Rpg Rules

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 955
  • Pages: 10
R.P.G. Rocket Propelled Game

By: Franz Braatz

Races Human No adjustments. Midget -1 Brawn, +1 Brains Native -1 Brawn, +1 Vitality Tin Man -1 Brains, +1 Brawn

Character Creation Step 1  Roll 4D6. Disregard lowest roll and reroll 1s. Step 2  Assign remaining dice values to the following stats as you see fit. These are your bonus points you apply to every D6 roll for that stat. No stat may ever be more than 6. 1. Brains Determine success of spells and problem solving. 2. Brawn Determines melee attack and physical activities. 3. Vitality Determines ranged attack, spell resist, and movement. Step 3  Roll 4D6 to determine total starting hit points. Add an additional 1D6 per level.

Basic Rules No Money  Barter Based Economy. Initiative 

Roll for initiative and add your bonus points off your highest stat.

Combat         

All Rolls of 6 are automatic hit. All rolls of 1 are automatic miss. Attackers and defenders roll 1D6 each at the same time. Melee attacker add brawn bonus to attack roll. Defender adds armor bonus to defense roll. Ranged attack adds vitality bonus. Spell attack adds brain bonus. Spell defender adds vitality bonus

Equipment Damage  o Attack rolls of 1 cause 1 point of weapon damage. o Defense rolls of 1 cause 1 point of armor damage. o Equipment damage can be repaired only after battles, unless a Mechanic uses “Repair Device”. o Equipment reaching 0 bonus points is permanently broken and cannot be repaired. Monster XP Values  To determine how many experience points each monster is worth, do the following: 1. Add the stat points. 2. Divide hit points by 3. 3. Add the weapon and armor point values. 4. The total of these 3 numbers will give you the total encounter point value. Armor    

Determines defense value. Cannot exceed +5 bonus points. Certain status immunity and bonus defenses can be added by Alchemists and Mechanics.

Level Advancement: Lvl. 2- 1000XP Lvl. 3- 2000XP Lvl. 4- 5000XP Lvl. 5- 10,000XP Lvl. 6- 20,000XP Lvl. 7- 50,000XP Lvl.8- Retire Weapons Stats  from

Monsters don’t have XP. Max Lvl.= Lvl.20

Damage= Determines amount of hit points to be removed

opponent. Maximum of +3 bonus points to a base roll of D6. Speed= Determines number of attacks per turn. Maximum of 3. Range= Number of spaces a weapon can reach. Minimum of 1, Maximum of 6.

Weapon Value Determine a weapons value by : 1. 2. 3. 4.

Add damage bonus points. Multiply speed points by 3. Add range points. The total number of these 3 values is the value point of the weapon. 5. Calculate status and magical bonuses separately as they occur. Common Weapons: Knife/ Dagger Club 2 Handed Crossbow Improvised Weapons

1 Handed Sword Mace Spear

Common Equipment: Potion Belt Back pack Arrow Quiver Quiet Boots Boots of Speed Rings

Necklace Helmets Armor Summoning Stone Shield

Classes Soldier Melee combat. Alchemist Spell caster. Woodsman Ranged combat. Politician People person. Mechanic Equipment specialist.

Each class has specifics skills, weapons, and spells. • Skills can be used freely for that class. • Class weapons can only be used by that class. • Spells can be used once per encounter until rested. •

Each character receives 3 class spells at Lvl.1, and 1 additional spell or spell level for each new character Lvl.

Soldier Class Skills: Scare Enemy runs away. Roll Brawn vs. Brain. Focus Enemy always attacks you. Stun No damage, but lose a turn. Weapons: 2 Handed Sword Halibard Tower Shield Spells: Counter Attack Free attack after being attacked. Sweep Attack all enemies in base contact. Knockdown Enemy is knocked down 1 round. Break Equipment Cause 1 point equipment damage per level of spell (Max. 3). Haste Goes first and last every round for 3 rounds.

Throw Any object becomes a ranged weapon. (calculate range off Brawn).


Skills: Purify Food. Upgrade Equipment with magic item. Hypnotize ( Brain vs. Brawn) out of combat. Prepare Chemicals. Weapons: Wands Launch spring loaded chemicals capsules. Staff Chemically fired projectiles. ** Alchemist weapons launch spring loaded capsules or chemically fired Projectiles.** Spells: Phosphorus Flare Blinding light (1 round). Magnesium Burning fire damage ( D6 damage, 2 rounds). Back Powder Projectile Ranged damage. Ether Sleep (Enemy wakes up when attacked).

Poison Frog Poison 1 damage ( 3 rounds). Heal Level 1-3 ( D6 healing per level). Ammonia- Cold ½ Enemy stats (2 rounds).

Politician Skills: Disguise Diplomacy Bribe Move Silently Read Languages Ventriloquism Persuasion Forgery Weapons: Morning Star Blow Gun Spells: Sneak Attack Free first attack.

Kick in the Nuts D6 damage and fall down 1 turn. Bag of Marbles Area effect, enemies fall down 1 turn. Sense Motive(Brain vs. Brawn).

Woodsman Skills: Talk to animas Tracking Survival Heal Animal (out of combat) Hide Escape Weapons: Bow & Arrow 1 Handed Hatchet Spells: Tame Animal Brain vs. Brain. Root 1 enemy can not move 1 round for each level

of spell (1-3). Called Shot Ranged attack automatically hits target. Upgrade Pet Adds 1 skill point and 1D6 hit points to pet per spell level (1-3). Pets: Pet stats are ½ normal. Pet runs away when hit points reach 1.

Mechanic Skills: Repair Equipment ( outside of combat) Open Lock Disable Device Operate Device Drive Vehicle Upgrade Weapons ( Wheat Stones/Sharpening) ** Weapon upgrades are permanently lost when damaged.** Weapons: Wrench Pliers

Spells: Mirror Image Illusion of Enemy Clockwork Buddy Build buddy for combat ( not repairable). Build-A-Bomb Area attack (1D6 damage) Rng.= Brawn. Repair Equipment (Lvl. 1-3)  Roll level against equipments max bonus points. Pierce Armor Ignore enemy armor bonus. Buddy: ½ normal skills & hit points.

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