Role Of Software In Chemical Engg.

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Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

INTRODUCTION The present day man finds himself at the start of an computer era. Now the emphasis is shifted. From the physical labour required by industries to mental labour needed to sustain the new information revolution.


technology has influenced each and every field. Now a days Chemical Engg. has been effectively influenced by the software field. Manufacturing processes and designing are highly automised by software application. Different reactors and processors are designed by softwares. Reaction condition such as temp. adjustment. Feed rate conc. of solution initial and final conc. of reactants and products all can be handed accurately by softwares. In manufacturing plants the automisation and easy execution are necessary. For this a planned program with all minor details is fed in computer memory. In program instructions are given for temporary control so that the whole process is executed in proper way. Consider a reaction A+B → C for this reaction a software program is fed to computer hardwork with all details.

The equipments for process will

connected by computer. If we perform all these function manually then it may carry some error deflecting the process efficiency. automisation.

But errors can be eliminated by

It is very important to check the contents and concentration of

contents in a waste. This can be handled by a software managed monitoring system more efficiently.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

Software is a sequential program fed to computer hardware in which instruction are given for execution of each operation. Program contains the details like detail schedule, starting and closing time for equipment. As the software program is executed step by step corresponding operations are done. Hence just for proceeding of a batch process a software is loaded on hardware and execution starts with complete efficiency.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

DIFFERENT SOFTWARES Today hundreds of softwares are available each having its own. Importance - softwares are available for safety measurements then some are for manufacturing automisation. Some are used to detect toxic nature of waste removed and every operation of process industry by softwares. In this article we will see some of them. A) PRO DESIGNERS In the family of pro - Designers, it consists 1) Batch


pro designer.

2) Super


pro designer.

3) Bio


pro designer.

4) Environ


pro designer.

This software is loaded with powerful features of modeling, visualizing and optimizing integrated batch processes. Scientist in pharmaceutical biotechnical and food industries use such software. By pro - designer using for modeling and water purification and waste water treatment processes can be done.

NEW FEATURS FOR BATCH PROCESSING : a) Adjacent flowsheet shows a typical chemical process uses automization technique. Now we will see the different aspects of this automization.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

b) Implementation of Unit A unit procedures is a set of operation that takes place sequentially as set by the software with the help of equipments which are reaction vessels and filter for instance in p - 1 vessel to which we say as a reactor vessel in which we feed S 102 and S - 103 and Heptane is added and reaction is done here for a specific time with the help of stirrer. The specific time can be feed as per required for a different reaction then S-104 is collected from upper section and S-105 is collected at the bottom then it transfers for filtration process where filtration process takes place and it will separated in different parts such as S-107, S-108 and cake.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

c) New Features for Water Purification Using Super Pro-Designer.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

This software is sponsored by Lucent Technology. The system required for super pro-designer software are MS-Window platform. To day a number of new procedure models have been used. For water purification and ultrapure water production process. The list includes the following ion








Degasification. Filtration unit having in mind the requirements for modeling water purification process. This software facilated evaluation and optimization of water purification and waste water treatment processes.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

1) Granular Medium Filtration

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

This is most important principle unit operation in water treatment that can be removes of suspended solids from water using granular media which may be single media, dual media as per requirement. 2) Cation Exchange Is a unit process by which ions of given water can be removed with the help of cationic exchange resine. This removes mostly contents of hardness of water. 3) Ultraviolet Radiation It is use for disinfecanent of water. A special lamp that emits ultraviolet radiation which have been used successfully for disinfecanent. The effect of process dep on the penetration of rays into water. 4) Degasification :It means selective destruction of diseases causing organic ions. And the most common method of degasification of water is by addition of chlorine. 5) Reverse Osmosis Is process in which water is separated from dissolved salts in solution by filtering through a semipermable membrane at a higher pressure.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

Salient Features of Pro-Designer Software : •

Intuitive Graphical interface.

Rigorous batch reactor modules.

Extensive large component database.

Material and Energy balances.

Estimation of equipment size and purchase cost.

Scheduling of batch operators.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

B) BOTTENECLES For Equipment Utilisation This software can be used for equipment utilisation. With the help this software we can utilises the equipment time to time without any labour. They can be work start and stop automatically. Here we take an example of a batch process of three batch reactors. In the chart, Blank space represent idle time and three rectors are represented by three diff. colours. This software can mostly used in industries of food and biotech.

