Rotational Motion Theory

  • November 2019
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Rotational Motion Theory (RMT), a product of 33-year work (from December 1972 to December 2005), may also be named as “Spin Theory” in a larger sense. As known, “spin” term numerically identifies the rotation of subatomic particles around their axes (in Quantum Theory). For example, proton spin is ½. According to Rotational Motion Theory this term, except for its numerical aspect, is only used as a term explaining “the rotation of particles around their axes”. To illustrate, the rotation of an atomic nucleus, an atom, a planet, a star, a stellar system or a galaxy around their axes is described by “spin” term according to the theory. Therefore, RMT is a “Spin Theory” in this aspect. Based on the detailed investigations of energy motion, RMT is a theory describing how the cosmos built from micro- to macroscale and worked, and hence presents or tries to present. Energy motions are divided by two as “linear” and “rotational” (rotation around its axis) motion. We measure energy effect as “work” in linear motion and as “mass” in rotational motion. RMT assumes the inference that matter is a volume being that there are two forms of energy. One of these is “qualitative/material energy” with a volume property (Figure 1), other is “quantitative/numerical energy” with an imaginary volume property. The matter must have been derived from qualitative energy. According to the theory, black holes must have been composed of qualitative/material energy leaps. Energy particles, broken as chips by rotating around their axes from the surface of these energy leaps, are material particles rotating around their axes distributed through the cosmos (Figure 2). The properties these material particles have show they are “neutrinos” (Figure 3). Due to rotations around their axes, they have twin “geographic” poles as north and south like the Earth. Mentioned particles interact with each other as two forms, “compatible” and “incompatible” (Figures 4 and 5). First “compound matter” forms by the alignment of small neutrinos[1] between two poles of a big neutrino (electron neutrino) (Figure 6). Its structure is understood by a “magnetic structure” shown in Figure 6. Small neutrino alignments characterized by a force field enable geographic poles of a big neutrino as a nucleus to give “magnetic pole” properties. Therefore, first structure in the cosmos had taken place as a magnetic structure. Also, this was the first “space” of and the first “space obliquity” of the cosmos. That many particles bearing a spin constitute a magnetic field in the space with respect to their spin directions (Turgut and İpekoğlu, 2000) or particles

Figure 1. Qualitative/material energy ball (Black hole?). NİTEL ENERJİ TOPU=Qualitative energy ball, Çizgisel devinim=Linear motion, Girdap (=Vortex)=Dönme devinim (=rotational motion).

Figure 2. Conversion of energy chips, broken from by rotating around its axis from the surface of energy ball (at the left), to material particles rotating around their axes (at the right). Nitel enerji topu=Qualitative energy ball, Uzaya saçılan enerji yongaları=Energy chips scattered into the space, Dönüşüm=Conversion, Uzaya saçılmış madde parçacıkları (nötrinolar)=Material

particles (neutrinos) scattered into the space.

Figure 3. Neutrino. Gidiş yönü=Travel direction, Dönme ekseni=Rotation axis, Vida=Screw, K=North, G=South.

Figure 4. Harmonious interaction of neutrinos (the most fundamental interaction). K=North, G=South.

Figure 5. Disharmonious interaction of neutrinos (the most fundamental interaction). K=North, G=South. Figure 6. Internal structures of electron and positron. Küçük tekil maddeler=Small individual matters (small neutrinos), Büyük tekil madde=Big individual matter (big neutrino-nucleus). K=North, G=South. with spin have a magnetic momentum (Wikipedia, 2007) or resulted from the spin of magnetic momentum electron has (Altın, 2006) is a known phenomenon. In this context, spin motion creates a magnetic field to electron (Turgut, 2002). In addition to rotating around their axes, small neutrino alignments, i.e. force fields rotate around nucleus (a big neutrino). If the rotational direction of these force fields is same as that of nucleus, this compound particle is called as “stable” (Figure 7/A), and vice versa is “unstable” (Figure 7/C). Stability and/or unstability of a particle is resulted from all (large and Figure 7. A:Electron (P-Positive rotational Neutrino matter), B:Neutral electron (S-Zero rotational Neutrino matter), C:Positron (N-Negative rotational Neutrino matter) (İç spin=Internal spin, Dış spin=External spin, K=North, G=South.). small) neutrinos with same spin angular momentum. The accompaniment of two neutrinos is stable in Figure 8/A and unstable in Figure 8/B. The nucleus rotating around its axis forms “internal spin”, and the rotational movement of force fields around the nucleus forms “external spin”. These two particles, internal spins of which are situated as the same, rotate around their axes in reverse directions (Figure 7/A and 7/C). That electron and positron, magnetic moments of which are situated as same, rotate around their axes in reverse directions is a known physical reality. Internal spin corresponds to “magnetic moment” and external spin to “particle spin” in this relationship.

