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Introduction Hello! Thanks for buying Ritual Mind Control. I’m thrilled to release this book to you, as I believe it represents the most cuttingedge persuasion tactics available today. It is my hope that by studying this material and in some cases reverse-engineering it the reader will become an expert-level mind programmer. I urge you to use the information responsibly.

Mind Control Systems Many Sadistic Ritual Abuse Survivors who have been diagnosed as having Multiple Personality Disorder (SRA/MPD), have been programmed in systematic, complex ways. By programming, we mean that the human, in a dissociated or altered mind state, has been systematically and deliberately taught lessons, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and responses to specific cues ("triggers") so as to respond on command in ways that benefit the person/groups responsible for the programming. There has been much controversy about whether the human mind functions as a computer; many clinicians believe that it is impossible to "program" the human brain. However, we have learned from survivors, including those whose job within a cult/organized group, was to "program" others, that indeed, it is possible to instill very complex information in the unconscious mind, and to use this information to ensure control of the human by controlling the mind. Survivors have told us that a group of programmers may travel from location to location, teaching members of various "cults" or other organized groups how to program their victims so as to ensure optimal mind control. By programming an 2

SRA/MPD's system, the programmer can maintain constant contact with the survivor. This contact permits knowledge of a victim's location at any time and also allows manipulation of the victim to perform acts he/she would ordinarily be unwilling to do. Programmed mind control reinforces the lesson survivors tell us that all cult victims are taught, namely, that he/she cannot escape from the cult or perpetrating group. The programming is done in very complex ways so as to maximize the use of amnestic barriers between personalities, thereby preventing any one personality from having all of the information about how they are being controlled. Knowledge is power; by compartmentalizing knowledge throughout the system (i.e., the mind), the programmer or programming group has power over the victim. Basic therapeutic goals are: reducing amnestic barriers between personalities so that they can cooperate and share knowledge; finding the original memory of how the personality was created and thus uncovering the programming information (including how programming was done as well as perpetrator identity and triggers); and using imagery, cognitive restructuring, and other empowering therapeutic interventions to help the patient get back control over their own mind. However, the sophisticated programming that we are seeing in some survivors makes our task very difficult. Programming occurs after the creation of a new personality via the usual techniques of trauma and torture. While there is some evidence that with sophisticated computer equipment that creates altered states of consciousness via audio waves or manipulation of the visual field, a trauma base for programming is no longer necessary, the vast majority of our patients will have personalities created through torture. Survivors report that one form of programming involves the use of a physical image, for example, a picture or portion of a video. In an hypnotic state, the personality readily accepts this image as reality in his/her life. It is speculated that the "internal landscapes" that patients see inside have been created in part through the use of these visual images that have been internalized as reality. This 3

may explain why survivors have similar "landmarks" within their internal landscapes such as a castle, carousel, Kabul, umbrella, puppet, cave, etc., that, when drawn and compared with the drawings from other survivors, look very much alike in design and detail. Many survivors report that they have internal computers that control information within their systems (this has especially been reported from survivors who report "military" mind control programming). The internalized computer usually lies deeply hidden within the unconscious but over time, its presence may be revealed to the victim. As communication between personalities and between levels proceeds, someone inside may know about the Internal Programmer, or Information System Specialist, the Controller, or simply the one who's job it is to program the system. Within the internal computer, grids and "clone" grids (or duplicators) house the different programs. Visualize a piece of graph paper (grids) with the space within each square having several programs within it. "Clones" are back-ups, so that if an entire grid, or even one program, is neutralized (deprogrammed), a replacement is spontaneously generated. Thus, it is vital that the duplicators be dealt with as programs are erased or decoded. Within a complete system, there are usually many levels and combinations of programs. The victim most likely will have no knowledge of their internal programmer because as programming commences, erasure codes, block codes, stop codes, and "brain switch" commands (having to do with right/left hemisphere functioning) have been put in to prohibit disclosure of deeply buried information about the internal computer. On each level, there most likely will be a computer and a back-up computer. As communication between personalities and levels increases, it is possible to obtain the different codes from controllers inside the system on each level so that "deprogramming" using codes (such as number, alphabet or rhyme codes) can occur. This can be very dangerous, however, because there are booby traps and safeguards within the system that are programmed in to prevent any outside source from getting into the system. 4

It helps to think of the programming as a very sophisticated Nintendo game, where there are many levels, secrets, and hazards. It is vital to proceed with caution, and with the full cooperation of the client, as only they can know where the dangers lie. Understand that as you get close to secret or hidden information that will help you move deeper into the system, the danger of internal or external harm to the client increases. Suicide programming will often be set off, and should be expected. Survivors report that programmers place "Gatekeepers" and "Blockers" in the system to protect hidden information, often by keeping you from reaching the inside people who can help decode the system. These must be found and removed in order to proceed with therapy. They may be identified by direct questioning, or they may appear as "guards" in the internal landscape, standing by a door or wall, or literally in front of a gate or other physical barrier. Some of these gatekeepers and blockers may be personalities or they may be perceived as "spirits". This is especially true with individuals who may have been abused by groups purporting to worship Satan. (For a Biblical understanding of the role of gatekeepers who block the "doorway", See John 10). The use of imagery to bind or enclose the gatekeepers is often useful. If the gatekeepers see themselves as spirits, they can be particularly difficult. They may present as individuals who are just "passing through" the body, and are not afraid of harm to the body because they will just" go to the next body." Sometimes they present as very aggressive; at times these aggressive ones may be personalities who are projecting themselves as spirits because of their deep guilt; identifying with the "evil" spirit is a way of gaining mastery and control, and should be dealt with in typical therapeutic fashion. If your therapy includes knowledge of and use of spiritual information and imagery, this would be a good place to use it. Some of the booby traps you may run across include personalities whose job it is to direct you off course and provide false information. Others may ask you questions or try to get you to ask them questions (making you think you're getting 5

somewhere) only to find that what they are doing is setting a suicide or selfmutilation program in motion. An example is a client who, when she heard the phrase, "Why did the chicken cross the street?" would self-destruct. Another asked the therapist, "How old are you?" (response) "When's your birthday?", etc., and the answers were triggers for the internal self-destruct program. The personality asking the questions had no knowledge of why she was asking them, only that she "had to". Many MPD patients report having a "stairwell system" internally. The stairwells are what connect the different levels. Sometimes the internal people will locate a stairwell that is sealed up, and a gatekeeper is there. Deal with the gatekeeper, break the seal, and proceed down to the next level. As you proceed through the levels, you may find that at the first couple of levels, you will get much flooding and spinning. The programs you may be dealing with are the "Tornado" or "Whirlwind" programs. The tornadoes function to create confusion and disorganization and a sense of being lost, being out of control. Tornadoes float around the different systems. Visual imagery of walls around the tornadoes to enclose them has often been useful. The "whirlwind" spins inward, "sucking one in" instead of outward; the result is to create a sensation of shutting down, shutting up, and feeling as if the person is going to die. The various systems that have been reported and worked by these authors include differing levels of complexity. Systems include: Spider Web, Carousel, Pool of Death, Communication, Kabbala, Puppet, Pentagram, Tornado, Castle, Galaxy, Flower, Scrabble, and Umbrella systems. Associated with "military" mind control programming are: Double Helix, Solometric, Cave and Well, and the Mensa systems. Space limitations prevent discussion of each of these systems, but illustrations of the difficulties in working with some of these systems follow. The Pentagram (or star) system is often connected to the Tornado system. Rituals are tied to this system. There are many cult-created alters within this system. You may see personalities who are re-enacting rituals (such as attempting to kill the host's cat, etc.) Traumatic memories reveal Satanic ritual abuse themes. 6

