Catalog Global Mission

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  • Pages: 25
growth in numbers

global outreach

transformational ministry in the city

New Churches

Minneapolis Area Synod 122 W Franklin Ave, Ste 600 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612.870.3610


ital mission needs passionate people. And that is what "Making a World of Difference" is all about. This campaign began with a grass roots strategic plan to link congregations and financial resources to an ever-expanding list of opportunities for growing this church together. Now we are nearing the end of Phase 1 of our funding efforts. Nearly $4 million has been identified to invest in the approved projects of the strategic initiative. Already, congregations and individuals are being blessed. Half of our congregations are involved with this program in one way or another. It is my hope and prayer that each of you can identify a project that parallels your passion for moving us forward - as a synod, as a church family, and as a wider community. Bishop Craig E. Johnson September 2006


he synod theme for Bishop Craig Johnson's term in office is "Growing This Church Together." The theme is built around a timeless understanding of the Church as the Body of Christ and that we are "members one of another." All of us are responsible for the "whole church" on Earth. We will "grow this church together." The strategic plan for making this happen and the campaign to find the resources flies under the banner of "Making A World of Difference." So many organizations want to "make a difference" and are doing good work. The Church alone has the charter to make a world of difference in the lives of individuals and in communities through the power of the gospel. We all want God to use us in "Making A World of Difference." Our Lord is Jesus. His mission is now. Our task is glorious. Dennis J. Johnson Bishop's Associate


Celebrate! Making A World of Difference was officially launched at the 2005 spring assembly. Since that time, over 30 congregations and 50 individual giving units have invested (gifts and pledges) over $2 million in the approved mission projects. Another $1.6 million has come to us through a combination of sale of property, the Thrivent Lutheran Grant Program, and ELCA dollars. More responses are coming in daily. Our first Making A World of Difference catalog appeared in August 2005. We reprint that catalog now to add new projects and to remove projects that have been fully funded. We celebrate the following transformational congregations whose proposals have found funding partners and are well launched into a new phase of their ministries. Those congregations are: Redeemer on Glenwood Ave City South Cluster Luther Memorial St. Paul's Lutheran Oromo Lutheran Church We celebrate Global Mission Companion Synod projects funded: Three students in Nigeria are receiving scholarships. Wells have been dug and mid-wives trained in a partnership with Global Health Ministries. Growing the Numbers We celebrate 25 coaches trained and 24 congregations enlisted in Natural Church Development. We celebrate the following New Starts made possible through Making A World of Difference: Mercy Seat, Northeast Minneapolis Credit River Township Living Presence, Blaine Sudanese Lutheran Church, Anoka We celebrate the accelerated growth of our younger churches through support generated by Making A World of Difference: Alleluia! St. Michael - Albertville New Life, Oak Grove Spirit of Joy, Buffalo Making A World of Difference seeks additional gifts necessary for the thriving of these new and younger congregations. 3

Suggestions for Successfully Involving Your Congregation * Pray for God's mission in general and for this initiative in particular. Pray that God would lead your congregation to discern its mission within the "Making A World of Difference" campaign. * Be informed about the four initiatives of the campaign. Study this resource guide which lists all of the current mission opportunities. Check the synod website,, for the most recent updates. * Generate conversation within your congregation about "Making A World of Difference." Ask, "What is the passion our members already have for mission? What projects would fire the imagination and inspire generosity and have the most potential for congregational involvement?" * Start with the appropriate committee in your church; for example, the Committee on Outreach, Global Mission, or the Congregation Council. * Invite a member of the "Making A World of Difference" advisory team or a synod staff member to make a presentation to the congregation. Call Carolyn O’Grady at 612.230.3318 to arrange for a visitor to your church. Invite those who are seeking partners for their ministries to visit with the congregation to talk further about partnership and what it might mean. You may also choose to make an on-site visit. * The Congregation Council, with input from members and appropriate committees, should determine a decision-making process for choosing a project and identifying a funding level. The council may provide a plan for how gifts will be sought within the congregation.

