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World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring examples

YOU! UNite to combat climate change your planet needs


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W o r l d E n v i r o n m e n t D a y • 5 J u3 n e 2 0 0 9

World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring examples

World Environment Day • 5 June World Environment Day was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Commemorated every year on 5 June, World Environment Day is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action. The day’s agenda is to: •

Give a human face to environmental issues;

Empower people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development;

Promote an understanding that communities are pivotal to changing attitudes towards environmental issues;

Advocate partnership, which will ensure all nations and peoples enjoy a safer and more prosperous future.

The theme for World Environment Day 2009 is ‘Your Planet Needs You! Unite to Combat Climate Change’. It reflects the urgency for nations to ‘seal the deal’ at the crucial climate convention meeting in Copenhagen some 180 days later in the year. It also raises a call for everyone to get involved, rethink actions and ways that result in wastage and heavy greenhouse gas emissions, and adopt a greener lifestyle. Each year a different city is chosen as the principal venue for the global celebration of World Environment Day. This year’s host is Mexico which affirms the growing role of the country in the fight against climate change, including its growing participation in the carbon markets. Mexico is also a leading partner in UNEP’s Billion Tree Campaign. The country, with the support of its President and people, has spearheaded the pledging and planting of some 25 per cent of the trees under the campaign. Mexican President Felipe Calderon states that the World Environment Day celebration will “further underline Mexico’s determination to manage natural resources and deal with the most demanding challenge of the 21st century – climate change.” This year’s World Environment Day will also highlight the ‘Green New Deal’ – a solution to the global financial meltdown and global warming by calling for increased investments in renewable energy sources, ecosystem infrastructures and energy-efficient production processes.


Cover photo: © The Bigger Picture

Interest in World Environment Day grows each year, as evidenced by the number of countries which lend their support to this important United Nations Day, by the expanding list of municipalities, businesses and communities that participate, and by hundreds and thousands of individuals who visit UNEP’s World Environment Day website. Activities organized to celebrate the Day range from tree-planting, street rallies, bicycle parades, green concerts, essay and poster competitions in schools, clean-up campaigns and recycling drives. The Day also provides opportunities for seminars, workshops and symposia on issues that top the environment agenda. The media is an important stakeholder and plays a critical role in amplifying the issues, engendering public awareness and interest, and in building pressure for action among global leaders on concerns such as global warming. The Day aims to stir political attention and action. In the past, policies on environmental management and economic planning were announced and international conventions ratified. World Environment Day is ‘a people’s day’, which means it is your opportunity to be part of the global action to promote the protection of our planet, the sustainable use of our natural resources, and the adoption of a lifestyle that is friendly to the environment. Join the call for all peoples of the world to unite and take positive action to combat climate change. Be part of the growing voice that calls for political leaders to ‘seal the deal’ in Copenhagen. Remember – ‘Your Planet Needs You!’

YEAR 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998

HOST CITY Mexico City Wellington Tromsø Algiers San Francisco Barcelona Beirut Shenzhen Torino/Havana Adelaide Tokyo Moscow

COUNTRY Mexico New Zealand Norway Algeria USA Spain Lebanon China Italy/Cuba Australia Japan Russian Federation

YEAR 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987


HOST CITY Seoul Istanbul Pretoria London Beijing Rio de Janeiro Stockholm Mexico City Brussels Bangkok Nairobi

COUNTRY Republic of Korea Turkey South Africa United Kingdom China Brazil Sweden Mexico Belgium Thailand Kenya

World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring examples

Finding Green Opportunities Amidst Climate Threat Message of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon The economic and financial turmoil sweeping the globe is a true wake-up call, sounding an alarm about the need to improve upon old patterns of growth and make a transition to a new era of greener, cleaner development. The theme of this year’s World Environment Day – “Your planet needs you” – is meant to inspire all of us to do our part.

The Earth faces the grave threat of climate change. While all countries will suffer, the poor will bear the brunt of the impact. We do, however, also have an opportunity to change course. Crucial climate change talks will take place in Copenhagen in December. Together, we must press governments to “Seal the Deal” for a new climate agreement. Primary forest in Fjorland park, New Zealand © Film “HOME” – une coproduction ELZEVIR FILMS / EUROPACORP



World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring examples

The world also needs a “Green New Deal” focused on investing in renewable sources of energy, eco-friendly infrastructure and energy efficiency. This will not only create jobs and spur recovery but also help tackle global warming. If we invest even part of the substantial new economic stimulus packages in the green economy, we can turn today’s crisis into tomorrow’s sustainable growth. Moreover, countries that make the transition to a low-carbon society will reap more than significant environmental benefits; they will be well-placed to share their new technology with others.

On this World Environment Day, I encourage all people to take concrete steps toward making the planet greener and cleaner. Switch off the lights. Take public transportation. Recycle. Plant a tree. Clean up your local park. Hold corporations responsible for their environmental practices. And urge your government representatives to Seal the Deal in Copenhagen.

But our planet needs more than just action by governments and corporations; it needs each of us. Although individual decisions may seem small in the face of global threats and trends, when billions of people join forces in common purpose we can make a tremendous difference.

Permafrost in Siberia, Russia © Film “HOME” – une coproduction ELZEVIR FILMS / EUROPACORP



World Environment Day 2009

Leading the Global Green Economy Message from Mexico’s Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources Juan R. Elvira The United Nations has granted Mexico the privilege of hosting the 2009 World Environment Day. Under the overall theme of “Your Planet Needs You! Unite to Combat Climate Change”we have proposed as sub-themes ‘forests, poverty and climate change’ because we recognize that conservation and the sustainable use of forest ecosystems are connected in a virtuous cycle with public welfare, the abatement of poverty levels, climate change mitigation, and limiting vulnerability to the adverse effects of global warming. Courtesy of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico


© Gallo Images/ AFP

World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring Climateexamples Change

We are working to increase the standard of living of the people of Mexico through the generation of new development opportunities based on the sustainable use of natural resources. Allow me to give you just some examples. The people and owners of close to 2.3 million hectares of forests and rainforests in Mexico currently receive support, so that they can sustainably use this resource through reforestation, land conservation and restoration activities, among others. This is part of the payment for environmental services program of the Mexican government through which the owners of forest lands receive payment for the care and protection of forests.

We also recognize that it is crucial to achieve sustainable patterns of production and consumption in order to diminish the pressures on ecosystems and to secure economic growth. In fact, economic growth can only be achieved and maintained if it is positively related to the public’s welfare and to the conservation of the natural wealth that sustains it. The celebration of World Environment Day takes place in the context of the greatest international economic crises in the last 70 years and during a key negotiation process where the engagement of all nations of the world is necessary in order to combat climate change; without doubt, one of the major challenges facing humanity.

Courtesy of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico

It is of the highest importance for the government’s leadership role, that economic recovery policies incorporate environmental criteria and encourage the sustainable use of natural resources, the efficient use of energy, and the conservation of ecosystems, just as proposed by the Green Economy Initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme.


In the more than 23 million hectares of Natural Protected Areas – which cover close to 12 per cent of our territory – we work with and support local communities to develop alternative, sustainable and productive activities. These activities not only contribute to increasing their family incomes, but to secure the conservation of the ecosystems they protect.

In Mexico, we are working to develop a country of equal opportunities, one that is productive, efficient, competitive, and at the same time respectful of its natural assets. We seek the full public and economic recognition of such natural assets, which will consider not only the goods, but also the environmental services the ecosystems provide, and that will represent the

foundations of economic development and public well-being. On the international front, the Mexican Green Fund proposal calls on all countries to join a common commitment against the effects of climate change: All countries can and shall do something.

In Mexico, we are also aware of our role in solving the global environmental problems we face, such as climate change. That is why we are solidly engaged with and committed to the international community to face this threat. We are the only Non Annex I country to have submitted three national communications under the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Our National Strategy on Climate Change will soon be unveiled and several states within Mexico are working on State Action Plans to Combat Climate Change. The recovery of our forest ecosystems is a national priority. Among other initiatives, a significant number of Mexicans, from young to old, participated in the campaign “Let’s Plant for the Planet”, contributing 25 per cent of the international goal, by planting close to 530 million trees. We are also working to reduce our carbon footprint through a number of different mitigation actions with the industrial, transport and staples industries, among others. On June 5th, we want to celebrate the environment and to acknowledge that it is only one earth we have and that our communities and countries are interconnected through environmental, economic and social interactions. This year, the global celebration will be hosted in Mexico. We will share with the whole world our heritage as a mega-bio-diverse country, awakening the environmental conscience, with five ecosystems that show signs of recovery as witnesses: deserts, forests, rainforests, wetlands and coasts.

Our people are the best spokespersons to communicate this message. The Mexican people wish to show the world their commitment to conservation and the protection of natural wealth. Each crisis presents new opportunities if we have the courage to draw on the lessons learned and to put them into practice, our differences notwithstanding. The current crisis has resulted in an unprecedented international cooperation mobilization. We have realized that global processes demand global perspectives. We need to continue designing our problem solving processes in an inclusive manner that gives due regard to each and every country in the world. In sum, we need to promote multilateral action. In this 2009 World Environment Day, we wish to plant a seed in all the inhabitants of this planet. We hope that this seed engenders a stronger environmental conscience and a commitment to conserve and protect our shared natural treasures, in order to support efforts on the climate change front, and also to encourage and participate in a new green economy. Today, every people on Earth shall take an action for the environment, one each day. Let us look into the protection of the environment as a central element that will allow us to achieve development and the eradication of poverty for all the peoples of the world.


