Riversidian Newsletter Oct

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chool • 3 Woodlands Street 81 Singapore 738524 • Tel: 6269 963 e Secondar y S 1 Fax: 6 by Riversid 368 36 r e t t e l s 77 A new

Cong ratulations!



Riverside achieves the Singapore Quality Class status awarded by SPRING Singapore. This marks a significant milestone achievement for Riverside Secondary School as the award affirms our school’s excellence in the dimension of Leadership, Planning, Information, People, Processes, Customers and Results.

Riverside Secondary School received the Work-Life Achiever Award from the Tripartite Committee headed by


CHERISH (Silver) Award The 1st Joint HPB-MOE C.H.E.R.I.S.H (Championing Efforts Resulting in Improved School Health) Award by the Health Promotion Board and the Ministry of Education

SAA Uniformed Groups

the Ministry of Manpower on 15 August 2008. This biennial award is conferred on organisations for their excellence in Work-Life Strategies and pays tribute to organisations which are committed to helping staff harmonise work and personal needs. Receiving this award is an affirmation of Riverside’s effort to ensure that the work environment accommodates the reasonable requirements of staff’s personal demands to ensure their effectiveness at work and yet achieves school goals.

SAA Aesthetics

5 Award 2004-2008

1st Award 2008

Brought in by our Boys’ Brigade, St John Ambulance Brigade and the National Police Cadet Corps.

Brought in by our Dance Groups, Choir and Symphonic Band


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STUDENT LEADERSHIP North West Outstanding All-Rounder Student (OARS) Award 2008 EVERY year in early February, North West CDC will send out invitations to all schools within the district to nominate students for the Outstanding All-Rounder Student (OARS) Award. The objective was to give recognition and honour to students with outstanding academic results, exemplary achievements in CCA and community service and being positive role models in school. Benson Chong of Sec 4/4E obtained the OARS Award at the CDC Level with his exemplary involvement in voluntary community service within and beyond school. We are also proud to announce that Ong Yong Lin of Sec 4/4E and Kelvin Khong of Sec 4/3NT clinched the OARS Award at the School Level. Congratulations to all 3 student leaders for their outstanding achievements! By: Mdm Doris Soh, HOD Pupil Development

Student Leaders Investiture ON 14 July, our Student Leaders were honoured for their leadership achievements at the inaugural Student Leaders Investiture. As compared to previous years where the investiture was solely organised for Student Councillors, this year’s investiture saw a paradigm shift where other student leaders were recognised as well. The Level 4 Leaders were selected from the CCA Heads, Student Council and NE Champs to form the Board of Student Leaders who will assist teachers in the organisation and running of major school events such as Racial Harmony Day, Teachers’ Day and Secondary One Orientation. The investiture commenced with Mrs Sng Siew Hong, our Principal giving a speech to emphasise the school’s commitment to moulding leaders for the future.

14th Student Leaders Convention at Hwa Chong Institution Theme: Education and its Future: it lies in YOU DURING the June holidays, 5 students from the Student Council went for a 4-day Student Leaders’ Convention Camp at Hwa Chong Institution. It was a wonderful experience for us to meet new friends from the other 59 secondary schools of the Asia-Pacific region. The camp trained us to become effective and critical leaders with the passion to serve society. We were divided into 36 youth organisations, 6 clusters and consortiums to discuss societal issues on the youths today. I believe all of us have benefited a lot from the convention. By: Nickie Seoh (Sec 3/4E) page 2 the riversidian

STUDENT LEADERSHIP NYGR Youth Congress 2007-2008 THE Youth Congress is a National Youth Council (NYC) initiative to increase awareness amongst youth on youth crime issues as well as to empower these youths to make a difference in the lives of their peers. 11 Riversidians took up the challenge and worked on ‘Teen Lighthouse’ Friendship Club with the help of teacher-facilitators, Miss Chithra, Mr Raja and facilitators from the Youth Guidance Outreach Services. The project which started in September 2007 with brainstorming and project identification ended with a presentation-cum-exhibition at the Peer-to-Peer Assembly on 5 April 2008 at the Grand Hyatt Singapore. The Guest of Honour at the Assembly, AP Ho Peng Kee, was full of praises for the project and suggested that Riverside Secondary share the project with neighbouring schools as well.

