
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 482
  • Pages: 3
* @version $Id:$ */ // set error reporting error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); /** * Including the configuration file */ include('ncdLib/config.inc.php'); include('classes/DBMysql.class.php'); include('classes/Config.class.php'); include('classes/Utils.class.php'); /** * Creating instance of database class * @var db * @access public */ $db =& DBMysql::getInstance(); /** * Creating instance of config class * @var config * @access public */ $config =& Config::getInstance(); $config->populate(); /** * Creating new smarty class instance * @var sy * @access public */ $sy = new Smarty; /** * Set all the important properties */ $sy->template_dir = "templates/"; $sy->compile_dir = SMARTY_DIR."/templates_c/"; $sy->compile_check = true; $sy->debugging = false; $sy->force_compile = true; $auth = ncd_Auth::getInstance(); $auth->start(); if ($auth->auth['perm'] != 'Admin') { echo ("You don't have permissions to access this page"); exit;

} else { define('ADMIN_MODE',1); } // Check if we have a record for this session in db //$query = "SELECT id FROM {$config->conf['TABLE_SESSIONS']} WHERE sessionId = '{$auth->auth['sessionId']}'"; // Check if a cookie for activity is set if (isset($_COOKIE['ncd_session'])) { $session_id = $_COOKIE['ncd_session']; $query = "UPDATE {$config->conf['TABLE_SESSIONS']} SET lastAccess = NOW() WHERE sessionId = '$session_id'"; $db->query($query); // Update the cookie expiry time by again setting it with a expiry of 15 mins from now setcookie('ncd_session', $session_id, time() + (15 * 60)); } else { // Generate a unique session id $session_id = md5(uniqid(time())); // Set a cookie with value of this session id that will expire after 15 mins setcookie('ncd_session', $session_id, time() + (15 * 60)); // Insert a record for this session $query = "INSERT INTO {$config->conf['TABLE_SESSIONS']} SET sessionId = '$session_id', userId = '{$auth->auth['uid']}', userNic = '{$auth->auth['nic']}', loginTime = NOW(), lastAccess = NOW() "; $db->query($query); } /* $db->query($query); // If we get the record then update the lastAccess of that record with current time if ($db->nf()) { $session = $db->fetchRow(); // Fire the update query $query = "UPDATE {$config->conf['TABLE_SESSIONS']} SET lastAccess = NOW() WHERE id = '{$session['id']}'"; $db->query($query); } else { // We will store this session and login time $query = "INSERT INTO {$config->conf['TABLE_SESSIONS']} SET sessionId = '{$auth->auth['sessionId']}', userId = '{$auth->auth['uid']}', userNic = '{$auth->auth['nic']}', loginTime = NOW(), lastAccess = NOW() "; $db->query($query); }

*/ /** * Get the country list from countries table */ $query = "SELECT * FROM {$config->conf['TABLE_COUNTRIES']} ORDER BY name"; $db->query($query); while ($record = $db->fetchRow()) { $countries[$record['id']] = $record; } $sy->assign('countries', $countries); if (!$auth->auth['country']) { $auth->auth['country'] = 2; } if (isset($_GET['countryId'])) { $auth->auth['country'] = (int)$_GET['countryId']; } $selectedCountry = $countries[$auth->auth['country']]; $sy->assign('selectedCountry', $selectedCountry); function getUniqueFileName($matches, $destDir) { // Create a unique name for the file to be uploaded $nr = 0; $uniqueName = $matches[1] . '.' . $matches[2]; while (file_exists($destDir . $uniqueName)) { $uniqueName = $matches[1] . '~' . $nr++ . '.' . $matches[2]; } return $uniqueName; } /** * Function to convert any date string to mysql format YYYY-mm-dd */ function dateToSql($date) { return date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)); } ?>

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