C) DESIGN - 2 Design - 2 is a software developed by German Scientist. Costs near about Rs 40 lakhs software includes various designing required in chemical process plants. Design - 2 can be worked on windows - 98. Design - 2 is to be provided with the type of reactor required for any reaction with some details. It requires type of reactants, capacity of reactor and end concentrations of reactants and it will provide us with all details of reactor dimensions, type of metal, dimensions of jackets, ( for cooling, purpose ), type of heating device further more.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

Design - 2 will give very minute information.

Such as type at

welding to be used, type of bolts, dimensions and metal for bolts. It we want to design any separation unit such as distillation tower, Filtration tower, then we will have to provide initial and final concentrations of liquiors. Software will design the tower and will supply the information. For distillation column, it will give even number of plates to be used with column and plate dimension. In these way, design - 2 participates in automizing and early executing the designing methods.

D) MAPLE 6 - THE STANDARD FOR ANALYTICAL COMPUTATION :This is the software used by rocket scientists, brain surgeons, engineers and other intelligent people to compute answers of the most difficult problems. Maple 6 is the software for student in science, engineering and for mathematicians. Maple 6 knows everything about algebra, calculus, vectors, differential equations and solving chemical engg. problems mathematically. In partnership with Numerical Algorithm Group (NAG) Maple 6 includes an extensive set of (NAG) solves for computational, linear algebra. Hence Maple 6 is an indispensable package for solving problems from all technical disciplines.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

E) PD-PLUS PD-PLUS is a very fast, large-capacity, exceedingly robust program for simulating chemical processes, including refinery systems and non-ideal chemicals.

It handles multiple-operation flowsheets with recycle streams. An

interactive mode provides complete user control of the simulation and rapid evaluation of different process conditions. PD-PLUS may be interfaced with or driven by other software packages easily. PD-PLUS is developed and maintained using the Fortran compliers from Lahey Computer Systems, but is easily ported to other systems. The complete program or subsets, such as physical properties and the column facility, may be licensed in Fortran source form.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

LIST OF DIFFERENT SOFTWARES WITH THEIR UTILITLES 1) CRANIUM LITE : Physical properties like densities, viscosities, vapour pressure, thermal conductivity, surface tension and heat capacity can be predicted by this software. (http: // www. ) 2) ROHR 2 : Static and dynamic analysis of complex 3 D piping system and general framework can be carried by this software. ( 3) COMPRESS 6 : This 32 bit windows 951 NT version is used for designing and analysis of pressure vessels. ( http:// www codeware. com ) 4) CODE CALC 6.0 : Enhancements in design and analysis of pressure vessels and heat exchanger ( http:// )

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

5) DOLPHIN SOFTWARE : This software can track all ingredients of chemical by common name or CA3 no as well as automatically compare ingredients concentration level. ( http:// www. 6) VALVE SIZING PROGRAM : Two methods are offered by this software for sizing and selecting valves for above ground and storage tank venting applications. ( http : // www. whesso vare(.com) 7) TASC : New capabilities of this application for shell and tube heat exchange modeling allows for single-phase. sub - cooled boiling, superheating, condensing. ( http : // www. ) 8) PIPELENE RISK CONTROLLER : Can be applied for accident data analysis, spil risk analysis corrosion risk monitoring. 9) PURE DESIGN : This software can be used for ion-exchange water treatment plant assists in evaluating water analysis data. 10) PHA WORKS 4.00 : This process hazards analysis software guides users through initial process hazards that may occur in the plant.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

11) ASME WELDERS : Up to date performance and qualification records and continuity logs for welders can be maintain by this software. 12) PFAS COMPARISON CD-ROM : The plant floor automation software comparison CD-ROM enable perspective software buyers to locate suppliers build custom specification compare system and create customise request for proposals and request for information. 13) PROACT : Based on the companies root cause failure analysis method. PROACT takes step by step to the process of identifying, analysing and recommending solutions to recurring equipment and system failure. 14) THE UNSCRAMBLER : Designed for multivariable modeling, Calibration and prediction version 6.11 can discover sample pattern.

Fine variable relationship and show

information and visual inspection of data. 15) SIMPL : Flowing pressures, temperatures, liquid hold up velocities and flow pattern for any petroleum based gas, oil - water or multi phase fluid that flows in a pipe can be calculated by this package.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

CONCLUSION From the above discussion, one will definitely come to know the usability of software. Different benefits provided by them have created revolution. If one goes on counting the applications of software then it will have no end. Processes handled by software, if compared with old processes then there will be difference of miles. Particularly speaking about chemical Engg. process plants. Software having numerous applications. Now a days these software are becoming more and more user and reducing a lot of time. Lastly, no doubt, software have become absolutely necessary for all chemical processes plant.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Role of Software in Chemical Engineering

REFERENCES Waste water Eng. Treatment - by George Tchobanoglous.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


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