Getting involved in the project was an eye-opener and enriching experience for the students involved. Besides bringing home the sweet memories and learning nuggets from their experience, the students also forged new friendships with participating members from the other schools. By: Miss Chithra, HOD Character Development

Youth Achievers’ Forum ON 26 July, a group of Student Leaders represented the school at the Youth Achievers’ Forum organised by Bukit View Secondary School. The forum discussed how youths could achieve academic excellence. The Forum shared with us ways to realise our dreams. We met great achievers like the Singapore Sailing Gold medalist, and a 32-year-old lady who earned her first $120,000 in her early twenties. After the Forum, we attended the individual breakout sessions covering topics such as entrepreneurship, service-learning and performing arts. We also attended a talk on community service by a SHINE YOUTH! Ambassador. The Forum has definitely enlightened us on how to achieve our dream. By: Siti Aishah (Sec 3/7E)

School Leaders’ Dialogue Session with Level 4 Student Leaders ON 25 June, the School Leaders held a dialogue session with the newly–appointed Level 4 Student Leaders. They were representatives from respective heads of CCAs and groups. The objective of the dialogue session was to create a platform

for School Leaders to interact with the Student Leaders. At the same time, it was an opportunity to listen to our views and ideas pertaining to school improvements and students’ concerns.

It was indeed a fruitful session which reaffirmed our conviction to serve the school and community with pride and honour. By: Tim Wei Loke (Sec 3/5E)

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STUDENT LEADERSHIP We are proud of ... The Boys’ Brigade

St John Ambulance Brigade

ON 26 July, 5 senior boys of the Boys’ Brigade (58th Company) received their Founders Award from the Commissioner of Police, CP Koh Boon Hwee, at the dinner ceremony held at the Singapore Swimming Club. The Founder’s Award is the highest and most prestigious award in the Seniors Programme and this is the first time that the 58th company has produced 5 Founders men. These boys are Terry Tan Soon Lee, Benjamin Bey Bang Wei, Bruno Dunstan Mathews (from Sec 4/5E) Liauw Kee Wei and Phan Chang Hong (from Sec 4/6E).

The achievements of the SJAB are as follows:

By: Jasmine Lim, Teacher-in-charge

1. Gold for Corps Achievement Award 2008 (assessment year 2007) 2. Zone Champion in the Inter-Corps First Aid & Home Nursing Competition 2008 (Ambulance Adult category) 3. 3rd Placing in the Inter-Corps First Aid & Home Nursing Competition 2008 (Nursing Adult category) 4. 4th Placing in the Inter-Corps First Aid & Home Nursing Competition 2008 (Nursing Cadet category) 5. 2nd Placing in the National First Aid & Home Nursing Competition 2008 (Ambulance Adult category) 6. First in First Aid Long Case component in the National First Aid & Home Nursing Competition 2008 (Ambulance Adult category) 7. Best Team Leader in the National First Aid & Home Nursing Competition 2008 (Ambulance Adult category) - Lim Wei Hao (Class 4/4)

National Police Cadet Corps SSGT Ter Yong Kang was awarded the prestigious NPCC-SPF badge for his commendable contributions to the Unit. The National Police Cadet Corps clinched its first GOLD for Unit Overall Proficiency Award for the year 2007.

Level 3 Leadership Training 2008 ALL newly appointed Level 3 Student Leaders attended a 2 day 1 night camp in school from 16 to 17 May. The objectives of the camp were to equip the new Student Leaders with advance leadership skills such as the importance of teamwork, discover one’s own strengths and weaknesses, stretch one’s potential and develop perseverance when faced with challenges. This would prepare us for leadership succession with greater responsibility. By: Isabel Chia, (Sec 3/6)

Prefects Leadership Training at Marsiling Primary School ON 22 July, 9 Student Councilors went to Marsiling Primary School to conduct a leadership training workshop for the upper primary Prefects. The workshop was organised and planned by the Student Leaders with Mdm Soh as Teacher Advisor. The workshop covered topics such as quality leadership and importance of communication. It involved interactive games and PowerPoint presentations by the Student Councilors. Though it was a short 3-hour session, it was both enriching for the primary school Prefects and our Student Councillors. By: Koh Tong Jun (Sec 3/4E)

