Lab Equipment

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 6
Lab Equipment List Some items will not be drawn instead, their location will be listed. Name of Sketch of Description of use: equipment equipment or location in room 1. Erlenmeyer Erlenmeyer flasks are used to mix flask chemicals. We do not rely on the graduated markings on the side of the Photo credit: www.kohflask. You swirl the flask gently to mix the contents. 2. graduated cylinder Photo credit:

Graduated cylinders are used to measure precise volumes of liquids. You read graduated cylinders to one place beyond where the scale is written.

3. pipette Photo credit: webpages.charter.n et

A pipette measures precise volumes of liquid, usually less than 25 mL. You estimate the last digit by reading one place beyond what is written on the pipette.

4. test tube Photo credit: www.arlingtonscient

A test tube is an elongated piece of glass in which someone performs a reaction. They are also used to hold liquids until later use.

5. test tube rack

A test tube rack holds test tubes.

6. beaker Photo credit:

A beaker holds liquids. We can mix liquids in a beaker by placing a magnetic stir bar inside the beaker and by putting the beaker on a magnetic stirrer. We can also stir with a glass rod. We do not rely on the graduations on the side of the beaker for accuracy.

7.funnel Photo source:

A funnel makes it easier to put solids or liquids into another container, especially if the container has a narrow neck.

8. evaporating dish Photo credit

We evaporate liquids from solids in an evaporating dish.

9. ring clamp Photo credit:

A ring clamp attaches to a ring stand. It can support equipment.

10. ring stand Photo credit: www.chinalabsuppli

A ring stand is used to support ring clamps, utility clamps, or buret clamps.

11. wire gauze Photo credit: m

A wire gauze can be put on top of a ring stand so that a beaker can be supported. A Bunsen burner would be located below the wire gauze. The wire gauze helps spread out the heat.

12. Bunsen burner Photo credit: hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.c a

A Bunsen burner is used to heat objects.

13. scoupula, chemical spoon

A scoupula, chemical spoon, or spatula is used to weigh chemicals. We use a separate weighing utensil for each chemical.

14. eye dropper/ medicine dropper Photo credit: www.edityourdigital

An eye dropper/ medicine dropper lets us administer liquids drop by drop.

15. utility clamp Photo credit: m

A utility clamp can hold many cylindrical objects like thermometers, burets, or test tubes.

16. crucible Photo credit: www.thesciencefair. com

A crucible is used to heat up hydrates or solids. Crucibles can crack if they get wet and are heated.

17. crucible tongs Photo credit:

Crucible tongs hold crucibles so we don’t burn ourselves.

18. test tube holder Photo credit:

A test tube holder holds a test tube that we may have in a flame or warming in a hot water bath.

19. striker Photo credit:

A striker lights a Bunsen burner. At this time we don’ t have any that work.

20. mortar and pestle Photo credit: icn2.umeche.maine .edu

Mortar and pestles are used to grind up materials. One should never bang a pestle in the mortar because it can crack the mortar.

21. scale/ balance Photo credit:

A scale/balance is used to weigh things.

22. pipette filler Photo credit:

A pipette filler lets us draw liquid into a pipette. You rotate the little wheel which creates an area of low pressure so that the liquid will want to enter the pipette.

23. volumetric Flask Photo credit:

A volumetric flask is used to measure precise liquids when you make a Molar solution.

24. buret Photo credit:

A buret is used to add precise amounts of liquid in a controllable manner.

25. eye wash Photo source: www.newton.dep.a

Location: none in the lab – use the sink.

An eye wash is used to wash out your eyes if something gets in them. We should never need to use the eye wash because you will always be wearing your goggles.

26. fire blanket

Location – in right upper drawer in back cabinet.

A fire blanket is wrapped around a person who is on fire so that the fire can be put out. Stop, drop, roll.

27. emergency shower

Location: front Right of room

An emergency shower is used to wash off a person who is seriously contaminated with a chemical. I hope we never have to use it.

28. goggles

Location:front right on inside door of storage room

Goggles are used to cover your eyes so that you do not get any chemicals in them. The inconvenience of goggles is temporary, the inconvenience of blindness is permanent.

29. fire extinguisher

Location: Right wall by computer

The fire extinguisher is to be used on surfaces that are on fire.

30. fume hood

Location: none in our lab

A fume hood sucks out bad odors. We do not have one in S-5.

31. first aid kit

Location: in back of registrar’s office

The first aid kit is used to clean cuts and to protect them from future contamination. At this time it consists of band aids.

32.forceps or tweezers Photo credit: www.newton.dep.a

Forceps and tweezers are used to hold small objects that our fingers should not touch.

Other: Students should know the following items in addition to the ones listed in the table above.

Test tube brush photo credit:

Clay triangles are used to hold crucibles or evaporating dishes when heating. Clay Triangle photo credit:

Used for heating substances more evenly than a beaker. Flourence Flask photo credit:

Watch glass function: To cover a beaker or evaporating dish or to store small amounts of a chemical. Watch glass photo credit

33. thermometer

34. watch glass

A thermometer is used to measure the temperature of solids, liquids, or gases. You read a thermometer and guess the next digit based on the scale. Our thermometers will be using Celsius degrees A watch glass is used to cover an evaporating dish so that the liquid does not spatter all over the counter. Small volumes of liquid can be evaporated in a watch glass.

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