Rome And The Rise Of Christianity

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  • Pages: 28
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic

Chapter 5 Pages 146-183

Chapter Outline  The Rise of Rome  From Republic to Empire

The Rise of Rome: Land and People (Copy on the back of your Rome Map)

 The Geography of Rome

made it the perfect place for a large and stable empire. 

Italy is a peninsula located in the Mediterranean sea. Fertile plains and less rugged terrain made it much easier to unify than Greece.

Geography of Rome  Locate the

following on the map provided:  Rome  Carthage  Byzantium  Jerusalem  Sicily (shade orange)  Judea (shade green)  Alps  Pyrenees Mts  Rubicon River  Aegean Sea  Mediterranean Sea

•Color Rivers Blue •Mountains Brown •Place red stripes over all the land that was part of the Roman Empire by 14AD. •Place purple polka dots on the area that used to be the Carthaginian Empire

Rome Map

The Rise of Rome: The Roman Republic 

Legend: Romulus and Remus 

Reality: Romulus was the first of seven kings who ruled Rome as a city-state.

People of Italy  1500BC-1000BC occupied by Latins, herders and farmers.  750-550BC Greek colonists pass along their alphabet and agriculture as well as art and architecture.  800BC Etruscans found the city of Rome, wore the toga, and were the most influential.  509BC The last Etruscan king/tyrant is overthrown and a Republic is established

Groups that influenced the development of Rome:

The Rise of Rome: The Roman Republic  Read page 151: War and Conquest, and Why Rome was

Successful. 3-2-1 

3 reasons why Romans were successful.  Good Diplomats  Excelled in Military Matters  Excellent military stratagists

Law and Practical Politics 2 victories for the new Republic  338 BC Crushed the Latins  264 BC overcome the Greeks 1 way Romans gained support for their empire.  Extended Roman citizenship and allowed states to run their own affairs. 

The Rise of Rome: The Roman State Define Republic:  Draw the diagram below and use pages 152-153 to write the role of each level of Roman Government. 

2 Consuls & Praetors

Dictator Senate

Patricians Plebeians Slaves

The Rise of Rome: Roman State and Society 

Roman Republic: Form of government in which the leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote.  Senate: (government that was established by the people to prevent a tyrant from misruling Rome.) 

Two Consuls were elected annually to supervise government and command armies. One Dictator could be chosen during a time of war or crisis for a temporary time.

Society organized by class: (A person could improve their status.)   

Patricians: landholding elite and could be members of senate Plebeians: Lower class free men like farmers, merchants, etc. Slaves: no rights or privileges but could one day become citizens themselves.

The Rise of Rome: Expansion

Punic Wars 264-146 BC: Between Rome and Carthage over who would rule trade in the Mediterranean.  First War over the island of Sicily and Rome Wins  Second Carthage attacks Rome from the north through the Alps 

Hannibal= Leader of Carthage’s army that wanted to destroy Rome and marched with elephants across the Alps, invading Rome from the North. 

The Romans travel to Zama and defeat Carthage.

Third War Rome travels to Carthage and destroys Carthage. 

Romans take all Carthaginian lands, enslave the people, and burn their cities.

Results:  

Carthage killed 40,000 Romans at Canae winning the battle but not the war.

Rome controls the Western Mediterranean. They also expanded into Alexander’s Empire by 168BC and the Holy land in 63 BC.

The Rise of Rome: Expansion 

Use either visual art or storytelling to demonstrate an understanding of the major events of the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage.  Draw a cartoon with at least six frames illustrating the major people and events of the Punic Wars. Make sure to include captions and color.  Pretend you are either a Roman or Carthaginian soldier at the end of the Third Punic War. Write a letter to a loved one explaining the history of the wars, your role in it, and how you feel about the outcome. You must include the following information in your product in some way:  Who was involved in the wars?  Major people, places, battles, etc  Who won each war?  Effects of the wars

End of the Republic  Following the Punic Wars as Rome’s territory

expanded the stability of the Republic declined 

Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were the first to attempt reform  These wealthy aristocrats tried to help the small farmer  They were both killed by fellow members of the Senate Generals like Cornelius Sulla set a standard for using the military to enforce their political power.

