Jax Rpc Speaker Noted

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  • Words: 9,019
  • Pages: 130

JAX-RPC (Is Changed to JAXWS from 2.0) 1



Sang Shin [email protected] Java™ Technology Evangelist Sun Microsystems, Inc. www.javapassion.com/webservices 2



Disclaimer & Acknowledgment ?



Even though Sang Shin is a full-time employee of Sun Microsystems, the contents here is created as his own personal endeavor and thus does not reflect any official stance of Sun Microsystems. Sun Microsystems is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the contents Acknowledgments – Some contents are borrowed from the presentation slides of Roberto Chinnici, Rahul Sharma, Phil Goodwin (all Sun Microsystems) – Some slides are created from JAX-RPC chapter of Java WSDP tutorial 3



Revision History ? ? ? ?

10/01/2002: version 1, Created (Sang Shin) 01/30/2004: version 2, updated (Sang Shin) 10/07/2004: version 3, updated to reflect J2EE 1.4 sample code (Sang Shin) Things to do – speaker notes need to be added to some slides




Topics ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Background on remote communication What is and Why JAX-RPC? Development steps of a JAX-RPC Service Type Mapping Client Programming Service Endpoint Model Runtime Services Packaging & Deployment 5



Advanced Topics (We will talk about this in Advanced JAX-RPC Session) ? ?

SOAP message handlers JAX-RPC runtime services – –

? ? ? ? ?

Security Session management

Attachment handling JAX-RPC 1.1 and J2EE Interoperability Extensible type mapping Roadmap




Background on Remote Communication 7



Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Request Response Client System ?

Server System


Synchronous communication: calling process blocks until there is a response More tightly coupled (than non-RPC model): client must find recipients and know method and its arguments

Non persistent


First, lets understand some background. Remote Procedure Call is not a new technology. We have done this between networked systems for a long time. Most recently, we have also seen some efforts to standardize the development using CORBA and COM. • OMG – Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) provided a platform neutral remote procedure call using Interface Definition Language (IDL) and the Stubs and Ties • COM on the Microsoft environment. • Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) also provided distributed programming within Java environment and later with IIOP to support other environments • These technologies were not interoperable and now with the explosion of the web and the standatdisation of the HTTP protocol, the industry has now decided to come up with one standard so that we can interoperate between different systems even though the implementations can be different.


Remote Procedure Calls Client





Run Time ? ? ?



Run Time

Common Interface between client and Server Stub for client, Tie/skeleton for server On-the-wire protocol needs to be agreed upon




RPC Example – Java RMI <> Java Remote Interface

rmic compiler Remote Object Implementation


RMI Client Stub

RMI Server Skeleton

Java Remote Method Protocol (JRMP) is On-the-wire protocol 10 ?

? ?

? ?


Before we look at JAX-RPC, lets try to understand as to how RMI worked in Java? BTW How many of you have used RMI? Here, as a developer, we need to first create an interface file with the methods and signatures of the remote access methods. Then we create the implementation in Java Then we use the “RMIC” compiler which will generate the “Stubs” for the client side and “Skeleton” code for the server side to marshall and unmarshall the Java data types to be transported over the wire using JRMP thus making it easy to do remote access transparent/easy to the developer. JAX-RPC also does similar thing of making it easy to develop and also be able to interoperate between heterogenerous systems and we will see as to how it works.


RPC Example - JAX-RPC




Common Interface ?

Service is described in IDL (Interface Description Language) – – –


IDL of CORBA service Java RMI interface in RMI (Language specific) WSDL for Web service

Used by tools to statically or dynamically generate and/or configure interfaces, proxies, and ties in a network technology specific environment 12



Concept of XML-Based RPC ?

Uses Standards based on XML – –


SOAP is the “protocol” WSDL is the IDL

Any communication protocol can be used as a transport –

e.g.) HTTP, SMTP, FTP etc.




Why XML-based RPC? 14



Does “XML-based RPC” make sense? ?


Text is not an efficient way to encode data XML just makes it worse – –


verbose in nature slower

I thought HTTP was for web pages...




Why XML based RPC on the Internet? ?

? ?

Everyone is already connected and using HTTP XML is an accepted standard SOAP will go through firewalls –


RPC is an easy programming model –


Can be filtered when it becomes a problem Messaging (document-driven) model is gaining a momentum, however

JAX-RPC supports document-driven model as well




What is JAX-RPC? 17



What is JAX-RPC? ?

Java ™ API for XML-based RPC –


Services are described using WSDL –



Web Services operations are performed by exchanging SOAP 1.1 messages WSDL is the contract between service provider and client (only contract needed)

Web service endpoints and clients use JAX-RPC programming model Key technology for Web Services in the J2EE 1.4 platform 18




JAX-RPC Design Goals ?

Easy to use programming model –


Hides all the plumbing –


You don't have to create SOAP messages yourself

SOAP and WSDL-based interoperability –


For both defining & using a service

Interoperate with any SOAP 1.1 compliant peers

Extensibility and Modularity – –

Support new versions of XML specification, i.e. SOAP 1.2 and beyond Message handler architecture 19

What are the design goals of JAX-RPC? There are several. Simplicity is an important element in making the JAX-RPC model easy to understand, implement, maintain and evolve. This goal of simplicity applies to both defining and building JAX-RPC service and using the service. Part of the simplicity goal is achieved by following the standard Java application programming model and concepts. For example, a JAX-RPC service is defined as a Java interface type. ?

Another goal is to support interoperability across heterogeneous platforms and environments. The specification describes the conformance and interoperability requirements that are testable for an implementation of the JAX-RPC specification. For example, a JAX-RPC service can be used by service clients deployed on any platform. Also JAX-RPC service definition makes no assumption that the service be used only by a Java based service client. The converse also holds. That is, a Java service client is capable of using an XML based RPC service deployed on a non Java platform. ?

Keep the design of JAX-RPC APIs and mechanisms extensible and modular. This will enable support for future versions of various XML specifications, including XMLP (SOAP 1.2) ?



JAX-RPC Architecture JAX-RPC Client Generated Code

JAX-RPC Service Endpoint

WSDL Document JavaïWSDL




Client-side JAX-RPC Runtime System

Server-side JAX-RPC Runtime System




JAX-RPC Runtime System ?