Prayer And his gifts were that some should be apostles, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God. Ephesians 4:11-13 Almighty God, you have blessed each of us with unique gifts, and you have called us into specific occupations, relationships, and activities using those gifts. Enable us to use our talents to witness to our faith in you and to communicate your love to the people we meet each day. Empower us to be ministers of your reconciliation, love, hope, and justice as we go forth with our great vision for "Making A World of Difference." Give us strength, courage, and patience. Keep us steadfast in our commitment to serve actively in your name: Jesus, who is the Christ. Amen 4

New Churches New Churches Design Team Rev. Blair Anderson Mr. Jesse Benson Mr. Sheldon Fewer Mr. Rob Hanson Rev. Steve Haschig Rev. Bob Hoyt Rev. David Lechelt Rev. Richard Mork Ms. Susan Olsen Rev. Jerry Wahl


Alleluia! Lutheran Church, St. Michael Background and Mission Alleluia! Lutheran Church is a new mission planted in the booming suburbs of St. Michael and Albertville. In spring 1998, 50 people began meeting for worship. They have grown to 400 members! In January 2005, Alleluia! moved from the high school auditorium to the vacated historic St. Michael Catholic Church which will be their home until they can build. Alleluia! ministers to families building homes in the area (about 500 a year). Staff includes the pastor, music director (part-time), office manager (part-time) and director of spiritual gifts (part-time). Alleluia!’s ministry is bold and lively with many active small groups, mission trips, Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, and many other facets.

Partner Support Needed Thrivent has given a $15,000 per year matching grant for three years. The grant will be used to implement a full range of programs to enhance spiritual growth, discipleship and leadership for ministry. Partners are needed to supply the match.

The Jeremiah Project...Buy the Land! In 2001, Alleluia! purchased 21 acres of land on the outside edge of the present development boom in St. Michael. The current plan is to build a Worship and Ministry Center by 2007-2008. If it is not built by the fall of 2009, the original owner of the land has the option to buy it back, so time is of the essence. Alleluia! is praying for mission partners to join in the vision and mission. Alleluia! has conducted two capital campaigns for debt reduction (current debt is $500,000).

Contact Jake Dyrhaug, pastor, 763.497.5816

Credit River New Start Mission Bishop Craig Johnson has announced a new mission start in Scott County, one of the fastest growing counties in Minnesota. Acting on the recommendation of the Minneapolis Area Synod Vista Team and the New Churches Design Team, the synod council issued a call to Steve Bonoshoe to be the mission developer. He began his work on June 1, 2006. This mission is being sponsored by Prince of Peace, Burnsville and Shepherd of the Lake, Prior Lake. Steve will be on the staff of both churches and will recruit members of those congregations to go with him into this new mission start. The pastors will provide mentoring and office support assistance. St. Mary Magdalene will also provide volunteer support. The ELCA is a funding partner and Making A World of Difference will seek additional congregational and/or individual partners. 6

Partners Still Needed One partner at $20,000 per year for three years

Contact Steve Bonoshoe, pastor/developer 952.230.2988 Dennis Johnson, bishop’s associate, 612.230.3306

Living Presence Lutheran Church, Blaine Mission A new congregation will be developed in the northern section of Blaine where it is projected that 700 homes per year will be built over the next 15 years. With solid support at the start, this congregation will become self supporting in a shorter time than the norm. Born in “mission,” this congregation will, in turn, become a “church-planting congregation.”

Status Pastor Matt Flom began his work in Blaine on May 1, 2005. Flom, a former associate pastor at Nativity Lutheran Church, St. Anthony, was commissioned by that congregation, and members have been encouraged to be part of this adventure in mission. Christ the King, New Brighton has given one major gift to launch this congregation and a second major gift to be used for land purchase.

Support Needed $15,000 per year for three years for operating expenses. This new start was recently given a Thrivent grant of $15,000 per year for three years. Now, Living Presence needs a partner to match those funds. Seven mission founders at $50,000 per year for four years, or combinations of smaller gifts designated over a period of time for donors’ convenience. The North Conference churches are working together to provide financial and prayer support for this new start.

