Rwanda City of Kigali
By: April Hughes
In 1994 Kigali was the epicenter of the deadly Rwandan genocide which broken out during a long civil war between the Tutsi and Hutu. Men, women, and children were brutally murdered and the few Tutsi surviors were left to pick up the pieces of their culture.
Kigali’s Genocide Museum holds a portrait memorial of the just of the few of the estimated one million victims killed in 1994. This touching memorial was opened in April of 2004, marking the 10th year anniversary of the horrendous event.
Even though Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali is focused on becoming more developed and technologically based through the establishment of industries, an overwhelming majority of citizens living in the country live off of subsistence farming. Just outside the city limits rural villages like the one shown above are the center of Rwandan daily life.
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• • • y/rwanda/images/1.jpg&imgrefurl= da/bigpicture.php%3Fimage%3D1&h=341&w=512&sz=43&hl=en&start=47&sig2=Dx 9yQqg46sdKkM88ZpL9w&um=1&tbnid=ni3nDdtHn2E8BM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=131&ei=wSwhR_j7HJ 3EiwH8oPTNDQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkigali%2Bgenocide%26start%3D36%26nd sp%3D18%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN es/318.jpg
Traveling to Kigali: DOS:
Traveling to Kigali: Don’ts:
Sources: • • com/eb/image%3Fid%3D93278%26rendTypeId%3D4&i mgrefurl= D87715%26articleTypeId%3D0&h=450&w=294&sz=32& hl=en&start=30&sig2=nOPX2IqSr7jjWpdFzueS0A&um=1 &tbnid=Evx1ndTalkVlM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=83&ei=3jkhR9bNB4a UiwGF_v3GDQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drwanda%252B art%26start%3D18%26ndsp%3D18%26svnum%3D10% 26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN