Code No: RR312305
III B.Tech. I Semester(RR) Supplementary Examinations, May 2009 ENVIRONMENTAL BIO-TECHNOLOGY (Bio-Technology)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ?????
1. (a) What is aerobic biodegradation? Explain. (b) Describe the working of a rotating biological contractor with a neat diagram and explain the application of RBC to domestic waste water treatment. 2. (a) Describe UASB reactor along with a neat sketch. (b) How the UASB reactor will be useful in treating industrial wastewaters? Explain. 3. (a) Explain how bioremediation is advantageous than the chemical treatment or any conventional treatment. (b) Describe solid phase biomediation in detail. 4. (a) What is land farming? Explain. (b) Describe bioventing and biosparging in detail. 5. (a) What is metal leaching? Explain. (b) Describe the wastewater characteristics of metal plating industries and explain how metal leaching applied to treat such wastewaters. 6. (a) How the nonconventional fuel like alcohol is produced by adopting biotechnology route. (b) Describe various applications of alcohol as an alternate source of energy. 7. What are recalcitrant compounds? Explain how biological means are useful in treating them. 8. Write short notes of any four of following: (a) Fluidised bed bioreactor. (b) Metal leaching. (c) Algal hydrocarbon. (d) Phenols. (e) In situ. (f) Fixed biofilm reactors. ?????