The Castle system involves internal imagery of a castle containing a drawbridge, moat, turrets, gargoyles, dungeon, secret passageways, torture chamber, and lots of rooms. Child alters are often hidden in the dungeon. Lots of programs can be contained within the castle, and many booby traps can be present that must be overcome. The Spider Web system is very complex. Communication between personalities proceeds through the strands. In order to break the negative communication, the strands must be broken, but understand that the internal self-helpers often also must communicate through the strands. You will often find a black widow spider (symbolic of the "black widows" used by Satanists to recruit new members, especially in churches and in clubs where youth congregates) with victims getting "stuck" in the web. Viper is a spirit associated with this system (see Isaiah 59:5 for the Biblical basis of this system). Gatekeepers are present; you may also find eggs, personalities named "Viper" or "Devourer" or those who binge and purge. In order to break this program, it is important to break the connectors (the silk strands) that connect the webs and hold them in place; remember to destroy the clone strands so new webs can't be spun. In this program, the clones immediately spin new webs that are double connected and more difficult to remove. If the "viper" is present, the tail and fangs can be removed (they contain poison) and the poison in the eggs can be removed (trapped personalities as well as "demons" are often found in the eggs). The Flower system involves criss-cross programming, i.e., three or four people may have been programmed together so that one person only has a piece of the programming. In order to get to that piece, you must have access to the other piece which resides in another person. Internally, the flower system may show up as flowers with lots of colors, with the bud representing one person, the stem and flower representing other people. This system is often connected to other systems such as Pi, Umbrella, Triangle and Star. The Mensa system (reportedly involving military and Illuminati programming) involves lots of numbers and sequences along with bar codes and union force codes. Union force would have to do with a set of numbers that would equal 7

another set to come up with yet another set: e.g., a+b=c, b+c=a, c+b=a. A person could be programmed to respond to this very complex code. These codes are extremely difficult to discover in order to neutralize responses to the codes. The Mensa system will often have the Double Helix system within it. This system is connected with DNA; the patient has usually had lots of blood transfusions. Programming reportedly has been done through medical abuse by hospitals and doctors. Hospitalization is generally required to work with this system, as it is so complex and so may suicide programs are involved. The Carousel is usually found in the center of the Double Helix. Within the carousel there are mirrors and a shadow system. There is a key in the center of the carousel. The carousel spins and moves up and down repeatedly. The function of this program is to add confusion and avoidance. The mirrors and shadows are within the carousel which help prevent further deprogramming. Often the use of special light to light up the right path through the mirrors and shadows in order to reach the key has been helpful. Spiritual Interventions can be helpful here, as three "floating spirits" (False Prophet, Hoofed One, and Dragon) are frequently found in this program. The Scrabble system contains letters, numbers, and mathematical exponents. This is a very detailed system, with no room for error. A sequence of numbers or letters might set off this programming. For example, if the therapist writes a series of numbers such as "31133113", "13113311", or "11331313", and the patient responds to one or all of these series of numbers, you may have the Scrabble system. There is a lot of torture and trauma associated with this program because it is so sophisticated and difficult to learn. As programming proceeds, any mistakes made by the survivor will be severely punished.

Mind Control – Basic To Advanced Organizations with a wide range of political and criminal agendas have historically relied on coercive interrogation and brainwashing of various types to force submission and information from enemies and victims, and to indoctrinate and increase cooperation in members and captors. In modern times, these techniques are used by political/military/espionage organizations, race/ethnic hate-groups, 8

criminal groups (e.g., child pornographers and sex rings, and international traffickers of women, children, guns, and drugs) and exploitative and destructive cults with spiritual or other agendas. Methods of “thought reform” used by such groups include intimidation, social isolation, religious indoctrination, threats against victims or their loved ones, torture, torture of co-captives, and brainwashing through social influence or deprivation of basic needs, such as sleep or food (see Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves (2000), by Steven Hassan). Mental health and law enforcement professionals working with severe trauma are increasingly seeing victims of torture for the purpose of installation of more covert mind control, that is, mind control that was “installed” in a deeply dissociated (without conscious awareness) state, and controls the person from these unconscious, dissociated, states of mind (Boyd, 1991; Coleman, 1994; Hersha, Hersha, Griffis, & Schwarz, 2001; Katchen & Sakheim, 1992; Keith, 1998; Marks, 1979; Neswald & Gould, 1993; Neswald, Gould, & Graham-Costain, 1991; Noblitt & Perskin, 2000; Oksana, 2001; Ross, 2000; Ryder, 1992; Rutz, 2001; Sheflin & Opton, 1978; Smith, 1993; Weinstein, 1990). The evidence of the existence of covert mind control has begun to surface in the legal arena as well (e.g., Orlikow v. U.S., 682 F.S. 77 (D.D.C. 1988). The following list describes 12 forms of mind control, beginning with thought reform that is registered consciously, with memory, through the most covert forms of mind control, in which the individual has no memory of the installation, and is controlled beyond conscious awareness. Levels of Brainwashing and Mind Control from Least to Most Complex and Binding, and often used in combination, especially in ritual abuse: 1. Terrified Submission: Outward compliance, but one’s own beliefs and identity are preserved. 2. Willful Compliance: A disturbed or abused child/adolescent/adult is provided with objects, drugs, affection, sex, “freedom”, etc., and chooses the abuser over his/her current life situation. 9

3. Stockholm Syndrome: Terror (abuser harms victim or threatens victim and his/her family with violence), plus isolation from prior support, often combined with lies of family abandonment, lead to dependence on abuser(s), and perceived loyalty to the abuser. At 10:15 A.M. on Thursday, August 23rd, 1973 the “Sveriges Kreditbank” of Stockholm, Sweden was rocked by sub-machine gun fire.(1) “The party has just begun”, announced a 32 year old prison escapee named Jan-Erik Olsson. “The party”, indeed, continued for some 131 hours, or five and a half days, as Olsson held four of the bank’s employees hostage in an 11 by 47 foot vault until late in the evening of August 28th. …Later interviews with the four hostages yielded surprising results — results that have been confirmed in numerous other “hostage situations” in the years that followed. Even though the captives themselves were not able to explain it, they displayed a strange association with their captors, identifying with them while fearing those who sought to end their captivity. In some cases they later testified on behalf of or raised money for the legal defense of their captors. The Swedish location of the “Sveriges Kreditbank” gave its name to this mental aberration as “The Stockholm Syndrome”. http://www.yahoodi.com/peace/stockholm.html 4. Religious Indoctrination: A psychologically weak or dependent person submits to a charismatic leader who claims to be spiritually connected to some kind of God, professing to be chosen for a spiritual agenda, promises salvation to devotees and eternal damnation promised to non-followers. 5. Brainwashing through Social influence: An individual is placed only among successful “converts” to the abuser or cult, who profess the belief system of the group, while the person is isolated from family and previous support systems and activities. 6. Brainwashing through Deprivation of Basic Needs: Sleep, food, water, combined with chanting, social isolation, etc. “Brainwashing”… describes …. the process of indoctrination that… occurred to some American prisoners of war during the Korean War (1950-1953). It is a term 10

coined by journalist Edward Hunter (1951) to describe “thought reform” programs and methods developed by the Chinese Communists after taking control of China in 1949. The Communist Chinese hoped to influence their own people and some prisoners of war enough to cause them to change their beliefs and accept beliefs as true that they previously had considered false. Their methodology included starvation, deprivation of sleep and isolation of victims alone in a prison cell or a small room for long periods of time where they feared for their lives. They were told repeatedly and harshly that their political, religious or social beliefs were wrong while shown the advantages of complying with their captors’ position. http://www.thefamily.org/dossier/statements/brainwashing.htm 7. Self-View as an Accomplice or Evil: Abuser forces victim into double-binds that cause the victim to feel culpable. 8. Unidimensional directives: are communicated during severe abuse, convincing affected personalities that the abuse will re-occur if the programmed mandate is broken. The most common are, “Remember to forget” the abuse and “Don’t tell” about the abuse. A central function of most mind control is to cause the victim to physically and psychologically re-experience the torture used to install the programming should she or he act in violation of programmed commands. The reexperience of the original torture often includes somatic manifestation of the original injuries, such as bruising and swelling, though not to the degree of the original injury. 9. Spiritual “Programming”: Evil attachments, claims, curses, covenants, etc. Witchcraft ritual abuse seeks to “attach” evil entities (spirits of abusers and demons) to dissociated identities to harass and control victims for their entire lives. Claims, curses, covenants, hexes, vexes, etc. are used to forever malevolently define victims as evil, physically or mentally ill, socially devalued and isolated, sexually enslaved, a murderer, a cult member, a witch, etc. 10. Psychic driving: Taped messages are played for hours non-stop while the person is in states of consciousness altered by sleep, electro-shock, sensory 11

