatest obstacle to caregiver support is usually the caregiver him/herself. There are many facets to the life of a caregiver, both challenging and rewarding. Self-identification as a family caregiver is an important and critical step. Mid-winter 2009 (late February, early March) St. Philip’s Befriender’s will host a 4 part series of classes especially for family caregivers. Topic presentations will include: Elder Law, Alzheimer’s-Dementia, Housing Options for Older Persons, Finding Joy and Hope in Caregiving, Depression in the Elderly, and Faith Stories (what does the Bible say about serving others and caring for oneself?). This series will be aimed at helping caregivers: discover resources, recognize the stresses of caregiving and to learn ways to remain healthy as a caregiver (as well as how to find the joy in caregiving). Be alert for announcements about dates, times and speakers. I pray that you will come, learn, listen and discover – knowing that you either are, have been or will be a caregiver. I guarantee that you know caregivers. I ask you to care for them by bringing them along. Together we will share a meal, fellowship, knowledge, experience, and our stories. It will be very good! Lord, to the sick and the hurting, to the old and the lonely, to the dying and the least of us, to the children and the weak, to reach out to the stranger, to mend a heart, to lift a spirit, to touch a life, and to clap for joy; you call us to use our hands. Lord, You call us to be your hands and to use our hands to bring You with us to each and every person. Amen Taken from a Service of Worship and Praise to Celebrate Caring Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Edina

Tuni’s can be reached at the church Monday through Thursday: 763-571-1500 ext: 116 or [email protected].

On September 30, an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) was placed in our building. (It’s located just across the hallway from the main office door, on the brick wall.) Our church received the AED free of charge as part of our partnership with Take Heart Anoka County, a pilot project whose goal to improve the survival rates of persons experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. As of early December, over 50 St. Philip’s parishioners (of all ages) have participated in “Friends and Family” CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and AED training thus becoming a key link to health and healing for people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. I celebrate these people and all others who have taken time at their work, school or home to learn CPR and AED use. – Tuni Turner, RN, Parish Nurse. Contact Tuni for more information on training options for yourself, family, or group.

COMMUNICATION EMPHASIS The Board of Administration has become increasingly aware of the need to foster better communications in all areas of our church. We want to improve in all areas from the members to the youth, Committees, the Board, the Executive Committee and the Staff, and out into the community. We need to develop more open lines to better communicate and share our mission. The Board members have had their pictures taken and are posted on the bulletin board by the office, including their contact information. The BOA would like to hear from you. Your thought and comments are always welcome and we need to hear from you. We need to hear from you so we can continue our mission as you see it too. Please contact us as we desperately desire your comments and feedback. The BOA has voted unanimously to approve an Open Microphone Session at all of the BOA meetings for each even numbered month of the year. A copy of the outline follows.

OPEN MICROPHONE FORUM FOR THE ST. PHILIP’S LUTHERAN CHURCH BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION MEETINGS The purpose of this forum is for providing the opportunity for the members of the congregation to offer ideas and/ or feedback to the Board of Administration. This is not meant to be a question and answer session. The open micro session will be made available during the even numbered months of the year. Board meetings are regularly scheduled for the fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 PM and are held normally in the Lounge. The Open Mike session will be held from 6:30 to 7:00 PM. Please consider the following when you want to be a part of an open microphone session: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Limit your presentation to a maximum of three minutes Please be respectful during presentations. This is not the place for personnel issues of any kind. Please refrain from addressing an individual or commenting about an individual Handouts with an outline of your presentation are preferred but not required. The more prepared you are the better your comments and/or suggestions will be perceived. The President of the meeting has the option to limit the number of presentations to insure the BOA has adequate time to transact its agenda for the meeting. The BOA may respond, however responses may not always be possible. There BOA members are always available for you to call them directly and would welcome your contact. Their pictures and contact information are posted on the bulletin board by the office.

The Staff and Board of Administration St. Philip’s Lutheran Church

MUSIC NOTES Music Schedule – January 2009 Music Schedule is subject to change

Sunday, January 11 8:30 a.m. Sanctuary Choir Sunday, January 25 8:30 a.m. Sanctuary Choir Other choirs begin presenting music in February

10:30 WORSHIP As the world changes, so does our need to reach out in different ways. It is so important that people know the love of Jesus Christ, and it is our priority to present the message in relevant ways, without changing the content of the message. One way, among many, is music! Music is so important in all of our lives and it is one thing that transcends almost everything else. Most people can tell you what kind of music they like and what kind of music they don’t like. In an effort to reach people and stay relevant to the world, we are in the process of making some changes. You may have noticed some different things in the past couple of months. The band is no longer called “Celebrate” but instead, just “worship band”. We have some new players and some new instruments (have you seen and heard the fancy electric guitar?) and a new sound. You will also notice that our sound is more guitar led. Our hope is to maintain a high quality sound that is both appealing to the current attendees, as well as those who are drawn to a more contemporary sound. If you are skilled at playing guitar, electric guitar, bass or drums, and are interested in playing for worship, I would love to hear from you. We will be rehearsing on Tuesday nights at 6:30 p.m. after Christmas. Please contact me at the below e-mail address if you are interested. Blessings, Stephanie [email protected]


