Code No: RR311106 III B.Tech I Semester(RR) Supplementary Examinations, May 2009 BIO-MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ?????
1. Explain the different ECG lead system. With a neat block diagram explain the QRS detector system. 2. With a neat schematic explain the operation of pH meter. 3. With a neat schematic, explain the conductivity meter. 4. List different types of blood pressure monitors. Explain in detail the direct method of blood pressure measurement. 5. Write short notes on: (a) Centralized monitors (b) Incubators 6. With a neat block diagram explain the programmable pacemaker. 7. Explain the anesthetic delivery system with a neat schematic. 8. What are the different types of electric shocks? Explain each one in brief. ?????