Results of this identification are: a) Of two compound particles formed by neutrinos (according to RMT), the particle with same internal and external spins is electron, other one with reverse spins is positron. b) It is necessary that a positron is “unstable” and c) It is revealed that how no natural antimatter found in the cosmos.

Figure 8. Interaction of two various sized particles. Particles bearing same spin angular velocity at A are “stable” (electron), at B are “unstable” (positron). If angular velocity of the small particle at B is increased by an outer effect, two particles become stable; if there is no outer effect, small particle returns to the initial rotation velocity and accompaniment/interaction of the particles end in (unstability case). K=North, G=South.

Electrons, with respect to rotational/rotation locations, are both “pull” (Figure 9) and “push” each other (Figure 10). The first (same charged particles pulling each other) is an evidenced scientifical phenomenon (Figure 9/B). These interactions of electrons are “magnetic” because of their magnetic structures (micromagnetic). Figure 9. Harmonious interactions of electrons and “pull” phenomenon (lower figure: pull interaction of two magnets). ÇEKME=PULL, Mıknatısların çekme etkileşimleri=Pull interactions of magnets, K=North, G=South.

Figure 10. Inharmonious interactions of electrons and “push” phenomenon (lower figure: push interaction of two magnets). İTME=PUSH, Mıknatısların itme etkileşimleri=Push interactions of magnets, K=North, G=South.

RMT presents that the electrons, magnetically interacted with each other in both lateral (equatorial) and vertical (polar) directions, formed a network and then how formed mesons and hadrons (Figure 11). Because, in the succession of material growth, there are only neutrinos and electrons as stable particles in the cosmos during this stage. Of a number of particles formed by electrons, only one stable is “proton”[2] (Figure 12). RMT also explains that how the proton is only one stable particle by adding with the reasons. The fact that

Figure 11. A:Mesons; B:Hadrons. M:Central electron chain, Ç1:1st Orbit, Ç2:2nd Orbit, Ç:Adjacent (orbital) electron chain, Mikromanyetik alan=Micromagnetic field, P-dönmeli=Positive rotational, S-dönmeli=Zero rotational, N-

dönmeli=Negative rotational, K=North, G=South.

Figure 12. Proton. Küçük tekil (evrensel) maddelerden (küçük nötrinolardan) yapılı kuvvet çizgileri=Force lines built from small individual (universal) matters (small neutrinos) Micromagnetic field. K=North, G=South. protons are collided with each other in the particle accelerators turning to pions, pions are broken up and demolished to muons, and the muons are broken up and demolished to an electron is a scientific/experimental result. The nature may explain mesons and hadrons constituting electrons and neutrinos by a such phenomenon. Validity of “magnetic” interaction in these occurrences has been understood by means of RMT. It is clear to abolish the basic law of cosmos related with gravity for non-existed quarks, that is reverse square (force) law, and to compel the nature by the rules[3] we imagine is not true. This case shows us there is no “strong nuclear force”. “Magnetic interaction” of a proton and an electron with respect to spin locations makes “hydrogen atom” (Figure 13). As seen in the figure, there is no photon exchange or won't be Figure 13. Hydrogen atom. K=North, G=South. an exchange.[4] Magnetic interaction of more than one hydrogen atom in respect to spin cases also forms other atom types bearing a “neutron” nucleus (Figure 14). Figure (14) presents neutron is a “minimized” hydrogen atom. Negative beta decay, K-capture and decay of free neutron are clear evidences for this. When an unstable nucleus transmitted an electron, a neutron in the nucleus turns to proton (negative beta decay), a proton in the nucleus turns to neutron (K-capture) by the time it gets an electron from the innermost shell (K-shell). There is no free neutron but for the nucleus. Remained free, a neutron is divided as an electron and a proton in about 13 minutes. It is not accidental that hydrogen atom is electrically “neutral” and neutron is “neutral”. The first is an ordinary hydrogen atom, and the latter is hydrogen atom minimized by volume; i.e., neutron is not a hadron (nucleon), is an atom-like.[5]

Figure 14. Deuterium. Yörünge elektronu=Orbital electron, Nötron=Neutron, Çekirdek=Nucleus, K=North, G=South.

