Rubric - Grade 3 Science Competencies - Sheet1

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 463
  • Pages: 1
Rubric - Grade 3 Science Competencies

Questioning & Predicting

Procedure & Evidence








Makes and records unrelated observations about objects and events

With support, makes and records observations about objects and events in familiar contexts

Makes and records observations about objects and events in familiar contexts

Makes and records accurate and precise observations about objects and events in familiar contexts

Ask unrelated questions about observations

With explicit prompts, asks questions about observations that can be investigated

Asks questions about observations that can be investigated

Asks intuitive questions about observations that can be investigated

Makes illogical, and or, inaccurate predictions based on prior knowledge

With support, makes predictions based on prior knowledge

Makes predictions based on prior knowledge

Makes evidence-based predictions based on prior knowledge

Suggests unrelated ways to plan and safely conduct an investigation

Suggests ways to plan and to conduct an investigation

Suggests ways to plan and safely conduct an investigation

Suggests thoughtful ways to plan and safely conduct an investigation

Collects simple data

Wtih support, collects, sorts, and classifies simple data

Collects, sorts, and classifies simple data

Accurately collects, sorts, and classifies simple data

Assumes that data comes from a single source

Recognizes that data come from limited sources

Recognizes that data come from multiple sources

Recognizes that data come from multiple sources and objetively evaluate validity of each piece of information

Employs inaccurate strategy to represent relationships in data using given methods (e.g., table, graph)

Represents simple patterns in data using given methods (e.g., table, graph)

Clearly represents patterns and relationships Represents patterns and relationships in data in data using given methods (e.g., table, using given methods (e.g., table, graph) graph)

Inaccurate use of data to explain results

With explicit prompts, uses data to infer the relationship between predictions and results

Uses data to infer the relationship between predictions and results

Little attempt is made to reflect on evidence to determine whether an investigation was a fair test

With explicit support, reflects on evidence to determine whether an investigation was a fair test

Reflects on evidence to determine whether an Critically reflects on evidence to determine investigation was a fair test whether an investigation was a fair test

Little attempt is made to show consideration about ethical responsibilities when designing an investigation

With support, considers ethical responsibilities when designing an investigation

Considers ethical responsibilities when designing an investigation

Mindfully considers ethical responsibilities and implications when designing an investigation

Explains ideas and processes

In simple terms, explains ideas and processes reflecting personal or shared experience of place

Explains ideas and processes reflecting personal or shared experience of place

Coherently and accurately explains ideas and processes reflecting personal or shared experience of place

Objectively and coherently uses data to infer the relationship between predictions and results

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