Core of a JAX-RPC implementation: – Library that provides runtime services for JAX-RPC mechanisms – Implements some of the JAX-RPC APIs


Client side: – Can be implemented over J2SE™ , J2EE™ or J2ME™ platforms


Server-side: – J2EE 1.3 or 1.4 Containers: EJB™ or Servlet 21



Development Steps of JAX-RPC Service (HelloService Example)




Developing a Web Service Interfaces (java.rmi.Remote type) Must follow JAX-RPC conventions Implementation classes Servlet-based endpoint model Optional handler and serializer classes tool WSDL

Service contract

Packaged application (war file) 23



You can start from WSDL as well Contract for the service you want to implement

Generated interfaces and value types (proceed as before) Implementation classes 24



JAX-RPC Web Service Endpoint JAX-RPC Service Endpoint WSDL<-->Java WSDL Document

Container Server-Side JAX-RPC Runtime System SOAP HTTP 25



Steps for Developing a JAX-RPC Web Service and Client 1. Code the Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) and implementation class and interface configuration file. 2. Compile the SEI and implementation class. 3. Use wscompile utility program to generate the WSDL and other files required to deploy the service. 4. Package the files into a WAR file. 5. Deploy the WAR file. 6. Code the client class and WSDL configuration file. 7. Use wscompile to generate and compile the stub files. 8. Compile the client class. 9. Run the client. 26

These are the basic steps for creating theWeb service and its client.



1.a Code Service Endpoint Interface ?


Declares the methods that a remote client may invoke on the service Rules – – –

It extends the java.rmi.Remote interface It must not have constant declarations, such as public final static The methods must throw the java.rmi.RemoteException or one of its subclasses Method parameters and return types must be supported JAX-RPC types


A service endpoint interface declares the methods that a remote client may invoke on the service. In this example, the interface declares a single method named sayHello. A service endpoint interface must conform to a few rules: * It extends the java.rmi.Remote interface. * It must not have constant declarations, such as public final static. * The methods must throw the java.rmi.RemoteException or one of its subclasses. (The methods may also throw servicespecific exceptions.) * Method parameters and return types must be supported JAXRPC types.



Example: Service Definition Interface (HelloIF.java from “helloservice”) package helloservice; import java.rmi.Remote; import java.rmi.RemoteException; public interface HelloIF extends Remote { public String sayHello(String s) throws RemoteException; }


So this is an example service definition interface. The name of the service is HelloIF. Note that it extends java.rmi.Remote. And the methods throw java.rmi.RemoteException. If you notice a similarity between service definition interface and a remote interface of EJB beans, you are correct. They are in fact quite similar.



1.b Code Service Implementation ?


Service implementation class is an ordinary Java class (for servletbased Web service endpoint) – helloservice example Service implementation class is a stateless session bean (for Stateless session bean based Web service endpoint) 29

In addition to the interface, you'll need the class that implements the interface. In this example, the implementation class is called HelloImpl:



Example: Service Implementation (HelloImpl.java from “helloservice”) package helloservice; public class HelloImpl implements HelloIF { public String message ="Hello"; public String sayHello(String s) { return message + s; } }




1.c Interface configuration file. ? ?

Specifies information about the SEI Used by wscompile to generate WSDL

<service name="MyHelloService" targetNamespace="urn:Foo" typeNamespace="urn:Foo" packageName="helloservice"> 31

The wscompile tool reads an interface configuration file that specifies information about the SEI. This configuration file tells wscompile to create a WSDL file named MyHello Service.wsdl with the following information: * The service name is MyHelloService. * The WSDL target and type namespace is urn:Foo. The choice for what to use for the namespaces is up to you. The role of the namespaces is similar to the use of Java package names--to distinguish names that might otherwise conflict. For example, a company can decide that all its Java code should be in the package com.wombat.*. Similarly, it can also decide to use the namespace http://wombat.com. * The SEI is helloservice.HelloIF. The packageName attribute instructs wscompile to put the service classes into the helloservice package.



2. Compile the SEI and implementation class ? ?

asant compile-service Compile Service definition interface and implementation classes – –

HelloIF.java HelloImpl.java


This asant task compiles HelloIF.java and HelloImpl.java, writing the class files to the build subdirectory.



3. Use wscompile to generate the WSDL and other files ?

asant generate-wsdl –


wscompile -define -mapping build/mapping.xml -d build -nd build -classpath build config-interface.xml

Generates – –

WSDL document (MyHelloService.wsdl) Mapping file (mapping.xml) ?

contains information that correlates the mapping between the Java interfaces and the WSDL definition




The generate-wsdl task runs wscompile, which creates the WSDL and mapping files. The WSDL file describes the Web service and is used to generate the client stubs in Static Stub Client. The mapping file contains information that correlates the mapping between the Java interfaces and the WSDL definition. It is meant to be portable so that any J2EE-compliant deployment tool can use this information, along with the WSDL file and the Java interfaces, to generate stubs and ties for the deployed Web services. The files created in this example are MyHelloService.wsdl and mapping.xml. The generate-wsdl task runs wscompile with the following arguments: wscompile -define -mapping build/mapping.xml -d build -nd build -classpath build config-interface.xml The -classpath flag instructs wscompile to read the SEI in the build directory, and the -define flag instructs wscompile to create WSDL and mapping files. The -mapping flag specifies the mapping file name. The -d and -nd flags tell the tool to write class and WSDL files to the build subdirectory.



MyHelloService.wsdl <definitions name="MyHelloService" targetNamespace="urn:Foo" xmlns:tns="urn:Foo" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"> <message name="HelloIF_sayGoodbye"> <part name="String_1" type="xsd:string"/> <message name="HelloIF_sayGoodbyeResponse"> <part name="result" type="xsd:string"/> <message name="HelloIF_sayHello"> <part name="String_1" type="xsd:string"/> <message name="HelloIF_sayHelloResponse"> <part name="result" type="xsd:string"/> <portType name="HelloIF">


This is the WSDL document that is generated.



