
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,123
  • Pages: 34
Remote Procedure Call

RPC Model Server process

Client Process

Call Procedure

Request Message Receive Request Start Execution

Resume Execution

Reply Message

Send reply wait for next request

Transparency of RPC ●

Syntactic Transparency (Same syntax as Local Procedure Call)

Semantic Transparency (Same semantics as Local Procedure Call)

Semantic Transparency ●

Calling process is suspended until procedure returns

Caller can pass arguments to remote procedure

Called procedure can return results

Remote / Local Procedures ●

Disjoint address space

More prone to Failures (Exceptions)

Time factor (Long Delays)

Elements of RPC ●


Client Stub

RPC Runtime


Server Stub

RPC Client Machine

Server Machine



Client Stub

Server Stub

RPC Runtime

RPC Runtime Call Packet Request Packet

Stub Generation ●



Components of Call Messages ●

Identification info of remote procedure


Message Identification Field ● ●

Message Type Field ●

For identifying lost messages For Matching reply to call

For identifying call messages from reply messages ( 0 - Call 1 - Reply )

Client Identification Field ● ●

For Server to identify client For Server to authenticate client process


Message not intelligible

Not authorized client

Particular program,version, procedure no. not available

Cannot decode arguments

Exception during execution

Successfully executed

Reply Format ●

Successful ● ● ● ●

Message ID (Same as call message ID) Message Type Reply Status (0 - Successful) Result

Unsuccessful ● ● ● ●

Message ID Message Type Reply Status (Non zero - Unsuccessful) Reason for failure

Steps involved during Marshalling ●

Taking arguments or result that forms message data Encoding message data on senders machine –

Converting into suitable stream for transmission

Placing in message buffer

Decoding message data on receiver's comp. –

Reconstruction of program objects from stream

Server Management ●

Server Implementation

Server Creation

Server Implementation ●

Stateful Servers –

Maintains Client state information from one call to next

Stateless Servers –

Does not maintain any client state information

Client should supply all necessary parameters for successful execution of procedure

Server Creation Semantics ●

Instance per call Servers –

Server created only when call message arrives

Server exist only for the duration of one call

Server deleted after call has been executed

Instance per Session Servers –

Server exists for the entire session for which client and server interact

Accomplished through Server Manager and Binding Agent

Server Creation Semantics Contd. ●

Persistent Servers –

Remains in existence indefinitely

Shared by many clients

Created and installed before clients use them

Accomplished through Binding agent

Interleaved for concurrent requests

Parameter Passing ●

Call by Value ●

Parameters copied to message

Call by Reference –

Call by move – –

At the time of call parameter object is moved to destination node After the call the argument object does not return to the caller's node

Call by visit –

After the call the argument object returns to the caller's node

Failure of RPC ●

Call message gets lost

Response message gets lost

Callee node crashes

Caller node crashes

Call Semantics ●

How often remote procedure may be executed under fault conditions

Possibly or May-Be Call Semantics

Last-One Call Semantics

Last-Of Many Call Semantics

At-Least-Once Call Semantics

Exactly -Once Call Semantics

Call Semantics contd. ●

Possibly or May-Be Call Semantics –

Caller times out and continues execution

No guarantee of delivery of call or execution of procedure

Last-One Call Semantics –

Retransmissions based on timeouts until response is delivered

Side effects are possible

Orphan call may violate last-one semantics

Call Semantics contd. ●

Last-of Many Call Semantics –

Neglect orphan calls by using call identifiers

Call id identify each call

Accepts response for matched call id else ignore

At-Least-Once Call Semantics –

Timeout retransmissions

Call Semantics contd. ●

Exactly-Once Call Semantics –

Most desirable

Strongest Call Semantics

Based on ● ● ● ●

Timeouts Retransmissions Call Id's (Same id for repeated calls) Reply Cache associated with callee

Communication Protocol ●

Request Protocol (R protocol) –

No result returned

No confirmation of procedure execution

Asynchronous RPC

1 packet per call

Request/Reply Protocol –

Servers reply is regarded as ack. for client

Subsequent call from client acts as ack. for server's reply of previous call

2 Packets per call

Communication Protocol ●

Request/Reply/Acknowledge-Reply Protocol (RRA) –

Clients ack. Reciept of reply

Server deletes from reply cache after receiving ack from client.

3 packets per call

What happens if ack. From client is lost

RRA Protocol ●

If Ack. is lost –

Unique Message ID in order

Client acknowledges only if it has recvd. Replies to all previous requests

Ack is interpreted as ack. For all reply messages corresponding to req messages with lower message id's

Loss of ack. is harmless

Complicated RPC ●

Long duration calls/gaps between calls –

Periodic probing of server by client

Periodic generation of ack by server (if execution not completed within expected time)

Arguments / Results too large to fit in single datagram packet –

Use several physical RPC for one logical RPC

Multigram messages with single ack.

Client Server Binding ●

Process by which client becomes associated with server so that call can take place- BINDING Binding Issues –

Server Naming

Server Locating

Binding Time

Server Naming ●

Use of Interface name Type (Version no.)

Interface Name

Instance ( server providing services within the interface)

Server Locating ●

Broadcasting –

First response is used

Binding Agent –

Named server used to bind client to server by providing the client with location information of server

Maintains binding table to map server's interface name to server locations

Servers register with the binding agent ●

Identification info , handle used to locate it

Binding Agent Binding Agent Client Req for server location

Server Registers Server's location info

Client Process

Server Process Client calls server

Binding Time ●

Binding at compile time –

Client and server models are programmed and linked together

Binding at Link time –

Through binding agent

Server's handle is cached by client to avoid subsequent calls to binding agent

Binding at Call time –

Indirect call method

Binding at Call time (Indirect Call) Binding Agent

Client passes server's interface name, arg

RPC call result,handle Result

Client Process

Server Process Subsequent calls

Binding at Call time Indirect Call

Assignments ●

Examples of –

R Protocol

RR Protocol

RRA Protocol

Lightweight RPC(LRPC)

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