Radiation: The Good and The Bad Running Head: POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF RADIATION
The Real Effects of Radiation Exposure on Human Beings Ángel H. González De Jesús Inter American University, San Germán Campus
Radiation: The Good and The Bad
Abstract An attempt has been made to answer the following question: Is radiation good or bad? Through time people have been asking themselves that question. Radiation could be a good thing when it comes to energy sources other than petroleum. It is also proven to be useful to sterilize products such as food and other goods. What turns radiation into a “bad” source of energy is that it can be very harmful and could cause many accidents and horrible mutations to the flora and the fauna, including human beings. Putting lives in danger is part of the issue dealing with radiation when it comes to working at a nuclear plant. The real truth is that radiation can be either good or bad depending on the ways that it is used. One must also consider how we work with this source of energy so that it can be successfully managed and put to good use for mankind. The main purpose of my work is to show people that sometimes we have to risk some things to achieve bigger things.
Radiation: The Good and The Bad References Budiharto, T., Haustermans, K., Van Custem, E., Van Steenbergen, W., Topal, B., Aerts, R., Ectors, N., Bielen D., Van Beckevoort, D., Goethals, L., Verslype, C. (2008) A Phase I Radiation Dose-escalation Study To Determine The Maximal Dose Of Radiotherapy in Combination With Weekly Gemcitabine in Patients With Locally Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Retrieved September 30, 2008, From http:www.rojournal.com/content/3/1/30.