World Environment Day 2009

Global Leaders Must ‘Seal the Deal’ from climate change to bringing environmental goods and services into the mainstream of national and international economics. Mexico has no formal responsibility under the Kyoto Protocol – the current emission reduction treaty – but the country has nevertheless given its clear intent to set a voluntary target supported by a comprehensive greenhouse gas-cutting strategy.

Message of Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme I am delighted that Mexico and its people will be the 2009 global hosts of the annual United Nations WED celebrations on 5 June under the theme “Your Planet Needs You! Unite to Combat Climate Change”. Mexico is among a group of nations showing real leadership on the challenges of our age –


This is the kind of leadership that is capable of resolving long-standing debates and ultimately unproductive disagreements that have divided the international community for too long. Mexico has also recognized the abundant opportunities that are emerging from the existing agreement, and that will flow even faster and firmer if governments ‘seal the deal’ on new, scientifically-credible arrangements in December. The country has, for example, developed a multi-billion dollar export business in solar panels and is, with the UN and the Global Environment Facility as partners, embarking on an ambitious solar water heating industry. The aim is to reach an eventual target of 23.5 million cubic metres of installed capacity by 2020. China, the world leader in solar water

heaters, has an installed solar water heater capacity of around 100 million cubic metres and has created 600,000 green jobs. Thus, by 2020, Mexico might have the potential to generate jobs for some 150,000 people in this sector alone as a result of the new project. Mexico is now second only to Brazil in this region in terms of accessing the Clean Development Mechanism with projects ranging from wind power to biogas. Over 1.5 million people are paid in the rural areas to manage forests and water-sheds as part of a deliberate policy linking decent jobs with the environmental, climate and overall Green Economy agenda. WED 2009 comes just under 190 days before the UN climate convention meeting in Denmark—I would urge everyone across the globe to join the people of Mexico. Let us together send the simple request: ‘Seal the Deal’ in Copenhagen. In doing so world leaders will be delivering perhaps the most transformational and far-reaching stimulus package of them all, now and for the coming decades. Courtesy of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico

InspiringDay examples World Environment 2007

World Environment Day 2009

© The Bigger Picture

© The bigger picture

Your Planet Needs You! Climate change is now widely recognized as the defining challenge of our time. Addressing climate change is central to the work of the United Nations. Yet everyone has a role to play in reducing the threat that climate change poses to peace, security, sustainable development and quality of life. Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, there are many ways you can help combat climate change. World Environment Day is the perfect time to make the commitment and step up your activities by joining a global movement.


Every voice counts. Show your support by taking practical action, such as:

Endorsing and publicizing the campaign by featuring the Unite banner on your homepage

Adopting the ‘Unite’ call to action by making it the theme or slogan for your company or organization’s long-term activities and campaigns on climate change

Spreading the word within your own networks to help get the Unite to Combat Climate Change message out to as many people as possible, in every corner of the world;

Making a statement and creating your own legacy by arranging a tree planting activity for World Environment Day on 5 June 2009 and registering your activity on the UNEP WED site

Registering your activity with UNEP on any new, interesting and creative campaign ideas that you are developing or that you want to collaborate with us on!

“This year, let us unite to combat climate change. Let us join together to seal a deal in Copenhagen that is ambitious, fair, and effective. Let us use this unique opportunity to protect people and the planet, and to power green growth. “I am committed to doing all I can to realize this vision. The United Nations needs your support. Your planet and your children are counting on you. Together, we can make a difference.”


World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring examples

On 7-18 December 2009, some 190 governments will meet in

© Still Pictures

© Still Pictures

Let’s “Seal the Deal!” in Copenhagen

Protect the Planet, Power Green Growth!

Copenhagen, Denmark to negotiate a comprehensive global

Join the Seal the Deal! Campaign and add your voice to the global chorus calling on world leaders to unite, agree and act to combat

The message to world leaders in 2009 is simple but urgent: Seal the Deal! Agree on ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions before

climate agreement for the period after 2012, when the first

climate change.

it’s too late.

commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol expires.

Led by the UN, this powerful campaign has one vital aim: To

Seal the Deal! is about mobilizing millions of individuals,

Week from 20-26 September 2009. Or plan your own activity to

With just six months between World Environment Day 2009 and

encourage the governments of the world to agree on a deal that

businesses, community groups and other organizations around

support the campaign and share it with us.

the start of this crucial UN climate convention meeting, the time

will protect people and the planet when they meet to negotiate a

the world in the lead-up to the Copenhagen meeting.

to act is now.

new climate change agreement in Copenhagen.

To get involved, you can:

where you can dip the ‘People’s Seal’ in paint and add your stamp to a global petition. Or you can sign the petition on-line. Check out what’s happening in your area during Climate Action

Climate change affects every one of us. Unite and be part of the solution. Help to Seal the Deal!

Stamp your right to be heard and to determine your fate on this

Make your voice heard! 18

planet by attending a Seal the Deal! rally in your town or city

www.sealthedeal2009. 19

Climate Change

Support the Climate Heroes A highlight of this year’s World Environment Day is the launch of the Climate Heroes, which supports individuals who are undertaking exceptional personal feats, high-profile expeditions, and other acts of environmental activism to demonstrate their commitment and to raise awareness for one simple idea: Your planet needs You!

UNEP collaborates with these Climate Heroes to help inspire and motivate people to unite to combat climate change. Through their acts, and the attention they generate, they will give voice to individuals and organizations across the globe that care about the state of our planet and want to see real change and real commitment.

Ultimately, the Climate Heroes call on each of us to do what we can: from adopting the simplest habits like turning off running water when we are brushing our teeth, to organizing a public or workplace event for World Environment Day or taking a stand and participating in the Seal the Deal! online petition. Through our united efforts, we can all be Climate Heroes and help make a difference. Here are some of their inspiring examples:

Globe: Courtesy NASA


World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring Climateexamples Change

Unite to Combat Climate Change: Pull Together

Roz Savage

w w w. r o z s av a g e. c o m 22

© Shutterstock

Roz Savage is an environmental campaigner known for her inspirational solo row across the Atlantic Ocean. She will now row solo across the Pacific Ocean and walk from London to Copenhagen armed with an environmental mission called Pull Together. This initiative aims to inspire people to take action on CO2 levels by walking more and driving less. Calling upon her supporters around the world to Pull Together, Roz will challenge them to match her 10,000 oar strokes each day with 10,000 steps. All the steps logged by participants around the world on the site will be aggregated and expressed by a number of laps around the earth completed during the challenge. For every 53 people that complete 1,000,000 steps, an earth lap will be added. Just before her 24 May launch, she will provide the opening remarks to attendees of Al Gore’s Climate Project Summit and become a Climate Change Ambassador.   This grassroots participation will be channeled towards the upcoming climate change conference in Copenhagen in December. In partnership with, on 24 October -- a designated global day of action on climate change -- Roz and thousands of supporters will assemble at Big Ben in London and, over a period of six weeks, march more than 600 miles to Copenhagen to address the conference delegates. At this time, Roz will deliver the results of the initiative, essentially a walking petition, as a symbol of commitment to taking immediate, aggressive action to reduce global  CO2 levels. Using photos, videos, blogs and several social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, her mission is to connect and engage people of all ages around the world, and demonstrate that every action, no matter how small it may seem, does indeed matter.


World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring examples

Unite to Combat Climate Change: Pull Together

Ride Japan This father and son team, Charles & Sho Scott, will embark on a two- month bike ride across the entire mainland of Japan on connected bikes. The 4,700-kilometer journey will take them from the northernmost point of Cape Souya to the southern tip at Cape Sata, through 11 World Heritage Sites. They will begin promoting the trip in New York City on 5 June to coincide with a World Environment Day-related activity to encourage participation for the summer ride. The two were inspired to use this ride to encourage action on climate change after watching the BBC’s Planet Earth documentary and recognizing the critical and immediate need.

© Gallo Images/ Getty Images

They will simultaneously be supporting a call to action for people to help UNEP’s Billion Tree Campaign achieve its goal of planting seven billion trees – one for every person on the globe – this year. Currently, three billion have been planted and five billion pledged. They will also promote the Seal the Deal! effort and eight-year old Sho will address the UNEP/ TUNZA International Children & Youth Conference in Korea by video-telegram from a remote location during his expedition as an inspiring example and youth ambassador.

w w w. j a p a n b i ke r i d e. co m 24


World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring examples

Unite to Combat Climate Change: Pull Together

Plastiki Expedition Photo: Curtesy Plastiki Expedition

Photo: Curtesy Plastiki Expedition

Inspired by a UNEP report on marine litter, David de Rothschild made it his mission to conduct further research on the topic. He wanted to create a compelling and pioneering adventure that would inspire people to act more responsibly towards our planet. Moved to action, David and a handpicked crew of leading scientists, sailors, adventurers, thought leaders and artists plan to set sail approximately 10,000 nautical miles across the Pacific. The boat, called Plastiki, is a distinctive, one-of-a-kind 60foot (20m) catamaran made out of reclaimed plastic bottles, srPET plastic and recycled waste products. Their mission: To beat waste by thinking smart and showcasing how refuse can be used as a resource thus inspiring sustainable solutions for a better way of living.

The voyage will sail through a number of exciting, challenging and environmentallysensitive regions, including the ominously named Great Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch, an area six times the size of England where plastic outweighs plankton by 6 to 1 – essentially, the world’s largest waste dump. Supported by Adventure Ecology’s network of global supporters and institutions, Plastiki will use the expedition not only to raise awareness on out-of-sight and out-of-mind issues facing our planet but also to act as the catalyst to activate change by bringing smart solutions to the forefront. The vessel will be outfitted with satellite phones and computers ensuring regular feedback for the world.