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SCHOOL EVENTS Riverside’s 21st Speech and Prize-giving Day cum Opening of The Mother Tongue Learning Cove Connect, Collaborate and Celebrate Opening of The Mother Tongue Learning Cove

ON 12 April, Riverside Secondary School celebrated its 21st Annual Speech and PrizeGiving Day with the theme, “Connect, Collaborate and Celebrate”. It was indeed a proud day for all of us as we listened to our Principal, Mrs Sng Siew Hong, give a report on the school’s academic and CCA achievements. It was also a day for us to celebrate with those who had won prizes for their academic achievements. Our Guest of Honour was Mrs Lu Kheng Lui (former 2nd Principal). She also officially declared the new Mother Tongue Learning Cove open. This marked another achievement of our school as a leading school in Mother Tongue Languages for the North 5 Cluster. The event has been truly inspiring for all of us. By: Nadiah Nadhirah (Sec 4/4E)

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SCHOOL EVENTS R³ Day @ RS! RIVERSIDE Secondary School held its annual whole school CIP on 12 July in partnership with SembCorp. On Riverside Mission R³ (Reuse, Reduce & Recycle) Day, the entire student and staff body embarked on a quest to collect old recyclable materials from HDB flats in the Woodlands neighbourhood. Through this whole school project, funds raised from the sale of collected items, were contributed to the Riverside Student Needy Fund. Well done, Riversidians! It was evident that all enjoyed themselves and it was truly a gratifying day for all. By: Uma Magheswary D/O Pandyan (Sec 4/4E) and Lhavanya Dharmalingam, (Sec 2/4E)

Racial Harmony Day ON 22 July, our school celebrated Racial Harmony Day. Students and staff wore traditional costumes of different ethnic groups to symbolise the harmonious co-existence of the various races. The day started off with a concert by our very own students who sang songs of other racial groups. After the concert, there was also a class photograph competition to capture the racial camaraderie of the class. This indeed added to the excitement of the celebration. The activities organised this year has certainly enabled students to heighten their awareness of the importance of racial harmony. By: Mysara Aljaru (Sec 3/9E)

National Day Celebration ON 8 August, Riversidians celebrated Singapore’s 43rd birthday with a spectacular march-in led by the uniform groups and the taking of the National Pledge together as a whole school. The concert which followed was another exciting part of the celebration with the singing of National Day songs and the Mascot Competition based on the theme, “Shine for Singapore”. The finale of the concert was having the staff of Riverside on stage to sing National Day songs with the students. The ambience was truly electrifying! We certainly felt as one people, one nation, one Singapore! By: Lim Rui Xian (Sec 3/5E)

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SCHOOL EVENTS Teachers’ Day Celebration “IT is high! It is passionate and everyone is motivated!” Yes, it was the RS Dance Competition which was organised as part of the Teachers’ Day Celebration. The winners were 1/4, 2/2 and 3/2. Our teachers were well entertained by the Teachers’ Day Concert organised by our Student Coucillors. The most exciting item of all was the singing put up by our new teachers. All of us thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and we look forward to the next Teachers’ Day. By: Choo Li Min (Sec 2/4E)

Teachers’ Day Lunch Pollka Dots! That was the theme of the Teachers’ Day lunch where our teachers were treated to a buffet co-sponsored by the School Advisory Committee. Decked in their polka-dotted outfits, the teachers enthusiastically participated in the various games and two best-dressed teachers even showed off their dance moves. It was indeed a hilarious and fun-filled afternoon for all.

Mr Tsung and Mdm HoOur Best-dressed Awardees

Table prize

SAC members celebrating with our teachers

Table with the most polka dotted apparels

Students CCA Honours Day RIVERSIDE held its Students CCA Honours Day on 18 August to give due recognition to students who excelled in their co-curricular activities. Students are awarded according to the four categories: Colours Award, Meritorious Award, Achievement Award and Service Award. Besides CCA awardees, NE Champs and Student Councillors who had contributed outstanding service to the school were also presented with the Service Award. This special day had certainly given the winners a great sense of achievement and pride. By: Kanageswari d/o Konasegaran, (Sec 3/9E) the riversidian page 7

RS INTERNATIONALISATION New Zealand School Exchange Programme A group of 22 students, two teachers (Miss Jasmine Lim and Miss Fu Wei) and our Principal, Mrs Sng Siew Hong, went on the inaugural New Zealand School Exchange Programme from 12 to 20 June. Each pupil was attached to a New Zealander buddy. The objective was to allow us to experience the lifestyle of the New Zealanders. The locals were polite and friendly, giving us many opportunities to enrich our knowledge on the local lifestyle and Maori culture. During our trip, we visited Rotorua. One of the attractions we went to was the Maori Village where we had a Tamaki Hangi dinner and enjoyed a Maori Concert. Another memorable activity was the duck tour when we ventured out to Lakes Tikitapu (Blue Lake) and Okareka, a small lakeside community. We had a magnificent view of Mt Tarawera. We also visited the exciting Agrodome Sheep Show. Two of our students, Samantha Yan (Sec 4/1NA) and Isabel Chia (Sec 3/6E) were thrilled when they were asked to milk a cow. The Waitomo Glowworm Caves was another delightful place to visit. Thousands of tiny glowworms could be seen radiating their luminescent light throughout the caves. Spectacular stalactites and stalagmites also filled the caves. The Exchange Programme would not be a success without the warm hospitality of our hosting schools, We are truly indebted to Mr. Howard Perry (Principal of Waikowhai Intermediate School), Mrs. Jill Larson (Principal of Auckland Normal Intermediate School) and Mr. Jonathan Hughes (Deputy Principal of Auckland Normal Intermediate School) for their kindness and generosity. By: Miss Jasmine Lim, Acting SH Student Leadership

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RS INTERNATIONALISATION DYNAMIC KOREA HERE WE COME! Korea School Exchange Programme with Home-stay experience 2 to 7 June 2008 “ANNYONG haseyo! (Good morning)” warmly greeted Riverside’s staff and pupils when they visited Youngduk Middle School in Suwon, Korea. Yongduk’s Principal, Mr Yun Byeong Seok, together with his staff and pupils had organised a grand welcome for Mrs Hilda Thong, our Vice-Principal, Miss Lim Guihao, Miss Fung Eng Chu and our 22 pupils from Sec 2 to 4 on this inaugural visit to the school. After the preliminary introductions and conversations, everyone felt at home with one another. During the first day at the school, our pupils were actively engaged in cultural activities. They learnt Korean ink-printing on bags which were presented to them as souvenirs and were dressed in hanboks (traditional costume) by their “Home-stay mums”. The excitement in the air became electrifying when the Korean pupils delighted the audience with their dance and musical instrumental

performances. In return, our Riversidians thrilled them with our RS Dance and singing of our National Day song “Where I Belong”. Thunderous applause followed after each item. At the end of the first day, our pupils followed their Korean buddies for the home-stay where they enjoyed interacting with their buddies’ family. The next day, our pupils participated in an English lesson with their Korean counterparts, discussing the similarities and differences between the two countries’ culture and traditions. Following that, there was a language exchange activity where pupils of both schools were paired up to learn Korean and Mandarin from each other. Our pupils sure had fun learning the Korean alphabet and speaking common phrases. Even the teachers joined in! Before they knew it, it was time to bid farewell to one another but before that, the pupils exchanged gifts and made plans to keep in touch. Our pupils also remembered to say Kamsahamnida to express their gratitude to their buddies and the school. After the school visit, the pupils had the opportunity to widen

their knowledge about Korean history and developments as they visited the Korean Folk Village, Hwa Seong Fortress, Cheonggyecheon Stream, War Memorial and KBS Drama Centre. They even learnt to make kimchi (cabbage salad)! Of course they found time to shop at DongDaeMun Markets and the Insadong Antique Street. To top it all, they spent a blissful five hours at Everland, a big theme park with many thrilling rides and mesmerising gardens. At the end of the trip, our Riversidians felt that they had obtained a better understanding and appreciation of Korean culture. They cannot wait to host their buddies when they visit our school in August. Annyonghi kaseyo (Goodbye), Korea! Kamsahamnida for the wonderful memories! By: Mrs Hilda Thong, Vice-Principal

Making kimchi

oks Pretty in hanb

Riverside dance in hanboks!