MyHelloService.wsdl (continued) <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="rpc"/> <soap:operation soapAction=""/> <soap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" use="encoded" namespace="urn:Foo"/> <soap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" use="encoded" namespace="urn:Foo"/> <soap:operation soapAction=""/> <soap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" use="encoded" namespace="urn:Foo"/> <soap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" use="encoded" namespace="urn:Foo"/> <service name="MyHelloService"> <port name="HelloIFPort" binding="tns:HelloIFBinding"> <soap:address location="REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL "/> 35

Continuation of the WSDL document.



mapping.xml (page 1) <java-wsdl-mapping xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" version="1.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://www.ibm.com/webservices/xsd/j2ee_jaxrpc_mapping_1_1.xsd"> <package-mapping> <package-type>helloservice urn:Foo

<service-interface-mapping> <service-interface>helloservice.MyHelloService <wsdl-service-name xmlns:serviceNS="urn:Foo">serviceNS:MyHelloService <port-mapping> <port-name>HelloIFPort <java-port-name>HelloIFPort 36

This is mapping.xml file that is generated.



mapping.xml (continued) <service-endpoint-interface-mapping> <service-endpoint-interface>helloservice.HelloIF <wsdl-port-type xmlns:portTypeNS="urn:Foo">portTypeNS:HelloIF <wsdl-binding xmlns:bindingNS="urn:Foo">bindingNS:HelloIFBinding <service-endpoint-method-mapping> <java-method-name>sayGoodbye <wsdl-operation>sayGoodbye <method-param-parts-mapping> <param-position>0 <param-type>java.lang.String <wsdl-message-mapping> <wsdl-message xmlns:wsdlMsgNS="urn:Foo">wsdlMsgNS:HelloIF_sayGoodbye <wsdl-message-part-name>String_1 <parameter-mode>IN <wsdl-return-value-mapping> <method-return-value>java.lang.String <wsdl-message xmlns:wsdlMsgNS="urn:Foo">wsdlMsgNS:HelloIF_sayGoodbyeResponse <wsdl-message-part-name>result 37




mapping.xml <service-endpoint-method-mapping> <java-method-name>sayHello <wsdl-operation>sayHello <method-param-parts-mapping> <param-position>0 <param-type>java.lang.String <wsdl-message-mapping> <wsdl-message xmlns:wsdlMsgNS="urn:Foo">wsdlMsgNS:HelloIF_sayHello <wsdl-message-part-name>String_1 <parameter-mode>IN <wsdl-return-value-mapping> <method-return-value>java.lang.String <wsdl-message xmlns:wsdlMsgNS="urn:Foo">wsdlMsgNS:HelloIF_sayHelloResponse <wsdl-message-part-name>result





4. Package the files into war file ?

asant create-war –

hello-jaxrpc.war is created





5. Deploy the WAR file ?

asant deploy-war –


hello-jaxrpc.war is deployed

The tie classes (which are used to communicate with clients) are generated by the Application Server during deployment.





WSDL of the Helloservice Service ?

Deploy as a Web application





Type Mapping




Why Type Mapping? ?

SOAP, WSDL do not define the mapping between XML and a particular Programming language – –


SOAP and WSDL are designed to be programming language independent Difference from CORBA world

Yet, we need a standard way of mapping between the two –

Otherwise, we will have interoperability problem 43




Type Mapping Mapping of XML Data types to Java Data types 44



XML Data Types to Java Mapping ?

Simple built-in type –


Array –


Mapped into a Java array

Enumeration of simple built-in type –


xsd:string to java.lang.String

Mapped into an enumeration Java class

XML Struct and Complex type –

Mapped into JavaBeans with getter and setter methods 45

XML data types that can be mapped to Java data types include simple types such as the ones defined in W3C XML schema. For example, string type element will be mapped into java.lang.String class while dateTime will be mapped into java.util.Calendar class. Other types that JAX-RPC specification describes include array and enumeration and XML structure and complex types. A structure type will be mapped into a JavaBeans with corresponding getter and setter methods.



Example: XML Enumeration to Java Mapping <element name=”EyeColor” type=”tns:EyeColor”/> <simpleType name=”EyeColor”> <enumeration value=”green”/> <enumeration value=”blue”/> // Java Representation public class EyeColor implements java.io.Serializable { // Constructor protected EyeColor(String value) { ... } public static final String _green = “green”; public static final String _blue = “blue”; public static final EyeColor green = new EyeColor(_green); public static final EyeColor blue = new EyeColor(_blue); public String getValue() { ... } public static EyeColor fromValue(String value) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException { ... } public boolean equals(Object obj) { ... } public int hashCode() { ... } }


This is an example of how XML enumeration data type can be represented in Java class.



Example: XML Struct to Java Mapping <element name=”Book”/> <element name=”author” type=”xsd:string”/> <element name=”preface” type=”xsd:string”/> <element name=”price” type=”xsd:float”/> // Java public class Book implements java.io.Serializable { // ... public String getAuthor() { ... } public void setAuthor(String author) { ... } public String getPreface() { ... } public void setPreface(String preface) { ... } public float getPrice() { ... } public void setPrice(float price) { ... } }


This is an example of how XML structure data type will be represented in Java class. As was mentioned before, a XML structure will be represented by a JavaBean with getter and setter methods for each member of the structure.



Type Mapping Mapping of Java Data types to XML Data types 48



Java to XML Type Mapping ?



Mapping from the Java types to the XML data types Performed by the JAX-RPC runtime system Only JAX-RPC supported Java types can be passed as parameters and return values


Behind the scenes, JAX-RPC maps types of the Java programming language to XML/WSDL definitions. For example, JAX-RPC maps the java.lang.String class to the xsd:string XML data type. Application developers don't need to know the details of these mappings, but they should be aware that not every class in the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) can be used as a method parameter or return type in JAXRPC.



Supported Types ? ? ? ? ? ?

Subset of J2SE classes Collections Primitives Arrays Value types JavaBeans




Subset of J2SE classes ?


? ?

java.lang.Boolean, java.lang.Byte, java.lang.Double, java.lang.Float, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Short, java.lang.String java.math.BigDecimal, java.math.BigInteger java.net.URI java.util.Calendar, java.util.Date 51

JAX-RPC supports the J2SE SDK classes mentioned above.



Collections ?

List –


Map –


ArrayList, LinkedList, Stack, Vector HashMap, Hashtable, Properties, TreeMap

Set –

HashSet, TreeSet


This release of JAX-RPC also supports several implementation classes of the java.util.Collection interface.



Primitives & Wrapper classes ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

boolean byte double float int long short 53




Arrays ?


Arrays with members of supported JAXRPC types Examples – – –

int[] String[] BigDecimal[][]


JAX-RPC also supports arrays with members of supported JAX-RPC types. Examples of supported arrays are int[] and String[]. Multidimensional arrays, such as BigDecimal[][], are also supported.



Value Types ?


A value type is a class whose state may be passed between a client and remote service as a method parameter or return value Example –

Book class which contains the fields Title, Author, and Publisher


A value type is a class whose state may be passed between a client and remote service as a method parameter or return value. For example, in an application for a university library, a client might call a remote procedure with a value type parameter named Book, a class that contains the fields Title, Author, and Publisher.



