Rules 1.1 Rpg

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,509
  • Pages: 9
ATTRIBUTES STRENGHT DEXTERITY CONSTITUTION MIND SPIRIT Atributes are important mostly during character creation and leveling . They are important because: – they generate ATTRIBUTE POINTS – they generate TALENT POINTS Number of points is equal to attribute score * lvl Character with STRENGHT 12 would get 12 strenght attribute points and 12 strenght talent points on 1st lvl , and 12 every times character gains a level ATTRIBUTE POINTS - they are spend on upgrading Attributes. With points from one Attribute you can't buy skill of another (for Strenght skills you can only spend strenght points) Upgrading Attributes – every rank has higher cost than previous. Cost increases by +2 points for every rank 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) …

cost 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

STRENGHT Strenght is divided on 4 attributes power Bonus damage dealt with weapon equal to your rank. Some weapons have multipliers on dmg Light weapons have multiplier 0.5, standard weapons 1 , and 2 handed weapons 1.5

attack speed Increase number of attacks or perform special attacks Every weapon have weapon speed statistic. The heavier the weapon that statistic is higher. If your speed is higher then weapon speed you gain extra attack. Example: Sir Vailan uses longsword. Longsword has weapon speed 3. He have speed 3 so he gains 2nd attack. If he had 6 he would get 3rd attack, if 9 4th and so on. Torg the Barbarian uses 2 handed axe ( speed 6). His speed is 6, but because his weapon is slower, he have just 2 attacks. He will not get 3rd attack until rank 12 (at 12 with longsword he would have 5 atttacks) Every additional attack have cumulative penalty of -2 attack dices athletics Covers skills like jump, climb,run, swim, grapple. Untrained, you have just 1 dice for athletic skills. You can train it with talents. Below are Training rules example, swimming. Swimming (basic) 1 dice for every 3 ranks in Athletics attribute (or 2 dices, whichever is higher) Swimming (advanced) 1 dice for every 2 ranks in Athletics attribute (or 3 dices, whichever is higher) Swimming (expert) 1 dice for every rank in Athletics attribute (or 4 dices, whichever is higher) carry Reduce fatigue penalties for carrying up to 50 % For carrying armor, reduce penalty by 1 for every rank

AGILITY Agility is divided on 4 attributes precision To hit attack bonus. Gain 1 attack dice for every rank in this attribute If rank is 0, instead roll 1 dice, but add +2 penalty on success reflex Defense and Reflex save Defense: Add 1 defense roll for every rank. If rank is 0 roll 1 dice instead, but add +2 penalty for success Reflex save: Roll 1 Reflex dice for every rank you have. For every success reduce damage taken by 1 or 10% , whichever is higher. If percents are used maximum of 20%, but can be improved with talents (40%,60%,80%,100%) coordination Covers skills : acrobatics, escape artist, stealth. Training rules for talents apply manual dexterity with hands. Important for craft skills, musical instruments.... Training rules for talents apply

CONSTITUTION Constitution is divided on 3 Attributes Health +3 hit points for every rank HP = Constitution + 3x Health ranks Fatigue + 6 fatigue points for every rank Fatigue points = 3x Constitution + 6x Fatigue ranks Fortitude 1 dice for Fortitude save for every rank reduces 1 dmg or 10% (whichever is higher) for every succes on every charge of poison and disease

example: Torg the barbarian is bitten by viper. He is poisoned!! Viper's poison deals 8 charges ( 1 every minute) of 10 damage (8*10 = 80dmg) But Torg has Fortitude 7 When poison first time damages him he rolls 7 dices. He gets 4 successes. On first charge he receive 10-4 dmg = 6 dmg Next minute he rolls again. This time just 1 success. 10-1= 9 dmg ….. • •

if he drinks antidote he will get bonus dices ( from +1 to +10 depending on antidote) with medical treatment he can get additional dices

… disease functions the same way but they usualy have more charges with less dmg .. and much longer time of effect.