During negative beta decay, forces enabling the electron to break from neutron and throw outside the nucleus are pressure forces of micromagnetic field of the nucleus enclosing it in a small volume within the nucleus. These pressure forces are accumulated as kinetic energy in the electron, and if proton/neutron imbalance in the nucleus is favor of neutron, electron is broken from neutron (in fact from proton). According to Quantum Theory, a matter particle compressed into a small volume has more kinetic energy. Based on this fact, it is concluded that there is no “weak nuclear force” responsible for intranuclear radioactive decays. Larger compound material types called as “molecule” form by magnetic interactions of orbital electrons of all atoms with respect to their spin locations. Molecular

network of atoms is composed of two “end structures” (Figure 15) and infinite structures among these. One of these two end structures is “magnetic” (Figure 15/A), other is “gravitational” (Figure 15/B). If

Figure 15. A: Magnetic structure; B: Gravitational structure. K=North, G=South.

the magnetic structure of atomic and subatomic particles is called as “micromagnetic structure” (Figures 6, 9, 10, 12 and 13), magnetic structure of atoms forming may be called as “macromagnetic structure” (Figures 15/A, 16 and 17). Hence, in the cosmos, gravitation (Figures 15/B, 18) and macromagnetic structure take place at this stage. Contemporaneous with these structures, electrical/electrostatical structure (Figure 19) and electrical field also occur (Figures 20 and 21). As it is seen, neither “quarks” nor “strong” and “weak nucleas forces” are not mentioned until now, and “electric charge” until atom formation, too. RMT clarifies the formation of celestial bodies as well as body formation.

Figure 16. Internal and external magnetic fields. İç manyetik alan=Internal magnetic field, Dış manyetik alan=External magnetic field, K=North, G=South.

Figure 17. Bar magnet (Dipole). K=North, G=South.

Figure 18. Gravity structure on the body and gravitational area around (apolar). Alan atomları=Field atoms, Kütleçekimi alanı=Gravity field, CİSİM=BODY, Cisim atomları=Body atoms.

Figure 19. A:Electrical zone in an electrically charged body (…); B:Atomic positioning on the electrical zone in a positive electrically charged body; C:Atomic positioning on the electrical zone in a negative electrically charged body. Elektriksel bölge=Electrical zone, Sınır=Boundary, Nötr bölge=Neutral zone, Eksik elektron=Deficit electron, Fazla elektron=Excess electron.

Figure 20. Positive electrical field. POZİTİF ELEKTRİK (ELEKTROSTATİK) ALAN=Positive electricity (Electrostatic) field, NÖTR BÖLGE=Neutral zone, Cisim atom elektronu=Body atom electron, Alan atom elektronu=Field atom electron, Gereksinim duyulan elektron=Required electron, Elektron kayma yönü=Electron shift direction.

Figure 21. Negative electrical field. Cismin yüzeyinde yüklü olan elektronlar=Charged electrons on the surface of body, NEGATİF ELEKTRİK (ELEKTROSTATİK) ALAN=Negative electricity (Electrostatic) field, Alan atomlarındaki fazla elektronlar=Excess electrons on field atoms, Nötr bölge=Neutral zone, Cisim atomu elektronu=Body atom electron, Alan atomu elektronu=Field atom electron, Required electron, Elektron kayma yönü=Electron shift direction.

RMT explains which cases of energy show a mass property and how the matter acquires mass and requires no “Higgs” particle to do for this (see Drops from Rotational Motion Theory-1; Energy-Mass). According to the theory, whatever velocity of a body moving by an acceleration is under the effect of an external force, unless the kinetic energy deposited on acquires a mass property, there is no constraint on body velocity; so, RMT predicts the cosmos has not a “velocity limit” (see Drops from Rotational Movement Theory-3; Relativity of Light Velocity) (A bicycle model shown in Figure 22 gets a mass property owing to the rotational movement of kinetic energy loaded on wheels, however kinetic energy loaded on other parts of the bicycle maintains making work feature due to its linear movement, and so not acquiring a mass property). Figure 22: Ek1:Kinetic energy in linear motion, Ek2: Kinetic energy in rotational motion.