deprivation, inadequate food, water, sleep, oxygen, isolated, confinement or other torture. This methodology was utilized by Ewen Cameron, MD, in the 1950s (See film, “The Sleep Room” about 1950s CIA funding of his research.) In 1997, the U.S. CIA was sued by a number of Dr. Cameron’s ex-patients. The Canadian court found in favor of the patients who endured Dr. Cameron’s tortures in the name of creating a more efficient Manchurian Candidate for the CIA championed by Allen Dulles, the man behind the MKUltra projects. Electroshock, according to Dr. Cameron’s protocol would do the following (Emery, 1977): First Stage: In the First Stage of electroshock amnesia, the subject loses much of her recent memory, “yet she still knew where she was, why she was there, and who the people were who treated her.” (J. Marks, 1979, p. 135). That is called keeping your “space-time image.” The subject knows where she is, why she is there, and recognizes familiar faces. Names are harder. Second Stage: In the Second Electroshock Amnesia Stage, the subject loses that space-time image and is aware of the loss. That awareness causes extreme anxiety. The subject wants to remember. At his stage the subject asks repeatedly, ‘Where am I?’, ‘How did I get here?’, ‘What am I here for?’ Third Stage: In this final stage, the subject becomes bizarrely calm. All the previous anxiety is gone. At this point the patient was moved back to their room where a speakerphone had been placed under their pillow, a tape recorder with a continuous loop played repeating the same command over and over again. While in this state, patients showed incontinence of both urine and feces. Much of these inhumane “treatments” appear to have originated 50 years earlier in Pavlov’s abusive experiments with dogs. Read more at: http://www.ulster.net/~babs7/articles/kk/mindcontrolpart1.htm 2-22-2003, the main web-site from which this section of the outline was derived. Also, see Ross (2000) and Rutz (2001), for more information on the United States CIA projects (MKULTRA and others) using unwitting human subjects for mind control experimentation and exploitation.


11. Machiavellian manipulation of the inner psychological world of the child. Examples of process: from “The First Five Steps of Discipline” (Svali, 1999) http://www.geocities.com/lord_visionary/svali_index.htm Third Step: To Not Wish. The child is placed in a room with favorite toys, or objects. A kind adult comes into the room and engages the child in play. This adult may be a friend, aunt, parent, or trainer. The child and adult may engage in fantasy play about the child’s secret wishes, dreams, or wants. This will occur on several occasions, and the child’s trust is slowly gained. At some later point, the child is severely punished for any aspect of wishing or fantasy shared with the adult, including the destruction of favorite toys, going in and undoing or destroying secret safe places the child may have created, or even destroying non cult protectors. This step is repeated, with variations, many many times over the ensuing years. Occasionally, the child’s siblings, parents, or friends will be used to reveal inside fantasies the child has revealed to them during the daytime, or in unguarded moments. The ostensible reason the cult gives for this step is to create a child who doesn’t fantasize, who is more outwardly directed, less inwardly directed. In other words, the child is to look to adults for permission in all aspects of its life, including internal. The reality is that this step destroys all safe places the child has created internally, to retreat from the horrors it is experiencing. This step creates in the child the feeling that there is no true safety, that the cult will find out everything it thinks. Exercises like this are also used to create young alters in the child who will self report to the cult trainers any secret safe places, or covert wishes against the cult, that other alters have. This will then begin to set up intrasystem hostility and divisiveness, which the cult will manipulate throughout the person’s life span in order to control them. 12. Trauma-based Coercive Mind Control- Trauma-based mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victim’s capacity for conscious processing (through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory over-stimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, near-death), and then employs suggestion and/or classical and operant conditioning (consistent with well-established behavioral modification principles) to implant thoughts, directives, and perceptions in the unconscious mind, often in newly-formed trauma-induced dissociated identities, 13

that force the victim to do, feel, think, or perceive things for the purposes of the programmer. The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victim’s moral principles, spiritual convictions, and volition. Installation of mind control programming relies on the victim’s capacity to dissociate, which permits the creation of new walled-off personalities to “hold” and “hide” programming. Already dissociative children are prime “candidates” for programming. Alternatively, very young children can be made dissociative through trauma-based programming. The extreme abuse inflicted on young children in intra-familial satanic and “black” witchcraft (not Wicca) cults reliably causes dissociation. Children in these cults are programmed to the extent that the cult’s leaders understand mind control programming. Many ritual abuse survivors report that other abuser groups with criminal, political, and military agendas infiltrate their familial cults to gain access to these readily-programmable children to program them to fulfill their own agendas, often paying the cult parents large sums of money to do so. One common function of trauma-based mind control programming is to cause the victim to physically and psychologically re-experience the torture used to install the programming should the victim consider violating its directives. The most common programs are unidimensional directives communicated during torture and impaired states of consciousness to; “Remember to forget” the abuse and “Don’t tell” about the abuse. Much trauma-based mind control programming is significantly more complex, more technological in its methods of installation, and utilizes the individual’s dissociated identities (personalities) to effect greater layering of psychological effects. Personalities are usually programmed to take executive control of the body in response to particular cues (hand signals, tones, etc.) and then follow directives, with complete amnesia for these events. This is exemplified by the automatic response of the programmed assassin to seeing the Queen of Diamonds in the 1962 film, “The Manchurian Candidate”. Personalities are programmed to become flooded with anxiety or feel acutely suicidal if they defy program directives. Personalities are often programmed to believe that explosives 14

have been surgically implanted in their bodies and that these will detonate if the individual violates orders or begins to recall the programming, the torture used to install it, or the identities of the programmers. In highly sophisticated mind control, the individual is programmed to perceive inanimate structures in the unconscious inner landscape. “Structures” are mental representations of objects, e.g., buildings, grids, devices of torture, and other containers, that “hold” programmed commands, messages, information, and personalities. In many cases, walls are also installed that serve as barriers to hide deeper levels of programming and structures. Unconscious personalities perceive themselves as trapped within, or attached to, these structures, both visually (in internal imagery), and somatically (in experiences of pain, suffocation, electroshock, etc.). Structures are installed in early childhood, generally between 2 and 5 years of age. Torture and drugs are applied beyond the endurance of all of the alreadyformed personalities, which usually requires that the child be taken near death. The intent is to bury all memory for the event deeply in the unconscious mind, below the level of consciousness of all personalities. When all conscious processing of information is blocked, the child cannot mentally resist any of the programmer’s input, cannot reject it as “not me” or as untrue. Instead, the input is “taken in whole”, into the unconscious mind, with no conscious memory, and therefore no ability to process or reject it later. The child may be tortured on a device, and the personalities formed in this process then perceive themselves trapped on these devices. Or an image of an object may be projected on the child’s body or on a screen, or in virtual reality goggle, or a physical model of the object is shown. The programmer then tells the child that this device or object is now within him or her. Because the mind of the small child does not easily discriminate reality and fantasy (this process relies on the pre-school child’s use of magical thinking), the child now perceives the object as a structure within. Then, a code is installed, for the programmer to gain future access to the structure to erase or give new information. 15

Immediately after the structure is installed, the programmer will generally command traumatized personalities go to places in the structures, e.g., “Go inside the grid”; The programmer will generally also install the perception of wires, bombs, and re-set buttons, to prevent removal of the structure. The child is usually shown something to make him or her perceive these as real, e.g., a button on the belly-button. Installed program “triggers”, “cues”, and “access codes” allow the programmer easy access to programmed personalities and program structures to install or change commands, messages, and information, and to retrieve information, all out of victims’ conscious awareness. Personalities trapped in (or on) structures obey program directives until freed from the structures. Programmed functions are usually performed unconsciously, or with a some awareness of a compulsion to do, or not do, something. E.g., personalities are often programmed to awaken in the every morning hours to make a telephone call (use of toll-free numbers results in no record of calls) to obtain or provide information to abuser groups. Programmed “reporter” personalities report whether therapy is approaching the hidden programming. The host usually has no knowledge of making these calls, or may occasionally find him/herself holding a telephone in the middle of the night, not knowing why. Similar methods of programming, sometimes combined with witchcraft spiritual abuse, are used to mentally install “humanoids”, e.g., robots, shells, etc., that contain no part of the person’s true humanity, i.e., no personality fragment. These humanoids carry out specific functions within the mind, or in external actions. Programming overides the victim’s free will. Programmed individuals (usually specific personalities) follow commands and perform actions that are in clear violation of their free will, moral principles, and spiritual convictions, generally without conscious awareness.


These kinds of programming continue to control the person’s thoughts and actions for decades, usually with no conscious awareness of the programming or of the personalities under its control. Survivors of ritual abuse who re-associate their history of abuse usual begin to recover their memories of abuse from between 30 and 50 years of age. It is generally many years more before the survivor becomes aware of mind control programming and its ongoing effects on her or him. Free will, determination, and deep spiritual faith, are usually not enough alone to find the unconscious personalities perceiving themselves inexorably trapped in programming, or the carefully hidden program structures. Finding these generally requires expertise in safely helping survivors access this information. By the programmers’ design, attempting to disable or remove programming usually “sets off” programmed self-destruction and negative health/mental health consequences. Finding, disabling, and removing programming must skillfully sidestep these negative consequences. Although the host personality may be determined to defy all such consequences, concealed personalities trapped in complex programs often perceive themselves as unable to defy programmed negative consequences. Consultation with experts in program removal who have extensive knowledge of various kinds of programming done by the various abuser groups permits; a) the discovery of programming buried in the unconscious mind, b) techniques in sidestepping programming, and c) recognition of “red herrings” and disinformation. The objectives of program removal are to: 1. Free all personalities controlled by programming, so they may act of their own free will: a) to decide who and what they want to be and do!, b) to leave the sites of their trauma and program structures, c) to go to a healing/safe place in the inner world, and/or d) to gain co-consciousness with the host, or integrate with the host and with the core (which is usually a young part of the host that the individual has managed to hide from the abusers). 17

2. Remove all injunctions and implants (structures, humanoids, hostile spiritual controls). The free will of the host and other personalities must be respected at all times in the process of disabling/removing mind control programming. Program removal cannot be achieved with re-programming or abuse, e.g., use of coercion, manipulation, deceit, intimidation, sleep deprivation. In most cases, skillful program removal greatly facilitates the psychotherapy process. In many cases, program removal is essential to stop ongoing contact with abuser groups. I have worked extensively with an expert in program removal for the past eight years. I welcome people to contact me for more information about my consultant and the program removal process. My e-mail is: [email protected]. Some Indicators of Trauma-Based Mind Control Programming: A. Repetitive, robotic statements that do not make sense in context of dialogue, e.g., “I want to go home”, meaning to return to the abuser group. B. Compulsive or ritualized behaviors, especially self-mutilation (esp. in patterns), singing same song. C. Fear in response to benign stimuli, e.g., colors, shapes, cartoon characters, lights, food brands, phone rings. D. Telephone reactions; e.g., strong startle response to phone ringing, many hangup calls to the home, a compulsion to make calls (often toll-free), finding the phone in one’s hand in early am hours, without recalling making a phone call. E. A pattern of increased “dead-air” phone calls (phone calls in which noone answers when the phone is picked up and when one says “hello”) around birthdays or ritual holidays F. Severe flinching and spasms (as if being electro-shocked) when approaching trauma material. 18

CIA Mind Control Experiments CIA document and page number: 190684, pp. 1, 4 Title: Outline of Special H Cases Date: 7 January 1953 Page 1, Page 4 In a general request for volunteers [deleted names] volunteered for H [hypnosis] experimentation and were originally tested on 21 May 1951. Both girls, at this time, were nineteen years of age. These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state to a deep H controlled state via the telephone, via some very subtle signal that cannot be detected by other persons in the room, and without the other individuals being able to note the change. It has been shown clearly that physically individuals can be induced into H by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by the use of code, signal, or words. Control of those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes, and that they can be conditioned to a point where they believe a change in identity on their part even on the polygraph. Note: This document shows that CIA experimenters were successful in hypnotizing young women (19 years old in this case) to do things they would not do normally without any memory afterward, sometimes even unwillingly. Though they volunteered, these women were thus programmed to be Manchurian Candidates or super spies with no knowledge of what these men were doing to them. CIA document and page number: 17395, p. 18 Title: ESP Research Date: Unknown Link to view image of original: Click here


Learning models will be instituted in which the subject will be rewarded or punished for his overall performance and reinforced in various ways – by being told whether he was right, by being told what the target was, with electric shock etc. ... In other cases drugs and psychological tricks will be used to modify his attitudes. The experimenters will be particularly interested in disassociative states, from the abaissement de niveau mental to multiple personality in so-called mediums, and an attempt will be made to induce a number of states of this kind, using hypnosis. Note: This document provides proof that the CIA was was using drugs and electric shock in attempting to induce MPD (multiple personality disorder). Though this document uses the masculine "he" to describe the subject, other documents show that most of the subjects used were young women who volunteered. The subjects were not informed about the deeper aspects and implications for which they were being trained. If you view the original, you will also find interesting information on ESP experiments. CIA document and page number: 190691, p. 1, 2 Title: Hypnotic Experimentation and Research Date: 10 February 1954 Link to view image of original: Page 1, Page 2 A posthypnotic of the night before (pointed finger, you will sleep) was enacted. Misses [deleted] and [deleted] immediately progressed to a deep hypnotic state with no further suggestion. Miss [deleted] was then instructed (having previously expressed a fear of firearms in any fashion) that she would use every method at her disposal to awaken miss [deleted] (now in a deep hypnotic sleep), and failing this, she would pick up a pistol nearby and fire it at Miss [deleted]. She was instructed that her rage would be so great that she would not hesitate to "kill" [deleted] for failing to awaken. Miss [deleted] carried out these suggestions to the letter including firing the (unloaded pneumatic pistol) gun at [deleted] and then proceeding to fall into a deep sleep. After proper suggestions were made, both were awakened and expressed complete amnesia for the entire sequence. Miss [deleted] was again 20

handed the gun, which she refused (in an awakened state) to pick up or accept form the operator. She expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened. Miss [deleted] felt reluctant about participating further since she expressed her doubt as to any useful purpose in further attendance. The Operator thereupon proceeded in full view of all other subjects to explain to Miss [deleted] that he planned to induce a deep state of hypnosis now. The reaction was as had been expected. Miss [deleted] excused herself to make a telephone call (defense mechanism?). Upon her return a very positive approach was adopted by the operator whereupon a deeper, much deeper state of hypnosis was obtained. Immediately a posthypnotic was induced that when the operator accidently dropped a steel ball in his hand to the floor ... Miss [deleted] would again go into hypnosis. Miss [deleted] then advised that she must conclude her work for the evening. She arose to adjust her hair before the mirror. The ball was dropped and she promptly slumped back into the chair and back into hypnosis. It is the opinion of the operator the Miss [deleted] if properly trained (positive approach) will continue to improve. Note: Here we have proof that these women could be converted into unsuspecting and even unwilling assassins. They could be programmed to assassinate anyone and would do so without any conscious knowledge afterward. Note also the questionable status of "volunteer" implied. Though these women originally volunteered, unwillingness to continue could be manipulated by the men running the program. CIA document and page number: 190527, pp. 1, 2 Title: SI and H Experimentation Date: 25 September 1951 Link to view images of original: Page 1, Page 2 Note: SI stands for sleep induction and H for hypnosis Prior to actually beginning the more complex experiments, several simple post H were worked with both of the girls participating. The first major experiment of the 21

evening was set up as follows without previous explanation to either [deleted] or [deleted]. Both subjects were placed in a very deep trance state and while in this state, the following instructions were given: (A) [Deleted] was instructed that when she awakened, she was to procede to [deleted] room. She was told that while there, she would receive a telephone call from an individual whom she would know only as "Joe". This individual would engage her in a normal telephone conversation. During this conversation, this individual would give her a code word and upon mentioning the code word, [deleted] would go into a deep SI [sleep induction] trance state, but would be "normal" in appearance with her eyes open. [Deleted] was then told that upon the conclusion of the telephone conversation, she would procede to the ladies room where she would meet a girl who was unknown to her. She was told that she would strike up a conversation with this girl and during the conversation she would mention the code word "New York" to this other girl, who, in turn, would give her a device and further instructions which were to be carried out by [deleted]. She was told that after she carried out the instructions, she was to return to the Operations Room, sit in the sofa and go immediately into a deep sleep. (B) [Deleted] was instructed that upon awakening, she would proceed to [deleted] room where she would wait at the desk for a telephone call. Upon receiving the call, a person known as "Jim" would engage her in normal conversation. During the course of the conversation, this individual would mention a code word to [deleted]. When she heard this code word, she would pass into a SI trance state, but would not close her eyes and remain perfectly normal and continue the telephone conversation. She was told that upon conclusion of the telephone conversation, she would then carry out the following instructions: [Deleted] being in a complete SI state at this time, was then told to open her eyes and was shown an electric timing device. She was informed that this timing device was an incendiary bomb and was then instructed how to attach and set the device. After [deleted] had indicated that she had learned how to set and attach 22

