Rock Times October[1]

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Rock Times 1-8 Infantry Battalion

Alpha Company Newsletter

Alpha Company News October 2008

—————————LEFT: Next to the Tigris RIGHT: Reaper 1 Real Estate —————————-

A Note From the Commander Greetings Family and Friends of Alpha Rock. The month of October has been a difficult one for Alpha because of the loss of one our own. Alpha Company lost an outstanding Soldier, SGT Michael Clark, early in October. It was a hard and trying time for Alpha Company, but the entire 3rd ACR supported Alpha with a moving memorial ceremony attended by over 500 people. The memorial was a professional and somber event, but it allowed Alpha Company to remember SGT Clark in a way fitting his sacrifice. While this tragic event was hard for Alpha Company, the company quickly resumed it mission. Alpha continued to have great success this month, continuing to improve security and help the people of Iraq. Alpha company participated in the dissemination of humanitarian aid to four different neighborhoods, the restoration of a medical clinic, the establishment of a water well in a rural area, and the improvement of an Iraqi Police Station. All these efforts, on top of the company’s daily interaction with the people of Mosul, continue to improve the Iraqi people’s quality of life and have really been able to cement a bond between our Soldiers and the locals in our area. Combined with the security efforts of all our platoons, these projects have some of the locals in our area referring to the neighborhoods as “the Green Zone” because they feel so safe. Alpha company also continues to find ways to have fun in this austere environment, and for Halloween our company organized a costume, BBQ, candy, and “Rock Band” event. Due to good effort by LT Morales, 1SG Carns, SGT Gonzalez, and all the platoons, the company was able to have two events where Soldiers were able to eat some burgers and candy while playing “Rock Band.” Costumes were encouraged, and while no one in the company can ever play the video game guitar like SSG Smith from 1st Platoon, the company had a good time in trying to match him. I wanted to thank the families from the FRG that helped make this event possible with some support from home. The Company will continue to plan events like this, with the next one being our Turkey Bowl Thanksgiving Dinner and Football games. As the deployment continues to march on, Meagan and I again want to thank the families and friends of Alpha Rock for the continued support in the forms of phone calls, emails, letters, packages, and prayers. Thanks again and until next month. Carlos David Benjamin Flynn “ROCK 6”

1-8 Infantry Battalion

1st Platoon “Red” September is just about in the books and

The month of October began in a tragic way, as Red lost one of its own. Sergeant Michael Clark will be remembered forever not only

by Red Platoon and Alpha Company, but by all of the 1-8 Fighting Eagles. All of the platoon offers our sincerest condolences to all of the Clark family during this difficult time. Even with the loss of one of the most loved members of the platoon, Red was eager to get back out on patrol. "I think it's best to occupy our time and our minds with work," SGT Joseph Swirkowski said, "getting back out there will probably help all of us."

Page 2 The memorial for Sergeant Clark was very moving and, as expected, emotional for all of Red, but it was also very therapeutic in that it helped many of the platoon find closure on the tragedy. Red will remember him the best way we can--by doing our job. As difficult as it is to keep focused on the mission with the end of the deployment nearly in sight, Red is still bringing the fight to the enemy and solidifying their relationships with the people of Mosul. Red recently participated in another food drop to a poor neighborhood in Mosul, supporting the Iraqi Army as they delivered boxes of food to the residents and toys to their children. People were very grateful and happy to see the support from both the IA and the American forces. The last of the soldiers from Red have gone on leave, and that concludes the leave for this deployment, and most of the platoon is actually considering that a landmark for the looming visits from the incoming units. The weather here is beginning to get cooler, and that comes as a welcome relief for Red, who now begin their search for the silkweights and PT jack-

ets stuffed into the bottoms of their bags. A special debt of gratitude is felt by all of Red to-

wards the friends and families of ours who have been so supportive during this deployment, and again, thank you all for your constant words and care packages. Just know that we're almost there. --Red 1 —————————-

Clockwise from top left: Second squad moves from house to house on a patrol, SGT Walther (Right) gives instructions to SPC Dalton on maintenance day, SPC Matheny enjoys a patrol from his position on a local’s couch, and SPC

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2nd PLATOON “DIRTY DEUCE” As I write this, October is coming to close and Halloween is upon us. I

will you give three guesses —————————-

ABOVE: Recipients of school supplies thank the deuce —————————-

as to what the members of the platoon dressed up as for trick o’ treating… G.I. Joe. Our platoon got after the enemy.

Rock Times motivational to each of us when something like this occurs as it is a justification to the daily grind of patrolling. We were able to participate with the Iraqi Army in the distribution of school supplies to children of an impoverished neighborhood in our AO. It was great to see the beaming smiles on the faces of the kids. The ‘thank you’ and the emphatic waves made even the toughest of us smile broadly. From the above two examples, you can see how dynamic the job of an Infantryman is in this war. Your Soldier has to be able to go from friendly chats with kids to chasing down bad guys at the drop of hat and they do so at a very high level of success. Not a week goes by that I do not stand in awe of your loved one.