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Inspiring Climateexamples Change

World Environment Day 2009

Unite to Combat Climate Change: Pull Together

Project Kaisei Project Kaisei consists of a team of innovators, ocean lovers, sailors, scientists, sports enthusiasts and environmentalists who have come together with a common purpose: to study how to capture plastic waste in the ocean, detoxify, and recycle it into diesel fuel. This first research mission, scheduled for the summer of 2009, will be critical to understanding the logistics that will be needed for a successful clean-up operation as some of the technology required for such a feat has never been utilized under oceanic conditions.

w w wed2009/climateheroes

Photo: Curtesy Project Keisei

Photo: Curtesy Project Keisei


Why is this a critical mission? Every year over 60 billion tons of plastic are produced, much of it for one-time use and less than 5 per cent of the world’s plastics are recycled. National Geographic estimates that over 85 million plastic bottles are used every three minutes. Much of plastic waste that is not incinerated, which is toxic in its own right, or land-filled, makes its way to the oceans. As the waste breaks down, it is mistaken for food, kills hundreds of thousands of birds and marine life, and is now making its way into our food chain.

Currently, there are no proposed solutions to resolve the issue of plastics in the oceans.  Most believe it is not possible to clean such a vast space, and aim for more responsible handling of waste on land. However, using advanced technology, Project Kaisei’s objective is to test catch methods, and demonstrate that at least some of the Plastic Vortex can be recycled and cleaned through a first-of-its-kind,  patented solution. National Geographic will cover Project Kaisei’s work for a documentary film and Google Earth will track its progress with imagery and high tech overlays.


Daily Do-something Tips

Easy Ways to Green Your Routine World Environment Day is about taking action to be part of the solution, and going green is not as difficult as you might think. We can all do our part to protect the planet by using less and acting more. Here we walk you through 30 easy ways to green your daily routine, from the moment you hit snooze on your solar-powered alarm clock to the point when you crawl into your eco-washed, organic cotton sheets.


Make your WED commitment today. Try to incorporate all of these into your life as a matter of routine. Get others to do the same. And get involved!

Find homes or charitable organizations that have use for things that you no longer need or want rather than throwing it away.



Plant a tree! Help achieve UNEP’s Billion Tree Campaign target of planting seven billion trees – one for every person on the planet – by the end of this year. On every continent in the world trees can be planted in June, so start your efforts on WED.

MORNING… Bathroom: Many of us forget that we can save water in simple ways like not letting the tap run while shaving, washing our faces, or brushing our teeth.

Insulating your water heater will help save valuable energy, and you can go the extra mile by installing showerheads with a low flow in your bathrooms to help save water. You can also put a timer on your heaters to save power.

Use towels for drying your face and hands instead of tissues that are used and thrown away. Also, hang your towels to dry so that they can be reused several times. You are, after all, clean when you use them!

Many of us like to leaf through the paper as we munch on breakfast, but consider reading the dailies in communal spaces like the office or coffee shops. However, if you prefer to have your own copy, make sure you recycle!

Using an electric razor or hand razor with replaceable blades instead of disposable razors goes a long way to cutting back on waste. And plant a tree.


When packing your lunch, opt for reusable containers for food storage instead of wrapping the food with aluminum foil or plastic wrap.

Juice or yoghurt lovers can do their bit by buying juice in concentrates and yoghurt in reusable containers instead of single serving packages.

As you leave the house, don’t forget to switch off all the lights and appliances at the wall unit (if you have this feature) and unplug chargers as they continue to consume even if they are not charging; saving energy helps reduce air pollution.

Radical as it may seem, in today’s “the easier the better” society, the easiest way to reduce your carbon footprint is by avoiding driving altogether. Power down and Instead try biking, walking, carpooling, public transport or an occasional telecommute.


If you have no other choice than to drive to work, look for the most fuel-efficient car model for your next purchase and keep your tyres inflated to the correct pressure.

Don’t go anywhere without your cloth bag so you can just say no to plastic whenever you shop.


Daily Do-something Tips

If you’re one of the lucky few blessed with clear stretches of road on your way to work, use cruise control, as it saves fuel and also helps you maintain a constant speed. If you’re among the majority of drivers who spend their mornings stuck in traffic, consider turning your engine off if you will be idling for long periods of time. And plant a tree.

For those who suffer from road rage, remember that aggressive driving lowers your mileage, so if you want to save on fuel and save the planet while you’re at it, accelerate gradually – something to keep in mind the next time that bad driver cuts you off! Just count to 10 and say The planet needs me!

alternative to non-biodegradable styrofoam or plastic cups.


When you need a pad for lists and messages, turn over an old document and write on the back of that instead.

Do you have a morning hot drink routine? Using a washable mug is an environmentally friendly

Leave a cup and reusable bottle for water at work to eliminate buying drinks, which get served in plastic cups or bottled water. Eighty per cent of plastic bottles are recyclable but only 20 per cent are actually recycled.

If there isn’t an office recycling system, start one yourself! Recycling our trash actually contributes to reducing global warming emissions. And it is estimated that 75 per cent of what is thrown in the trash could actually be recycled, though currently only 25 per cent is. When you must have a paper copy, make sure you default your printer option to use both sides. This is an easy tree-saver!

Most computer accessories like ink cartridges, CDs and DVDs are made of materials that could be reused. Computer cords and speakers are fairly standardized, meaning they can be used for a variety of computer models and makes. Lower your office’s carbon footprint by setting computers, monitors, printers, copiers, speakers and other business equipment to their energy saving feature and turning them off at the end of the day. And plant a tree!

Turning off all unnecessary lights, especially in unused offices and conference rooms, is an easy way to save energy. If you’re in search of something to personalize your workspace, look no further than the humble houseplant. Houseplants are good for the environment because they remove quantities of pollutants present in the air. AFTER A LONG DAY: In the summer/warmer months, consider using an interior fan in conjunction with an open window

to spread the cooled air more effectively through your home. While you’re at it, in winter, lower your thermostat and put on a jumper. In summer, increase it and wear lighter clothes, you will also save money! Don’t place lamps or TV sets near your air-conditioning thermostat as it senses heat from these appliances, which can cause the air-conditioner to run longer than necessary.

When cooking dinner, match the size of the pan to the size of the heating element to lower energy wastage. When you are feeling at your laziest, don’t throw clean clothes in the laundry basket to avoid hanging them up! Wear jeans more than once. When you wash, use only ecofriendly products in your home. It’s best for you and the environment! And did we mention plant a tree!

World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring examples

I N S P I R I N G E X A M P L E S World Environment Day can be celebrated in many ways. The following are a selection of inspiring examples of how World Environment Day was celebrated in 2004 with the theme: Wanted! Seas and Oceans – Dead or Alive?; in 2005 with the theme: Green Cities: Plan for the Planet!; in 2006 Deserts and Desertification: Don’t Desert Drylands! and in 2007 Melting ice -a hot topic?

© The Bigger Picture



World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring examples

AFRICA ALGERIA Algiers In 2006, with the theme deserts and desertification, the choice of Algeria as the host of the main international World Environment Day celebrations, was most appropriate. One of the many events was a workshop in Ghardaia - a 2,000-year-old city in the Sahara desert. The workshop brought together experts who produced a call to action on the fight against desertification, which, in turn, led to the drafting of a charter on the world’s deserts. Algeria Egypt


In Algiers, the UNEP publication Global Desert Outlook was launched. The report highlights the fragility of desert environments and the pressure they face from forces such as climate change and human activity. UNEP also used the occasion to launch a publication on tourism and the deserts. The President of Algeria graced the main event where he spoke on the Day’s theme and presented prizes to the winners of UNEP’s International Children’s Painting Competition and to the Algerian journalists who wrote the best articles on the WED theme. In the City centre the public celebrated the Day with a parade, marching bands, flower girls and a hot air balloon which carried the WED slogan ‘Don’t Desert Drylands!’

BURUNDI Bujumbura In 2004, the Ministry of Environment organized week-long festivities to celebrate World Environment Day throughout the country. From 4 to 11 June, the people of Burundi were sensitized to the need to protect their country’s natural resources, while decision-makers were urged to consider the environment when planning for development and post-war reconstruction. The activities held during Environment Week included a competition among youth environmental clubs, workshops, clean-up campaigns and the naming of the Environmental Journalist of the Year. They also addressed deforestation, wildfires and land degradation. CAMEROON Kumbo To commemorate World Environment Day 2008, the Kumbo Development and Orientation Centre introduced the ‘Green Award’ to acknowledge students who actively participate in environmental activities in the district. This year, seven young green laureates received the prizes. EGYPT Alexandria In 2008, the Wadi Environmental Science Centre (WESC), the British Council Egypt and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina raised awareness of the negative environmental habits that have become highly embedded in the fabric of Egyptian society

and proposed simple solutions for better, more environmental and healthier communities. ETHIOPIA Addis Ababa In 2006, Ethiopia maintained its tradition of celebrating World Environment Day at the national level. The event was liberally dotted with white T-shirts and caps emblazoned with the WED logo and the names of the sponsors, Coca-Cola, National Motors Company and UNEP, to name a few. At the venue, school children sang and participated in skits highlighting the negative effects of desertification and the importance of halting this growing phenomenon. Following this, participants were invited to plant indigenous trees in the school compound where the celebration took place. In the afternoon there was a WED ceremony at the National Palace, home of H.E. President Girma Woldegiorgis. KENYA Homa Bay To mark World Environment Day 2008, Homa Hills Community Development Organization engaged the surrounding communities, schools, and environmental conservation groups in planting over 50,000 trees on a nearby hill top which has suffered from serious encroachment.

around Mau forest, an area that is severely affected by human activities leading to massive degradation. The event included sensitization of the local people and officials to the need to conserve the forest. A clean-up effort was carried out whereby forest officers and experts in forest management addressed the participants. Nairobi For World Environment Day 2006, the Network for the Youth in Combating Desertification, a group which has been actively involved in international conventions such as the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification - Conference of the Parties 7 (UNCCD-COP 7), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Conference of the Parties 12 (UNFCCC-COP 12), organized a big event. The main activities of the day was a convoy comprising youth from community groups in Kenya, school based environmental clubs and NGOs, among others. The convoy toured the streets of Nairobi before stopping at Uhuru Park where a youth advisor to UNEP recognized various young people who have been in the forefront of combating desertification in Kenya. The convoy carried banners and placards with conservation messages. The youth wore Tshirts and caps bearing the message, ‘Environmental Soundness is our Key Business’.

Kenya Kenya

Egerton In 2007, Egerton University organized an event to help make ‘Kenya Green’. The aim was to plant trees 37

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LIBERIA Monrovia The Environment Theme Group of Liberia, under the direction of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the support of UNEP, UNDP and UNMIL, led the 2005 celebrations in the capital Monrovia with the theme: Green Cities – Plan for the Planet! A Liberian National Police band led a march of approximately 150 World Environment Day bannerwielding EPA staff and students through the streets of the capital. The march culminated at City Hall with the delivery of remarks by the EPA, the UN, academia and NGOs. UNHCR adopted the theme, ‘Green Your Camps: Improve Natural Resource Management’, whereby major stakeholders planted trees in a transit camp.

Madagascar MADAGASCAR Ambatondrazaka Madagascar hosted the regional celebrations for World Environment Day 2007. This was in recognition of this country’s commendable efforts in environmental management and particularly in preserving its unique, abundant and endemic biodiversity. The choice of Madagascar was also consistent with the theme for this year, ‘Melting Ice – a Hot Topic?’ as islands are among the countries that would suffer most from the impacts of climate change. UNEP supported the organization of weeklong activities, such as exhibitions, environmental walk, speeches and conferences on climate change, and street parades. 38

MAURITIUS Port Louis To emphasize the Mauritius Ministry of Environment’s focus on environmental stewardship, the Ministry launched an environment mascot design competition in May 2007. A mascot named kudme, which in the local language means ‘let’s work together hand in hand’ won the contest. The mascot symbolizes cooperation and collaboration for the protection of the environment. Kudme will be used in all sensitization programs as well as in various communications by NGOs and other organizations. MOROCCO Ifrane To mark World Environment Day 2008, the Centre de l’environnement, Aui Ceird, held an interactive lecture on the impact of carbon dioxide on climate change and calculated the carbon footprint of participants. It also organized a visit of the community to the integrated project: Ecovillage of the CEIRD (solar/wind systems, bio-organic agriculture, wetlands and biodiversity, cedar and oak trees forest conservation areas). There was also a Peace tree-planting in the CEIRD. MOZAMBIQUE Maputo Environment Minister Luciano de Castro celebrated World Environment Day 2005 by inaugurating a landfill for the disposal of industrial waste at Mavoco

in Boane District – 20 km from Maputo. The facility covers 50 hectares, and six will be used in the initial stage. The landfill is owned by the state, through the National Environment Fund (FUNAB), but it was paid for by the aluminium smeltery MOZAL. The landfill can process 3,500 tonnes of industrial waste a month. The disposal of waste from industries in Maputo, Matola and Boane is thus solved for at least the next five years. NAMIBIA Windhoek Environment and Tourism Deputy Minister Leon Jooste announced at the World Environment Day 2005 celebrations that his Ministry, the City of Windhoek and the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry had initiated an environmental management planning programme for the capital. He also announced that the Ministry was finalizing the Pollution and Waste Management Bill and associated regulations. These laws would make environmental assessment mandatory in all developments, including construction projects in towns. NIGERIA Abia State To commemorate World Environment Day 2008, the Green Citizens Club, Abia State University initiated a project to compost organic waste in the campus instead of setting waste on fire as was the practice. They organized source separation of campus wastes, using clippings from hedges and

rooting them instead of drying or burning. They also planted trees. SOMALIA Hargeisa The Environment Protection Organization (EPO) organized protection campaigns on the occasion of World Environment Day 2007. The campaigns promoted EPO’s motto: Stop the war; war destroys the environment. The campaigns sought to stop soil erosion and the cutting of trees, and advocated for mass environmental education. SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town To commemorate World Environment Day 2006, the City of Cape Town organized its 8th Youth Environmental School (YES) programme with the theme, ‘Local Solutions for Global Challenges’. The programme was hosted at 72 satellite venues across the city. A total of 60 organizations with 87 participants presented 73 different activities with more than 30,000 students from 140 schools benefitting from the observance. On 10 June, YES hosted an eco-schools workshop for some 150 teachers and service providers. The vision of Cape Town’s YES is to form partnerships towards conserving, protecting, nurturing and caring for the environment through education. It aims to invoke in young people a sense of pride and responsibility that promotes environmentally sustainable lifestyles, behaviour and actions.

Nigeria Nigeria


World Environment Day 2009

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TANZANIA Iringa In 2008, the Friends of Ruaha Society brought together the entire community to participate in a drawing competition, singing, and dancing among other activities. TUNISIA Hammamet To celebrate World Environment Day 2007, Magic Life Africana Imperial organized a beach clean-up with school kids from its partner school and staff. The programme involved training the children and the inauguration of a new environmental corner. Tanzania Zimbabwe


ZIMBABWE Harare Arundel Environment Club celebrated World Environment Day 2008 from 2 to 5 June with a range of activities such as a debate on climate change, a special chapel service, a green ribbon day and an interactive talk.

ASIA AND THE PACIFIC AUSTRALIA Adelaide Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) got into the World Environment Day action early with a corporate breakfast at the Adelaide Zoo on 4 June 2008. The aim was to help Australian businesses make a difference to the environment through two programme options – Action for Climate Change which helps companies reduce their carbon footprint; and Wild Futures which enables them to actively protect and repair places that are critical for the survival of some of Australia’s most threatened species. EAST TIMOR Oecusse Since 2001, Oz GREEN has been celebrating World Environment Day in Oecusse East Timor with school and community programmes. The events have in the past involved over 200 members of the local community and the activities included public speaking, quizzes, water testing and a poster competition based on the World Environment Day theme. For 2007, sporting and vocal competitions were added to the agenda, plus a student congress on 5 June where young people discussed their environmental concerns and designed action plans to help address these.

Sydney On the occasion of World Environment Day 2007, Clean Up the World, a non-profit, non-government, apolitical organization that unites communities with a common focus to clean up the world, invited its member organizations around the globe to conduct environmental activities with a focus on climate change. Activities such as cleaning up local parks and waterways, planting trees, conducting walk-toschool or work days and organizing environmental education exercises were undertaken. Clean Up the World, held in conjunction with the United Nations Environment Programme, mobilizes an estimated 35 million volunteers from more than 120 countries annually making it one of the largest community-based environmental campaigns in the world. BANGLADESH Rajshahi The Department of Botany at the University of Rajshahi organized a discussion about World Environment Day 2006 and the desertification in northern Bangladesh and its causes: unplanned expansion of agriculture, deforestation and lack of conservation. The forum also covered actions that can be done at an individual, local and national level to address these concerns. BHUTAN On World Environment Day 2008, a massive clean-up campaign took place in Bhutan involving students, district staff, the business community and local

authorities. The aim was to clean the entire town by disposing the waste collected in a designated landfill where it would not be burned. CHINA Beijing Beijing Jia Ao Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. organized a photography competition for the office tenants on the occasion of WED 2006. The theme of the photography competition was ‘Deserts and Desertification - Don’t Desert Drylands!’. Shenzhen, Guangdong Hitachi Global Storage Technologies hosted in 2005 a celebration entitled “Green City, Green Home”, at Shenzhen Red Forest Eco-Park. Activities included a clean-up of the park from the waste left by tourists, an environmental quiz, and a photo exhibition.

Bhutan India

INDIA Ahmedabad The Gujarat Council of Science City (GCSC) organized several activities for school children, teachers and the general public to mark the celebration of World Environment Day 2007. Students and their teachers were invited to the Science City to join various activities that helped them to understand the science of climate change and its impact. About 300 science teachers of primary and secondary schools participated in a workshop on ‘Climate Change: a Concern for the Future’. Students from Class 1 to Class 12 participated 41

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in various activities, including poster painting and Green Quiz Competitions. Guntur Vikasa Dhatri released an e-book on the subject ‘Towards a Low Carbon Economy’in Telugu language that has been made available for free download. Vikasa Dhatri also organized a youth orientation on climate change for WED 2008.

India Indonesia

Hyderabad ‘Take a photo!’, the contest organized by the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University to mark World Environment Day 2007, gathered hundreds of entries, accompanied by a slogan in relevance to environmental issues. The photos were exhibited and winning entries were announced on 5-6 June. Mumbai World Wide Fund for Nature- India (Mumbai Branch) celebrated World Environment Day 2007 with several events: - A 16-day course on Identification of Common trees. The aim was to raise awareness of common trees from India and the ecological role they play. Emphasis was on global warming and melting ice in polar regions, which are detrimental to coastal cities and towns - A forest clean-up, in association with the Forest Department of Sanjay Gandhi National Park. School children and college students participated.


INDONESIA Riau Third grade students from Sekolah Mutiara Harapan were tasked to prepare brochures with tips on how to save water and electricity for WED 2008. Fourth Grade and 5th Grade students were monitoring their homes to determine daily and weekly usage of water and electricity. They did this for a few weeks to determine a baseline of usage. Students and their parents implemented some “savings” initiatives, and continued to monitor usage. Students presented reports to show the effects of saving within their households. They started the same programme on their “blocks”. Brochures were passed out, monitoring is continuing, and the student whose “block” saves the most was recognized. IRAN Tehran In 2005, the United Nations Information Center, in cooperation with the NGO Green Front of Iran and Mellel (Nations) Cultural Centre, held a ceremony and panel discussion on green cities. Some 70 participants attended the event. UNDP As an additional feature, a poster and picture exhibition was held at the Cultural Centre. KYRGYZSTAN Bishkek The United Nations Development Programme Country Office in Kyrgyzstan and Information Network CARNet used a new Internet-based method to promote ecological issues on the

occasion of World Environment Day 2006. On 5 June, an exhibit of environmental caricatures and paintings by the leading ecology expert in Central Asia and professor of geographic science, Dr. Emil Djaparovich Shukurov, was launched at the UN House. Due to the great interest shown in this exhibit, CARNet network and portal www.caresd. net organized an Internet version of the exhibit, giving a wider audience an opportunity to see these unique works. This initiative was undertaken at the same time as the exhibit opened. Cartoons presented at the exhibit highlighted environmental issues, as well as the interlinkages between donor organizations, NGOs and state bodies. MALAYSIA Sandakan The Rainforest Discovery Centre of Sabah Forestry Department organized a four - day student camp from the 2 - 5 June 2007. There were 36 students, aged 16 – 18, and six teachers participating in the World Environment Day Student Camp on Climate Change. The locations were at a rain forest, mangrove forest and The Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in Sepilok. The main focus of the camp was on ways in which human beings contribute towards climate change and what can be done to reduce the impact of this environmental crisis. MICRONESIA Palikir To celebrate World Environment Day 2008, the President’s Council on Environment and Sustainable

Development hosted its Fifth National Environment Day Speech Contest with selected high school students from the nation’s four states. The theme was “Climate Change - what does it mean to our small islands?” MONGOLIA Ulaanbaatar In 2005, the Mongolian Nature and Environment Consortium established a community-based tree nursery in Uliastain. The nurseries were placed in areas that will be able to provide sustainable seedlings for the next 10-20 years and with the aim of greening the Uliastain area in the next five years. The Mongolian Nature and Environment Consortium provided technical and professional support to community members. NEPAL Kathmandu The South Asia Young Scientists and Practitioners held a meeting in June 2008 on Climate Change and Disaster Impact Reduction Disaster and Development Centre (DDC), Northumbria University. The seminar was attended by climatic disaster risk reduction scientists and practitioners from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brazil, Turkey, Nepal, India, Japan and the United Kingdom.

Malaysia New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND Wellington In honour of the World Environment Day 2008 celebrations, the Natural World Museum in 43

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Pakistan Manila

partnership with UNEP presented an exhibit ‘Earth in the Balance’ at the Te Papa Museum. This contemporary exhibit featured works by 27 artists from 20 countries. It was designed to generate awareness of global climate change, with an emphasis on moving towards a low-carbon economy. The exhibit highlighted issues while also inspiring a positive change in people’s attitudes and actions towards the environment.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA Southern Highlands Province and Gulf Province To promote World Environment Day 2006, the WWF Kikori Programme organized: awareness patrols to villages, market areas and schools; tree planting at areas around Lake Kutubu that have sparse vegetation; and a theatre performance by a local group based on the theme ‘Deserts and Desertification’.

Wellington The New Zealand Minister for the Environment presented Green Ribbon Awards in recognition of the outstanding contributions of individuals, organizations and businesses to sustaining, protecting and enhancing New Zealand’s environment. 2008 marks the 18th year the awards have run. Award recipients were recognized at a special ceremony at the Wellington Town Hall on 3 June.

PHILIPPINES Manila The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with the governments of Australia, Japan, Norway, and the United Kingdom, and the Asia Pacific Partnership for Clean Development and Climate (APP) hosted the Asia Clean Energy Forum in June 2008. The event offered a platform for exchanging experiences and forging new partnerships to act on clean energy opportunities in Asia. It brought together a diverse group of stakeholders that included policy makers, finance professionals, civil society members, and private sector experts.

PAKISTAN Multan To celebrate WED 2005, the National Urban Poverty Alleviation Programme, a joint project of UNDP and the Government of Punjab, Pakistan, organized an event entitled “Green Development Forum: Plan for the City” at the Multan Arts Council Hall. On this occasion, the environmental actions undertaken in Multan were presented to the citizens.


SOUTH KOREA Seoul South Korean designer, Lee Kyoungjae, and his label Eco-dress for Earth participated in World Environment Day 2007 by holding an exhibit that showcased Eco-Wedding Dresses. The dresses are made from 100% bio-degradable natural corn starch

and can be degraded by micro-organisms within 4 weeks and, in turn, become natural nutrients. SRI LANKA Colombo In 2005, the Centre for Environmental Justice -- a team of environmental activists in Sri Lanka -- organized workshops and seminars in tsunamiaffected areas to enhance understanding of the importance of green belts in coastal areas. It also conducted a replanting programme on the coastal belt. Galle, Southern Province In 2004, Rainforest Rescue International launched an awareness programme for 10 selected schools in Galle and Matara districts. The initiative was part of a national programme coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources with the participation of the relevant Municipal Councils of the two districts, which are the main coastal towns in the country. The main event took place at the Town Hall on 5 June and was followed by a tree planting. A beach clean-up was organized by the Matara Municipal Council, the University of Ruhuna, and various environmental organizations. The film ‘Biodiversity and the Sea’, screened at the main bus station, attracted more than 1,000 participants. TAHITI In 2004, the Ministry of the Environment of French Polynesia organized radio public service announcements, a film screening and a poster

competition. Environmental associations and young people from the federation for non-denominational charities participated in the unveiling of billboards aimed at building awareness about the need to protect Panenoo Valley. The programme ‘Ambassadors for the Environment’, launched on the ocean-liner Paul Gauguin, ran from June to August, and used the knowledge of trainers from Jean-Yves Cousteau’s Ocean Futures Society to educate children on the need to protect the rich resources of the ocean. The “Saga Vanille” campaign, geared towards less advantaged children, was also associated with the programme. Open-days were also organized at various diving clubs around the islands to raise awareness amongst vacationers of the need to protect marine and lagoon ecosystems.

Sri Lanka Vietnam

VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh City To celebrate World Environment Day 2006, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) together with the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Voice of Ho Chi Minh have produced an environmental radio soap opera for rural Vietnam that was launched in Hanoi by the Minister of Agriculture. This was followed by a site launch in Can Tho city. The drama series is broadcasted on the Voice of Ho Chi Minh twice a week for a year. It incorporates environmental issues using education-entertainment methods. This project is supported by the World Bank Development Marketplace Award 2005. 45

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EUROPE ARMENIA Yerevan The Association for Sustainable Human Development/UNEP National Committee of Armenia celebrated World Environment Day 2006 at the UN office in the capital. The day was organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Department of Public Information, the Ministry of Nature Protection and the Association/UNEP National Committee. Representatives of all sectors of the society, including the mass media, were present at the event, which included the screening of a movie on illegal logging entitled ‘From Need to Greed’. The event was followed by a discussion. AUSTRIA Graz The Hospital of the City of Graz (LKH) celebrated World Environment Day for the first time in 2007. Visitors were invited to walk down a virtual path of the Sun, where several attractions on the use of solar energy were displayed. They were able to see a solar thermal power for the indoor pool for children’s rehabilitation and a solar voltaic to charge a battery of accumulators for electric powered motorbikes that will replace cars for documents transportation within the Unted Kingdom


area. The public was also invited to try a solar powered ‘ear’ chair telling those who sit in it legends about the sun from all over the world, as well as to visit a bookshop focused on the sun and solar energy and an art room with children’s solar graphics and paintings. The attractions also included two tents where children were able to experiment with solar generated voltage, while parents listened to a solar power consultant and, every two hours, a speech by professors from the nearby university about the topic of the day – The Sun. BELGIUM Brussels In 2004, Green Week, organized by the European Commission (EC) and the DirectorGeneral (DG) of the Environment, took place on 1-4 June. The EC and the DG announced the launch of the new “Clean Marine Award”, which was presented for the first time. The awards, in keeping with the theme seas and oceans, were announced in the European Commission’s Communication on a European Union strategy to reduce atmospheric emissions from seagoing ships. The objective is to give positive publicity to environmentally responsible shipping, specifically low-emission initiatives, and to disseminate best practice. The Commission plans to celebrate these ceremonies on a biannual basis, through high profile events.

BULGARIA Sliven To mark World Environment Day 2006, SOS Health, a Bulgarian NGO, organized a number of activities that involved children and youth from different schools and the Friends of the Environment Centre. These activities comprised making posters, painting, photography, web design and drawing exhibitions, as well as essay, poem, slogan, greeting card and collage competitions. CYPRUS Nicosia In 2006, UNDP’s initiative on the island, Action for Cooperation and Trust (ACT), participated in an environmental stakeholder fair entitled Ecoforum 2006. The Fair featured a series of lectures on desertification and on the environmental principles of the Global Compact, an exhibit of NGO environmental projects supported by UNDP-ACT and workshops for environmental businesses and NGOs. In parallel, they provided small grants for four-month environmental projects, such as the Olive Tree Rescue project and the Management of Artificial Wetlands project. CZECH REPUBLIC Prague For the first time in Prague, a large-scale environmental event EKOFESTIVAL was organized to celebrate World Environment

Day 2007. The festival was co-organized by Green Circle, a member of the UNEP National Committee, and the Czech Environmental Information Agency, under the theme ‘sustainable consumption’. It brought together around 20 environmental groups which provided information and services related to the theme, ‘Environmental Labelling, Fair Trade and Organic Products’. FINLAND Lahti To commemorate World Environment Day 2007 Päijät-Häme Ornithological Association guided a bird-watching trip in the night of 5 June. The trip started at 10 pm and returned at around 2 am. During the day there was a presentation on environmental information for small and medium size enterprises in the city of Heinola organized by the Vanamo project. Lahti City’s environmental balance sheet 2006 was also presented. FRANCE Grenoble On the occasion of World Environment Day 2007, 800 employees from three of the Alcan sites in France organized an event with the main theme of ‘Water’. There was also a game with 20 questions and a conference about water stakes. After the event each employee got a water saver to place on to taps, this was part of a promotion pitch by the Water Museum in Pont en Royans.

YOU! UNite to combat climate change

your planet needs



World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring examples

Paris UNEP’s Division of Technology, Industry and Economics in Paris organized a number of activities for WED 2005, including: - The posting of a WED banner on a leading newspaper’s website. The French Ministry for Ecology posted the WED logo and link on their website. They also showed the Ozzy Ozone video and a Transport Ad on 2 June at the Ministry, which was open to the public. The showing was part of the events organized for the 3rd edition of the ‘Semaine du développement durable’. - Rennes University broadcast a special radio programme. - On 5 June, the Mairie de Paris ‘advertised’ WED and carried the slogan on billboards throughout Paris. - RFI broadcasted a special WED programme live from San Francisco. Special programmes in Arabic were broadcast on Radio-Orient and Radio Monte Carlo Moyen-Orient. The WED logo also featured in the magazine for youth ‘Ca m’intéresse’. GEORGIA Tbilisi In 2005, the association Green Way launched a project entitled “Earth Festival” which included a Forum on the Day; the establishment of a “Green Fund”; the launch of a Small Grant Competition; and activities to benefit charities. The Forum involved environmental NGO representatives, legislative and executive bodies, the business sector, donors and the diplomatic corps. During

Greece 48

GERMANY Hamburg In 2004, the United World Philharmonic Youth Orchestra launched on its web site a seven-minute video-clip. The orchestra played the second movement Jeux de Vagues of Claude Debussy’s La mer, which was synchronized with images of seas and oceans.

NORWAY Stavanger In 2006, environmentalists joined forces with entertainers and set up a family day at the amusement park Kongeparken (The King’s Park), nearby Stavanger. There was a show, exhibits and a variety of activities concerning desertification, clean drinking water, recycling and other environmental issues. The event was co-organized by the Young Agenda 21 foundation, Kongeparken and the Norwegian UNEP Committee.

GREECE Serres PRAXIS, a non governmental organization, participated in World Environment Day 2008 celebrations by carrying out a public awareness programme on actions that students and farmers in the Kerkini area could undertake to protect the environment. They also carried out a tree planting activity in the wider area of the Kerkini Wetland

Tromso The city of Tromso hosted the main celebrations of World Environment Day 2007. The city has the world’s northernmost university and the Norwegian Polar Institute, both of which are key players in the research arena. Several events were organized during the first week of June, and they included: street celebrations, international conference, publications and a youth film festival.

ITALY Rome To promote World Environment Day 2006, New Age Productions organized an event titled“MUSICAMBIENTE” (4th Edition) which included: - A conference on the WED theme, with the participation of members of the Italian Minister of Environment, Regione Lazio, Rome Town Council and environmental organizations - An open door concert with international artist Chiara Civello.

POLAND Zakopane In 2008, students from Gimnazjum Secondary School, working on the environmental project Act-Eco, held an environmental seminar with the participation of the Town Mayor and local officials. Among the events planned for the day were: tree planting; a lecture on global warming by Dr. Michal Offierski, a member of several Polish Antarctic

the Forum, invitees were given an opportunity to promote their activities, highlight the problems that they faced and illustrate possible solutions.

Expeditions; ‘Let’s Help Our Environment’ school poster competition finale; and an exhibit of photos and videos about local environmental problems. ROMANIA Constanta School Constantin Brancusi Medgidia celebrated World Environment Day 2007 with many activities culminating on 5 June. Themed ‘What can I do for our earth?, the activities which took place between February and June included: - A Kid, A Tree: children planted 30 lime-trees in Medgidias parks - The Earth, An Energy Source: an essay session about pollution - Energy Is Our Future: 200-word reports with a picture about energy saving in houses - Turn On: posters representing power saving - Reducing energy consumption in buildings, how plastics help: a talk by Dr John Feldman, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, BASF, Germany and Vice President, Plastics Europe, Brussels, European Schoolnet - An Ecological School: children planted flowers in school gardens - Trash Recycling: presentations on ecological themes.

Poland Romania


World Environment Day 2009

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SLOVAKIA Bratislava The city of Bratislava hosted the Ekotopfilm International Festival of Sustainable Development Films in June 2008. The Festival gathered experts and environmentalists to discuss solutions to sustainable development issues not only in the Slovak Republic but also globally. It has a 34-year history, membership in Euronate, and a broad international cooperation with more than 5,000 partners in more than 68 countries.

Greece Unted Kingdom

SPAIN Grupo VIPS designed a special paper tablemat dedicated to the World Environment Day 2008 theme. The 200,500 tablemats were used from 2 June to 8 June in all the 97 VIPS cafeterias around Spain. The artwork reflected UNEP’s campaign “Kick the Habit – Towards a low carbon economy”. SWITZERLAND Zurich On the occasion of WED 2005, the city of Zurich organized a series of activities on 3 and 4 June. Participants learned more about 20 environment and health topics, including: air pollution, noise protection, renewable energy, city animals, city safaris, and city cleaning. TURKEY Antalya To mark World Environment Day 2008, Antalya Karatay Lisesi ran an amateur art and poetry


competition to raise awareness on the issue of the day. Students of all ages were encouraged to enter a piece of their artwork (poster, painting, collage, poem, and drawing) to show their understanding of how individuals, schools or communities may contribute to a low carbon economy. In the school garden there were games and activities as well as a concert by the school’s band which uses recycled materials as musical instruments. UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Braintree Braintree District Council marked World Environment Day 2007 by organizing a large exhibit on how to live sustainably, reduce carbon footprints, and improve energy and water efficiency. Other themes explored by the participating artists included renewable energy, sustainable transport, bio-fuels, cycling, recycling and waste minimization. There were also local food stalls, school workshops on waste reduction and recycling, Weapons of Sound, a group using musical instruments from waste materials, and community recycling networks. Buckinghamshire On World Environment Day 2008, the Low Carbon Economy Limited celebrated the launch of their website, a central resource for the low carbon economy that connects people and businesses with low carbon information, products, services, jobs, and business opportunities.

London The CarbonNeutral Company ran various initiatives among its customers, business relations and in the media for WED 2008. One of the campaigns was ‘Cut out a Kilo of CO2’ which encouraged companies and individuals to save CO2 emissions through a number of ways. Everyone who registered what they did received a certificate to commemorate their involvement. Somerset To celebrate World Environment Day 2008, the Somerset County Council encouraged residents of the five major towns around the county to cut their carbon emissions by recycling, walking, cycling and car pooling. They also held the following events within their council: measuring carbon footprints and setting up a tented area where staff could see how long it would take to get to work via other modes of transport, using static bikes and walking machines. They planted a tree to commemorate the 500,000th passenger on their park.

LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA St. John’s In 2007, the government of Antigua and Barbuda hosted their first World Environment Day ceremony in the country’s only botanical garden and organized an inter-school street parade. Presently there are 13 schools on this twin island state which run the Environmental Cadet Programme. Students from these schools marched with placards written with environmental tips through the streets of St. John’s. ARGENTINA Chamical The main World Environment Day 2006 activity was held in Chamical, La Rioja, Argentina, and was chaired by the Governor of the Province and the Mayor of Chamical, as well as the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina. Around 1,300 attended the ceremony, where an environmental exhibit was also organized with the participation of NGOs, schools and governmental entities. After the event, the authorities visited two schools that developed outstanding works on environmental education.


World Environment Day 2009

Inspiring examples

BELIZE Belmopan In 2007,The Ministry of Natural Resources & the Environment, along with its inter-sectoral and non-governmental partners, hosted environmental education activities that highlight the need to ensure environmental health while enabling national development. These activities which led up to World Environment Day included a national symposium on impacts of climate change on Belize, and the launch of environmental education multimedia packages for students and teachers. One of the primary activities was the On-the-Spot Painting Competition, which attracted some 420 arts students countrywide. The students were asked to draw or paint on the theme: Belizeans Changing Behaviors to Adapt to Climate Change. Winners of the competition received prizes ranging from a computer and printer for their school to a bicycle and environmental educational packages. Additionally, the competition culminated in the display of all paintings at the House of Culture in Belize City, Orange Walk Town and Benque Viejo Town, commencing on 5 June.

COSTA RICA Las Delicias The Sea Breeze Mountain and the children of the Costa Rica Blue zone planted 1,000 trees for World Environment Day 2008. Education is a key component of sustainable development and the Sea Breeze Mountain eco-residential community is proud to have contributed to this effort.