Our friends at Youngduk Middle School the riversidian page 9

RS INTERNATIONALISATION Brunei FROM 25 to 28 May, 23 students accompanied by, Mdm Siti Noorbaya Rahmat and Ms Christine Lim, visited Brunei Darussalam.The objective of the trip was to learn more about Malay culture. Besides sight-seeing, we visited two other schools. Both teachers and students felt that the trip was educational and it has given them an insight into the Malay culture. By: Wong Yiting (Sec 2/5E)

Learning about delicacies

Darwin A group of 22 students, accompanied by Mr Sani, Mrs Tan Mee Seng, Ms Annaliza and Mdm Yati visited Darwin from 2 to 6 June. The objective of the trip was to enable students to appreciate and understand the Australian culture. Apart from sight-seeing, we also visited Darwin High School where we interacted with the students and teachers. Through this trip, we have gained a better understanding of the culture of Australia. It was indeed an enriching experience for all of us. By: Miss Annaliza, Teacher

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RS INTERNATIONALISATION Memories of Kota Tinggi FROM 30 May to 1 June, the Girls’ Brigade 79th Company attended an Adventure Camp at Kota Tinggi, Malaysia. This Adventure Camp had enabled us to build stronger bond with one another as we overcame the various challenging obstacles. The activities that we participated in were abseiling, kayaking and not to forget, the hike up and down Mt. Panti. No matter what situation we were in, we would be constantly giving one another support and cheering one another on. At the end of the camp, our friendship blossomed and we learnt to work together despite our different personalities. I am sure the memories of our experience at Kota Tinggi will forever be engraved in our minds.

Bring home all the memories!

We conquered Mt. Panti!

By: Jazlyn Song, (1/5E)

Kuching, Sarawak ON 10 June, 17 NPCC cadets departed for Kuching, Sarawak, with the accompaniment of Miss Ong Qiulin and Mr Desmond Goh. Through this NPCC Cultural & Educational Tour , our cadets experienced rural life outside urbanized Singapore and were exposed to different tribal cultures of Sarawak. Apart from visiting scenic spots, the cadets also visited historical and cultural places such as the Sarawak Museum, old Kuching Mosque and Astana & Fort Margherita.

This unique 3-day trip to Kuching has left a deep impression on the cadets. It has not only broadened their horizon to the world outside, but it has also enabled them to appreciate Nature and the rural life of Sarawak. By: Ong Qiulin, NPCC Teacher

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RS INTERNATIONALISATION Perth Trip A group of 20 Secondary 4 students and 3 staff (Mrs Selvan, Ms Milhan and Mr Sumadi) visited Perth, Australia from 9 to 14 June. Perth was really a breath of fresh air from the hustle and bustle of Singapore. We eagerly soaked up the culture and readily adapted to the Australian way of life during the 5-day trip.

Farms stayed at Bindoon

Apart from the farmstay at Bindoon, we also visited other places of interest such as Fremantle, the Pinnacles Dessert and King’s Park. Getting to know about the heritage and ecology of the Moore River was a learning experience outside the classroom. Sand boarding, fruit picking, wine making and feeding of farm animals were such fun activities that they will not be erased from our minds. Nervous during the Tree Top Walk

This trip has enabled us to understand and appreciate the Australian way of life and their culture. It was truly an enriching experience. By: Maisurah Afiah (Sec 4/5E)

Posing at the


Valley of Gia

Sand Boarding Adventure

Trip to Terrenganu THIRTY-ONE Secondary 3 Geography students, accompanied by Mdm Haslinda, Ms Ong Lay Hoon and Ms Nelly Guo, went on a four-day, three-night (24-27 May) field trip to Trengganu. It was our first trip to this Malaysian

state. As Geography students, we visited a lot of interesting places with a lot of geographical features. We took the speedboat to Ke Gua Bewah, a limestone cave, to study the formation of stalagmites and stalactites. The herb garden enriched our knowledge of flora and fauna, and we learnt about the medicinal properties of the plants. Although it was a short trip, we thoroughly enjoyed the experience of visiting another country with a different culture. By: Lim Rui Xian (Sec 3/5E)

