Road To Copenhagen Calendar

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UNFCCC SNEC Wind PrePower Copenhagen Expo Shanghai Negotiations 8th Conference on Sports Bonn and Environment, Vancouver

G-20 Meetings, London

Meeting of the ad hoc Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change, Helsinki, Finland

World Health Day

Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate - Preparatory Talks, Washington

30th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC), Antalya, Turkey

17 - 19 February, Fourth International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC), New Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, India 31 May - 11 June, UNFCCC Meeting of Subsidiary Bodies 8 - 19 November, Sixteenth Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and Sixth Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol

28 November - 9 December, Seventeenth Conference of ohe Parties to The UNFCCC and Seventh Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol

Africa Green Business Summit, Nairobi Kenya

3 3 - 14 June, UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies

World Press Freedom Day

17th Session of the Commission on Climate Change, New York (Focus on Africa, Agriculture, Drought and Desertification)

Inaugural Green Star Awards, Brussels

Migratory Bird Day

World Economic Forum on the Middle East. Dead Sea, Jordan

The Athens Summit: On the Road to Copenhagen

World Environment Day

Land Day

World Economic Forum on Africa, Cape Town, South Africa

All Energy Fair, UK

World Oceans Day

G8 Science and Technology Ministers Meeting, Lucca, Italy and

1st Asia-Europe Ministerial Conference on Energy Security, Brussels, Belgium Desertification and Drought Day

G8 Preparatory Meeting for Finance Ministers, Venice, Italy

High Level Meeting on the Financial Crisis, New York

Thirtieth Sessions of the UNFCCC Convention, Subsidiary Bodies, Bonn

Refugee Day

ASEAN and Korea Summit

5th Urban Research Symposium on Cities. Climate Change Focus, Marseille, France

Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council Meeting, Washington

World Economic Forum on East Asia, Seoul, Korea

17th European Biomass Conference, Hamborg, Germany

Green Week, Brussels G8 Foreign Ministers Preparatory Meeting, Trieste, Italy

Meeting of the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development, Cairo, Egypt

Asian Development Bank, High Level Events on Energy and Climate Change, Philippines ICLEI World Congress, Canada (Connecting Leaders and Advancing Local Action )

International Energy Conference, Vienna, Austria

11 - 22 November, Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC

UN Peacekeepers' Day

AMCEN Special Session on Climate Change

UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD17), New York

Local Government Climate Change Leadership Summit, Copenhagen

Eighth Meeting of the Asia Forest Partnership REDD and Combating Illegal Logging, Bali, Indonesia

Seoul Climate Change Expo C40 Large Cities Climate Summit

International Day of Families Climate Investment Funds meetings, Washington European Solar Days

World Environmental Education Congress, Montreal, Canada

Conference of Parties to the Stockholm Convention on POPS, Geneva

Europe And Central Asia Network Meeting, Yerevan, Armenia (Talks on Refrigeration)

Royal Meteological Conference, Reading, UK (Predicting Hazards, Water Cycle, Atmospheric Composition)

Launch of 2009 MDGs Report World PopulaMajor Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, Italy tion Day G8 Summit, La Maddalena, Italy

GRID-Arendal 20th Anniversary

Twenty-Ninth Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG-29) Geneva, Swirtzerland

Radiation and Climate Conference, New Hampshire, USA

29th June – 3rd July 7th Conference on Urban Climate –ICUC – 7, Yokohama, Japan

UN Economic and Social Council, Geneva

Indigeneous People's Day

Nairobi Work Programme: Technical Workshop on Adaptation Planning and Practices (UNFCCC) August - September 2009 (TBC)

Youth Day

Tunza International Children and Youth Conference, Daejeon, Korea Global Debate on Climate Change and Global Townhall

UNFCCC Preliminary Talks, Bonn Germany

World Food Day World Climate Conference-3, Geneva

5th Australia-New-Zealand Climate Change and Business Conference, Melbourne, Australia

Bright Green Youth, Copenhagen, Sonderborg, Denmark

Workshop on Forest Biodiversity and Climate Change, Singapore (REDD and other Climate Change Response Activities will be Discussed)

UNESCO Broadcast Media and Climate Change Conference, Paris

South Asia Climate Change Meeting, Kathmandu, Nepal

Seal the Deal! Climate Action Week

International Conference, on Green Industry in Asia, Manila World Economic Forum, New Champions Meeting, Dalian, China

Co2penhagen Festival

World Bioenergy for Vehicles and Fuels Conference Stockholm, Sweden

64th General CCGW Conference on Climate Change and UN Secretary Assembly, -General’s High Global Warming, Amsterdam, The Netherlands New York Level Climate Change Forum 2nd Int. Biohydrology Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia

International Energy Conference, Roskilde, Denmark Nordic Wind Power Conference

Future Climate Conference, Copenhagen

9th session of the conference of the Parties to the UNCCD, Buenos Aires, Argentina

UNFCCC Meetings, Bangkok, Thailand (9th session of the AWG-KP-9 and 7th session of the AWG-LCA)


Offshore Wind Conference, Stockholm, Sweeden Climate Change

Launch of World Youth Report 2009

16th Lecture on Climate Change by Prof. D. Liverman, Oxford University

World Space Week

World Teachers' Day World Habitat Day

4th International Scientific and Business Congress on Protecting Climate Change, San Paulo, Brazil

Youth Climate Change From Copenhagen (Scouts)

Main Launch of the 2010 World Development Report on Climate Change, Geneva

UN Day

European Parliament Session 7th World Forum Of Sustainable Development, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

International Teachers’ Conference on Teaching Climate Change, Denmark

Global Renewable Energy Forum, Leon, Mexico

Climate Change and Ancient Societies Conference, Copenhagen University

43rd Meeting of the Implementation Committee Under the Non-compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

Day of Climate Action (

Sports and Youth

Sustainable Development 5th International Scientific and Business Congress on Protecting the Climate, Pretoria, South Africa

Global Environment Facility (GEF) Consultations and Council Meeting, Washington Conference for Intergrating Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the Context of Climate Change and the Energy Crisis Agadir, Marocco

Montreal Protocol (MOP 21), Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt

Resumed Talks from the UNFCCC Sessions on 28th September in Bangkok

Copenhagen Climate Exchange 2009

6th International Scientific and Business Congress on Protecting the Climate, Dubai

Copenhagen Business day

Human Rights Day

3rd European Renewable Energy Policy Conference, Brussels

Bright Green Expo (Art, Architecture and Trade)

Copenhagen Conference (COP15/MOP5)

South South Cooperation Day

Launch of State of the World Population Report 2009

UNICEF Children's Climate Change Forum, Copenhagen

7th World Forum Of Sustainable Development, Paris, France

Green Economy

District Energy - Leading the Way to Copenhagen (DBDH)

UN Events Deadline for 7 Billion Trees to be Planted

Special Events

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