the device, she was told to return to a sleep state and further instructed that upon concluding the aforementioned conversation, she would take the timing device which was in a briefcase and proceed to the ladies room. In the ladies room, she would be met by a girl whom she had never seen who would identify herself by the code word "New York." [Deleted] was then to show this individual how to attach and set the timing device and further instructions would be given the individual by [deleted] that the timing device was to be carried in the briefcase to [deleted] room, placed in the nearest empty electriclight plug and concealed in the bottom, left-hand drawer of [deleted] desk, with the device set for 82 seconds and turned on. [Deleted] was further instructed to tell this other girl that as soon as the device had been set and turned on, she was to take the briefcase, leave [deleted] room, go to the operations room and go to the sofa and enter a deep sleep state. [Deleted] was further instructed that after completion of instructing the other girl and the transferring to the other girl of the incendiary bomb, she was to return at once to the operations room, sit on the sofa, and go into a deep sleep state. For a matter of record, immediately after the operation was begun it was noted that a member of the charforce was cleaning the floor in the ladies room and subsequently, both [deleted] and [deleted] had to be placed ... once again in a trance state and instructions changed from the ladies room to Room 3. It should be noted that even with the change of locale in the transfer point, the experiment was carried off perfectly without any difficulty or hesitation on the part of either of the girls. Each girl acted out their part perfectly, the device was planted and set as directed and both girls returned to the operations room, sat on the sofa and entered a deep sleep state. Throughout, their movements were easy and natural. Note: You will note the frequent use of "girls" (young women) in these programs. Do you think the men in charge, having complete hypnotic control of these women, might have at times taken advantage of them sexually? Yet this would never enter the official documentation, with the one major exception below. CIA document and page number: 140393, p. 1 23

Title: [Deleted] Date: 9 July 1951 Link to view image of original: Click here On 2 July 1951 approximately 1:00 p.m. the instruction began with [deleted] relating to the student some of his sexual experiences. [Deleted] stated that he had constantly used hypnotism as a means of inducing young girls to engage in sexual intercourse with him. [Deleted], a performer in [deleted] orchestra, was forced to engage in sexual intercourse with [deleted] while under the influence of hypnotism. [Deleted] stated that he first put her into a hypnotic trance and then suggested to her that he was her husband and that she desired sexual intercourse with him. Note: This document shows that an instructor being used by the CIA took advantage of his skill in hypnosis to sexually abuse young women without their having any knowledge of being abused. How many CIA hypnotists did likewise? Do you think a man involved in these programs might take advantage of a beautiful, young woman knowing she would not remember afterward? Note that for some reason this document is not available in the CIA's three CD set and must be ordered individually at this link. See the What You Can Do section at the end of this page for suggestions on how we can stop this abuse. CIA document and page number: 17441, p.8 Title: Continuation of Studies of Hypnosis and Suggestibility Date: Unknown Link to view image of original: Click here Preliminary clinical research during 1955-56 has yielded promising leads in terms of knowledge of how hypnotizability can be influenced by pharmacological means. Experiments involving altered personality function as a result of environmental manipulation (chiefly sensory isolation) have yielded promising leads in terms of suggestibility and the production of trance-like states. There is reason to believe that environmental manipulations can affect tendencies for dissociative phenomenon to occur. 24

Note: "Dissociative phenomenon" refers to the ability of a person's consciousness to leave and a new consciousness enter, thereby facilitation the creation of "alter" or multiple personalities. Besides hypnosis, drugs and electric shocks were developed as means to facilitate the creation of Manchurian Candidates. CIA document and page number:17748, pp. 1, 2, 4, 6-9 Title: Report of Inspection of MKULTRA Date: 26 July 1963 Link to view images of original: Page 1, Page 2, Page 4, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9. It was deemed advisable to prepare the report of the MKULTRA program in one copy only, in view of its unusual sensitivity. The MKULTRA activity is concerned with the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operation to control human behavior. MKULTRA was authorized by then Director of Central Intelligence [DCI], Allen W. Dulles, in 1953. The concepts involved in manipulating human behavior are found by many people both within and outside the Agency to be distasteful and unethical. Nevertheless, there have been major accomplishments both in research and operational employment. Some MKULTRA activities raise questions of legality implicit in the original charter. A final phase of testing of MKULTRA products places the rights and interests of U.S. citizens in jeopardy. Public disclosure of some aspects of MKULTRA activity could induce serious adverse reaction in U.S. public opinion. The DCI's memorandum ... exempted MKULTRA from audit. Over the ten-year life of the program many additional avenues to the control of human behavior have been designated by the TSD management [Technical Services Division - under which MKULTRA operated] as appropriate to investigation under the MKULTRA charter, including radiation, electro-shock, various fields of psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and anthropology, graphology, harassment substances, and paramilitary devices and materials.


TSD initiated a program for covert testing of materials on unwitting U.S. citizens in 1955. TSD has pursued a philosophy of minimum documentation in keeping with the high sensitivity of some of the projects. The lack of consistent records precluded use of routine inspection procedures and raised a variety of questions concerning management and fiscal controls. There are just two individuals in TSD who have full substantive knowledge of the program and most of that knowledge is unrecorded. In protecting both the sensitive nature of the American intelligence capability to manipulate human behavior, they apply "need to know" doctrine to their professional associates and to their clerical assistants to a maximum degree. Note: Why did only two people have full substantive knowledge of the program? Could it be that sex abuse and political manipulations behind the scenes were so severe that no one was to be trusted? Do you think we could trust those two individuals? CIA Director Richard Helms, upon hearing there would be a Congressional investigation, ordered the destruction of all documents from these unethical and at times illegal mind control programs in 1973. He did not realize, however, that incriminating evidence remained in the financial files of the agency, which are what you read here. We can only imagine what secrets the destroyed documents held. CIA document and page number: 87624, p. 3, 4 (also appended to 17748, p. 32, 33) Title: Two Extremely Sensitive Research Programs Date: 3 April 1953 Link to view images of original: Page 3, Page 4 Approximately 6% of the projects are of such an ultra-sensitive nature that they cannot and should not be handled by means of contracts which would associate CIA or the Government with the work in question. We intend to investigate the development of a chemical material which causes a reversible non-toxic aberrant mental state, the specific nature of which can be reasonably well predicted for each individual. This material could potentially aid 26

in discrediting individuals, eliciting information, implanting suggestion and other forms of mental control. In a great many instances the work in field (a) must be conducted by individuals who are not and should not be aware of our interest. In all cases dealing with field (b), it is mandatory that any connections with the Agency should be known only to an absolute minimum number of people who have been specifically cleared for this purpose. Experience has shown that qualified, competent individuals in the field of pharmacological, physiological, psychiatric and other biological sciences are most reluctant to enter into signed agreements of any sort which connect them with this activity since such a connection would jeopardize their professional reputations. Even internally in CIA, as few individuals as possible should be aware of our interest in these fields and of the identity of those who are working for us. At present, this results in ridiculous contracts, with cut-outs, which do not spell out the scope or intent of the work. Note: In the three CD set, this document is found appended to document 17748 on pp. 30 to 37. CIA document and page number: 190885, p. 1 Title: None Given Date:1 January 1950 Link to view image of original: Click here Drug Project - A project in the isolation and synthesis of pure drugs for use in effecting psychological entry and control of the individual. Drugs and electricity - Research work on the effects of lysergic acid [LSD] on animals. Use of electric shock and the encephalograph in interrogation. Particular emphasis on the detection and prior use of electric shock and the 'guaranteed amnesia' resulting from electric shock. Hypnosis - Investigation of the possibilities of hypnotic and post-hypnotic control. 27