The Jeremiah Project...Buy the Land! Land costs today are high, especially in this rapidly developing area. Cost for ten acres is $1.9 million. The purchase has been made by the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA. Congregational partners and individuals are needed to help pay down the loan which will be $1.4 million. Living Presence will carry a $500,000 mortgage as they enter into a capital program for a new building.

Contact Matt Flom, pastor, 651.485.6968 Dennis Johnson, bishop’s associate, 612.230.3306 Jerry Wahl, bishop’s associate, 612.230.3315


Mercy Seat Mission Mercy Seat is a creative response to a growing need for critical-thinking, grace-based Christian orthodoxy, especially among urban young adults. The mission is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in creative and socially conscious ways, to become a laboratory for liturgical renewal, to reclaim the power of the “visible Word” of the sacrament, and to empower the worshiping community to live out God’s grace in the world. Mercy Seat sponsors music concerts and art exhibits, and thereby is becoming widely known as it provides a venue for area musicians and artists. Worship is held Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Central and Lowry, in Northeast Minneapolis. Thrivent has given this new start a grant of $15,000 per year for three years designated for outreach Signature Events.

Support Needed Mercy Seat seeks partners who cumulatively can provide $140,000 in 2006, and $140,000 in 2007 and $70,000 in 2008. Mercy Seat’s goal is to be self-supporting in five years. Congregations/individuals are needed who might support one or more of the pastors’ salaries or that of a musician, or contribute to other expenses of this new ministry start. Pastors Kae Evensen, Kyle Halverson, and Mark Stenberg have been called by the Minneapolis Area Synod to serve as mission developers.

Contact Mercy Seat, 612.789.1777

New Life Lutheran Church, Oak Grove Mission New Life Lutheran Church began worship in 1999. In 2001, the congregation bought ten acres of land and a convenience store. The congregation has grown to 200 baptized. Of the members, 60% were not active in any church prior to joining New Life. The congregation currently receives financial support from partners at $35,200 per year. By investing more in this congregation at this time in its life, we will hasten the day when no support is needed and the congregation becomes a “mission partner” with other churches needing help.

Goal Accelerating growth in numbers to move toward a building program. 8

Support Needed * $9,400 per year for three years for administrative support (currently 10 hours per week, need is 20 hours per week) * $15,000 per year for three years for part-time Youth and Family ministry staff * $50,000 per year for three years for debt reduction in order to move toward building Funding for this congregation during a time of pastoral transition would provide a tremendous morale boost for the people of God who gather in this place.

Contact Nancy Olafson, president, 763.753.5717

Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, Buffalo Background and Mission Spirit of Joy celebrated their first worship service in January 2001, and the congregation now has 219 baptized members. The growth has been steady. The congregation has stepped out in faith and purchased land. Congregations in growth areas grow through programs offered to families, especially children and youth.

Goal To become self-supporting within three years by accelerating growth in numbers. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has given Spirit of Joy a $15,000 matching grant each year for three years. Now, Spirit of Joy needs a partner(s) who will provide the matching dollars, specifically to accomplish: * $10,000 per year for three years for Family Life Lay Minister * $5,000 per year for three years for Adult Discipleship and Prayer Ministry Plus * $3,000 one time grant for evangelism push in fall 2006 * $20,000 per year for three years for debt reduction, a necessary prelude to any new building program.

Contact Josh Nelson, pastor, 763.684.1400


Sudanese Lutheran Church in Minnesota Mission In 2001-2002 Pastor Cherian Puthiyottil of AGORA began developing relationships with Sudanese Christians of various denominational backgrounds, encouraging them to worship together as a Sudanese community. In 2002 Zion Lutheran Church, Anoka welcomed this community with hospitality, invaluable practical advice, and financial support. Mr. Mawien Ariik quickly emerged as the spiritual leader of the Sudanese worshiping community, a fellowship which includes at least five different tribes and languages from the southern Sudan, as well as varying Christian traditions, including Roman Catholic, Anglican, Pentecostal, and Orthodox. Ariik earned a degree in theology from the Coptic Orthodox Theological and Clerical University College of Cairo, Egypt, in 1996. After completing additional course work at Luther Theological Seminary, Mawien was ordained in June 2005 to serve this new congregation of the ELCA. Approximately 60% of the pastor’s time is spent developing the Anoka-based worshiping community and 40% will be committed to reaching out to Sudanese people in other parts of the state.