Value type must conform to the following rules ? ?

It must have a public default constructor It must not implement (either directly or indirectly) the java.rmi.Remote interface –


Because SOAP does not support “pass by reference” semantics – It only supports “pass by value”

Can contain public, private, or protected fields – – –

Its fields must be supported JAX-RPC types A public field cannot be final or transient A non-public field must have corresponding getter and setter methods


To be supported by JAX-RPC, a value type must conform to the following rules: * It must have a public default constructor. * It must not implement (either directly or indirectly) the java.rmi.Remote interface. * Its fields must be supported JAX-RPC types. The value type may contain public, private, or protected fields. The field of a value type must meet these requirements: * A public field cannot be final or transient. * A non-public field must have corresponding getter and setter methods.



Example: Value Types public class MeetingInfo { // private fields private String id; // public fields – does not need getter // setter methods public String address; // has to have getter and setter for // non-public fields public String getID() { ... } public void setID(String id){ ... } }




JavaBeans ?


Must have a getter and setter method for each bean property The type of the bean property must be a supported JAX-RPC type


JAX-RPC also supports JavaBeans components, which must conform to the same set of rules as application classes. In addition, a JavaBeans component must have a getter and setter method for each bean property. The type of the bean property must be a supported JAX-RPC type.



Example: JavaBean Type public class AddressBean implements java.io.Serializable { private String street;private String city;private String state;private String zip; public AddressBean() { } public AddressBean(String street, String city) { this.street = street; this.city = city; } public String getStreet() { return street; } public void setStreet(String street) { this.street = street; } public String getCity() { return city; } public void setCity(String city) { this.city = city; } ... }




WSDL to Java Mapping 60





Services are described using WSDL WSDL is the only contract needed between service provider and client JAX-RPC tools in J2EE 1.4 SDK – –

wscompile tool creates “abstract part of WSDL” from Service definition interface (server side) wsdeploy tool creates “complete WSDL” including port address and tie classes (server side) wscompile tool also creates stubs (client side) 61

This session is a high-level overview of JAX-RPC, which stands for Java API for XML-based RPC.



WSDL View of a Web Service WSDL Document Service A Port "Foo " Http://.../foo

Binding "FooB "


Port "Bar" Port "Xyz"

Port Type"FooPT " Operation "Op1 "

Service B

Operation "Op2 "

Port ...




JAX-RPC Relationship to WSDL JAX-RPC describes a Web Service as a collection of remote interfaces and methods Tools are used to convert between WSDL documents and sets of Java remote interfaces (example:wscompile) WSDL describes a Web Service as a collection of ports and operations




From the JAX-RPC API to WSDL and Back ?

The JAX-RPC API specifies all the details of the mapping to/from WSDL:

JAX-RPC Service interface

WSDL <service>

- remote interfaces - methods value types

- <port>'s/<portType>'s - 's complex types (schema)


faults 64



WSDL to Java Mapping Rules ? ?

A WSDL document into a Java Package Abstract part of WSDL into Java interfaces and classes –


wsdl:portType, wsdl:operation, wsdl:message

Concrete binding part of WSDL into Java representation –

wsdl:binding, wsdl:port, wsdl:service


Now let's talk about WSDL to Java mapping. Each WSDL document will be mapped into a separate Java package. JAX-RPC defines how abstract elements of WSDL documents, that is, portType, operation and message elements ought to be represented as Java interface type and its methods. It also defines how concrete binding part of WSDL document are to be mapped into Java representation. The concrete binding part part of WSDL document include binding element, port element, and service element. So let's take a look at these in a bit detail.



WSDL to Java Mapping Mapping of Abstract Part of WSDL 66



WSDL portType/operation/message ?




A wsdl:portType maps into a Java Interface (Service Definition Interface) that extends java.rmi.Remote A wsdl:operation is mapped into a method of the Service definition interface wsdl:message's are mapped into parameters of the method wsdl:type's of wsdl:message's are mapped into the types of the parameters 67

So this is the set of rules that are defined by JAX-RPC specification regarding how to represent abstract part of an WSDL document into corresponding Java representations. First, portType element, which is a collection of operations, maps into a corresponding Java interface type. This Java interface type is called Service Definition Interface. And we already saw an example of Service definition interface type. As was said before, the service definition interface extends java.rmi.Remote. The operation element is mapped into a method of the service definition interface while the message elements are mapped into the parameters of that method. So let's take a look at an example.



Example: Mapping of WSDL portType to Java Service Definition Interface <message name=”GetLastTradePriceInput”> <part name= ”tickerSymbol” type=”xsd:string”/> <message name=”GetLastTradePriceOutput”? <part name=”result” type=”xsd:float ”/> <portType name=” StockQuoteProvider ”> ///////////////////////////// Java Interface ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public interface StockQuoteProvider extends java.rmi.Remote { float getLastTradePrice(String tickerSymbol) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; }


In this example, the upper part of the slide contains abstract part of an example WSDL document in which portType, operation, and message elements are defined. The bottom part of this slide is the Java representation of these elements. So in this example, the name of the portType is used as a name of Java interface type, and as I said before, this Java interface type is called as Service definition interface. In this example, they are highlighted in red color. The name of the operation element which is highlighted in blue color gets translated into a method with a same name. And we have a single operation, GetLastTradePrice so we get a single method called getLastTradePrice() in the service definition interface. The input and output messages and their types are translated as parameters of the method. Please also note that the service definition interface extends java.rmi.Remote and each method throws java.rmi.RemoteException. Again please note that Service Definition Interface represents only the abstract part of a WSDL document, that is, it does not talk about runtime aspect such as how the service is to be bound to a particular XML or transport protocol.



Why Remote interface for PortType? ?

Remote interface abstractly describes a remote service in Java world –


it does not dictate how it is implemented

The actual backend implementation can take various forms on a Java platform – – – –

RMI service Jini or JavaSpaces service EJB Web service 69

Now let's talk about WSDL to Java mapping. Each WSDL document will be mapped into a separate Java package. JAX-RPC defines how abstract elements of WSDL documents, that is, portType, operation and message elements ought to be represented as Java interface type and its methods. It also defines how concrete binding part of WSDL document are to be mapped into Java representation. The concrete binding part part of WSDL document include binding element, port element, and service element. So let's take a look at these in a bit detail.