CIA document and page number: 140394, pp. 2, 3 (not available in CD set, order individually here) Title: Interview with [Deleted] Date: 25 February 1952 Link to view full text of both pages: Click here Q: What are your experiences in general with hypnotism? A: I have been a professional hypnotist for at least 15 years. At present, I am employed on a very confidential basis two days a week. Q: Can you obtain information from an individual, willing or unwilling, by hypnotism? A: Definitely, yes. Many of the medical cases I work on are involved in obtaining personal, intimate information, and through hypnotism, I have been quite successful in obtaining this. If an individual refuses to co-operate with hypnosis, the doctors with whom I work use drugs, always sodium amytal. Q: How far do you think individuals could be controlled by hypnosis? A: This is a very difficult subject. Post-hypnotics will last twenty years and will be very strong if re-enforced from time to time. Q: Have you ever had any experience with drugs? A: Yes, many times. I have worked with doctors using sodium amytal and pentothal and have obtained hypnotic control after the drugs were used. In fact, many times drugs were used for the purpose of obtaining hypnotic control. Q: Do you have any ideas that hypnotism could be used as a weapon? A: Yes, I have thought about this often. It could certainly be used in obtaining information from recalcitrant people particularly with drugs. It could be used as a 28

recruiting source for special types of work. A good hypnotist running hypnotic shows for entertainment would pick up a great many subjects, some of whom might be exceptionally good subjects for us. These subjects could easily be tabbed and put to use. Q: Have you ever been able to produce hypnosis without an individual's knowledge? A: Yes, through the relaxing technique and on rare occasions [I've] been able to produce hypnotism against a person's will. However, you cannot count on this and to attempt to attach an individual who did not want to be hypnotized alone would be almost an impossible task. In that type of case, I would use sodium amytal and/or sodium pentothal. Q: How effective are post-hypnotics; over what distances and time can they be effective? A: Properly used post-hypnotics will last twenty years. They can be made more effective by re-enforcement from time to time. Post-hypnotics are not affected at all by time or travel or distance away from the person who placed the posthypnotic. As a rule, post-hypnotics should be 100% effective in good subjects. Q: Can individuals be made to do things under hypnosis that they would not otherwise? A: Individuals could be taught to do anything including murder, suicide, etc. I do believe that you could carry out acts that would be against an individual's moral feelings if they were rightly, psychologically conditioned. Note: Individuals can be hypnotized without their knowledge. They can be programmed to commit murder, suicide, and much more. Think about the implications. How many "suicides" of important people we've heard in the news were not really suicides? How many murders were committed by people who didn't even realize they were assassins? How much has this technology been used to manipulate world politics? Think about the Kennedys, Martin Luther King, Jr., 29

and possibly those involved with 9/11 and other major terrorist attacks. Note this document is not available in the three CD set and must be ordered individually at this link. CIA document and page number: 140401, pp. 6, 7 (not available in CD set, order individually here) Title: Special Research, Bluebird Date: 1 January 1952 (approximate) Link to view full text of both pages: Click here Set out below are specific problems which can only be resolved by experiment, testing and research. Can we obtain control of the future activities (physical and mental) of any given individual, willing or unwilling by application of SI [sleep induction] and H [hypnosis] techniques? Can we create by post-H control an action contrary to an individual's basic moral principles? Can we in a matter of an hour, two hours, one day, etc., induce an H condition in an unwilling subject to such an extent that he will perform an act for our benefit? Could we seize a subject and in the space of an hour or two by post-H control have him crash an airplane, wreck a train, etc.? Can we by H and SI techniques force a subject (unwilling or otherwise) to travel long distances, commit specified acts and return to us or bring documents or materials? Can we guarantee total amnesia under any and all conditions? Can we "alter" a person's personality? Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects into willing agents and then transfer that control to untrained agency agents in the field by use of codes or identifying signs? Is it possible to find a gas that can be used to gain SI control from a gas pencil, odorless, colorless: one shot, etc.? What are full details on "sleep-inducing machine"? 30

How can sodium A or P or any other sleep inducing agent be best concealed in a normal or commonplace item, such as candy, cigarettes, liquer, wines, coffee, tea, beer, gum water, aspirin tablets, common medicines, coke, tooth paste? Can we, using SI and H extract complicated formula from scientists, engineers, etc., if unwilling? Note: Reading all of the declassified CIA documents listed in this essay suggests that the answer to most, if not all of the questions above appears to be yes. Note that sleep inducing agents were being placed in candy, aspirin, Coke, and more. Think about the implications if even just a few of the men in these programs decided to use such things outside of the office to manipulate others for their personal benefit. It's time that this information be made public so we can all be aware of what's going on and work to stop the abuses. Note for some reason this document is not available in the three CD set and must be ordered individually at this link. Science Digest Article, pp. 44 - 53 (Not a CIA document, but related to the mind control programs) Title: Hypnosis Comes of Age Date: April 1971 Link to view full text of article: Click here Psychologist G. H. Estabrooks reminisces about his long career as a hypnotist. Dr. Estabrooks discusses how he "programmed" American spies with hypnosis and how he helped businessmen and students with his skills. Dr. Estabrooks is a Rhodes Scholar. He took his Doctorate at Harvard ('26), and has authored many articles and books on clinical hypnosis and human behavior. One of the most fascinating but dangerous applications of hypnosis is its use in military intelligence. This is a field with which I am familiar through formulating guidelines for the techniques used by the United States in two world wars. I was involved in preparing many subjects for this work during World War II. One successful case involved an Army Service Corps Captain whom we'll call George Smith. Captain Smith had undergone months of training. He was an 31

excellent subject but did not realize it. I had removed from him, by post-hypnotic suggestion, all recollection of ever having been hypnotized. Outside of myself, Colonel Brown was the only person who could hypnotize Captain Smith. This is "locking." I performed it by saying to the hypnotized Captain: "Until further orders from me, only Colonel Brown and I can hypnotize you. We will use a signal phrase 'the moon is clear.' " The system is virtually foolproof. By the 1920's, not only had they learned to apply post-hypnotic suggestion, [they] also had learned how to split certain complex individuals into multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. During World War II, I worked this technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant I'll call Jones. Under the watchful eye of Marine Intelligence, I spilt his personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a "normal" working Marine, became entirely different. He talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge by the Corps (which was in on the plot) and became a card-carrying party member. The joker was Jones B, the second personality, formerly apparent in the conscious Marine. Under hypnosis, this Jones had been carefully coached by suggestion. Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, was a loyal American, and was "imprinted" to say nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was hypnotize the whole man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyal American, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp. Note: This article shows that in the 1920s, U.S. military intelligence had already developed the capability to cause split personalities. The created super spy or Manchurian Candidate has been a reality for nearly a century, yet very few people know anything about it. These unknowing spies could plant bombs, provide sexual favors, and even assassinate top political leaders. Consider that many countries and key powerful, elite groups have had and used this technology for many decades. Watch the movie Manchurian Candidate to see how real it is.