BRAZIL Joinville - SC Whirlpool S.A. Appliances, subsidiary to Whirlpool Corp. celebrated World Environment Day 2007 with workshops focusing on the company’s initiative for sustainable development: Sustainability Trek. Other activities included a children’s drawing competition and tree planting ceremony.

ECUADOR Quito La Selva Jungle Lodge organized a bird list count on 5 June 2008. Guests were split into two groups and were to identify as many species of birds as they could. Although the bird experience was already a priceless gift, the group that accomplished the highest bird list was given an award for their efforts.

CHILE Talcahuano Thomas Jefferson School, a private high school, marked World Environment Day 2007 with a presentation of videos on the theme, ‘Melting Ice – A Hot Topic’; a runway show with costumes made by students from recycled materials; a musical presentation by different rock bands; and a display of posters created to promote care for the environment. 52

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC San Domingo In support of World Environment Day 2008, FIADASEC held conferences, courses, hikes, plantings, and exhibitions in its associates’ home countries on the theme: ‘Leave the habit, eliminate the use of coal’, and become active agents of sustainable and equitable development.

GUYANA Ruimveldt Banks DIH Limited sponsored two projects to commemorate World Environment Day 2006. The

first was a WED Essay competition for the Annai Secondary School students in an indigenous community that is located over 200 miles from the country’s capital Georgetown. The second project was the third annual World Environment Day secondary schools’ banner competition. A contingent of the Company’s staff participated in a ‘local Green Walk’. The company also donated a number of garbage bins to the Botanical Gardens. These bins were painted and designed by the children of Banks’ employees. HAITI In 2004, the global theme ‘Wanted! Seas and Oceans: Dead or Alive?’ was transformed to ‘SOS! Let’s Save our Mountains, Coasts and Seas’. Activities were held in the large coastal cities such as Portau-Prince, Gonaïves, Saint-Marc, Jacmel, Cayes and Jérémie, and included: a press conference to launch Environment Week (organized by the Ministries of Environment, Public Health, Public Works, Agriculture and Planning in collaboration with Civil Society, the City Hall of the Metropolis, and environmental associations); statements by the Prime Minister and the mayors of the cities concerned; development of educational materials distributed to members of the country’s coastal associations; clean-ups of important canals, drains and sewage openings in the metropolitan area and the bigger cities in the country; an awareness building campaign; a parade through all the cities targeted followed by the cleaning of beaches and forests; hoisting of banners at all major intersections 53

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in the capital and provincial cities; broadcasting of awareness-building public service announcements in the capital and other targeted cities; launch of two nationwide competitions: one to decide on three zones where botanical centres would be set up and another to select an environment anthem.



JAMAICA Kingston The Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) promoted Jamaica Carpool Day on Friday 3 June 2005, under the theme Cities On The Move. JET asked all drivers to show their support for a greener city by carpooling to work, thus helping to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion in the cities. Supporters of a greener city shared their carpooling experiences by e-mailing JET. MEXICO Cuajimalpa On the occasion of World Environment Day 2008, the Bilbao School held a tree planting activity. The pupils also participated in an energy saving campaign that involved removal of three fluorescent lights from their respective homes in exchange for energy saving bulbs. Atizapan de Zaragoza Tecnologico De Monterrey celebrated World Environment Day 2007 with 550 school children from 164 primary and secondary schools of Atizapan along with the Municipal Government of Atizapan Zaragoza. Prizes were awarded for the best


environmental painting, music theme and poetry. The function was presided over by Anna Lindstedt, Ambassador of Sweden in Mexico, along with the Municipal President of Atizapan Zaragoza. Tecate Over 4,000 people joined in the festivities at the Fundaciinns on 5 June 2008 which aimed to educate and inspire the citizens of Tecate to respect and celebrate the environment. Fun-filled activities included: visiting zoos (including marine life), insect exhibitions, desert mushroom exhibitions, car oil disposal workshops, regional watershed education, face painting, dramatic storytelling, and live theatre. Festival participants were treated to delicious traditional Mexican foods, regional music and dance. NICARAGUA Nicaragua celebrates Environment and Natural Resources Week by National Law, and it is carried out every year during the first week of June. In 2006, activities took place from 3-9 June with the opening ceremony taking place in the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. A videoconference was organized to address the conflict of dry lands in Central America. An exhibit for businessmen that work with recycled, organic and cleaner production was presented with the National Institute of Small and Medium Business. A cycling competition for environmental quality protection was organized and various universities held conferences on the environment.

PANAMA Panama City To celebrate World Environment Day 2007, Alianza Pro Ciudad organized a Walk for Our City family walk through the neighbourhoods of Panama City. The city was suffering from disorderly constructions of high-rise buildings as part of an overwhelming real estate boom that was destroying its character and green spaces, including urban forests in the nearby Panama Canal area. The area was among the World Monuments Fund’s 100 most threatened areas. Alianza Pro Ciudad is a group of citizens aiming to make Panama City green and clean. PARAGUAY Asuncion In 2006, the Ministry of Environment and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), through Project Wild Paraguay, presented on 27 June a dance performance entitled Y amai (Water for life, in Guarani). Y amai is a collective creation from the National Ballet and the non-governmental organization, Survival Earth Friends. The performance was produced as part of the campaign Water for Life and the Day’s theme. A photographic exhibit on National Parks, such as Rio Negro, Paso Bravo, San Rafael and Medanos del Chaco was also organized.

PERU Huancavelica In 2005, the Regional Department of Health of Huancavelica organized a poster competition with the participation of educational institutions for pre-primary and primary schools. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Mayaro The members of Mayaro Environmental Wave carried out a beach clean-up and sand sculpturing event in commemoration of World Environment Day 2008.

Trinidad and Tobago 55

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NORTH AMERICA CANADA For more than 30 years, Canadian Environment Week has been held the first week of June each year to coincide with World Environment Day. In 2004, the commuter challenge was organized as a friendly competition between Canadian communities to encourage as many people as possible to use sustainable and active modes of transport. People committed to walk, jog, cycle, in-line skate, take the bus, carpool or telework during Environment Week (May 30 - June 5, 2004). Kirkland In 2007, many Alcan Global Pharmaceutical Packaging plants organized special activities and events. The activities ranged from tree planting, local area cleanup, informative gathering, and educational sheets to a recycling contest. Montreal Valorisateurs Ecologiques held a Focus on Trees, photo and text contest in June 2008. This contest encouraged citizens to spend some time focusing on the trees found in their urban surroundings. It also emphasized on sensitization of the general public to the importance of trees in combating climate change and helping to mitigate carbon emissions. At the Vernissage, which took place on 5 June, presentations on renewable energy sources and other “green-lifestyle” choices were made. The contest was open to two categories: general public, and elementary and high school participants. New Brunswick The New Brunswick Climate Change Hub and the Cape Jourimain Nature Centre hosted ‘Our Climate - Our Change’, on 4 and 5 June 2005. The event coincided with Canadian Environment Week and Clean Air Day. The public was invited to take part in a weekend of informative, interactive and fun-filled activities on Climate Change, held at the Cape Jourimain Nature Centre, an environmental education and eco-tourism facility that offers programs about 56

natural history, human history, green technologies, and energy efficiency. The Falls Brook Centre’s Climate Change Bus, a traveling exhibit on climate change and energy efficiency, which has its own onboard wind turbine and solar panels, was at the Centre for the weekend. Interactive exhibits from Science East, as well as various environmental presentations, film screenings, and a mini-trade show on energy efficiency were offered. Ottawa The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) launched the Ice and Snow publication at the Offices of the International Joint Commission in 2007. Participants included representatives from the International Development Research Centre, the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, the Defense Science Advisory Board, the Ministry of Public Safety, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Canadian Centre for Antarctic research, and the Canadian Polar Commission. Presentations were also made on indigenous knowledge and ice formation and on permafrost research in the Arctic. Partners agreed to disseminate the publication and its messages to educators and policy networks. Saint John To mark World Environment Day 2008, the Canadian green centre launched a reverse vending machine for aluminium cans and plastic bottles with a focus on “green community green living”. There were workshop sessions, one game booth and a large-scale exhibit. More than 21,000 people attended. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Alaska In keeping with the theme ‘Melting Ice - A Hot Topic’, Barrow, Alaska was named the 2007 North American host for World Environment Day. On 5 June, UNEP gathered the holders of both community-based and sciencebased knowledge to explore the impacts of climate change, and how arctic communities can adapti to this phenomenon. The Town Hall meeting offered a unique opportunity to various members of the Inupiat community, including 57

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an elder, a hunter and a fisherman, to share their observations on how climate change has affected their daily lives. Community members in the audience also shared their own observations. In keeping with the tradition of being a people’s event, World Environment Day in Barrow also included a colorful demonstration of native Inupiat dances and the annual Eskimo blanket toss, which marks the beginning of the Nalukataq Spring Festival. Boulder In 2006, Grove/Atlantic, Inc. organized a reading at the Boulder Bookstore, given by renowned scientist and bestselling author Tim Flannery. Dr. Flannery discussed his new book, The Weather Makers: How Man is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth. Participants learned what they can do to do reduce their emissions and stop global warming. Chicago The Chicago Botanic Garden was the North American host for World Environment Day 2008. At the Garden, events highlighted resources and initiatives that promoted low carbon economies and lifestyles, such as improved energy efficiency, alternative energy sources, forest conservation and eco-friendly consumption. Throughout the day on June 5, the Chicago Botanic Garden featured a “Knowledge and Action” marketplace where non-profit, academic, student, government, cultural, and environmental organizations demonstrated the many ways that individuals, businesses, and governmental bodies could help reduce their carbon footprint. Visitors to the Fruit and Vegetable Garden received the Melrose Pepper, which is an easy-to-grow, carbon-absorbing plant. The Garden unveiled UNEP’s North American International Children’s Painting Competition exhibit at an awards ceremony sponsored by Bayer Corporation. Kindergarten through fifth grade students from Chicago area schools also met 58