WSDL to Java Mapping Mapping of Concrete Binding Part of WSDL 70



WSDL binding/port/service ?


wsdl:service is mapped into an implementation of javax.xml.rpc.Service interface JAX-RPC runtime provides the implementation


A service element in a WSDL document represents an aggregated set of ports, with each port defined with a specific binding with a specific portType. That is, with binding and port elements, the service element binds the abstract definition of portType element with concrete XML and transport protocol and their endpoint address, for example, SOAP over HTTP as concrete XML and transport protocol respectively and a particular URL as an end point address.



WSDL binding/port/service ?

A javax.xml.rpc.Service class acts as a factory of – – –

Instance of a generated stub class Dynamic proxy for a service port Instance of the type javax.xml.rpc.Call for the dynamic invocation of a remote operation on a service port


Under JAX-RPC, the service element is mapped into javax.xml.rpc.Service interface type, which in turn acts as a factory of the following: ? Dynamic proxy for a service port. ? Instance of the type javax.xml.rpc.Call for the dynamic invocation of a remote operation on a service port. ? Instance of a generated stub class.



Example: WSDL binding, port, service <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/> <soap:operation soapAction="http://example.com/GetLastTradePrice"/> <soap:body use="literal" /> <soap:body use="literal" /> <service name="StockQuoteService"> <documentation>My first service <port name="StockQuotePort" binding="tns:StockQuoteBinding "> <soap:address location="http://example.com/stockquote"/>


This is a snippet from an example WSDL document. This snippet shows the concrete binding part of a WSDL document. So in this example, the portType called StockQuotePortType is bound to SOAP and HTTP as XML and transport protocol respectively. This service has one communication endpoint which is represented by one port element which specifies the endpoint address for a particular protocol. And in this example, the address of the endpoint happened to be http://example.com/stockquote. Now let's see how this part of WSDL documents mapped into a Java representation in the following example.



javax.xml.rpc.Service package javax.xml.rpc; public interface Service { public java.rmi.Remote getPort(QName portName, Class proxyInterface) throws JAXRPCException; public Call createCall(QName portName) throws JAXRPCException; public Call createCall(QName portName, String operationName) throws JAXRPCException; public Call createCall() throws JAXRPCException; public java.net.URL getWSDLDocumentLocation(); public QName getServiceName(); public java.util.Iterator getPorts(); } 74

This is the javax.xml.rpc.Service java interface type that is defined by JAX-RPC specification. A JAX-RPC 1.0 implementation is required to provide the implementation class for the javax.xml.rpc.Service interface. That is, it is the platform vendor's responsibility to implement this interface. The implementation class is required to support the creation of both dynamic proxies and Call objects. The getPort method returns a dynamic proxy for the specified service port. A service client uses this dynamic proxy to invoke operations on the target service port. The proxyInterface parameter specifies the service definition interface that is supported by the created dynamic proxy. The method getPorts returns a list of qualified names (as javax.xml.rpc.namespace. QName) of ports grouped by this service. The multiple variants of the method createCall create instances of the javax.xml.rpc.Call. The javax.xml.rpc.Call interface provides support for the dynamic invocation of an operation on the target service port. A client side JAX-RPC 1.0 implementation is required to implement the Call interface. The javax.xml.rpc.Service interface acts as a factory for the creation of Call instances. The Service implementation class is required to implement java.io.Serializable and javax.naming.Referenceable interfaces to support registration in the JNDI namespace.



javax.xml.rpc.Call package javax.xml.rpc; public interface Call { static public final int PARAM_MODE_IN = 1; static public final int PARAM_MODE_OUT = 2; static public final int PARAM_MODE_INOUT = 3; public void addParameter(String paramName, QName xmlType, int parameterMode); public void setReturnType(QName xmlType); public void removeAllParameters(); public String getOperationName(); public void setOperationName(String operationName); public QName getPortTypeName(); public void setPortTypeName(QName portType); public String getTargetEndpointAddress(); public void setTargetEndpointAddress(String address); public void setProperty(String name, Object value) throws JAXRPCException; public Object getProperty(String name); public void removeProperty(String name); // Remote Method Invocation methods public Object invoke(Object[] params) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; public void invokeOneWay(Object[] params) throws javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException; }




WSDL to Java Mapping Mapping Tool 76



Typical WSDL to Java Mapping Tool ?

Reads WSDL document and then generates – – – –

Service interface (javax.xml.rpc.Service) and its implementation Service definition interface (Extension of java.rmi.Remote) Stub and tie classes Additional classes ?

serializers, deserializers 77

Now because JAX-RPC specification defines the precise rules on how a WSDL document maps into corresponding Java representation, it is expected that the mapping process will be automated by the use of tools. So a WSDL to Java mapping tool reads a WSDL document and then generates service interface and its implementation class, service definition interface that extends the java.rmi.Remote, stub class that implements the javax.xml.rpc.Stub interface and any additional classes needed by the service and stub classes. These additional classes include serializers, deserializers, holders and utility classes. In fact, many of the tools out there are already doing these things. Now JAX-RPC standardize the mapping process.



SOAP Binding Support in JAX-RPC




SOAP Binding in WSDL ?

JAX-RPC supports SOAP binding specified in WSDL 1.1: – rpc and document style operations – literal and encoded representations


Mapping of literal message part (either a parameter or return value): – Using Java data binding API: JAXB API – Mapping to SOAPElement as a document fragment


Faults are mapped to Java exceptions 79



SOAP Message with Attachments ?

RPC request or response can include MIME encoded content. Examples: – XML document or image


JAX-RPC specifies mapping between MIME types and Java types: – image/gif, image/jpeg, text/plain, multipart/*, text/xml and application/xml


Use of Java Activation Framework's DataHandler API 80



Client Programming Model




JAX-RPC Client Environment ?




Independent of how an XML based RPC service (service endpoint) is implemented on the server side Generates a Java based client side representation for a service from WSDL document Must not be exposed or tied to a specific XML based protocol, transport or any JAX-RPC implementation specific mechanism Can use either J2SE or J2EE programming model 82

Now let's talk about JAX-RPC client environment. Service client programming model must be independent of how an XML based RPC service is implemented on the server side. A service client must invoke a service using the same client programming model irrespective of whether a service has been defined on the J2EE platform or even on a non-Java platform, for example. Service client environment should be capable of importing a WSDL document and generating a Java based client side representation for a service described in the WSDL document. A client side representation includes classes generated based on the mapping of the WSDL definitions to the corresponding Java representation. • Service client programming model must not be exposed or tied to a specific XML based protocol, transport or any JAX-RPC implementation specific mechanism. For example, a JAX-RPC client should not be exposed to how a JAX-RPC client side runtime system invokes a remote method using a specific implementation level interaction mode and connection management.