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RS INTERNATIONALISATION Riverside Symphonic Band: Beijing International Band Festival 70 members from the Symphonic Band, accompanied by Miss Chen Ying, Miss Ng Hwee Bin, Mdm Syarifah, and the conductors, participated in the Beijing International Band Festival (BIBF) during the June holidays (17 – 23 June). This event was part of the celebration of the Beijing Olympics. As part of the Band Festival, we attended music and instrument master classes and had exchanges with other bands from around the world. Despite the tough competition, we managed to clinch a hard-earned SILVER Award, a remarkable achievement as it was our cators of the adjudi first overseas competition. ucted by one terclass cond Hard at work

Working extremely hard ...

at a Mas

This competition has given us the confidence to compete in other overseas competitons. We have certainly gained a lot of experience from this event. By: Nickie Seoh (Sec 3/4E) and Michelle Tan (Sec 3/5E)

Malacca Trip ALL Secondary 1 NA and NT pupils and their form teachers went on a trip to Malacca from 14 May to 15 May. Apart from visiting places of interest such as Porta de Santiago and St Paul Church, the students also tried Peranakan food, the ethnic food of Malacca. Although it was a short trip, the students certainly had a feel of the culture and tradition of Malacca. By: Gaayathri d/o Tamil Chalwan (Sec 1/2N)

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SCHOOL EVENTS One Minute Morning InSpiration (OMMS) ONE Minute Morning InSpiration (OMMS) is one of Riverside’s initiatives to provide a plaform for student leaders and teachers to impart school values through motivational stories and anecdotes. It is about inspiring Riversidians, lifting their spirits through a daily dose of insightful messages which emphasise our school values. Our Riversidians are greeted during the morning assembly with a “motivator” who shares his/her message for the day. These “motivators” are our own school leaders, teachers or student leaders. Through this sharing, OMMS has enabled the “motivators” to take pride and ownership of the school values. Giving this platform for student leaders to address the whole school has made them more confident in public speaking. Moreover, the whole school population has the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the various student leaders and teaching staff, thus fostering a closer bond. By: Mdm Nora, SH Maths

Alumni Homecoming

Problem-based Learning Prepares Students for Future Challenges! TEACH Less, Learn More (TLLM) plays an important role in engaging students to be effective learners. As Riverside is one of the TLLM Ignite schools, Problem-based Learning (PBL) was introduced to prepare our students for future challenges. It is an approach that encourages students to learn through the structured exploration of an authentic problem. This approach was first tried out with the Secondary 1 Express students. They were given the opportunity to examine and try out what they wanted to know. In the meantime, they developed their problem-solving skills, interpersonal skills, thinking skills, as well as their communication skills. Two authentic problems were presented to the students. They were required to seek information regarding food poisoning and food preservation. Using this approach, students developed a better understanding of the integration of Science and Home Economics in their daily lives. By: Miss Fung Eng Chu, Teacher-in-charge

The Aesthetics Department at ExCEL Fest 2008 THE Aesthetics Department presented on how they made use of Problem- Based Learning in their lessons at the ExCEL Fest 2008. The ExCEL Fest, organised by the Ministry of Education, is a platform for professional sharing by teachers on innovative developments in teaching. This year’s event was held at Suntec City and was open to all MOE personnel on 4 July and to the public on 5 July.

RIVERSIDE Secondary School was proud to hold its inaugural Homecoming for all ex-Riversidians and Alumni members on 8 June. The event, which was planned and executed by the Alumni Committee, was indeed a successful and memorable one for all, serving as a platform for everyone to meet up with peers whom they have lost touch with over the years.

During the presentation, the Department shared on the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Journey which they conducted with the Secondary 2 Express students in 2007. The participants were keen to find out how the school managed to integrate the four aesthetics subjects (Art, Design & Technology, Home Economics and Music). They were also interested to find out how the PBL lessons were conducted and how this could be implemented in their own schools. The presentation was wellreceived by the participants.

Kudos to Mdm Doris Soh and the student helpers who have contributed their time and effort in making this event a fruitful and unforgettable one for all.