MIND intelligence Basic requisite for Knowledge, Arcane, and some other Talents. Training rules for talents apply education Education through life. While Intelligence is requisite for most talents, role of Education is to make those talents easier to learn Reduce cost of all Knowledge and Arcane talents by 1 for every rank of Education (max -50%) Same level of Education is not available to everyone Maximum education depending on social status: peasant – 0 citizen – 1 merchants, travelers, wealthy citizens – 2 nobility, church ,rich citizens, mages – unlimited will Improves your starting morale by +1 per rank Morale: having positive/ negative morale gives you bonus/penalty on attack dices ... +50 +3 dice +30 +2 dice +10 +1 dice 0 -10 -1 dice -30 -2 dice -50 -3 dice …. Wll save: 1 dice for every rank reduces all kinds of Will dmg (affects morale) for 1 or 10% (whichever is higher) for every succes

survival Everything for survival in wilderness.. includes tracking, findingl food, animal and plant knowledge... Training rules for talents apply

SPIRIT persuasion Cover skills : diplomacy, bluff, intimidate, trade, seduce. Training rules for talents apply charisma Affects morale of people around you Cover skills : leadership, performing arts (dancing,music,acting) Training rules for talents apply empathy Cover skills : sense motive, handle animal Training rules for talents apply artistic Cover skills creative arts (writing, composing, painting) Training rules for talents apply perception All senses combined into one

COMBAT Attack roll vs Defense roll Attacker rolls dices equal to his Precision score. Defender rolls dices equal to his Reflex score.(Armor don't help with Defense roll. Instead, armor absorbs damage. However, if armor is heavy it can reduce your Defense roll)

Dice used is d10. Success is 6 or more. If defender have more successes = miss If attacker have more successes = hit if both have same number = hit Damage weapon + bonus (power) – protection(from armor) Critical Hits If attacker have 4 more successes (for 19-20/x critical ) or 5 more (for 20x) he scored critical hit No confirmation roll is needed. Weapon Speed Every weapon have weapon speed statistic. The heavier the weapon that statistic is higher. If your speed is higher then weapon speed you gain extra attack. Example: Sir Vailan uses longsword. Longsword has weapon speed 3. He have speed 3 so he gains 2nd attack. If he had 6 he would get 3rd attack, if 9 4th and so on. Torg the Barbarian uses 2 handed axe ( speed 6). His speed is 6, but because his weapon is slower, he have just 2 attacks. He will not get 3rd attack until rank 12 (at 12 with longsword he would have 5 atttacks) Every additional attack have cumulative penalty of -2 attack dices Called Shots Increase number needed for success For arms,legs and torso increase by 1 (from 6 to 7) For head, neck, hands (you can disarm or sunder item held) and feet ( trip attempt) increase by 2 For armor penetration increase by 1. For every success more than defender reduce armor protection by 1 for that attack Parry Every round you can reduce your attack speed to defend more efficiently. For every rank of speed reduced gain +1 defense roll until next turn. Example: Korgan is fighting with 2 handed axe ( 6 weapon speed). His attack speed is 8. He can reduce attack by 2 ( he only need 6 for extra attack) and improve defense. You can't parry with smaller category weapon (no knife vs axe parry). If u parry with larger weapon gain +2 defense per size category larger

WEAPONS DAGGER 1d4 20/x2 speed factor*: 2 penetration 0 fatigue- 1 bonus dmg: 0.5x precision : 0 range- melle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SWORD 1d8 19-20/x2 speed factor*: 4 penetration 0 fatigue- 3 bonus dmg: 1x precision : 1 range- melle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AXE 1d10 20/x3 speed factor*: 5 penetration 0 fatigue- 4 bonus dmg: 1x precision : 0 range- melle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MACE 1d8 20/x2 speed factor*: 5 penetration 2 fatigue- 4 bonus dmg: 1x precision : 0 range- melle 2 handed SWORD 2d6 19-20/x2 speed factor*: 7 penetration 0 fatigue- 6 bonus dmg: 1.5 x precision : 0 range- melle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 handed AXE 2d8 20/x3 speed factor*: 8 penetration 0 fatigue- 7 bonus dmg: 1.5x precision : -1 range- melle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 handed MACE 2d6 20/x2 speed factor*: 8 penetration 4 fatigue- 7 bonus dmg: 1.5x precision : -1 range- melle POLEARM 2d10 20/x2 speed factor*: 10 fatigue- 10 precision : -1 range- reach

penetration 2 bonus dmg: 1.5x

ARMORS still not finished..these are just examples how it should work LEATHER ARMOR Protection: 2 Reflex Penalty: 0 CHAIN MAIL Protection: 5 Reflex Penalty: -2 FULL PLATE Protection: 10 Reflex Penalty: -5

CHARACTER Hit Points: Constitution + 3x Health ranks Fatigue Points: 3x Constitution + 6x Fatigue ranks Morale: 1x Will ranks

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