640 B. E.8th Semester (Compt. Science) Examination, December-2006 SOFTWARE ENGG.
Paper-CSE-402-C Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Note: (i) Attemptanyfive questions. (ii) All questions carry equal. marks. 1.
(a) Explain various attributes of a well-engineered software with examples. (b) Write a shott note on system architecture modelling.
Differentiate the following: (i)
Software Verification and Validation
(ii) Project Planning and Scheduling (iii) Requirement Analysis and Review. 3.
What is Software prototyping ? How is it useful ? Explain various techniques for it briefly.
Describe the following briefly: (i)
Semantic data model (ii) Object model (iii) Data dictionary.
Differentiate the following with their relative merits and _ demerits:' _
User interface design and Real time system design
Object-oriented and Function-oriented design.
What are test cases ? How these are designed·? Explain various techniquesfor it in detail with examples.
What is Software Il18intenance ? What are its types? Why maintenance cost is very high? How it can be reduced? Explain briefly.
Write short notes on the followiqg ; (i) . Software re-engineering (ii) Process and product quality·
(ill) Fault tolerance.
640 –P-2-Q-8 (06)