Ritual Abuse and Torture-Based Mind Control – Breaking Free From Abusers Most definitions of the term “ritual abuse” refer to ceremonial practices that involve physical and sexual abuse, and human sacrifice, to appease, win favor with, or empower deities whom the abusers believe demand abuse and sacrifice, such as Satan and other polytheistic gods and goddesses. Torture-based mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victim’s capacity for conscious processing (through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory over-stimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, near-death), and then employs suggestion and/or conditioning to implant thoughts, directives, and perceptions in the unconscious mind, often in newly-formed trauma-induced dissociated identities, that force the victim to do, feel, think, or perceive things for the purposes of the programmer. The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victim’s volition, moral principles, and spiritual convictions. Torture-based mind control is practiced by individuals and groups who seek to maximally control and exploit others, usually beginning in childhood. Included are practitioners of abusive religious rituals (e.g., Satanism and abusive witchcraft), and groups with political, military, and espionage agendas. My opinions are based on a synthesis of 17 years of experience in providing psychotherapy to victims and survivors of ritual abuse and mind control and extensive interviews of other survivors, including many survivor-therapists, and my ongoing communication with therapist and clergy colleagues working with survivors. The two primary forms of re-contact with abusers include reporting back by phone or written correspondence, and physically returning to abusers to be abused again. Perpetrators of ritual abuse and mind control attempt to coerce their victims into submission and service to the abuser group for a lifetime. 33

Abuser methods of exerting long-term contact and control vary in relation to the level of psychological sophistication of the abusers and the size of the abusers’s criminal network. Some abuser groups rely primarily on threats to force their victims into compliance and to prevent their victims from escaping. For some of these groups, these are empty threats. The groups may be limited to one or two extended families or a relatively small abuser network. They make claims of having more power than they have, and may even claim responsibility for murders that they did not commit, much like political terrorists. Some abuser groups have larger criminal networks and thus, more power to carry out their threats. But, they too reliably overstate their power to maximally terrorize their victims. This is not to dismiss the reality that these abusers commit murder, but it is to say that they lie and exaggerate their power. Clearly, people who systematically abuse others lie to further their own interests. Words are just one more tool of manipulation to control their victims. Everything they say should be questioned and examined for underlying motives and feasibility. This holds particularly true for their claims of having the man power, technological power, and magical/spiritual power to carry out their surveillance and threats. Many of these abusers also manipulate their victims’ attachment needs, that is, their basic survival needs and needs for security and love, usually beginning in early childhood. They also go to great lengths to try to make their victims believe that the victims are accomplices to the abuse, that they are as evil as their abusers themselves, and that they are unworthy and incapable of belonging anywhere but with the abusers. Some abuser groups go a step further and manipulate their victims’ psychological capacity to form dissociated self-states in response to extreme pain and terror. I am using the term, “dissociated self-states,” here to refer to states of consciousness with some sense of self that exist out of the conscious awareness of the most-often conscious parts of the psyche, and that typify DSM-IV Dissociative Identity Disorder, and forms of Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified in which self-states exist internally, affecting the psyche from within, but never assume complete control of executive functions (e.g., purposive action). 34

These Machiavellian abusers systematically torture their victims for the intended purpose of coercing their victims’ psyches into forming new dissociated self-states that they then work to exploit. They “torture-hypno-condition” these self-states, that is, they use torture, hypnosis, and behavioral conditioning, to try to coerce these dissociated self-states into fulfilling functions that serve the abusers. (I thank Hans Ulrich Gresch, Ph.D., psychologist, mind control survivor, and respected colleague, for the term, “torture-hypno-conditioning,” the most succinct descriptive phrase that I have found that explains what occurs in most torture-based mind control programming; see: http://www.mindcontrol.psychoprobleme.de/). These abusers “program” some of these dissociated self-states to take on “reporter” and “re-contact” functions, that is, to report to the abusers on a regular basis from a distance, and to return to the abusers as directed. In many cases, even though the survivor is working hard to break free of her or his abusers, these programmed self-states continue to report to, and return to, the abusers, often out of the conscious awareness of the most-often conscious parts of the psyche. Ongoing access allows the abusers to retaliate against their victims for attempting to break free and to escalate their abuse and programming in efforts to increase their control of their victims. The purpose of this article is to help survivors, therapists, clergy, and other support people, to understand the tactics, briefly outlined above, used by ritually abusive and mind control abusers to attempt to trap their victims into life-long submission, and to use this knowledge to help survivors to overcome these abuser tactics of control, to break free of their abusers more easily and more quickly, and to prevent re-contact.

1. Pain and Terror Held in Programmed Dissociated Self-States Highly psychologically sophisticated abusers invest great time and effort into developing particular self-states in their victims who reflexively obey their abusers’ directives, against their own interests, and in many instances, even in 35

opposition to their own instinct for self-preservation, e.g., suicide bombers (see note). Note: The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) declassified MKULTRA document MORI 0000190527, dated September 25, 1951, titled “SI and H Experimentation,” likely indicating, “Subconscious Isolation and Hypnosis Experimentation” (see The Mind Manipulators (1978), Scheflin and Opton), details an experiment in which two children were successfully hypnotized to plant a bomb, set it to detonate in 82 seconds, turn it on, and then sit in an adjacent room. While child victims are still under the relatively complete control of the abusers, they are severely punished for any attempt to tell anyone of the abuse or to reach out for any kind of help. In many cases, abusers manipulate children into seeking help in order to immediately wield punishment with the goal of developing a deeply entrenched fear of telling. For example, some abusers provide a child with a faux confidant, a counterfeit ally, who is actually a member of the abuser group, who gains the child’s trust with the intended purpose of the child disclosing the abuse to this person. The faux confidant immediately reports this disclosure to the abusers. The child is tortured in retaliation, and told that the abusers know, see, and hear everything the child does. In many cases, particular self-states are also trained with reward and punishment (by torture) to remember what the abusers wish them to remember and to forget what the abusers want them to forget, to prevent the victim recalling and disclosing the abuse. These kinds of set-ups are examples of two of the most common kinds of “programming” done by psychologically sophisticated abusers– “don’t talk; don’t tell” programming and amnesia programming. These two kinds of programming form the basis of much other programming. “Don’t talk; don’t tell” programming and amnesia programming are often done with particular dissociated self-states that were first induced to form in response to severe torture. This is designed to result in the development of dissociated selfstates who perceive themselves as existing in the original sites of their torture within the internal landscape (see note). Defiance of abuser dictates by these self36

states, or wishes by any self-state to defy the abusers, is intended to cause these self-states to experience themselves as being tortured once again. Such selfstates may be further torture-hypno-conditioned to develop them into “reporter” and “re-contact” self-states. Note: Individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder tend to have an imagistic internal landscape in which many of their dissociated identities reside. John O’Neil, MD, calls this the “Inscape” in his article, “Expanding the Psychoanalytic View of the Intrapsychic: Psychic Conflict in the Inscape” (available on the internet: https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/xmlui/handle/1794/1795; click on “view/open” for full text). In many cases, self-states are simply commanded to take on reporter and recontact functions. As one survivor explains, their parts obey out of “complete resignation”: For these parts, the only reality they know is the reality created by the abusers, by their violent, punitive training and by their lies. The abusers say, “You’re utterly alone, there’s nothing more to your life than these missions/jobs/horrors, and every fiber of your being belongs to us.” They believe this. They have no sense of sovereignty over their own existence. The abusers define their identity and value. They are much like soldiers committing horrendous acts in the line of duty. But they have no other self, no home to come home to. They have an artificiallyinduced sense of belonging only to the abusers and complete isolation from the rest of the world. In their reality, people who don’t do as they’re told tend to drop dead, sometimes in unspeakably excruciating ways. When a part doesn’t behave, very, very bad things happen to them. Parts may even be sent to “compliance centers” to be “re-tooled” [more intense and sophisticated torture-hypnoconditioning]. In many cases, self-states have been created and/or conditioned to be loyal to their programmers and abusers and to function as their spies. These self-states know full-well the dangerous consequences of non-compliance. Driven ultimately by fear, such self-states “rat-out” any self-states who defy abuser directives. 37