J2EE based Service Client Programming Model ?

JAX-RPC specification suggests how J2EE components (servlet, EJB's) act as JAX-RPC clients –


To be aligned with EJB 2.1, JSR 109, J2EE 1.4 JSR efforts

Follows J2EE programming and deployment model – –

Use JNDI to find JAX-RPC service instance Then use JAX-RPC client invocation model 83

If JAX-PRC clients are developed and deployed as J2EE components such as servlets or EJB's, then they have to follow corresponding J2EE programming and deployment models. By the way, the client model of JAX-RPC will be used as client model of JSR 109, which is in the process of defining a Web services framework for J2EE platforms. The component provider which implements a JAX-RPC client references an external service using a logical name called service reference. The component provider must use the service reference to get access to the service ports as follows: • The component provider assigns an entry in the component’s environment to the service reference. The component provider uses the deployment descriptor to declare a service reference. Then the component provider looks up an instance of a service class using the JNDI namespace. • The component provider uses an appropriate method on the looked up service instance to get one or more proxy objects for the target service port. A proxy for a service port can be either a dynamic proxy or an instance of a generated stub class. The latter implements the service definition interface. • The looked up service instance and proxy for the service port are returned properly configured for invocations of operations on the target service. The deployer and container specific implementation take the responsibility of managing the configuration of the service instance and proxy. These details are not exposed to the J2EE based client programming model.



Client Service Invocation Programming Models ?

Stub-based –


Dynamic proxy –


Both Interface and implementation are created at compile time Interface is created at compile time while implementation created at runtime

Dynamic invocation interface (DII) –

Both interface and implementation are created at runtime 84



Client Programming Model Stub-based 85



Stub-based Invocation Model ?

? ? ?

? ?

Stub class gets generated from WSDL at compile time All needed value classes are also generated Instantiated using the Service class Stub class is bound to a specific XML protocol (i.e. SOAP) and transport (i.e. HTTP) Static compilation gives maximum performance Stub class implements – –

javax.xml.rpc.Stub interface Service Definition Interface 86



Stub Class Hierarchy <> javax.xml.rpc.Stub

<> com.example.stockQuoteProvider





Steps of Coding Static Stub Client ?

Creates a Stub object –


Sets the endpoint address that the stub uses to access the service –


(Stub)(new MyHelloService_Impl().getHelloIFPort())

stub._setProperty (javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROP ERTY, args[0]);

Casts stub to the service endpoint interface, HelloIF –

HelloIF hello = (HelloIF)stub; 88

Before it can invoke the remote methods on the stub the client performs these steps: 1. Creates a Stub object: (Stub)(new MyHelloService_Impl().getHelloIFPort()) The code in this method is implementation-specific because it relies on a MyHelloService_Impl object, which is not defined in the specifications. The MyHelloService_Impl class will be generated by wscompile in the following section. 2. Sets the endpoint address that the stub uses to access the service: stub._setProperty (javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, args[0]); At runtime, the endpoint address is passed to HelloClient in args[0] as a command-line parameter, which ant gets from the endpoint.address property in the build.properties file. 3. Casts stub to the service endpoint interface, HelloIF: HelloIF hello = (HelloIF)stub;



Stub Configuration ?

Stub instance must be configured – –


XML protocol binding (compile time configuration) endpoint address (can be set at runtime)

Can be configured in two ways –

Static configuration (Compile time) based on the WSDL description of a target service endpoint ? wsdl:binding, soap:binding, wsdl:port Runtime configuration using the javax.xml.rpc.Stub API 89



Standard Properties for Stub Configuration ? ? ?


Username for authentication (required) Password for authentication (required) Target service endpoint address (optional) Flag for "session enabled" (required)




Static stub based client package staticstub; import javax.xml.rpc.Stub; public class HelloClient { private String endpointAddress; public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Endpoint address = " + args[0]); try { Stub stub = createProxy(); stub._setProperty (javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, args[0]); HelloIF hello = (HelloIF)stub; System.out.println(hello.sayHello("Duke!")); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private static Stub createProxy() { // Note: MyHelloService_Impl is implementation-specific. return (Stub) (new MyHelloService_Impl().getHelloIFPort()); }






Client Programming Model Dynamic Proxy based 92



Dynamic Proxy-based Invocation Model ?




Stubs are generated on the fly by JAXRPC client runtime Application provides the service definition interface the dynamic proxy conforms to Does not depend on implementation specific class Portable client code 93

The client in the preceding section used a static stub for the proxy. In contrast, the client example in this section calls a remote procedure through a dynamic proxy, a class that is created during runtime. Although the source code for the static stub client relied on an implementation-specific class, the code for the dynamic proxy client does not have this limitation.



Steps of Coding Dynamic Proxy Client 1.Creates a Service object 2.Create a proxy with a type of the service endpoint interface


Before it can invoke the remote methods on the stub the client performs these steps: 1. Creates a Stub object: (Stub)(new MyHelloService_Impl().getHelloIFPort()) The code in this method is implementation-specific because it relies on a MyHelloService_Impl object, which is not defined in the specifications. The MyHelloService_Impl class will be generated by wscompile in the following section. 2. Sets the endpoint address that the stub uses to access the service: stub._setProperty (javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, args[0]); At runtime, the endpoint address is passed to HelloClient in args[0] as a command-line parameter, which ant gets from the endpoint.address property in the build.properties file. 3. Casts stub to the service endpoint interface, HelloIF: HelloIF hello = (HelloIF)stub;



Step1: Create a Service object Service helloService = serviceFactory.createService(helloWsdlUrl, new QName(nameSpaceUri, serviceName)); ? ?


Service object is a factory for proxies Service object itself is created from ServiceFactory object Parameters of createService() ? ?

URL of the WSDL file QName object 95

A Service object is a factory for proxies. To create the Service object (helloService), the program calls the createService method on another type of factory, a ServiceFactory object. The createService method has two parameters, the URL of the WSDL file and a QName object. At runtime, the client gets information about the service by looking up its WSDL. In this example, the URL of the WSDL file points to the WSDL that was deployed with MyHelloService: http://localhost:8080/hello-jaxrpc/hello?WSDL A QName object is a tuple that represents an XML qualified name. The tuple is composed of a namespace URI and the local part of the qualified name. In the QName parameter of the createService invocation, the local part is the service name, MyHelloService.



