Russia And The World: Scenarios To 2025: Executive Summary

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Russia and the World: Scenarios to 2025 Executive Summary

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Executive Summary

Vozrozhdenie Long March

Oil's Curse

Russia and the World: Scenarios to 2025 Executive Summary

Executive Summary For decades Russia, as the dominant constituent

More recently, a number of issues have started

of the Soviet Union, was indisputably a

to become more pressing, including inflation,

superpower. The reality today is very different.

ethnic tensions and some slowing in economic

With a population of 144 million, Russia has

growth just to mention a few.

approximately as many inhabitants as Pakistan

It is thus appropriate to ask whether the

(which, like Russia, possesses nuclear weapons),

combination of these different demographic,

and an economy about the size of the

economic, social and political elements will

Netherlands (population 16 million).

eventually have a negative impact, or if Russia

Russia has gone through major changes

can successfully turn itself around.

since the break up of the Soviet Union, with a 30% decrease in gross domestic product

The Key Questions for the Scenarios

(GDP) from 1992 to 1998 and challenges to

Among the many challenges confronting Russia,

Moscow’s rule in some provinces. In addition

two questions are key to how Russia will look

to that, declining birth rates combined with

in the next two decades :

emigration and disease have shrunk the

Will Russia be able to develop

working-age population. However, at the start

legitimate and effective governance,

of the 21st Century, the indications from Russia

based on the rule of law ?

are more favourable, not least because it has

How effectively can Russia develop

experienced a strong real GDP growth in the

a broad-based economy given its

past five years that has created large current

extensive energy resources ?

account surpluses and reserves. The economic boom has been supported

A number of factors will influence Russia’s

by high oil prices—but the benefits of this

response to these questions :

increased economic prosperity are shared only

The nature, openness and leadership

among the elite, while the income gap between

qualities of the Russian elite, and its interest

regions and groups within society continues

and ability to impose the rule of law ;

to grow.

The choice of economic policy, and the extent of the freedom granted to private

While the upturn in itself is not enough to ensure sustained economic development, it

capital in the energy and non-energy

has provided President Vladimir Putin with a

sectors ;

window of opportunity, which he has used to

The challenge of maintaining social cohesion

introduce a number of reforms, including a flat

given the country’s geographic spread and

income tax, a new land and legal code, and

its serious demographic problems ; and,

legislation on currency liberalization. Indeed, his

Russia’s relations with the rest of the world.

most significant achievement has been to balance the budget and dramatically reduce

Different scenario paths for Russia up to 2025

IMF borrowing.

are represented in figure 1, in which the axes reflect different possible outcomes with respect to the key questions.


Russia and the World: Scenarios to 2025 Executive Summary

Figure 1: Russia and the World: Scenarios to 2025

Vozrozhdenie Long March

Oil's Curse

The Long March scenario covers a situation

and a decline in the competitiveness of domestic

in which Russia continues to leverage its


natural resources, to the detriment of the full

A radical departure from the past is also

development of other sectors. A gradual

possible, in which Russia would gradually

transition takes place to a system of governance

achieve real economic and social progress.

based on the rule of law. In this scenario, Russia

Vozrozhdenie (“Renaissance” in Russian)

is able to achieve relative prosperity, but a far

foresees initially gradual but eventually wide-

less benign future is also possible.

reaching governance reforms combined with

In Oil’s Curse, a political class bent on

market reforms leading to strong GDP growth,

its own enrichment is in charge, resulting

an increase in real income, and general

in slow growth, poor levels of investment in

improvement in the quality of life for the

infrastructure, capital flight, increased corruption

population at large.


Long March

Long March describes a Russia that is still highly dependent on natural resources. Increasingly moderate and pragmatic

Russia and the World: Scenarios to 2025

conservatives make investments in oil infrastructure so as to fully leverage the advantages Russia derives from its natural resources while struggling to enforce a greater rule of law. In other sectors of the economy, international competitiveness remains limited. This scenario is set out in the notional form of a transcript in the Dupree Quarterly—an investment journal—of a keynote speech at its annual meeting in New York City in 2025.

Executive Summary

Oil’s Curse

In Oil’s Curse Russia continues to rely heavily on natural resources. With high oil prices worldwide and strong demand for energy, the implementation of far-reaching institutional reforms and investment in oil and public infrastructure are neglected, in part due to ineffective leadership. The scenario is told as an article (by Russian sceptics) in The Online Newsletter of the Russian Development Group, aimed at potential investors.


Vozrozhdenie describes a Russia that implements a series of


bold reforms under the leadership of a democratically elected President. These reforms lead to the economic, political and social rebirth of Russia. The scenario is narrated in the Online Encyclopaedia of the World (OEW) and provides a factual account of what Russia has achieved over a 20-year period.