RMT also explains how electrons flow in a conductor wire and form a magnetic field around the wire. These particles do not move in a conductor wire as a bullet do; contrary to the known facts, they move on the surface forming a ring and rotating around their axes (Figure 23) [6]. These motion forms enable electrons to magnetically interact with other (out of the wire) atoms around the conductor wire (Figure, 25. Hence, force fields built from atoms occur around the wire (Figures 25 and 26). The theory, based on this, also brings to clear on the relationship between electrical field and magnetic field. Figure 27 indicates how electrons flow from a negative electrically charged body to a positive one connected to each other on a conductor wire, how magnetic field formed and there is no relationship between this (magnetic) field and electrical fields loaded on bodies. RMT also explains the formation of magnetic waves. In Figures 23 and 25, let's consider electrons moving in both directions or oscillating on the wire. In this case, because atoms out of the wire interacted with electrons rotate in two directions around their axes, their poles also displace by each oscillation of electrons. Therefore, a magnetic wave motion takes place in the space around the wire (Figure 28).

Figure 23. Electron flow on a conductor wire. Elektron akış yönü=Electron flow direction; K=North.

Figure 24. The evidence of electron flow style by means of a graphine predicted by RMT in an electricity current phenomenon. Elektron akış yönü=Electron flow direction. K=North

Figure 25. Field force and magnetic field generation around a conductor wire. Elektron akış yönü=Electron flow direction, Manyetik alan yönü (H)=Magnetic field direction, Dönel Devinim Kuramı’nın pusula ibresi=Compass needle of Rotational Motion Theory, İlk kuvvet çizgisi=Primary force line, İkinci kuvvet çizgisi=Secondary force line, K=North, G=South. Figure 26. Magnetic field generation around a circular wire. Elektron akış yönü=Electron flow direction, İç bölüm=Inner part, H:Magnetic field direction, K=North, G=South.

Figure 27. The relationship between electric field and magnetic field. Elektron akış yönü=Electron flow direction, Manyetik alan yönü (H)=Magnetic field direction, Negatif elektrik alanı=Negative electrical field, Elektron=Electron, Manyetik alan atomları=Magnetic field atoms, Manyetik alan kuvvet çizgileri=Force lines of magnetic field, Pozitif elektrik alanı=Positive electrical field. Figure 28. Magnetic waves. RMT also explains magnetism on the celestial bodies. RMT explains the wave, especially light phenomenon by pressure forces (Z, X, Y) (Figures 29, 30 and 31), and declares light waves will not be “pure” latitudinal waves (Figures 32 and 33). Of all wave types formed by three-dimensional pressure forces, one of which is Figure 29. z longitudinal force axis, x and y latitudinal force axes. Figure 30. Around a swelling and contracting ball longitudinal waves develop in the direction of longitudinal pressure force (Z) because latitudinal pressure forces (X;Y) compensate each other. YYKK:High density spherical shell, DYKK:Low density spherical shell, Z:Longitudinal force, X and Y:Latitudinal force, Basınç kuvvetlerinin aktif olduğu yön (kinetik kuvvet)=The direction of active pressure forces (kinetic force), ν:Movement direction of adjacent particles, Basınç kuvvetlerinin pasif olduğu yön (potansiyel kuvvet)=The direction of passive pressure forces (potential force).

Figure 31. A:Prograding waves; B:Polarized waves; C-D-E-F-G:Spreading form of unpolarized waves behind the divide; H: Prograding latitudinal waves in elastic environment behind the divide Dalga yayılım yönü=Wave spreading direction, Ortam taneciklerinin devinimini sağlayan aktif (kinetik) kuvvet=Active (kinetic) force enabling the motion of adjacent particles, Pasif (potansiyel) kuvvet=Passive (potantial) force, Ortam taneciklerinin salınım doğrultu ve yönü=Oscillational trend and direction of adjacent particles, Z:Longitudinal force, X and Y:Latitudinal force, ν:Flow direction of the environment.