Step2: Create a Dynamic Proxy object dynamicproxy.HelloIF myProxy = (dynamicproxy.HelloIF)helloService.getPort( new QName(nameSpaceUri, portName), dynamicproxy.HelloIF.class); ?


HelloIF.class is generated by wscompile (at compile time) The port name (HelloIFPort) is specified by the WSDL file 96

A Service object is a factory for proxies. To create the Service object (helloService), the program calls the createService method on another type of factory, a ServiceFactory object. The createService method has two parameters, the URL of the WSDL file and a QName object. At runtime, the client gets information about the service by looking up its WSDL. In this example, the URL of the WSDL file points to the WSDL that was deployed with MyHelloService: http://localhost:8080/hello-jaxrpc/hello?WSDL A QName object is a tuple that represents an XML qualified name. The tuple is composed of a namespace URI and the local part of the qualified name. In the QName parameter of the createService invocation, the local part is the service name, MyHelloService.



Example: Dynamic Proxy Client (1) package dynamicproxy; import java.net.URL; import javax.xml.rpc.Service; import javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory; import dynamicproxy.HelloIF; public class HelloClient { public static void main(String[] args) { try { String UrlString = args[0] + "?WSDL"; String nameSpaceUri = "urn:Foo"; String serviceName = "MyHelloService"; String portName = "HelloIFPort"; System.out.println("UrlString = " + UrlString); URL helloWsdlUrl = new URL(UrlString) 97

This is an example of looking up, creating a dynamic proxy.



Example: Dynamic Proxy Client (2) ServiceFactory serviceFactory = ServiceFactory.newInstance(); Service helloService = serviceFactory.createService(helloWsdlUrl, new QName(nameSpaceUri, serviceName)); dynamicproxy.HelloIF myProxy = (dynamicproxy.HelloIF) helloService.getPort( new QName(nameSpaceUri, portName), dynamicproxy.HelloIF.class); System.out.println(myProxy.sayHello("Buzz")); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }


This is an example of looking up, creating a dynamic proxy.



Steps of Building Dynamic Proxy Client ?

Ant build targets –

generate-interface ? ?

compile-client ?

runs wscompile with the -import option reads the MyHelloService.wsdl file and generates the service endpoint interface class (HelloIF.class) compiles the src/HelloClient.java file

package-dynamic ?

creates the dist/client.jar file, which contains HelloIF.class and HelloClient.class 99

To build and package the client, go to the /jwstutorial13/examples/jaxrpc/dynamicproxy/ directory and type the following: ant build The preceding command runs these tasks: * generate-interface * compile-client * package-dynamic The generate-interface task runs wscompile with the -import option. The wscompile command reads the MyHelloService.wsdl file and generates the service endpoint interface class (HelloIF.class). Although this wscompile invocation also creates stubs, the dynamic proxy client does not use these stubs, which are required only by static stub clients. The compile-client task compiles the src/HelloClient.java file. The package-dynamic task creates the dist/client.jar file, which contains HelloIF.class and HelloClient.class.



Client Programming Model DII 100



DII Invocation Model ? ?



Gives complete control to client programmer A client can call a remote procedure even if the signature of the remote procedure or the name of the service are unknown until runtime Does not require wscompile to create runtime classes Most complex programming among the three


This example resides in the /jwstutorial13/examples/jaxrpc/dii/ directory. With the dynamic invocation interface (DII), a client can call a remote procedure even if the signature of the remote procedure or the name of the service are unknown until runtime. In contrast to a static stub or dynamic proxy client, a DII client does not require runtime classes generated by wscompile. However, as you'll see in the following section, the source code for a DII client is more complicated than the code of the other two types of clients.



DII Invocation Model ?

Enables broker model – – –

Client finds (through some search criteria) and invokes a service during runtime through a broker Used when service definition interface is not known until runtime You set operation and parameters during runtime




Steps of Coding DII Client 1.Create a Service object 2.From the Service object, create a Call object 3.Set the service endpoint address on the Call object 4.Set properties on the Call object 5.Specify the method's return type, name, and parameter 6.Invoke the remote method on the Call object 103

Before it can invoke the remote methods on the stub the client performs these steps: 1. Creates a Stub object: (Stub)(new MyHelloService_Impl().getHelloIFPort()) The code in this method is implementation-specific because it relies on a MyHelloService_Impl object, which is not defined in the specifications. The MyHelloService_Impl class will be generated by wscompile in the following section. 2. Sets the endpoint address that the stub uses to access the service: stub._setProperty (javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, args[0]); At runtime, the endpoint address is passed to HelloClient in args[0] as a command-line parameter, which ant gets from the endpoint.address property in the build.properties file. 3. Casts stub to the service endpoint interface, HelloIF: HelloIF hello = (HelloIF)stub;



Step1: Create a Service object ?

Invoke createService() method of a ServiceFactory object Service service = factory.createService(new QName(qnameService));


qnameService parameter is the name of the service specified in WSDL <service name="MyHelloService">


Service service = factory.createService(new QName(qnameService)); To get a Service object, the program invokes the createService method of a ServiceFactory object. The parameter of the createService method is a QName object that represents the name of the service, MyHelloService. The WSDL file specifies this name as follows: <service name="MyHelloService">



Step2: From the Service object, create a Call object ?

A Call object supports the dynamic invocation of the remote procedures of a service QName port = new QName(qnamePort); Call call = service.createCall(port);


The parameter of createCall is a QName object that represents the service endpoint interface, which is specified in WSDL <portType name="HelloIF"> 105

QName port = new QName(qnamePort); Call call = service.createCall(port); A Call object supports the dynamic invocation of the remote procedures of a service. To get a Call object, the program invokes the Service object's createCall method. The parameter of createCall is a QName object that represents the service endpoint interface, MyHelloServiceRPC. In the WSDL file, the name of this interface is designated by the portType element: <portType name="HelloIF">



Step3: Set the service endpoint address on the Call object ?

In the WSDL file, this address is specified by the <soap:address> element call.setTargetEndpointAddress(endpoint);


call.setTargetEndpointAddress(endpoint); In the WSDL file, this address is specified by the <soap:address> element.



Step4: Specify the method's return type, name, and parameter ?

Properties to set – – –






Step5: Specify the method's return type, name, and parameter ?