By: Mdm Ow Ju-lin, Teacher

By: Ms Samantha Wong, RS Alumni Exco Member page 14 the riversidian

Meet-The-Parent Session RIVERSIDE’S annual Meet-The-Parents Session was a whole day event held on 23 May. It gave the parents an opportunity to discuss their child’s performance with the form teacher and it also provided the form teachers a chance to know more about the students. It was indeed a meaningful day for all. By: Kanageswari d/o Konasegaran, (Sec 3/9)

SCHOOL VISITORS Visit by US Delegation ON 5 August, Riverside Secondary School was identified by School Division (Ministry of Education) to host the US Delegation led by Dr Susan Sclafani, Managing Director of Chartwell Education Group. The visiting team was on a New York City – Singapore Study Trip from 1 to 9 August. Members of the team comprised of Directors and Executives from New York City Department of Education as well as Presidents from non-profit organizations. The objective of their visit was to learn more about the school and how it develops the collective potential of students as a cohort (RS LAMP2S framework). Apart from classroom visits, they also interacted with the students.

Director’s Visit

Visit by Suzhou Nan Huan Middle School ON 29 July, 19 students and 4 teachers from Suzhou Nan Huan Middle School visited Riverside Secondary for a 3-day school exchange programme. During their short stay at Riverside, Suzhou students were engaged in a variety of meaningful activities. They attended lessons with their “buddies”. They also participated in a 2-day English Workshop to improve their conversational skills. Apart from this, they also had fun creating their very own photo frames in our Design and Technology Workshop.

MR Chua Kwan Ping (Director/ Finance & Development Division) visited the school on 18 July. During the dialogue session, Mr Chua heard the views and concerns of the staff regarding the GROW 2.0 package and other MOE initiatives and policies.

This is the fifth consecutive year that Riverside and Suzhou Nan Huan Middle collaborated on a school exchange programme. By: Mdm Lua Hua Yi, Teacher

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STAFF NEWS Congratulations CONGRATULATIONS to Mr Du Xin on receiving the Inspiring Chinese Language Teacher’s Award 2008 organised by the Singapore Press Holdings. He is one of the 14 awardees amongst the 1300 nominations from primary and secondary schools and junior colleges. CONGRATULATIONS to Mdm Jo-Marie, Mdm Rekha, Ms Tan Chong Hui, Ms Fu Wei and Ms Lim Guihao for receiving the Caring Teacher Award, jointly organised by the National Institute of Education and Exxon Mobil, for demonstrating exemplary character, initiative, integrity, altruism, and other humanistic qualities of the teaching profession in service to both school and students for the year 2008.

Staff Learning Journey

CONGRATULATIONS to our former VP, Mrs Mohinder Singh who was awarded the National Day Award (Commendation Medal) on 9 August 2008. Indeed, Mrs Singh is most deserving of this honourable recognition by our country for her 7 years of service and contribution to Riverside Secondary School. CONGRATULATIONS to the following on their official appointment as Head of Department (HOD)

Mdm Leow Geok Kuan (HOD/MTL)

Mdm Doris Soh (HOD/PD)

Mr Cheong Tuck Wai (HOD/IT & MRL)

Welcome to the Family

ON 27 June, the staff of Riverside Secondary went on a learning journey to Nanyang Polytechnic. There, we were introduced to the different teaching and assessment modes used in the polytechnic and how we can better prepare our current students for polytechnic life. We were taken to various departments in the polytechnic and even got to see some students in action. Indeed, it was a fruitful journey as we are now more knowledgeable of the polytechnic’s style and can advise our students accordingly. By: Ms Noras, Teacher

Back row: Mdm Fang Mei Teng, Ms Chong Pei Yi, Ms Soo Chee Ling, Ms Lee Peici, Ms Hariyani Bte Hamidan, Mr Lee Tze Hoong, Mr Tan Chen Zeu Anson Front row: Mr Goh Yoon Keong, Mr Jamie Chong

Editorial Team page 16 the riversidian

ADVISORS : Mrs Sng Siew Hong, Principal and Mrs Hilda Thong, Vice-Principal EDITORS : Mrs Clara Sim, Mr Tsung Kkok Cheng and Mrs Jasmine Yeo WRITERS : Members of the Young Journalist Club Designed & Produced by P D ADDISON

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