2006-2010: The conservatives reinforce their power in the Kremlin as despair and apathy spread among the population and high oil prices reduce the sense of urgency for the need for substantial economic reforms. Efficiency and fiscal discipline appear less important, given the revenues flowing into the state’s vaults. However, the lack of reforms, as well as uncertainty and instability, affect the economy, bringing about a substantial decrease in productivity and efficiency in all sectors—including energy, where insufficient investments in exploration and extraction affect oil production growth. As corruption undermines the rule of law, elections do not lead to any change in power or policy. Ethnic tensions increase, and the international position becomes tenser and more difficult. 2011-2020: The deteriorating economic situation spurs a number of short term measures.The loosening of fiscal policy as the government withdraws from the Stabilization Fund, without backing the withdrawals with the necessary structural reforms, actually worsens the situation by fuelling inflation and inefficiency. The state reacts by reinforcing its industrial policy and increasing its hold over the energy sector. More companies are brought under state control, encouraging an internal political struggle over the control of natural resource

2006-2010: Decreasing oil and gas production, low efficiency and productivity in all sectors, and a worsening of the business environment cause a slowdown of the economy, after years of relatively high GDP growth. Corruption and poor governance reach into virtually all areas of public and private life, and social services, such as health and education, are suffering from years of insufficient budget allocations. After the 2008 elections, conflicts flare inside the Kremlin between conservatives and market reformers, and a new Prime Minister closer to the latter group is chosen. He begins some much-needed reforms, but is eventually ousted by conservatives. As the economy continues to shift downwards, the “traditional” measures—state intervention, dirigisme, political pricing, etc.—prove unsuccessful. 2011-2020: Popular opposition following the slowing of the economy (and of income growth) and the scandals surrounding a failed anti-corruption campaign builds up ahead of the 2012 elections, and enables the ousted Prime Minister to obtain the Presidency. Over the two terms of his mandate, he succeeds in implementing some radical reforms both in the public sector (progression towards greater democracy and division of powers; civil service and army reform ; greater independence of regions vis-à-vis the centre) and in business (establishment of the free

2021-2025: Russia follows essentially the same path, maintaining a benign authoritarian regime and a strong involvement of the state in the economy, primarily focused on the energy sector. Advances in the rule of law and a solid increase in real income for the population in general encourage the development of a middle class that, at this point, begins to resent the state’s stranglehold on all areas of public and economic life. Non-oil industries are growing, but over the years their competitiveness on the international scene is affected by the lack of exposure to a real market economy, the strengthening of the rouble, and the protectionist attitude of the state. This in turn sparkes pressure for market-friendly reforms. Furthermore, the regions, which have benefited from more efficient administration, are beginning to question the role of the state, while ethnic tensions are on the increase. On the international scene, Russia is seen as a stable and reliable oil provider.

Executive Summary

2011-2020: The new President (2008-2016) and his successor maintain Putin’s approach to a managed democracy and a managed economy, while committing to the redistribution of revenues from the state-controlled energy sector to the population at large, improving their living standards through increased social spending. Despite the lack of serious structural reforms in the economy and public governance, the government is relatively successful in fighting corruption and reforming the military, while its focus on the energy sector ensures much-needed investment and gradual improvement in efficiency and productivity in that sector. Other industries remain underdeveloped despite their

potential, because of limited access to financing and human capital and the absence of a free-market dynamic. Energy also shapes foreign policy, drawing Russia closer to China and improving its relations with both the European Union and the United States. Russia and the World: Scenarios to 2025

2006-2010: Following a period of economic upswing, inefficiency and declining productivity in the energy sector become increasingly apparent, as oil and gas production start to trend downward. Inequality and corruption levels increase, while social spending on healthcare and education is underfunded. The 2008 elections bring leadership changes and new vision to Russia. A model emerges, similar to Canada, where energy and natural resources are seen as a strategic asset that can be leveraged for both economic development and geopolitical aims.

companies. As the state is unable to improve the economy, more and more industries are subject to government directives. The private sector has only limited access to finance, human capital, fixed capital and management, whilst capital flight soars. Eventually, a new wave of privatization creates a second generation of oligarchs. Protectionist measures in favour of weaker domestic companies and dwindling oil production contribute to the souring of international relations. 2021-2025 : Alarmed by a potential collapse of the Russian economy, international financial institutions try to pump in funds—but these are mostly squandered without achieving any real effect. The state does not follow a long-term social policy, and welfare expenditures are crisis-driven, unsustainable and inadequate, while the number of those dependent on the state for survival—pensioners, unemployed, the poor— grows. Businesses continue to be hampered by loss of competitiveness, low productivity, and an unfavourable market environment. Internally, Russia experiences mounting centreperiphery and ethnic tensions, which often erupt into violent clashes. Externally, international relationships deteriorate as Russia unsuccessfully attempts to recreate an imperialist state, further alienating its neighbours, and eventually turns inwards, becoming more and more isolated.

