Code No: RR210504 II B.Tech. I Semester(RR) Supplementary Examinations, May 2009 LINEAR AND DIGITAL IC APPLICATION
(Common for Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ?????
1. (a) Write about the classification of IC’S. (b) What is an op amp? Draw the internal block diagram of an op amp IC 741. (c) Explain the DC analysis of differential amplifier. 2. (a) What is the major difference between the power supply requirements of linear and digital IC’s. (b) Explain the pole-zero and dominant pole compensation techniques for an op amp. 3. Describe any two applications of 555 IC timer in (a) Balanced modulator. (b) Monostable multivibrator configuration. 4. (a) Explain briefly about different types of active filter? (b) Explain the first order low pass butter worth filter and explain the parameter frequency scaling? 5. (a) Explain the classification of logic families. (b) Explain the logic diagram and truth table of SR flip flop. 6. (a) Explain the operation of sample and hold ckt using neat sketch. (b) What are the different types of multiplexer? Explain logic diagram and truth table of dual 4 to 1 line multiplexer. 7. (a) Explain the designing principles of the active filters. (b) Explain the operation of i. Band reject filters. ii. All pass filters. 8. (a) Sketch and explain the operation of D/A converters with R-2R ladder resisters. (b) LSB of a 9 bit DAC is represented by 19.6mv. If an I/P of 9 zero bits is represented by 0 volts. i. Find the output of the DAC for an I/P 101101101. ii. What is the full scale reading of this DAC. ?????