Rounding Decimals

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,035
  • Pages: 3

Amy Li


Melissa Avila

Lesson Plan Date:


Rough? Final?





What is your objective?

What knowledge and skills are embedded in the objective?

SWBAT round decimals to the ten-thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and ten-thousandths place.

1. Identify place values from ten thousands to ten thousandths. 2. Use the value to the right of the place in question to determine whether to raise the place or keep it the same. 3. Eliminate everything to the right of the place value.

ASSESSMENT. Describe, briefly, what students will do to show you that they have mastered (or made progress toward) the objective. Attach your daily assessment, completed to include an exemplary student response that illustrates the expected level of rigor. Indicate whether you will administer the assessment as the independent practice or during the lesson closing.

Exit slip: 3,765.9821 Round to the nearest whole number: Round to the nearest tenths: Answers: Round to the nearest whole number: 3,766 Round to the nearest tenths: 3,766.0 CONNECTION TO THE BIG GOAL. How does the objective connect to the big goal?

Being able to round decimals is a necessary skill that is embedded in questions on the 6th grade CST.

CONNECTION TO LITERACY AND DEVELOPMENT OF CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING. How will you address any prerequisite literacy skills impacting students’ ability to demonstrate mastery of the objective? How will you develop conceptual understanding so that students internalize the concept and not just a set of algorithms without their meaning?

This lesson involves comprehension of new vocabulary terms: rounding, nearest, and all of the place value terms.


FIVE-STEP LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE WARM UP (8 min.) Before the tardy bell rings, students are to read the instructions on the overhead and do the following: take out their Do Now worksheet, keep their homework on their desk, take out their math journal, and select problems from the homework that they want to see done on the board. When the tardy bell rings, students will complete the 3 phases of the Do Now exercise: Word Warm Up (word problem version of yesterday’s lesson), Speed Challenge (multiplication fast facts: this week’s emphasis is on the fives), and Math Wheel (addition and multiplication). While students are completing the Do Now, my two homework stampers are coming around to stamp homework for completion. Once time runs out on the Do Now, I will go over the answers. Students will check their answers and self-assign points. REVIEW (12 min.) From the list of problems that the students chose, I will go over those in class. It is in the style of a “We do,” in order to solve the problem. Re-teaching can occur here if necessary. 4. OPENING (8 min.)


How will you communicate what is about to happen? How will you communicate how it will happen? How will you communicate its importance? How will you communicate connections to previous lessons? How will you engage students and capture their interest?

Do you remember when we were calculating rates on Monday and Tuesday? We had a Word Warm Up that asked us to determine the rates of bananas. It cost $4.95 for 10 bananas. What did we decide was the rate of dollars per banana? $0.495. Is there such thing as half a cent or half a penny? So, how are we going to decide how much to pay? Would it be $0.49 or $.0.50? (Allow students to make suggestions) How about when we grade homework. Let’s pretend that I have you 15 problems to do for homework and you tried really hard and finished 13 of them, but you didn’t know how to do the last two problems. Let’s say your friend also tried to do the homework. But instead of doing it at home, he or she tried to do it 5 minutes before class started and they finished 2 problems. Should both students get full credit for the homework? Why or why not? Imagine that I am only going to give full credit or 0 credit. What is the fairest way to decide how much credit to give? (Lead discussion to say half way is the fairest). I’m impressed that you guys came up with that! Did you know that that is the accepted standard now? Let’s write down the actual rules of rounding. 3. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIAL (5 min.) How will you explain/demonstrate all knowledge/skills required of the objective, so that students begin to actively internalize key points? Which potential misunderstandings do you anticipate? How will you proactively mitigate them? How/when will you check for understanding? How will you address misunderstandings? How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations? Why will students be engaged?

1) Let’s take out our math journals and open to the Table of Contents. We all need to write today’s date (11/20/08) and the topic, which is Rounding Decimals. Turn to the first blank page in your math journal, fold down the page, and be sure to write the page number at the top. 2) Let’s go ahead and write down all of the steps for rounding decimals and then we’ll do some examples. 3) Rounding Decimals a. Circle the place value that you must round. b. Underline the number to the right of the circled number. i. If the underlined number is 0 – 4, keep the circled number. ii. If the underlined number is 5 – 9, raise the circled number up by 1. c. Rewrite the new number. Don’t write anything after the circled number. 2. GUIDED PRACTICE (5 min.) How will students practice all knowledge/skills required of the objective, with your support, such that they continue to internalize the key points? How will you ensure that students have multiple opportunities to practice, with exercises scaffolded from easy to hard? How/when will you monitor performance to check for understanding? How will you address misunderstandings? How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations? Why will students be engaged?

Let’s look at a few examples:



FIVE-STEP LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE HOMEWORK (if appropriate). Rounding Decimals worksheet.

How will students practice what they learned?

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