Figure 32. The generation of latitudinal waves. These waves take place at the intersection planes of different environments. Because latitudinal pressure forces perpendicular to intersection plane at two environments have asymmetric sizes, environment of greater latitudinal force penetrates into the smaller until they are symmetrical. HAVA=AIR, SU=WATER, YYKK:High density spherical shell, DYKK:Low density spherical shell, Z:Longitudinal force, Y:Latitudinal force, ν:Movement direction of adjacent particles, v: Flow direction of air and water on the shells, Basınç kuvvetlerinin aktif olduğu yön (kinetik kuvvet)=Direction of active pressure forces (kinetic force), Basınç kuvvetlerinin pasif olduğu yön (potansiyel kuvvet)=Direction of passive pressure forces (potential force).

Figure 33. Z: Longitudinal; X and Y: Latitudinal pressure forces. Koşut=Parallel.

in one dimension (Z: longitudinal force) and other two are in two dimensions (X-Y: latitudinal forces), light waves are that's why polarized and other mechanical waves are not polarized like sound waves is also explained. Waves with a longitudinal and a latitudinal force perpendicular to this (X or Y) are fully polarized waves (Figures 31/B and 33). Compton phenomenon indicates light waves including both latitudinal and longitudinal forces. The photon colliding with an electron causes an electron displacement (Compton phenomenon). The component force in the direction photon moves is a longitudinal pressure (Z) force. Two component forces perpendicular to this and each other are latitudinal pressure (X, Y) forces. Longitudinal force (Z) constitutes longitudinal waves together with at least one latitudinal force (X or Y) (Figure 33; Z1X and Z2Y). Latitudinal pressure forces make up latitudinal waves (Figures 31/H and 32). Hence, a photon, i.e. light waves are not pure latitudinal waves. If both latitudinal pressure forces are demolished, a longitudinal pressure force does not constitute any longitudinal wave, and if there is no longitudinal pressure force, latitudinal pressure forces do not constitute any latitudinal wave. Figure 34 displays how the light diffracted and interfered at a sharp edged barrier. Figure 34. Diffraction and interference phenomena at a sharp edge. Keskin kenarlı engel=Sharp-edged barrier, Geometrik gölge=Geometric shadow, Geometrik gölge sınırı=Boundary of geometric shadow, A:Light zone, Y:High density wave shell,

E:Screen, K:Dark zone, D:Low density wave shell.

Explaining the fact that energy does not change to mass under any circumstance (see Drops from RMT-1; Energy-Mass), Special Relativity Theory is involved in RMT. Hence, the relativity of light velocity, too. Taking into consideration MichelsonMorley and Fizeau experiments, it is concluded that light velocity in all systems are not same (see Drops from RMT-3; Relativity of Light Velocity). As a result of this, it is deduced that time being variable is irrespective of the velocity. RMT reveals that “the acceleration” is time making variable or in other words the factor which changes time flow velocity instead of constant velocity (see Drops from RMT-3; Relativity of Light Velocity). Whatever the velocity is greater, if it is not accelerated, i.e. constant, it has no effect on “time flow velocity”; if it were so, the conservation principle of energy would be invalid. Because, there is no force effect for changing time in constant velocity like in static state (in fact there is no static state) and so energy consumption. For instance, both a static system and a constant - linear system with light velocity in respect to the ground have no force effect for changing time flow velocity; both systems are alike in view of the internal activity. So, time flows with same velocity in both systems, excluding hours working in light velocity displays later time than those in static systems do. This resulted from the system with light velocity subjected to an acceleration process until it reached this velocity. Because hours are under the effect of any force in an accelerated process (there are energy consumption and any force application in acceleration process), they work slower than static systems do. All hours in this system work are as same as static systems do but delayed until required velocity (below light velocity, light velocity or above light velocity) is reached and force application ended, i.e. the time when passed to constant velocity process. Such a result was also experimentally proved. That atomic hour designed in the plane has been more delayed than one designed on the ground is not resulted from velocity, but going up and landing of plane experienced an accelerated process. According to this, time is a function of acceleration not velocity. If there may be a kinetic energy effect resulting from system velocity when time is expanded, this case leads us to an inference that a photon should not be pulled by a gravitational area (see Drops from RMT-4; Relativity of Time). This is also contrary to General Theory of Relativity. Similar case is also valid for the conversion of energy to mass (see Drops from Rotational Motion Theory-1; Energy-Mass). Energy has no force effect in every directions, i.e. mass, by the time it moves linear together with any system in a system. It has multidirectional force effects, i.e. mass, only the moment when it passes to rotational motion (and a special case of rotational motion – oscillational case) . In this reason, whatever the kinetic energy and hence velocity of a system (a body) are gone up, when energy is in linear motion together with any system, it has no massive resistance against a force accelerating system, i.e. force creating itself. In a such case, developing force against a force creating or causing itself is contrary to its nature of existence. An energy trying to demolish a force existing itself may not grow; waning force may not increase system velocity either. It is concluded that when a force is continued to be applied, there are both energy growth and velocity rise in linear motion. Such a result is clearly contradicted to the assumption of Special Relativity Theory’s “energy mass is infinite in light velocity; so applied force for any velocity rise never enables a velocity rise; therefore light velocity is the upper limit of velocity in the cosmos”