Goal By 2010, Sudanese Lutheran Church will be the center of an active network of Sudanese Christians in the upper Midwest, and will take an active role in developing Sudanese fellowships in the region.

Support Needed A partner is needed to join Zion Lutheran Church in support of the Sudanese Lutheran Community. * $17,400 for 2006 * $17,400 for 2007

Contact Heather Hammond, bishop’s associate, 612.230.3312


transformational ministry in the city

Transformational Ministry in the City Design Team Rev. Kelly Chatman Mr. Morris Dukuly Rev. Sue Engh Rev. Hans Lee Ms. Zoe Massaquoi Rev. Richard Mork Ms. Kate Nesse Ms. Lynda Nordholm Mr. Paul Ostrow, president, Minneapolis City Council Mr. Don Samuels, member, Minneapolis City Council Rev. Jerry Wahl Rev. David Wangaard


City South Cluster Ministries The City South Cluster is a cooperative ministry of five churches: Bethel, El Milagro, Epiphany, Minnehaha Communion, and Our Redeemer. These congregations together are stretching their financial commitments to invest in this vital ministry. Three initiatives of the CSC have been approved for funding by the Transformational Ministry Team of Making A World of Difference.

Priority One: La Connexion, Referral Specialist The Referral Specialist position is integral to La Connexion's mission of building relationships which connect members of the Latino community to available resources. Sponsorship is sought for two part time positions. Funding needed: $32,000 a year for 3 years $16,000 per position

Priority Two: Congregational Collaboration, Volunteer Program The skills and abilities of the members in our congregations is our most valuable resource. When people are organized, work gets done and strengthens the community. Funding needed: $22,000 per year. Includes a Lutheran Volunteer Coordinator and office supplies

Priority three: Youth Empowerment and Outreach Youth are the future of our congregations and society. Help pave a positive future for youth living in South Minneapolis by sponsoring our Youth Outreach Program. Give youth an alternative to gangs, violence, and crime by connecting them with caring adult mentors and meaningful development opportunities. Funding needed: $29,000 first year, $22,000 per year thereafter $6,000 for a Community needs assessment $16,000 annual stipend for an intern from Luther Seminary Youth and Family Ministry program. $6,000 for program related costs Dollars needed include an 8% "fair share" for administration costs. A full case statement and budget are available upon request from MAWD office. Or contact Interim Executive Director Diane Grigsby at 612.728.9221 or [email protected] You may also check the website:


Hispanic/Latino Mission Strategy Mission Pastors Luisa and Patrick Cabello Hansel have been called to serve as pastors at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 15th Ave. S., Minneapolis. Pastor Luisa will give part of her time to developing a comprehensive Latino/Hispanic strategy for all of south Minneapolis and strategically placed congregations. The ELCA is a partner for funding along with Making A World of Difference.

Support Needed * $25,000 per year for the first year * $15,000 per year for the next four years

Partners Still Needed Funding is the chief need from a partner. However, partners can walk alongside the pastors and the planning team and learn a great deal about mission and ministry among Hispanics and Latinos, with the possibility of expanded relationship development in the future.