From Republic to Empire End of the Republic: Julius Caesar   

Great Roman general that conquered Gaul marched his army across the Rubicon River into Rome. Caesar defeated Pompey and Crassus, the other members of the Triumvirate, and declared himself dictator.  Triumvirate= three people with equal power Caesar was Rome’s first true dictator, or ruler with absolute power that is not a Monarch March 15, 44 BC he was assassinated in the Senate.

Rome under Julius Caesar

Honors: Caesar’s Funeral 1. Answer questions in the Reading Review. 2. Make a list of two or three words from each 3. 4. 5. 6.

document that you do not know and define. What kind of documents are these? Who are the speakers? Who is the audience for each document? What other information do you need to better understand these documents?

From Republic to Empire End of the Republic 

The Second Triumvirate plunges Rome into Civil War again!  Octavian = Grandnephew, Antony = Caesar’s Assistant, Lepidus = Commander of Cavalry Answer the following questions:  Who is Cleopatra?  Who became the first emperor of Rome?  How did he accomplish this?

From Republic to Empire Roman Peace (Pax Romana) 

Octavian Augustus ruled with absolute power and began the Pax Romana 

His successors included good and bad emperors

It was a 200 year period of peace and prosperity to Roman Empire from Euphrates River to Britain. 

Legions maintained roads and navy protected seas encouraging free trade Cultural diffusion: thoughts, customs, and ideas spread throughout the empire.

Culture and Society: During Channel One use pages 163-168 to complete the chart (#27 in Guided Reading) Art and Architecture Literature Art: Based on Greece but more Real Virgil: Most distinguished poet of the Augustan Age, Aeneid shows ideals of Roman character and Insulae: Multi-Storied Apt. buildings prone to fire the foundations of the city of Rome Aqueduct: Bridge-like stone structure used to Horace: Wrote about the problems in Rome, bring water to cities


Colosseum: Most famous stadium in the

Livy: most famous prose writer, History of Rome

world, gladiator games, races, executions

traces their history from the foundations in 9BC up until his time in 142 books

Family Slaves: built roads and public buildings, Paterfamilias: Dominate male head of the farmers, household Greeks: Doctors, Teachers, Artists, Musicians, Women: Subject to men but gained more rights in very high demand, throughout the span of the Empire Spartacus: led the largest slave revolt of Children: Boys learned reading, writing, morals 70,000, he and 6,000 of his followers were crucified and values, law and PE, Girls married young

Compare and Contrast Rome and the USA  Trace how each characteristic of

Roman civilization has evolved over time and how it has influenced the development of its present equivalent form. 

For example, show how the concept and practice of the Senate has changed over time.

 Students create a Double Bubble

using 3 of the similarities and differences on a large piece of chart paper.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Architecture Military Transportation Law Government Art Technology


Christianity Spreads

Rome Found Poem 1. 2. 3.

Free Write about either Christianity or Culture and Society of Rome. Share with a partner and add to your list. For Homework: 

 

Using NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, AND OTHER PUBLISHED MATERIALS look for all the words on your list including any “filler words” like a, the, an, in, etc. If you can’t find a word cut out a picture of that word. Cut them out and place them in a ziplock bag, or other container and bring with you tomorrow.

Fall of Rome Political: 22 emperors in 50 yrs

Military: invasions and mercenaries

Social: decline in values and education

Economic: collapse of economy and inflation

Capital moves to Constantinople

Western Europe in a Dark Age

Byzantine Empire in the East 1,000 years

Christianity and RCC replace Empire

Write a 5 sentence summary for one of the following topics. 1. Geography and people that influenced the 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

development of Rome. Roman Republic and social hierarchy. Punic Wars. The fall of the Republic (JC) and the rise of the Empire (OA). Emperors of Rome. Culture, society, and achievements of the empire. Christianity and the spread of this new faith. Causes and effects of the fall of Rome.

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