Chicago native and hometown hero, Dr. Mae C. Jemison, a scientist, educator, and the nation’s first African-American female astronaut. An afternoon plenary session brought together local, regional, national, and international experts on global warming to discuss ways to reduce individual carbon footprint. Speakers included Dr. Ashok Khosla, former director of UNEP; Amy Fraenkel, Director of UNEP’s Regional Office for North America; Suzanne Malec-McKenna, Commissioner of the City of Chicago, Department of the Environment; and Mary Gade, Region 5 US EPA administrator. New York World Environment Day 2008 was observed at the United Nations Headquarters in a variety of ways: On the morning of 5 June, the Secretary-General participated in the launch at Times Square of the US version of the “Together” campaign -- an initiative of the Climate Group dedicated to bringing together the average consumer with big businesses, major NGOs and local authorities to help solve climate change. In his remarks, Ban Ki-moon noted that UNEP had launched the UN guide to climate neutrality ‘Kick the Habit’ earlier that day. Among other VIPs were NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and CEOs from several US banks and retail outlets. Copies of Kick the Habit were distributed to 75 media members at a luncheon at NASDAQ. The evening before, the New Zealand Mission and the UNEP New York Office (NYO) co-hosted a reception/cultural event at the Mission, with numerous Ambassadors in attendance. This was followed on the 5th by a panel discussion on this year’s theme co-organized by the UN Department of Public Information (DPI ) and NYO, involving the New Zealand Ambassador, and representatives from Environmental Defense Fund, National Geographic and NYO.


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New York To raise awareness of the quality and environmental benefits of organic coffee production, leading organic coffee companies under the Organic Coffee Collaboration hosted Media Breakfast in New York City on 5 June 2007. Seven leading brands of environmentally sustainable organic coffees were sampled. The benefits of organic coffee highlighted include: 1. Coffee bushes build biologically diverse forests including native shade trees which attract birds and wildlife and absorb carbon dioxide, a primary cause of global warming 2. Replenishing and maintaining soil fertility and helping to reduce soil erosion


3. Use of natural pest management and composting. Providence, Rhode Island The Ocean Project (TOP) is a relatively new and unprecedented public awareness initiative among more than 520 aquariums, zoos, science, technology and natural history museums, as well as conservation organizations and government agencies. The aim is to significantly increase the success of ocean conservation by creating in people a lasting, measurable, top-of-mind awareness of the importance, value and sensitivity of the oceans. TOP launched this initiative on the occasion of World Environment Day 2004 and World Ocean Day. Riverside, California The Ecomodels, real life action figures who practice and promote a positive lifestyle, shared sustainability related artwork and comic strips printed on recycled promotional products, on the occasion of World Environment Day 2005. The Ecomodels also promoted the use of friendly cosmetics and household products. In addition, they volunteered for WED by assisting in picking up trash, setting up, and getting the word out in the week of the celebration.

Virginia Portovert Magazine, a new, sustainable publication about eco-friendly weddings, raised environmental awareness on 5 June 2007 with a campaign for World Environment Day. The campaign linked the word WED with the concept of people taking actions to stop global warming on and after their wedding day.


Washington The Institute for Local Self-Reliance joined the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) and Eco-Cycle (based in Boulder, Colorado) to release a report dubbed ‘Stop Trashing the Climate’, on the occasion of WED 2008. The report documents the link between climate change and unsustainable patterns of consumption and wasting, outlines policies needed to effect change, and offers a roadmap for how to significantly reduce GHG emissions within a short period. The report concludes that a zero waste approach is one of the fastest, cheapest, and most effective strategies for combating climate change.

ISRAEL Igbesa Gateway Polytechnic Igbesa organized in 2007 a seminar and a paper presentation on the topic: Melting Ice - A Hot Topic. The event concluded with the planting of trees.

IRAQ Sulaimania On the occasion of World Environment Day 2008, a big festival organized with the support of the Green Kurdistan Association was held at Park Azadi, in the center of Sulaimania.

individuals carrying the globe, is made almost entirely of scrap steel except for the continents, which are made out of recycled aluminium cans. The Hussaini Drawing Society for Islamic Arts was behind the project and received support from the Manama Municipal Council and Municipality. The Atlas Construction and Transportation Company made the sculpture for free on behalf of the Society.

KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Jeddah To celebrate World Environment Day 2006, about 60 school students aged 10 to 12 planted trees at one of the parks in the city of Jeddah with the help of Glaxo staff and volunteers. The participants started by cleaning the park, then they placed banners and environmental awareness posters in the park. They concluded the event by planting five Bazromia trees with different names:


JORDAN Aqaba The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS) carried out a clean- up of the Southern beach. The event was held on 5 – 7 June 2007 and involved about 10 different groups in the community, including schools, youth clubs and diving shops. An estimated 200 people took part. KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN Manama In 2005, a new 500-kilogramme steel monument was erected at the King Faisal Corniche in Manama on 3 June. The 18foot symbolic structure, depicting eight 61

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Deserts and Desertification - Don’t Desert Dry Lands; Embedding Culture of Care; Green Cities -Plant for the Planet; Foundations for the Future; and Water, Two Billion People are Dying for It. KUWAIT Ahmadi In 2008, the Health, Safety, & Environment (Technical Services) Team, Kuwait Oil Company (a subsidiary of KPC), invited colleagues to perform simple activities that contributed to reducing CO2 emissions. Activities included calculations that demonstrated the amount of CO2 reduced on that day for each activity per person. Organizers hoped that once participants realize the benefits to the environment, these


little acts would develop into daily habits. The organization proposed the following: - Reducing the lighting levels at home, or using one less bulb; - Turning up the central air conditioning by 1°C; - Switching off computers and TVs instead of leaving them on standby; - Car pooling to work or when going out in the evening; - Planting a tree, or purchasing indoor plants; - Spending 1 minute less in the shower; and - Turning down the heating setting of the washing machine. LEBANON Beirut In 2007, the Youth Environment Parliament (YEP), together with the Environment & Development magazine, held a public screening of a UNEP documentary on climate change and another film prepared by the students. The event also saw a display of award-winning paintings and drawings in a nation-wide contest organized by a magazine called, ‘Me and the Environment’. A message from UNEP’s regional director Habib El-Habr on climate change was read to the participants. An exhibit called ‘Impact of War on the Environment’ was also inaugurated.

OMAN Sohar On the occasion of World Environment Day 2008, the National Mining Company educated the population of Sohar on the importance of waste management and encouraged recycling on a large scale. OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORY Bethlehem The Environmental Education Centre (EEC) has been celebrating World Environment Day since 1992. In 2004, EEC celebrated this occasion with the Bethlehem Peace Centre (BPC). EEC and BPC had an open day on 5 June with lots of environmental and recreational activities. Their target was students from 12 schools in the Bethlehem area. The students were chosen from the environmental clubs EEC and BPC established in their schools. The programme began with a presentation about biodiversity, followed by group discussions on local and global environmental problems. Hebron To commemorate World Environment Day 2008, the Palestinian Centre for Communication and Developmental Studies: - developed six kindergartens in Hebron villages by providing them with indoor and

outdoor games, and stationery materials; - carried out a capacity building and improvement course for the teachers at the mentioned kindergartens; - held six open days of fun and entertainment under the theme saving the environment; - built small gardens for the children and named them by their names; - made each child responsible for watering and looking after his/her garden; and - organized painting workshops on nature, followed by an exhibit of the children artwork. QATAR Doha In 2008, the International Academy for Intercultural Development (IAID) with the support of Faber Castell, Germany, Friends of the Environment Centre (FEC), Qatar and QAPCO held the following events: - A painting workshop for short listed students of various schools and educational organizations of Qatar; - A press conference attended by environmentalists, artists and sponsors supporting the World Environment Day Celebrations in Qatar. - A free seminar on WED; - A painting competition for all age groups and an exhibit of the winning paintings

Doha The International Academy for Intercultural Development celebrated World Environment Day 2007 by organizing a painting competition. The event was held on 1 and 2 June and had participants from various schools and other educational institutions in Qatar. The winners were announced in the local newspapers on 5 June. SYRIA Homs The Syrian Red Crescent Organization Homs Branch invited photographers from around the world, amateur or professional, to participate in its 2005 World Environment Day Photo Gallery, which was exhibited in the Museum of Azzehrawi Palace on 5-9 June. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company LtdADGAS marked World Environment Day 2008 by implementing Paperless Day. Employees committed to repeat the campaign and progressively lead ADGAS to a significantly paperless environment in the future. The activity demonstrated the company’s support to the environmental programmes of the UAE Government and Environmental Agency.

Dubai The Emirates Diving Association in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, HSBC Middle East, Tadweer, Dubai Eye 103.8 FM, and Jumeira celebrated World Environment Day 2006 with the following events: - Special diving excursion to the Dibba Marine Protect Area-UAE East Coast participated in by more than 25 staff from HSBC Bank and Tadweer (Recycling Company); - Radio show to mark the day from the East Coast- Dubai EYE 103.8 FM, Siobhan Live; - Green sail illumination at the Burj Al Arab for 1 hour on 5 June. 63

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Courtesy of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico



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