Saf Inc.docx

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 233
  • Pages: 2
ISI TROLI SAF I 1. Partus set

: 1 set berisi: - arteri klem 2 buah - Klem ½ koher - Gunting tali pusat - Sarung tangan DTT 2 pasang - Duk steril 1 helai - Benang tali pusat - Kain kasa steril 5 lembar 2. Mono aural : 1 buah 3. Kom obat berisi : - Oksitosin 1% : 6 ampul - Lidokain 1% : 3 ampul - Ergometrin : 3 ampul 4. Spuit 3 cc/5 cc : 3 pcs/ 1pcs 5. Jarum & catgut Chromic : 1 6. Kom kapas DTT :1 7. Kom air DTT :1 8. Bengkok :1 9. Lampu sorot :1 10. Betadin :1 11. Klorin spray :1 12. Bak berisi : - Kasa DTT - Kateter DTT - Sarung tangan DTT 13. Pita ukuran :1 14. Tetes mata :1

SAF II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Alat kegawatdaruratan yang terdiri atas: Hecting set :1 Penghisap lender :1 Tempat plasenta :1 Tempat klorin/ sarung tangan :1 Tempat spuit bekas :1 Tempat ampul bekas :1 Tensimeter, stetoskop :1 Thermometer :1

SAF III 1. Cairan infuse( RL) 2. Abocath no. 16-18 3. Infuse set 4. Celemek 5. Kaca mata 6. Masker 7. Waslap 8. Sarung tangan steril 9. Handuk 10. Duk 11. Kain bedong 3 12. Baju bayi/popok/topi 13. Resusitasi set

: 3 fls :2 :1 :2 :1 :1 :2 :2 :1 :2 :3 : 1/1/1 :1

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