Contact David Wangaard, bishop’s associate, 612.230.3316

Messiah Lutheran Church and Lutheran Social Service Center for Changing Lives Mission The Center for Changing Lives represents an ambitious plan for linking Lutherans together in mission. Located at 24th Street and Park Avenue in the Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis, the Center links the mission and ministry of three collaborative partners, Lutheran Social Service (LSS) of Minnesota, Messiah Lutheran Church, and Faith in the City partners, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Fairview Health Systems. The Center will be home to a broad array of services LSS provides to children, youth, and families, many of which are meeting the needs of Phillips neighborhood residents. Services will be available for: Refugees and those seeking employment Homeless youth and families Adoption A variety of counseling services In a unique arrangement with the public sector, the top floor of the new center will be affordable housing, being developed in partnership with the State of Minnesota and Hennepin County. As part of Faith in the City, Thrivent Financial will operate a Personal Finance Center, Fairview 13

will address community health issues at the Wellness Connection, and an Education and Training Center will meet the needs of neighbors, particularly refugees and persons moving from welfare to work. Messiah Lutheran Church has joined LSS in this vision for ministry in the Phillips neighborhood. This unique partnership will strengthen both. Messiah brings a wealth of community-based ministries to the center. In addition to its worshiping community, pastoral care, and Alpha, as well as Christian education for all ages, Messiah and its partner congregations reach deep into the Phillips neighborhood with a wide variety of services.

Status Groundbreaking for the new Center for Changing Lives is estimated for spring 2007 and ribbon-cutting for spring/summer 2008.

Support Needed * $500,000 from congregations The Messiah Lutheran/LSS Center for Changing Lives is currently seeking philanthropic and congregational support. As part of the fund-raising effort, congregations in the Twin Cities are being asked to support the new LSS/Messiah partnership as the congregation relocates its ministry to the center.

Contact Alan Loose, director, Office of Cooperative Ministries, LSS, 651.969.2282 Lee Cunningham, pastor, 612.871.8831

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, South Minneapolis Ministry of Community and Faith Formation/Daily Work Background and Mission Our Saviour’s is “a dynamic community, centered in Christ, called, nurtured and sent to celebrate, serve and do justice.” The congregation is diverse in race, culture, and economic status. About 25% of Our Saviour’s members are immigrants from West Africa. While the congregation has experienced growth over the last few years, it remains committed to increasing its presence in the neighborhoods of the Phillips area. Our Saviour’s ministry is centered in Word and sacrament worship, out of which flows a strong commitment to doing justice and advocacy, along with ministries of compassion and empowerment (through Our Saviour’s Housing and the English Learning Center). The Ministry of Community and Faith Formation will strengthen the community of Our Saviour’s through intentional small group ministries and education initiatives, and expand this relational 14

ministry outside its doors. There is an expectation of continued growth through this initiative. Daily Work will empower people connected to Our Saviour’s to find living-wage work and become more fully involved in the life of the congregation. Partner congregations are invited to provide mentors for those seeking better employment.

Support Needed Thrivent has given Our Saviour’s a $13,500 grant per year for three years for the Ministry of Community and Faith Formation. Our Saviour’s need is for a funding partner who will provide the match. * $13,500 per year for three years for the Ministry of Community and Faith Formation * $6,000 per year for three years for Daily Work

Contact David Wangaard, bishop’s associate, 612.230.3316 Hans Lee, pastor, 612.871.2967

River of Life Mission River of Life is an ELCA congregation in north Minneapolis, a new congregation as a result of the mergers of Zion and Bethlehem Lutheran churches. This vibrant congregation is involved with an “Open and Flowing” campaign to fund its strategic plan. Its most pressing need is in the area of personnel. River of Life seeks a co-pastor to lead the congregation along with Pastor Louise Britts. The new position would focus on outreach to the many unchurched families in the area. River of Life runs a seven-day building ministry to the community with many community outreach programs and this ministry needs a half-time building manager and maintenance person. Several Lutheran churches have an involvement there through Loaves and Fishes.