Return type, method name, parameter QName QNAME_TYPE_STRING = new QName(NS_XSD, "string"); call.setReturnType(QNAME_TYPE_STRING); call.setOperationName(new QName(BODY_NAMESPACE_VALUE, "sayHello")); call.addParameter("String_1", QNAME_TYPE_STRING, ParameterMode.IN);


To specify the return type, the program invokes the setReturnType method on the Call object. The parameter of setReturnType is a QName object that represents an XML string type. The program designates the method name by invoking the setOperationName method with a QName object that represents sayHello. To indicate the method parameter, the program invokes the addParameter method on the Call object. The addParameter method has three arguments: a String for the parameter name (String_1), a QName object for the XML type, and a ParameterMode object to indicate the passing mode of the parameter (IN).



Step6: Invoke the remote method on the Call object ?

Assign the parameter value (Murphy) to a String array (params) and then executes the invoke method with the String array as an argument String[] params = { "Murphy" }; String result = (String)call.invoke(params);





Example: DII Client (1) package dii; import javax.xml.rpc.Call; import javax.xml.rpc.Service; import javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory; import javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode; public class HelloClient { private static String qnameService = "MyHelloService"; private static String qnamePort = "HelloIF"; private static String BODY_NAMESPACE_VALUE = "urn:Foo"; private static String ENCODING_STYLE_PROPERTY = "javax.xml.rpc.encodingstyle.namespace.uri"; private static String NS_XSD = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; private static String URI_ENCODING = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"; 110



Example: DII Client (2) public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Endpoint address = " + args[0]); try { ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance(); Service service = factory.createService( new QName(qnameService)); QName port = new QName(qnamePort); Call call = service.createCall(port); call.setTargetEndpointAddress(args[0]); call.setProperty(Call.SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY, new Boolean(true)); call.setProperty(Call.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY ""); call.setProperty(ENCODING_STYLE_PROPERTY, URI_ENCODING); QName QNAME_TYPE_STRING = new QName(NS_XSD, "string"); call.setReturnType(QNAME_TYPE_STRING);




Example: DII Client (3) call.setOperationName( new QName(BODY_NAMESPACE_VALUE,"sayHello")); call.addParameter("String_1", QNAME_TYPE_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); String[] params = { "Murph!" }; String result = (String)call.invoke(params); System.out.println(result); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }




Service Endpoint Model 113



Service Endpoint Model ?

Service endpoint can be either – Servlet based endpoint or – Stateless session bean



JAX-RPC 1.0 specifies Servlet based endpoint model EJBTM 2.1 specifies Stateless session bean based endpoint model




Web Services for the J2EE 1.4 Platform ?

Client View –



Server View –

Servlet based endpoint •


Runtime is provided by Web container

Stateless Session Bean based endpoint •

EJB 2.1

Runtime is provided by EJB container 115

So in summary, over J2EE platform, the client view is defined in JAX-RPC specification. And the server view can be in two different forms, one in servlet-based, and the other is stateless session bean based. The servlet based endpoint model is defined in JAX-RPC specification while stateless session bean based endpoint model is defined in EJB 2.1 specification. Servlet endpoint runtime is provided by web container while stateless session bean runtime is provided by EJB container.



Service Developer ? ?


Generates service definition interface Implements service definition interface (service endpoint class) Service endpoint class – –


May implement ServiceLifecycle interface Can access servlet context via javax.servlet.ServletContext interface

Creates *.war package 116

JAX-RPC specification talks about the roles of service developer and deployer as part of service endpoint model. Service developer generates service definition interface from WSDL document or it can creates service definition interface directly Then he implements the service definition interface and let's call it service endpoint class. The service end point class may optionally implement ServiceLifeCycle interface in which init() and destroy() methods are defined. By calling init() and destroy() methods, the container can creates a pool of service endpoint class instances. The init() method also can pass ServletContext object as a parameter so service endpoint class have an access to ServletContext object. And the service developer then creates deployment descriptor and jaxrpc.war file



Service Deployer ?

Handles – –


? ?

Multiple protocol binds for a single service endpoint definition Creates web.xml Creates complete WSDL document which contains concrete binding information –


Protocol binding Port assignment

This WSDL document can be published

Creates and deploy assembled *.war file 117



Protocol and Transport Binding




Protocol Bindings and Transport ?


JAX-RPC APIs are independent of any specific protocol binding or transport JAX-RPC 1.1 enables support for multiple XML based protocol bindings: – SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 – Binary protocol bindings based on XML infoset



Multiple transports can be plugged under the XML based protocol JAX-RPC requires SOAP 1.1 and HTTP 1.1 required for interoperability 119



JAX-RPC Runtime System




JAX-RPC Runtime System ?

Core of a JAX-RPC implementation – –


Client side –


Library that provides runtime services for JAX-RPC mechanisms Implements JAX-RPC APIs J2SE™, J2EE™ or J2ME™ platform-based runtime systems

Server-side –

J2EE™ 1.4 Containers: EJB™ or Servlet 121



Programming Model 122



JAX-RPC Programming Model Service definition interfaces must follow RMI conventions JAX-RPC requirements



– –

No Remote references allowed All objects are passed by copy

public interface MeetingManager extends java.rmi.Remote { public MeetingInfo scheduleMeeting(String requestor, String[] participants) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, CannotScheduleException; } 123



Servlet-Based Endpoint Model ?




Service implementation class is an ordinary Java class Invocation done inside the servlet container Optional ServiceLifecycle interface for initialization and destruction callbacks Access all resources in the web application 124



Sample Service Implementation public class MeetingManagerImpl implements MeetingManager, ServiceLifecycle { public MeetingManagerImpl() { ... } public void init(Object ctx) { ServletContext context = (ServletContext) ctx; // obtain a connection to a database // ... } public void destroy() { ... } public MeetingInfo scheduleMeeting(String requestor, String[] participants) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, CannotScheduleException { ... } } 125



Client side Programming APIs ? ?

? ? ? ?

javax.xml.rpc.Stub interface javax.xml.rpc.Call interface for the dynamic invocation of a JAX-RPC service javax.xml.rpc.Service interface javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory class javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException class JAX-RPC runtime implements above APIs




Package Relationship







Resources 128



Resources ?

JAX-RPC Home –


Java Web Services Developer Pack Download –



Java Web Services Developer Pack Tutorial –




J2EE 1.4 SDK –

http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/download-dr.html 129



Passion! 130


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