RMT explains how neutrinos attached to each other or how binding energy connecting them formed in order to constitute an electron or positron (Figure 6) (the problem mentioned at Book Preface and partially explained on 42 p. and 63 p. of the Book). Let’s consider a bicycle. The bicycle immediately topples while it is “static”. If we start to rotate their legs, toppling is more difficult due to accelerating velocity. As if the bicycle attaches to travel direction by a greater force, its velocity rises (in fact its momentum) Here, “attachment” phenomenon is based on this. When linear momentum converts to angular momentum, attachment phenomenon takes place in the rotational axis trend (gyroscope example). In this context, the greater spin angular momentums neutrinos have, the greater attachment forces to that trend. Therefore, it is conceived that “attachment force” or “binding energy” of neutrinos making up an electron is resulted from their spin angular momentums. As it is seen, unexplained or misinterpreted physical phenomena are successfully identified by means of RMT.

REFERENCES Altın, V., 2006, Kuantum Ölçümü. Tübitak Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, C.39, S.466, Yeni Ufuklara Eki, 15s., Ankara. Özpineci, A., 2007, Standart Model ve Ötesi. Tübitak Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, C.40, S.473, Yeni Ufuklara, 15 s., Ankara. Turgut, S., 2002, Spintronik. Tübitak Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, S.418, ss.54-58, Ankara. Turgut, S. ve İpekoğlu, Y., 2000, Kuantum Fiziğinin Garip Söylemleri. Tübitak Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, S.395, ss.46-49, Ankara. Wikipedia, 2007, The Free Encyclopedia,

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1] Neutrinos may be various sized as large and small. Larger neutrinos can be detected by recent techniques and named as “electron neutrino”, “muon neutrino” and “tau neutrino”. Smaller ones can not be detected by recent techniques. [2] Protons are also formed in particle accelerators. In electron experiments loaded sufficient energy and collided, protons also take place together with other heavy particles (Özpineci, 2007). In this experiment, kinetic energy loaded on electrons enable neutrinos in the environment electrons collided (neutrinic environment; see Drops from Rotational Motion Theory-5; Space Environment) to construct a regular structure and make them to give binding energy. Thus, proton and other particles occur.

[3] According to Quantum Theory, contrary to other forces (gravity, magnetic and electrical forces), the farther distance between quarks, the more gravity is between them (assumed law). [4] In this interaction, electron is just as an individual of magnetic force fields of proton (like small neutrinos). Again in this interaction, electron is in “equilibrium” of energy with proton, not electrical. Total energy of electron divided by massive and kinetic energy is in equilibrium with magnetic field energy of proton. If this equilibrium changes for one, physical phenomena called as “electricity” occur. [5] That strong nuclear force is an imaginary interaction or force form is the reply of how each proton not demolished in an atomic nucleus, however required to push each other because of plus charges. If it were so, neutrons would not be required within the nucleus. If the nucleus had had only protons, strong nuclear force would have been and then protons would have been held. As seen in Figure 14, proton and neutron or minimized hydrogen atom interact with and pull each other.

[6] This prediction or conclusion reached by RMT is confirmed by the matter called "graphine". Electrons flow or move on an electrical current in a graphine just as shown in Figure 23 (Photo shown in Figure 24) (Şahin and Senger, 2008).

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