Support Needed From a Partner with a Heart for the City 2006: $40,000 2007: $80,000 2008: $40,000

2009: $20,000 2010: $10,000

Total: $190,000

Contact Louise Britts, pastor, 612.521.7655 David Wangaard, bishop’s associate 612 230.3316


St. Olaf Lutheran Church A Commitment to Children and Youth Mission St. Olaf Church is finding new energy and vitality through a process of discernment resulting in a strategic plan calling for vigorous outreach to a community’s most precious asset; its children and youth. To accomplish the ambitious goals, St. Olaf will hire a part-time Youth Director and a parttime Youth Assistant to provide a full church youth ministry program. To make the program effective, it is essential that children and youth be transported safely to and from church and events. Therefore, a van is necessary for the work. St. Olaf will partner with New Directions Youth Ministry, a foundation and business supported community organization, and with Minneapolis Area Synod Youth ministry programs. In addition to a full program of Sunday School, confirmation, Vacation Bible School, outdoor camping ministry, training in worship, and service events, the church provides after school tutoring and help for parents. Lay leadership has developed this strong program and recruits the volunteers who serve. St. Olaf is surrounded by people living in poverty. Someone must give them a “hand up” and provide stability and hope in their lives. St. Olaf youth will have the opportunity to work every Saturday morning to earn credits to pay for those activities which require fees. The budget for the two part-time youth ministers and transportation and program costs will be $40,155. St. Olaf seeks a partner(s) who can provide one-half of the costs or $20,000 per year for three years.

Contact Dale Hulme, pastor, 612.529.7726

The Transformation and Redevelopment of Salem English Lutheran Church Mission After a long process of discernment, this historic congregation on 28th Street, Minneapolis will raze its present unsustainable facility and rebuild for a new mission and ministry. What will rise in its place? A mixed use development plan calls for town homes, retail, 16 units of affordable rental family workforce housing, and a ministry center that will provide a church home for both Salem and the Lyndale United Church of Christ. What a creative and bold response to a crisis! Out of the ruble will come a mission for a new day with all the promise for new life. 16

Common Bond Communities and Augustana Senior Development will coordinate and manage the facility redevelopment. Salem will close the doors on the present facility on October 31, 2006 and “go into an exile location” until construction is complete. To implement the plan, the congregation intends to call a transformational mission redevelopment pastor who can continue to develop the congregation while it is waiting for its new home. Salem English members are pledging and giving at a higher than ever rate as their commitment to this plan. The Division for Outreach of the ELCA has approved this plan and will invest in it. What remains is to find a partner(s) who can provide $15,000 per year for three years, beginning in 2006. This will serve as an exciting new model for ministry in an urban area when and where a congregation’s facility is no longer sustainable but where dynamic ministry must take place to serve God’s people in the neighborhood.

Contact Jen Nagel, pastoral minister, 612.872.4650

Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, North Minneapolis Background and Mission Since 1995, Salem has been intentional about developing a stronger relationship with their diverse neighborhood community through door-to-door invitation, an after-school program, and summer intergenerational Vacation Bible School, as well as other ministries. Salem is responding to God’s call to mission through its commitment to being a multiracial congregation, which reflects the community in which this church exists.

Goal To provide funding for a part-time outreach pastor. Salem has called an African-American pastor.

Support Needed * $18,000 per year for three years

Contact David Wangaard, bishop’s associate, 612.230.3316 Roger Hardy, pastor, 612.521.3644


Spirit Garage Underground, Minneapolis Ministry of Community and Faith Formation/Daily Work Background and Mission Develop a new congregation in south Minneapolis that reaches out to people in the Uptown area, Lyn-Lake area, Whittier Neighborhood, and the Carag Neighborhood. In Minneapolis 39% percent of the people are 20- to 39-yearolds and 43.5% of the population is un-churched. This is a grassroots ministry, allowing for authentic experiences in a compassionate community that helps people discover their God-giftedness. The mission is to reach out to the dechurched and un-churched members of the community. Spirit Garage Underground is a destination, a place where people can come on a Thursday night for food, community, great music, and interactive sermons.

