Role Potential Spectrum Definitions

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,325
  • Pages: 4
A score of 5 on the Government Sanctioned side of the Role Potential spectrum indicates that the socio-political environment is highly conducive to lawful non-state actors. These states generally have significant regulations and institutions to ensure that the maximum amount of freedom is afforded to actors as long as they do not impede the freedom of others. Such libertarian styled governments produce environments that hinder “profit efficiency” or goal acquisition of morally ambiguous actors. Unlawful actors are all but certain to seek countries with less restrictive environments and easier/cheaper access to the resources necessary to achieve their goal. -Government Sanctioned Role Potentials include participation in organized and regulated business and political systems, organized groups (religious, labor, activist), etc. -Extra Government Role Potentials include violence, bribery, ideological persuasion, etc.

A score of 4 on the Government Sanctioned side of the Role Potential spectrum indicates that Government Sanctioned Role Potentials represent a commanding majority of potential power venues. While, some unlawful actors are capable of acquiring a role in these environments, these ventures are risky affairs. It is unlikely that unlawful non-state actors can maintain static influential roles in such socio-political environments and instead the small number of roles is occupied by smaller plethora of unorganized groups who are regularly deposed by law enforcement efforts. -Government Sanctioned Role Potentials include participation in organized and regulated business and political systems, organized groups (religious, labor, activist), etc. -Extra Government Role Potentials include violence, bribery, ideological persuasion, etc.

A score of 3 on the Government Sanctioned Role Potential side of the spectrum indicates that Government Sanctioned Role Potentials characterize of the large majority of potential influential roles. Some unlawful actors are capable of acquiring and maintaining influential roles; however, they must maintain connections to the power elite, and disguise their practices thoroughly. State and non-state actors must contend with public opinions in these environments to ensure they do not gain the attention of law enforcement and regulatory authorities. -Government Sanctioned Role Potentials include participation in organized and regulated business and political systems, organized groups (religious, labor, activist), etc. -Extra Government Role Potentials include violence, bribery, ideological persuasion, etc.

A score of 2 on the Government Sanctioned side of the Role Potential spectrum indicates that while Government sanctioned Role Potentials still out number extra-Government Role Potentials, popular representation is ineffective and cumbersome. Non-state actors, that normally exhibit lawful practices, operate in environments with fewer restrictions and are more likely to engage in unlawful behaviors. The failure of government to represent the needs and desires of the populace will likely predispose the populace rhetoric and ideological persuasion. However, these socio-political environments demonstrate a much greater degree of control by the Government, effectively reducing the potential for nonstate actor roles. -Government-Sanctioned Role Potentials include participation in organized and regulated business and political systems, organized groups (religious, labor, activist), etc. -Extra-Government Role Potentials include violence, bribery, ideological persuasion, etc.

A score of 1 on the Government Sanctioned side of the Role Potential spectrum indicates that the socio-political environment is dominated by the government. Government regulations and institutions are in place to fulfill or invalidate a large majority of the functional roles normally played by non-state actors. Exempting the few non-state actors which the Government sanctions (i.e. churches, Government sponsored terrorist groups, tribal organizations, etc) non-state actors both lawful and unlawful are normally persecuted by the governmental interests. -Government Sanctioned Role Potentials include participation in organized and regulated business and political systems, organized groups (religious, labor, activist), etc. -Extra Government Role Potentials include violence, bribery, ideological persuasion, etc.

A score of 0 on the Role Potential spectrum is consistent with totalitarian rule over the Government or sector of governance being measured. Such totalitarian styled governments all but certainly leave next to no significant role for non-state actors lawful or unlawful. Moreover, when the overarching control of a Government and its resources reside in the hands of a few individuals, non-state actors cannot compete with state actors to acquire access to desired resources or influence.

A score of 1 on the Extra Government side of the Role Potential spectrum indicates that there are more Extra Government Role Potentials than Government Sanctioned Role Potentials; however, in general the government still exercises extensive control over the socio-political

environment leaving little potential for non-state actors. Non-state actors with stable roles generally either operate with the favor of the government (due to the fact that they perform an important functional role or are ideologically aligned with governing powers) but operate beyond the authority of the government or operate with the mandate of a large amount of popular support, such as terrorist groups (i.e. Muslim Brotherhood). -Government Sanctioned Role Potentials include participation in organized and regulated business and political systems, organized groups (religious, labor, activist), etc. -Extra Government Role Potentials include violence, bribery, ideological persuasion, etc.

A score of 2 on the Extra Government side of the Role Potential spectrum indicates the government still maintains the majority of control; however, some non-state may be able to develop and maintain a significant influential role. The governments in these Governments may on one or more of these non-state actors to validate their authority (i.e. religious organization, tribal organization, etc). Governments in these socio-political environments may also compete with and persecute a few influential actors. Overall, non-state actors in these environments must rely on Extra Government Role Potentials and in large amount of popular or foreign Government support to maintain any significant role. -Government Sanctioned Role Potentials include participation in organized and regulated business and political systems, organized groups (religious, labor, activist), etc. -Extra Government Role Potentials include violence, bribery, ideological persuasion, etc.

A score of 3 on the Extra Government side of the Role Potential spectrum indicates Extra Government Venues represents the large majority of Role Potentials. The lack of law and regulatory institutions discourages lawful actors from conducting operation in these Governments. Moreover, investments, land claims, mineral right, etc must be secured using extra Government venues (violence, bribery, etc.). In these socio-political the populace may even come to rely on non-state actors to perform social services outside the major cities. -Government Sanctioned Role Potentials include participation in organized and regulated business and political systems, organized groups (religious, labor, activist), etc. -Extra Government Role Potentials include violence, bribery, ideological persuasion, etc.

A score of 4 on the Extra Government side of the Role Potential spectrum indicates the government likely exercises little control over the behavior of actors. Furthermore, government control is likely to be local and not extend

far beyond major cities under government control. Lawful actors will likely find it impossible to conduct legitimate operations within these socio-political environments. Unlawful actors will find many roles, which can be acquired through extra-Government venues (i.e. violence, bribery, intimidation, etc). Any social services existing beyond the major centers of government are all but certainly provided by non-state actors. -Government Sanctioned Role Potentials include participation in organized and regulated business and political systems, organized groups (religious, labor, activist), etc. -Extra Government Role Potentials include violence, bribery, ideological persuasion, etc.

A score of 5 on the Extra Government side of the Role Potential spectrum indicates a relative absence of Government Sanctioned Role Potentials. These socio-political environments are likely to resemble anarchic social groups where government bodies have little to no power to regulate the behavior of actors. The government all but certainly provides no social services and the populace is likely to turn to the non-state actors (including terrorist groups and NGOs) for such services. Government actors are unlikely to be able to secure their interests within such countries; therefore, non-state actors experience little to no competition from Government actors for influential roles. Non-state actors such as tribal groups, terrorist groups, unlawful business actors (i.e. drug traffickers, slave traders, diamonds smugglers, etc) generally dominate the socio-political realm. -Government Sanctioned Role Potentials include participation in organized and regulated business and political systems, organized groups (religious, labor, activist), etc. -Extra Government Role Potentials include violence, bribery, ideological persuasion, etc.

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