ABOVE: SPC Shakols always ready for action. BELOW AND BOTTOM LEFT:PVTs Hughes and Kincer are watching the streets below for any signs of trouble —————————-

The month of November is marked with Thanksgiving and the next issue of Rock Times will have personal comments from our platoon to you. I will get a jumpstart by thanking each of you for your kind support to each of us.

The highlight of the month was the capture of a high value target (HVT). The men did a fantastic job of quickly reacting to the situation as evidenced by the success of the capture. It is

Finally, November 1st is my 5 -year Anniversary, thank you, wife. -1LT Mitchell C Hockenbury


ABOVE: Our combat medic DOC Abrahams __________________

1-8 Infantry Battalion

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Police Headquarters south of Mosul. This headquarters will More Hellraiser help the IP do a better job down there as well as bring some secondary security to Hello again family and friends, our area of operations. Your soldiers have been busy this month

3rd Platoon ”Hellraiser 1”

like always, and I’d just like to mention a few highlights of the great work they’re doing. We started October off with finding 2 consecutive weapon caches, which ultimately degrades the enemy’s capability to attack and ensures security. They continued that momentum throughout their daily patrols speaking with locals, gathering intelligence, and developing leads throughout the neighborhoods. Just today, as I write this, your soldiers found another small cache with the help of our Iraqi Army brothers. This just shows that their attention to detail persists despite the months passing by. This month, along with Rock 6, 3rd Platoon also provided

security for construction on an Iraqi

I Photos

When back at the FOB, we’ve started to reserve the soccer field by the Dining Facility for our daily Platoon Football games. Despite the small field, we have a great time. At this point I’m not sure what’s worse, the turf burns from falling down or listening to SPC Collins smack-talk. No matter what, the most important thing to remember is we can beat any other platoon. (That’s a standing challenge).

remember you’re constantly in our thoughts. --LT Smith

_______________ LEFT: PFC Dauses & SPC Castillo Headed to the Range ABOVE: SPC Bourland & LT Abdullah


Your soldiers continue to rotate on leave with next month having one of

the last groups to be sent home on R/R. This is good news for all of us because it signals the beginning of the end. For those of you who have waited almost a year to see your loved ones, enjoy your time with them and know that you’ll see them in a few short months. For the rest of you out there, it won’t be long. Always

_________________ LEFT: Searching the Orchards ABOVE: The Start of Mosul’s Running of the Bulls


1-8 Infantry Battalion

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Getaway Locations offer aMore placeHellraiser for Rest and Relaxation for deployed Soldiers I Photos BY SGT Gonzalez, HQs PLT No matter who you ask, every Soldier will describe a day in Iraq differently. But all will mention one of the three most common facts stating that days are busy, long, stressful, or dangerous while deployed to a Combat Zone. Soldiers need a break in order to relieve stress and time to relax. Most deployed Soldiers will go home on R&R leave for 18 days to a destination of their choice. Married and single Soldiers will reunite with their families back home, some single Soldiers who want a vacation will take advantage of the free fare and will enjoy places such as Germany, Hawaii, Japan, and the list goes on. There is another option for Soldiers to get a break from the stresses of the combat tour by giving Soldiers the opportunity to enjoy a 4 day pass to Qatar where MWR has established a getaway for deployed troops, or to “Freedom Rest North” which is located at FOB Speicher which is about a 45 minute flight by helicopter from Mosul. Both Qatar and Freedom Rest North have several amenities available for the Soldiers. Both locations have high speed internet and phones to catch up with family and friends, in addition to the dining facility, there is a Burger King, Subway and Pizza Inn. At Qatar a Chili’s restaurant by the pool allows the opportunity to sit down for a meal. The most talked about at Qatar is the chance to get three cold beers a day at one of the two clubs located on the base. Along with what Qatar has to offer, Soldiers are also given at least one chance to leave the base. There are day trips for which the troops can sign up. They venture out on the trips and can head to a desert safari or the coast and enjoy fishing, jet skiing and many of the other water activities available. With Freedom Rest North at FOB Speicher being a newly established getaway location, it has quite a ways to amount to Qatar. However it is a stress free and relaxing place to go for a break. Soldiers are away from the stress and do as they please. They all enjoy the opportunity to sleep in to whatever time they choose rather than waking up at 0300 to head out to sector, massages are available, they can chat on the computers and phones at the MWR, enjoy the theater and many of the other amenities and services available. Construction is currently ongoing at this time for a swimming pool and three hot tubs.

Alpha Company has been sending Soldiers to both of these locations so that they get a well deserved break. Both the Soldiers and Leaders in Alpha Company are thankful that the Army has established these places to support its members, and the Company will continue to send Soldiers until it finally redeploys.

The Al Sayliyah Pool at Qatar

Pool and Ping Pong Tables available at Freedom Rest North

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