Support Needed * $10,000 per year for three years for mission developer and music program

Contact Yvonne Andert Wilken, Mission Developer, 651.398.7729 Rob Norris-Weber, pastor of Spirit Garage, 651.203.9588

Transforming Neighborhoods and the City: Mission Renewal Initiative Mission Renewal and mission happens in many ways and in many settings. The Mission Renewal Initiative (MRI), in partnership with Isaiah, helps congregations find their mission and ministries through faith-based community organizing. This organization has been evaluated and found to be an effective means for helping churches find their prophetic voice for social and economic justice. MRI does this by partnering with Isaiah and by building effective relationships, developing leaders, and engaging congregations in public arena issues. The MRI is funded through the Minneapolis Area Synod budget and the dues of member congregations. An additional $35,000 is needed annually to meet MRI’s program budget. MRI has a demonstrated track record of assisting congregations in finding their mission, improving their outreach and in tackling some of our most vexing social problems.

Support Needed * $25,000 per year for two years

Contact Sue Engh, pastor and director, 612.333.1260 18

Trinity Lutheran Church, Riverside Background and Mission Trinity Lutheran congregation has been a church without walls since the church building was razed in the late 1960s to clear the way for I-94. Committed to the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, Trinity has made outreach a priority. A large number of East Africans (primarily members of the Mekane Yesu Church in Ethiopia) have become part of Trinity, Riverside. Pastor Alem Hagos, who was born in Ethiopia, has been called to join the pastoral staff. Congregation Council planning has identified youth ministry as its focus. The congregation will employ a youth minister who is enrolled in the Children, Youth, and Family program of Luther Seminary.

Support Needed Thrivent has given a $58,000 matching grant to Trinity, Riverside. Trinity seeks a partner who can provide $20,000 per year for two years and $18,000 the third year. The three-way partnership will provide a full-time youth minister and program and outreach resources.

Contact Jane Buckley-Farlee, pastor, 612.333.2561


global outreach Global Outreach Design Team Rev. Peter Bartimawus Rev. Sekenwa Briska Rev. Terry Frovik Ms. Marie Hayes Ms. Zoe Massaquoi Mr. Jack Munday Ms. Kris Perry, DM Mr. Paul Rebelein Rev. Paul Rogers Mr. Dana Biama Sabiya Ms. Glenndy Sculley Ms. Judy Tonolli Rev. Morrie Wee Rev. Joel Wiberg Rev. Judy Burgett Winzig Ms. Laurie Beckman Yetzer, DM


A New Beginning for Partnerships with Nigeria Mission A comprehensive strategy for how the Minneapolis Area Synod might be more effective in our relationship with our companion synod, The Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria, is in its initial stages. However, a 2005 visit from Archbishop Nemuel Baba has identified the following urgent needs.

Support Needed Approximately $12,500 for an electric generator for Bronnum Lutheran Seminary. The seminary serves a student body of over 500 and is an extremely important site to the future of the Church. $16,000 this year and additional support in 2006 and 2007 for training eight midwives and four community health workers, and drilling three boreholes and five wells. Global Health Ministries has offered to match the first $8,000 received toward these two projects. The first year has been funded. Additionally, Archbishop Babba has identified 10 congregations that are ready for “congregation-to-congregation” partnerships. Opportunities are also available to support one or more students at Bronnum Lutheran Seminary in Nigeria. Three students are being supported for three years by the gifts and pledges of synod staff. More students need help! Help Sekenwa Briska, a Nigerian pastor receive a PhD from Luther Seminary so that he can teach Nigerian pastors. Scholarship assistance of $15,000 needed for first year.

Contact Glenndy Sculley, bishop’s associate, 612.230.3314 Kris Perry, companion synod coordinator, 612.418.5410


growth in numbers Growth in Numbers Design Team Rev. Rod Anderson Rev. Kelly Chatman Rev. Jake Dyrhaug Rev. Phil Formo Rev. Jack Fortin Rev. Karen Geisendorfer-Lindren Rev. Heather Hammond Rev. Nirmala Reinschmidt Rev. Carol Stumme Ms. Dorothy Swanson, AIM Rev. Ed Treat


Congregational Evangelism Initiative Purpose This two-pronged approach simultaneously strengthens congregations for growth through the proven strategy of Natural Church Development and equips them with skills training and program resources for healthy, sustainable outreach.