As St. Philip’s gets ready to welcome our new youth director with the new year I want to sincerely thank all of you for the last few months. Especially to the youth: Our church is really quite blessed with the diverse group of individuals that you are. I have genuinely enjoyed getting to know your spunk, your struggles, your aspirations, and your faith. Continue to love one another in our youth group so that you are able to love those in our community. Thank you for welcoming me into your lives this fall and letting me explore ideas about our world and our Lord with you! Please, keep striving to be movers and shakers everywhere you go. To the youth at heart but adult in age: Thank you for your consistent support. From my personal nursing job search to my transition at St. Philip’s, I felt exceedingly blessed to have so many of you showing me encouragement and guidance…truly an image of the Family of God. St. Philip’s will always be my home congregation. While I may not always be in the area, you all will always be filling my prayers and my thoughts. So, I suppose, this is very much a “see you soon” type of greeting. In His Love, Anna Johnson [email protected]


WEEKLY PROGRAMS Sunday Morning Live Grades 6-12 Sunday School meet in the youth room at 9:35 a.m. High School Fellowship Time Wednesday Nights Post-confirmation high schoolers meet in the youth room at 7 p.m.

Make sure to always check the youth binder and youth bulletin board in the hallway outside of the new youth room for the most up-to-date information about all youth events. Join us on Sunday, January 18 at 1 p.m. for an afternoon of ice skating at the Depot in Minneapolis!! We’ll meet at St. Philip’s and car pool downtown. Admission is $6 if you are 17 or younger and $8 if you are 18 and older. You can rent skates there for $7 if you need, also. This is a great event to invite your friends to. If you have never tried ice skating before, don’t worry…falling is half is the fun!

We are still working on compiling all of the Youth Live Band music so that we can get it to those of you who have shown interest in joining this worship team. Thanks for your patience. Expect a group rehearsal time to be coming up soon!

PRAY FOR OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN NIGERIA After an election in Jos, Nigeria, conflict broke out between the Muslims and the Christians. It is reported that more than 300 people died. Jos is one of the cities where we stayed on the trip to Nigeria. While there, our home base was the Dogon Dutse Guest House, which was evacuated because it was targeted to be burned down, but has been saved. One of the Minnesota Area Synod Companion Congregations, Dogon Karfe, was burned down along with the parsonage. The pastor and family are safe. The congregation worshiped the next Sunday in the ruins and ashes of the church. Please keep our brothers and sisters in your prayers that the violence will soon end and pray for the safety of missionaries, pastors, and their families. - Pastor Jan 10

JANUARY 2009 CALENDAR Thursday, January 1 Office Closed 7:00 EA 7:00 NDRS 7:00 SDA 7:30 AA/Alanon Friday, January 2 9:00 Camilia Club 7:00 SDA 7:30 Bridge Saturday, January 3 8:30 Worship Band 9:00 SDA 4:00 SDA 5:00 Worship/Communion 7:00 GIH 7:00 SDA Sunday, January 4 Sabbath 7:30 Disaster Relief 8:30 Worship 9:35 Sunday School 9:35 Adult Forum 10:30 Worship 12:00 GIH 12:30 NDRS 3:30 NDRS Monday, January 5 9:00 Camilia Club M-F 9:30 Joy Circle 7:00 GA/GamAnon Tuesday, January 6 Friend Deadline DEADLINE 9:00 Staff Meeting 2:30 Cook for Sharing/Caring 7:30 Worship Band 7:00 SDA Wednesday, January 7 8:30 Men’s Work Crew 9:00 Quilting 11:00 Go to Sharing/Caring 5:00 The Way 5:15 Dinner 5:15 JuBellation Ringers 6:15 Rock Solid Choir 7:00 Big Dig 7:00 Confirmation 7:00 High School Youth Night 7:00 Joy Ringers 7:00 Sanctuary Choir Thursday, January 8 6:15 Bells of Praise 7:00 EA 7:00 NDRS 7:00 SDA 7:30 AA/Alanon Saturday, January 10 9:00 SDA 4:00 SDA 5:00 Worship/Communion 7:00 GIH 7:00 SDA Sunday, January 11 Sabbath 8:30 Worship 9:35 Sunday School