market and gradual withdrawal of the state from the economy ; reduction of red tape and trade barriers ; encouragement of diversification to non-energy sectors), whilst also addressing the health and the education systems. Corruption is tackled, and confidence in state and business grows as the economy starts to recover, with improvements in productivity across all sectors. Internationally, Russia strengthens its ties with the EU and to some extent with the US, while its relationship with China is good in the context of the supply of energy, but tenser elsewhere. 2021-2025 : The succeeding Presidency builds upon the strong foundations created over the previous years, although with a stronger emphasis on social aspects and regional development. The diversification achieved ensures a solid and sustainable economic growth, despite the slowing in oil production, while insulating the economy from energy shocks and increasing the financial independence of the regions. The rise of a burgeoning middle class also ensures the emergence and development of a strong civil society. Abroad, Russia is positioning itself as the growth engine for the Eurasia and Central Asia region, and is perceived as a major power, with the ability to counter-balance both China and the US.



Russia and the World: Scenarios to 2025

Long March

Executive Summary

Oil's Curse

Comparing the Three Scenarios This table provides a comparison of some of the most important aspects and developments of the scenarios, with further analysis presented in the following Annex


Long March

Oil’s Curse


Economic performance

• Strong investment in oil infrastructure, improvements in public infrastructure, limited growth elsewhere

• Strong state regulation and protection of the economy from outside forces lead to slow and fluctuating GDP growth

• Push to diversify the economy away from energy, leads to healthy and stable balanced GDP growth

Social development

• Higher but inefficient social spending stabilizes income gap • Civil society remains embryonic—but pressures for ‘independence’ grow

• High social tensions due to prevailing corruption and growing inequalities • Quality of life worsens and social services close to collapse

• Social spending and improved efficiency has reduced inequality • Greater involvement of the population in political life

External relationships

• Mildly benign attitude towards the West, focus on China & India • Russia has positioned itself as a crucial supplier of energy in a world where security of supply is major issue

• Relationship with China thrives on the back of growing energy trade • Closer relations with EU driven by security of energy supply • US relationship grows distant

• Russia becomes increasingly active on the world stage and in international organizations • Greater readiness to substantially align with EU and US views.

Leadership & governance

• Power maintained by increasingly moderate and pragmatic conservatives • Successful war on corruption legitimizes the central state

• Power maintained and concentrated by small elites at national and regional levels • Dissatisfaction with ineffective governance

• Full development of a more effective and democratic form of governance • Transparency, personal rights and public accountability are greatly improved

Russia and the World : Scenarios to 2025

The following section allows a side-by-side comparison

Using the data

of the evolution of some key economic and social

The main objective of the above data is to help develop

indicators as featured in each scenario. The underlying

leading indicators to determine which of the three scenarios is

economic modelling and analysis has been developed,

actually unfolding. Scenario users should keep in mind that

with contributions from several experts, in order to

the scenarios and the related analysis are descriptions of

ensure that the storylines and the development of their

only a set of possible outcomes, as seen from the current

different dimensions are both plausible and consistent


with each other.

Annex: Comparing The Three Scenarios

Annexe : Comparing the Three Scenarios

They should not be seen as predictions or forecasts. The data provided therefore should only be seen as a guide, and should be applied with careful judgement.

Key indicators considered : 1. World GDP growth 2. Russia GDP growth 3. Export growth (excluding oil) 4. Export composition - Export breakdown by destination - Export breakdown by industry 5. Oil exports 6. FDI inflows 7. Percentage of people living under “subsistence level”


Russia and the World: Scenarios to 2025 Figure A.1

World GDP Growth

World real GDP % growth p.a. (moving 5-year averages) Long March Percentages

Annex: Comparing The Three Scenarios

1. World GDP growth

Oil’s Curse


5 4 3 2 1 0









Source: World Economic Forum

In Long March, global integration progresses worldwide and global growth peaks in 2008 ; however, in the long run, scepticism and nationalism emerge, preventing the global economy from fully reaping the benefits of globalization and slowing down growth. In Oil’s Curse, a difficult international environment, characterized by lack of trust and instability, undermines international cooperation and integration, leading to a global recession in 2010-2014. In contrast, in Vozrozhdenie, the global economy benefits from increasing globalization and a more harmonious external environment, reaching annual growth rates of up to 4 %.

