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ESP-WROOM-02 1 Lead out the pins of the ESP-WROOM-02, as shown in Table 2-2 2. Connect the ESP-WROOM-02 to the USB-to-TTL converter, using Dupont lines, as shown in Figure 2-1. 3. Connect the USB-to-TTL converter to the PC. 4. Download firmware to flash with the ESP8266 FLASH DOWNLOAD TOOL

What is the "Internet of things"? The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of everyday objects — physical things embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity enabling data exchange. Basically, a little networked computer is attached to a thing, allowing information exchange to and from that thing. Be it lightbulbs, toasters, refrigerators, flower pots, watches, fans, planes, trains, automobiles, or anything else around you, a little networked computer can be combined with it to accept input (especially object control) or to gather and generate informational output (typically object status or other sensory data). This means computers will be permeating everything around us — ubiquitous embedded computing devices, uniquely identifiable, interconnected across the Internet. Because of low-cost, networkable microcontroller modules, the Internet of things is really starting to take off.

What is ESP8266? The Chips The ESP8266 series, or family, of Wi-Fi chips is produced by Espressif Systems, a fabless semiconductor company operating out of Shanghai, China. The ESP8266 series presently includes the ESP8266EX and ESP8285 chips. ESP8266EX (simply referred to as ESP8266) is a system-on-chip (SoC) which integrates a 32-bit Tensilica microcontroller, standard digital peripheral interfaces, antenna switches, RF balun, power amplifier, low noise receive amplifier, filters and power management modules into a small package. It provides capabilities for 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n, supporting WPA/WPA2), general-purpose input/output (16

GPIO), Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C), analog-to-digital conversion (10-bit ADC), Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), I²S interfaces with DMA (sharing pins with GPIO), UART (on dedicated pins, plus a transmit-only UART can be enabled on GPIO2), and pulse-width modulation (PWM). The processor core, called "L106" by Espressif, is based on Tensilica's Diamond Standard 106Micro 32-bit processor controller core and runs at 80 MHz (or overclocked to 160 MHz). It has a 64 KiB boot ROM, 32 KiB instruction RAM, and 80 KiB user data RAM. (Also, 32 KiB instruction cache RAM and 16 KiB ETS system data RAM.) External flash memory can be accessed through SPI. The silicon chip itself is housed within a 5 mm × 5 mm Quad Flat No-Leads package with 33 connection pads — 8 pads along each side and one large thermal/ground pad in the center. ESP8285 is a variation of ESP8266 with 1 MiB of embedded flash memory.

Now, if you're looking for something a bit more capable, check out ESP32 — it has more memory, more GPIO, hardware encryption, Bluetooth, and all sorts of other additional bells and whistles.

The Modules Vendors have consequently created a multitude of compact printed circuit board modules based around the ESP8266 chip. Some of these modules have specific identifiers, including monikers such as "ESP-WROOM-02" and and "ESP-01" through "ESP-14"; while other modules might be ill-labeled and merely referred to by a general description — e.g., "ESP8266 Wireless Transceiver." ESP8266-based modules have demonstrated themselves as a capable, low-cost, networkable foundation for facilitating end-point IoT developments. Espressif's official modules are presently ESP-WROOM-02 and ESP-WROOM-S2. The Ai-Thinker modules are succinctly labeled ESP-01 through ESP-14. (Note: many people refer to the AiThinker modules with the unofficial monikers of "ESP8266-01" through "ESP826614" for clarity.) See the ESP8266 article on Wikipedia for more information about popular ESP8266 modules The Development Boards/Modules ESP8266 based development boards/modules often incorporate a surface-mount PCB module, a on-board USB-to-serial bridge, and breakout to 0.1 inch pitch

connections. For example, the NodeMCU Development Kits use Ai-Thinker modules, the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH uses an Ai-Thinker ESP-12S module with a SiLabs CP2104 USB-to-serial bridge chip, and the WEMOS D1 Mini version 2.3 uses an AiThinker ESP-12S module with a WinChipHead CH340G USB-to-serial bridge chip. Other development boards don't use an intermediary module and instead directly incorporate the chip itself on-board — for example, WEMOS D1 Mini Pro uses ESP8266EX and WEMOS D1 Mini Lite uses ESP8285.

The ESP-WROOM-02 module is a product specific for the Internet of Things world. It contains the ESP8266 CPU, the radio part, and all the components needed for CPU operation. The ability to develop on-board software, along with its very affordable price-quality ratio, makes it the best tool to quickly add WiFi connectivity to new or existing products. The product is not obsolete but it is advisable to use ESPWROOM-32 module for new designs.

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3.3V system SDK with FreeRTOS multi-tasking operating system WiFi 802.11 B/G connectivity with WEP support, WPA/WPA2 PSK/Enterprise 4Mbit of internal flash memory for firmware and storage Web Interface and OTA Update Hardwire OS already available and ready to use Many configurable GPIO CE and FCC certification

Pengertian Arduino Software (IDE)

IDE itu merupakan kependekan dari Integrated Developtment Enviroenment, atau secara bahasa mudahnya merupakan lingkungan terintegrasi yang digunakan untuk melakukan pengembangan. Disebut sebagai lingkungan karena melalui software inilah Arduino dilakukan pemrograman untuk melakukan fungsi-fungsi yang dibenamkan melalui sintaks pemrograman. Arduino menggunakan bahasa pemrograman sendiri yang menyerupai bahasa C. Bahasa pemrograman Arduino (Sketch) sudah dilakukan perubahan untuk memudahkan pemula dalam melakukan pemrograman dari bahasa aslinya. Sebelum dijual ke pasaran, IC mikrokontroler Arduino telah ditanamkan suatu program bernama Bootlader yang berfungsi sebagai penengah antara compiler Arduino dengan mikrokontroler. Arduino IDE dibuat dari bahasa pemrograman JAVA. Arduino IDE juga dilengkapi dengan library C/C++ yang biasa disebut Wiring yang membuat operasi input dan output menjadi lebih mudah. Arduino IDE ini dikembangkan dari software Processing yang dirombak menjadi Arduino IDE khusus untuk pemrograman dengan Arduino.

Product Description DHT21 is a low-cost capacitive humidity & temperature sensor. It uses the same protocol as the DHT11. Ultra-low power: 300uA Average, 15uA when sleep Excellent long-term stability All calibration, digital output Completely interchangeable Long distance signal transmission: up to 20m Specifications:    

Power Supply: 3.3-5.2V DC Resolution: ±0.1 Temperature measurement range: -40 ~ +80 ℃ @ ±0.5℃ Humidity measurement range: 0-99.9%RH @ ±3%RH

The DHT-21 (also named as AM2301) is a digital-output relative humidityand temperature sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data pin. In this tutorial you will learn how to use this sensor with Arduino uno. The room temperature & humidity will be printed to serial monitor.

About the DHT-21 sensor The DHT21 is a basic, low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data pin (no analog input pins needed). Its fairly simple to use, but requires careful timing to grab data. The only real downside of this sensor is you can only get new data from it once every 2 seconds, so when using our library, sensor readings can be up to 2 seconds old.

Technical details:   

Power: 3.3 - 5.2V Humidity: 0-99.9%, 3%RH accuracy Temperature: -40 to 80°C, ±0.5°C accuracy

According to its developers, "ThingSpeak is an open source Internet of Things (IoT) application and API to store and retrieve data from things using the HTTP protocol over the Internet or via a Local Area Network. ThingSpeak enables the creation of sensor logging applications, location tracking applications, and a social network of things with status updates".[2] ThingSpeak was originally launched by ioBridge in 2010 as a service in support of IoT applications.[3] ThingSpeak has integrated support from the numerical computing software MATLAB from MathWorks,[4] allowing ThingSpeak users to analyze and visualize uploaded data using Matlab without requiring the purchase of a Matlab license from Mathworks. ThingSpeak has a close relationship with Mathworks, Inc. In fact, all of the ThingSpeak documentation is incorporated into the Mathworks' Matlab documentation site and even enabling registered Mathworks user accounts as valid login credentials on the ThingSpeak website.[5] The terms of service[6] and privacy policy[7] of are between the agreeing user and Mathworks, Inc. ThingSpeak has been the subject of articles in specialized "Maker" websites like Instructables,[8] Codeproject,[9] and Channel 9.[10]

ESP8266EX mengintegrasikan sebuah prosesor RISC Tensilica L106 32-bit, yang mencapai ekstrarendah konsumsi daya dan mencapai kecepatan maksimum jam 160 MHz. Real-Time Sistem operasi (RTO) dan Wi-Fi tumpukan memungkinkan 80% dari kekuatan pemrosesan menjadi tersedia untuk pemrograman aplikasi pengguna dan pengembangan. CPU termasuk antarmuka sebagai berikut. • Programmable RAM/ROM antarmuka (iBus), yang dapat dihubungkan dengan memori controller, dan juga dapat digunakan untuk mengunjungi flash. • Data RAM antarmuka (dBus), yang dapat terhubung dengan memori controller. • AHB antarmuka yang dapat digunakan untuk mengunjungi register.

Internal SRAM dan ROM ESP8266EX Wi-Fi SoC mengintegrasikan controller memori dan unit memori termasuk SRAM dan Roma MCU dapat mengakses unit memori melalui iBus, dBus dan AHB antarmuka. Semua unit memori dapat diakses berdasarkan permintaan, sedangkan arbiter memori akan memutuskan menjalankan urutan sesuai dengan waktu ketika permintaan ini diterima oleh prosesor. Menurut kami versi SDK, SRAM ruang yang tersedia untuk pengguna ditetapkan sebagai di bawah ini. • RAM ukuran < 50 kB, yaitu ketika ESP8266EX bekerja dalam modus Stasiun dan menghubungkan ke router, diprogram ruang dapat diakses dalam tumpukan + data bagian

sekitar 50 kB. • Ada adalah tidak ROM yang dipMenurut rogram di SoC, oleh karena itu, pengguna program harus disimpan dalam sebuah flash eksternal SPI.

ESP8266EX menggunakan flash SPI eksternal untuk menyimpan program-program pengguna, dan mendukung hingga 16 MB kapasitas memori secara teoritis. ESP-WROOM-02 saat ini mengintegrasikan flash SPI 2-MB. ESP-WROOM-02 mendukung SPI mode: standar SPI, DIO (Dual i/o), DOUT (Dual Output), QIO (Quad i/o) dan QOUT (Quad Output).

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