Sunday, January 11 (cont’d) 9:35 Adult Forum 10:30 Worship 12:00 GIH 12:30 NDRS 3:30 NDRS (Rms. 17-18) 4:30 Christmas Concert 7:00 Mentor Meeting Monday, January 12 9:00 Glory Circle 9:00 Camilia Club M-F 4:45 Worship Planning 6:00 Child Advocacy 7:00 All Committees 7:00 GA/GamAnon Tuesday, January 13 9:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Worship Band 6:00 Child Care Providers 7:00 Health & Wellness 7:00 SDA Wednesday, January 14 8:30 Men’s Work Crew 10:00 Women’s Book Club 5:15 Dinner 5:15 JuBellation Ringers 6:15 Rock Solid Choir 7:00 Big Dig 7:00 Confirmation 7:00 High School Youth Night 7:00 Joy Ringers 7:00 Sanctuary Choir Thursday, January 15 6:15 Bells of Praise 6:30 NW Photo Club 7:00 EA 7:00 NDRS 7:00 SDA 7:30 AA/Alanon Friday, January 16 7:00 SDA Saturday, January 17 9:00 SDA 4:00 SDA 5:00 Worship/Communion 7:00 GIH 7:00 SDA Sunday, January 18 Sabbath 8:30 Worship/Communion/Healing 9:35 Sunday School 9:35 Adult Forum 9:35 Blood Pressure Check 10:30 Worship/Communion/Healing 12:00 GIH 12:30 NDRS 3:30 NDRS Monday, January 19 Office Closed 7:30 Excecutive Committee 9:00 Camilia Club M-F 7:00 GA/GamAnon

Tuesday, January 20 9:00 Staff Meeting 10:00 Friend 6:00 Worship Band 7:00 Baptism Class 7:00 SDA Wednesday, January 21 8:30 Work Crew 9:00 Quilting Thursday, January 22 7:00 Women’s Book Club 7:00 EA 7:00 NDRS 7:00 SDA 7:30 AA/Alanon Friday, January 23 7:00 SDA Saturday, January 24 9:00 SDA 4:00 SDA 5:00 Worship/Communion 7:00 GIH 7:00 SDA Sunday, January 25 Sabbath 8:30 Worship 9:35 Sunday School 9:35 Adult Forum 10:30 Worship 11:30 Mission Festival Potluck 12:00 GIH 12:30 NDRS 3:30 NDRS Monday, January 26 9:00 Camilia Club M-F 1:30 Knitters & Crocheters 7:00 GA/GamAnon 6:30 Board Meeting Tuesday, January 27 9:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Worship Band 7:00 SDA Wednesday, January 28 8:30 Men’s Work Crew 5:15 Dinner 5:15 JuBellation Ringers 6:15 Rock Solid Choir 7:00 Big Dig 7:00 Confirmation 7:00 High School Youth Night 7:00 Joy Ringers 7:00 Sanctuary Choir Thursday, January 29 6:15 Bells of Praise 6:30 NW Photo Club 7:00 EA 7:00 NDRS 7:00 SDA 7:30 AA/Alanon Friday, January 30 7:00 SDA Saturday, January 31 9:00 SDA 4:00 SDA 5:00 Worship/Communion 7:00 GIH 11 7:00 SDA

Recuperating at home or hospitalized during the month…Bev Rehani, Vivian Bratt Sympathy…Gordie & Lenna Johnson on the death of daughter, Sandy Sankowitz; Lee and Margo Tech on the death of Lee’s mother, Sylvia Tech Congratulations to…Dana & Rejoice Sabiya on birth of son, Wilson Sabiya on December 6 Congratulations to the following couples who are celebrating special wedding anniversaries…Dale & Phyllis Schmidt married 58 years on January 19

Next FRIEND deadline Tuesday, February 3 [email protected]

Baptisms…Henrik Alexander Kunze-Williams; Ashley Elizabeth Schmoll; Preston Troy Metcalf; Alexis Nicole Lantz; Henry Douglas Johnson; Hunter Lee Ellestad

Published monthly by St. Philip’s Lutheran Church Fridley, MN Board of Administration: Paul Rebelein, President Allen Spitzer, Vice President Lauri Anderson, Treasurer Judith Ferrier, Secretary Gary Blomster Tara Drews Dawn Hansen Jon Johnson Julie Small Joel Young ST. PHILIP’S LUTHERAN CHURCH A member of the ELCA Visit us at Email us at: [email protected] Phone: (763) 571-1500 Fax: (763) 572-2292

St. Philip’s Lutheran Church 6180 Highway 65 NE Fridley, MN 55432

Ministers: All members of the Parish Church Staff: Janice Hartsook, Co-Pastor Ryan Brodin, Co-Pastor John Hierlinger, Associate Pastor for Education & Family Ministry Jim & Carol Sack, Missionaries Bille Lutheran in Nigeria, Companion Congregation Monica Anderson, Assistant to the Administrator Wanda Benson, Administrative Assistant Kendra Brodin, Dir. of Youth Choirs and Bell Choirs Grant Cooper, Part-Time Custodian David Geslin, Organist Julie Jeppson, Coordinator of Volunteer Ministries Rebecca Leicher, Business Administrator Terry Meland, Facilities Engineer Suzanne Neisen, Admin. Asst. for Membership and Programs Trina Niskala, Part-Time Custodian Kristin Olson, Part-Time Custodian Julie Overlie, Children’s Choirs Stephanie Phelps, Adult & Youth Choirs Ashley Tangen, Director of Youth Ministries Dorothy (Tuni) Turner, Parish Nurse NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. Postage PAID MPLS, MN PERMIT #2705

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