Descriptors * Holistic, contextual, and completely integrated with the eight marks of congregational wellness of the congregation. * Congregational self-evaluation refocuses the leverage points annually. * Method central to the initiative is the relationship between trained coaches and the participating congregations. The nature of the initiative makes it available to congregations in any setting and of any size.

Requirements for Participating Congregations * Three-year commitment * Accept a coach, assemble an experienced team of persons with passion, knowledge, and energy surrounding evangelism * Participate in a network of other congregations within the program * Participate in initial and ongoing workshops * Participate in funding costs of the program * Total of $1,000 for three years Participating congregations will pay a fee according to their ability to underwrite the costs. No congregation will be excluded due to lack of dollars.

Additional Support Needed $24,000 for resources, workshop, speakers ($8,000 per year for three years) $12,000 for Phase II and Phase III coach training ($6,000 per year for two years)

Given/Pledged to Date: $40,257 Partners Needed for Phase II Evangelism Effort $36,000 over three years to fund new coaching workshops, speakers around the “eight marks,” and congregational resources

Contact Heather Hammond, bishop’s associate, 612.230.3312


Theological Education for Immigrant Leaders Background and Mission For over 150 years people from many lands have found a home in the Minneapolis area. Once they came from northern Europe. Now, new immigrants arrive from places like Ethiopia, Sudan, and Liberia. Often they are refugees from wars and persecutions, Christians whose faith that has been tested beyond what most Minneapolis Area Synod Lutherans can imagine. Once they are here, the communities gather for prayer and worship. From within these communities, wise and gifted leaders rise up, persons whose hearts’ desire is to preach the Good News of life and hope in Jesus Christ. These leaders want to become pastors. Because of their positive associations with Lutherans in the area, they want to become Lutheran pastors. We are beginning to see the ethnic communities looking to become formally organized Lutheran congregations. Becoming a pastor in a Lutheran congregation requires theological education. In 2005-06 a Luther Theological Seminary education cost $21,000* per year for a full-time student in the Master of Divinity (ordained pastor) track. Seminary and ELCA Churchwide financial aid can and does help. The students can and do work at various jobs while they study, but even a job that pays a “living wage” leaves little or nothing for tuition payments.

Goal To prepare up to 15 immigrant/refugee leaders for rostered service in the ELCA as ordained pastors, commissioned associates in ministry, or consecrated diaconal ministers. As they are formally called to serve in congregations they will be able to reach out in languages and styles others in our synod cannot do. The faith and ministry of immigrant brothers and sisters blesses the whole metro area, and the Minneapolis Area Synod in particular, by making it possible for neighbors “to hear, each in our own language, the wondrous works of God.” (Acts 2:11b) Partnering congregations have an opportunity to build a relationship with the student(s) they sponsor, as well as the faith community that student serves.

Support Needed $15,000 per candidate per year for up to three years for ordained ministry; up to two years for diaconal ministry $5,000 per year for up to two years for associate in ministry candidates *$21,000 per year includes tuition, room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses according to the Office of Financial Aid at Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Contact Heather Hammond, bishop’s associate, 612.230.3312 24

Leadership Team Rev. Jon Buuck, senior pastor, Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Ms. Karen Bohn, president, Galeo Group LLC Mr. John Gilbert, chairman, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, retired Rev. David Hoffman, senior pastor, Lutheran Church of St. Philip the Deacon Ms. Rebecca Larsen, president Fundraising & Development Inc. Ms. Jan Maudlin, executive director, World Voices Mr. Tim Maudlin, managing partner, Medical Innovations Rev. Chris Nelson, senior pastor, Bethlehem Lutheran Church Mr. Bruce Nimmer, president, Sienna Corporation, Bennett Lumber Mr. Bill Nord, international investment adviser Mr. T. Williams, senior project associate, Rainbow Research

Staff Dennis Johnson Terri Endres Carolyn O’Grady

612.230.3306 612.230.3307 612.230.3318

122 W Franklin Ave, Ste 600 Minneapolis, MN 55404-2474

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