2. Russia GDP growth Figure A.2

Russia GDP Growth

Russia’s GDP growth p.a. (moving 5-year averages) Percentages

Long March

Oil’s Curse


8 6 4 2 0 Actual 2000







Source: Moody's

Following the 2002-2006 period of high growth, mostly driven by oil prices and consumer demand, Russia’s GDP growth starts to slow. In Long March the maintained reliance on energy is backed by substantial investments and efficiency improvements in the sector, while in the non-energy economy, small but efficient investments lead to moderate growth. In Oil’s Curse, on the other hand, the dependence on energy is not sustained by the necessary investments; as decreasing rule of law and negative business environment affect economic performance in all sectors, GDP growth is minimal. In Vozrozhdenie, after an initial period of mediocre performance, the economy picks up thanks to encouraged diversification


and increased rule of law, attaining higher and sustainable growth levels.

Russia and the World : Scenarios to 2025 Annex: Comparing The Three Scenarios

3. Export growth (excluding oil) Export Growth Excluding Oil

Figure A.3

Export excluding oil (nominal, moving 5-year averages) Billion US$

Long March 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Actual

Oil’s Curse









Source: Moody's

In all scenarios, export growth slows down significantly in the period 2006-2011, to stabilize at lower levels as of 2012. In Long March, growth remains the same throughout the rest of the period, as domestic companies remain less competitive than their international counterparts. In Oil’s Curse, not only does growth not pick up, but it remains, comparatively, at the lowest level. In Vozrozhdenie, the level at which growth stabilizes is relatively higher than in the other scenarios; moreover, growth picks up again in 2019 thanks to increasing diversification of the economy.

4. Export composition Export breakdown by destination Export Breakdown by Destination 2005 and 2025

Figure A.4 CIS



Asia ex China

Americas, Australia and Oceania

Middle East & Africa

In 2005 Russia in 2005







In 2025



Long March


Oil’s Curse





54 13

47 40



14 10 15

4 2 5

5 3

Source: World Economic Forum

In Long March, the importance of the countries of the European Union as trading partners is maintained, driven by energy exports. The breakdown of export destinations in Oil’s Curse shows a slight reduction in the amount of exports towards the EU, mostly absorbed by Asia. Vozrozhdenie offers a more balanced profile of export destinations, as differentiation and globalization encourage Russia’s integration in international trade.


Russia and the World: Scenarios to 2025 Annex: Comparing The Three Scenarios

5. Export breakdown by industry Export Breakdown by Industry 2005 and 2025

Figure A.5

Mined and Mineral Products Forest and Paper Products Metals, Precious Gems, and Their Products Chemical and Rubber Manufacturing

Machinery, Equipment, and Transportation Related Goods Consumer and Other Goods Services

In 2005


Russia in 2005


3 18

5 7

In 2025

3 9 Percentages

Long March


Oil’s Curse




3 23


4 27 3 18



3 13

7 18



3 9


Source: Moody's

Long March and Oil’s Curse both depict an ongoing reliance on natural resources for their external trade. In Vozrozhdenie, differentiation and higher competitiveness of Russian businesses are reflected by a more varied export composition.

5. Oil exports Figure A.6

Oil Exports

Crude oil export p.a. (volumes) Million Bpd

Long March

Oil’s Curse


9 8 7 6 5 4









Source: Moody's

The quantity of oil exports is higher in the Long March scenario. In Oil’s Curse, it is lower, due to insufficient investments and inefficiencies. In Vozrozhdenie, a greater proportion of the oil produced fuels the growing economy.


Russia and the World : Scenarios to 2025 Annex: Comparing The Three Scenarios

6. FDI inflows Figure A.7

FDI Inflows

Billion US$

Long March 30

Oil’s Curse


Vozrozhdenie Projected

25 20 15 10 5 0


2001-2005 2006-2010

2011-2015 2016-2020


Source: World Economic Forum

In Long March, Russia attracts a higher level of FDI in the period 2006-2010—directed predominantly towards the energy sector—than in any of the other scenarios. In the period 2011-2025, however, the greater differentiation and the market economy in Vozrozhdenie see a greater inflow of FDI. The negative business environment and poor rule of law discourage the majority of potential investors in Oil’s Curse. 7. Percentage of people living under “subsistence level” Figure A.8

People Living Under “Subsistence Level”


Share of people Long March

Oil’s Curse


30 25 20 15 10 5 0










Source: World Economic Forum

Both Long March and Vozrozhdenie see a decrease in poverty. While in Long March this is due to the state, which ensures a redistribution of wealth through social policies and spending, in Vozrozhdenie, it is the market mechanism that guarantees a greater participation of the people in the improvement of the economy. In Oil’s Curse, poor economic performance, coupled with the absence of proper redistribution mechanisms and minimal rule of law, causes many to remain trapped below subsistence levels.


The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a foundation in 1971, and based in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum is impartial and not-for-profit; it is tied to no political, partisan or national interests. (

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