In most of these cases, the pain, dread, and helplessness of very young and severely tortured self-states “spill over” into the reporter self-states, contributing to their feeling compelled to comply with the abusers’ directives and wishes. However the reporter and re-contact programming is accomplished, it can be considered the acid test for sophisticated programming. Maintaining continuous future control of victims, outside of the conscious awareness of “daytime” selfstates, is the aim of most mind control. Note: I use the term “daytime” self-states very loosely for convenience to refer to the self-states who take care of required daily functioning and who do not know of the abuse until significant self-work, in therapy or otherwise, has occurred. “Daytime” self-states are not limited to being conscious only in the daytime. In some cases, “reporter” self-states have been programmed to regularly, or daily, phone their abusers in the early morning hours at a previously-memorized tollfree number (so it will not appear on the survivor’s phone bill) or from other phones that do not create phone records, like phone booths or pre-paid cell phones. When the programming is working as intended, “reporter” and “recontact” self-states do their jobs without the “daytime” more-often-conscious parts of the psyche having any awareness or memory of their actions. “Daytime” self-states may occasionally “awaken” to find a telephone in their hand at 3:00am, not understanding why they are holding a phone. They often dismiss this as simply an odd event, the kind of odd events they have become accustomed to for a lifetime. Dismissal of such events is often unconsciously driven by the dread of knowing “the whole story,” or in some cases, is directed by self-states programmed to ensure that the “daytime” states never learn the truth. In many cases, particular dissociated self-states have been torture-hypnoconditioned to perform particular behaviors in response to particular abuser “cues” and “triggers.” For example, a hand signal from across a parking lot may be used to “trigger” a reporter self-state to immediately telephone the abusers to receive directives. The directive is usually to go to a designated place to make renewed contact with the abusers. If the victim is geographically distant from the abusers or without transportation, he or she may be directed to report her or his 38

location and may then be directed to walk to a specific location to wait to be picked up. In some cases, particular dissociated self-states have been programmed to respond to naturally-occurring stimuli by re-setting programming, such as directives to obey, or programs that may have been discovered and tampered with by the survivor, a therapist, or another programmer. Stimuli survivors have discovered to have been used as re-sets are the sight of a trademark of a common chain store or restaurant, or a self-state programmed to perceive that there is a button on the body that gets pressed each day while dressing. Until these kinds of programming are made conscious, or otherwise de-activated (e.g., by the survivor learning how to prevent “switching” into programmed selfstates, or devising a means of internally sequestering programmed self-states), “handlers” (abusers who control victims– not necessarily programmers) can activate this programming with hand signals, phone tones, words, etc., which are communicated in what appears to be normal conversation, normal public activity, or seemingly benign phone calls, text messages, emails, greeting cards, etc., or that simply occur naturally. Should the designated self-states fail to perform the conditioned behavior in response to the “cues” and stimuli, they and other torture-conditioned self-states are intended to re-experience their tortureconditioning internally. This programming is intended to function out of the conscious awareness of the daytime, most-often-conscious self-states. In this way, survivors may be in ongoing abuser contact and have no knowledge of this. The use of such techniques by the United States CIA is documented in an untitled Project ARTICHOKE document dated 7 January 1953, under a section heading, “Outline of Special H [Hypnosis] Cases,” cited in “Bluebird,” by Colin Ross, 2000, p. 32): In all of these cases, these subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state to a deep H [hypnotic] controlled state via the telephone, via some very subtle signal that cannot be detected by other persons in the room and without the other individual being able to note the change. It has been clearly shown that physically individuals can be induced into H [hypnosis] by telephone, 39

by receiving written matter, or by the use of code, signals or word and that control of those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls [age 19 years] that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes and that they can be conditioned to a point where they can believe a change in identity on their part even on the polygraph. In some cases, victims perceive that they are being abused more often than is actually the case. For example, some abusers program their victims to perceive that after each therapy session, they return to the abusers to report on the content of the session and to be punished for seeking help, for recalling the abuse, and for disclosing it. Such programming, in effect, does the abusers’ work for them. In some cases, self-states who are obedient to, or identified with, their abusers internally punish other self-states for disobeying the abusers. The punished self-states generally perceive this internal punishment as actual external abuse. Alison Miller, Ph.D., a psychologist specializing in therapy with ritual abuse and mind control survivors, states, “A clue to whether a memory of current abuse is actual or perceived is that if the memory is identical each time it occurs, it is likely simply a memory being triggered.” (Personal communication, 2011) To overcome all of these kinds of programming, survivors need to discover these programmed self-states, including torture-hypno-conditioned self-states, reporter and re-contact self-states, and “back-up” and hidden reporter or re-contact selfstates, and to become conscious of, 1) how they were manipulated into taking on their functions that serve the abusers, 2) the dictates and “jobs” given to them, and 3) the “cues” and “triggers” to which they have been trained or hypnotized. Theses self-states can then exercise their free will for the first time. Self-states can also “change sides” and begin to work for the survivor. They can make a conscious choice to override all of these set-ups, dictates, and triggering stimuli. Survivors can use self-hypnosis to change all programmed “cues” and “triggers” into impossible stimuli, stimuli that cannot exist in reality, that no one could possibly ever see, hear, feel, smell, or taste, so that they can never be triggered to behave as programmed again.


In some cases, particular self-states have been torture-hypno-conditioned to control the”switching” between self-states, as in switching from “daytime” selfstates to “reporter” and “re-contact” self-states. When self-states that control switching align with the best interests of the victim rather than submit to the wishes of the abusers, much more safety can be achieved. When “reporter” selfstates change sides, they can give false information to the abusers to make the abusers believe that their programming is intact as the survivor completes the work of dismantling the programming. As I have told survivors, “If you are playing checkers with a known cheater, you would be crazy not to cheat.” Survivors can also internally re-locate their programmed self-states out of their internal torture sites to self-created places of safety and healing in their internal landscape. Re-locating self-states, and transforming one’s internal landscape to serve oneself, are very powerful means of protecting one’s self-states from internally re-experiencing their torture, and thereby greatly weakening the power of the programming. The process of discovering and internally rescuing programmed self-states is a step-by-step, often lengthy, process, often done in therapy or counseling with psychotherapists or clergy who understand mind control. Some survivors find that before all self-states can be discovered and re-located, they can develop means of increasing their mental focus to stay mentally present in a self-state that can exercise critical thinking, self-observation, free will, and can thereby: a) override the impact of programmed self-states, and b) learn to prevent reporter and recontact self-states from switching into executive control. 2. Threats of Greater Harm for breaking Free As discussed above, threats are a mainstay of ritually abusive and mind control abusers. Some threats are lies. Other threats carry genuine risk. Most are probably a combination of the two. Some abuser threats are consciously registered by the “daytime” self-states. Some are held only in specific dissociated self-states and affect other self-states more diffusely, by “leaking” or spreading fear throughout the system of self-states. 41

Ritual and mind control abusers want their victims to believe that there is no way out, that it is impossible to escape, and that they will be punished or killed if they try to break free. These are terrifying threats. However, many survivors decide that the alternative of submitting to their abusers is much worse. These abuser groups seek life-time control of their victims. Submission is not rewarded with freedom in a year or in a decade. To submit is to begin a life-sentence. The longer one submits, the longer one is abused. And worse for many victims than being abused themselves, submission usually means that the victim will be forced to abuse, harm, or kill others– children, adults, and animals, for the rest of her or his life. Sophisticated abusers usually claim that they always know where their victims are. And they threaten to abduct them, that is, to take them by force, and punish them severely, if they do not willingly comply with abuser directives. These abusers generally trick their victims, and particular self-states, into believing that the abusers are always watching, listening, reading their minds, etc., by means of malevolent spiritual entities, all-seeing eyes, computer microchips implanted in their brains to read their thoughts and to transmit directives, etc. (See next section on “Fear of Electromagnetic Surveillance and Harassment”) Abuser threats of abduction are often exaggerated. It is the preference of programmers not to abduct their victims because this demonstrates a weakness in their programming. Only when their victims respond to post-hypnotic suggestions and programmed “triggers” is their programming demonstrated to be effective. The more effective their programming, the more they gain in status, ego, and money. Programmers who are successful get paid more by other abusers to teach and do their programming than programmers who “fail” and who have failed “projects” (victims). In addition, abusers may be punished for losing control of victims. Rather than resort to abduction, they prefer to keep trying to prove that their programming is working. They try to activate their victims’ programming with “triggers” such as phone calls, hand signals, etc. Ritually abusive and mind control abusers also rely on the “call-back” programs they have “installed” in their victims beginning in childhood. These programs are designed to “activate” at particular future dates or events, to make victims 42

telephone or visit their abusers, or to attend large rituals that were planned years in advance. Future “call-back” events reported by survivors include particular birthdays of the survivor and the survivor’s children, particular large holiday rituals in years believed to hold particular political or spiritual significance to the abuser group, and to return to primary family abusers as they are on their death beds. Carole Smith describes this kind of programming in her book, “The Magic Castle: A Mother’s Harrowing True Story Of Her Adoptive Son’s Multiple Personalities– And The Triumph Of Healing” (1998). Smith adopted a boy at 10 years of age and soon discovered that he had Multiple Personality Disorder (the former term for Dissociative Identity Disorder) and that he had been victimized by a ritually abusive cult. She details her struggle to raise this child, to keep him safe, and to find him proper psychotherapy. Despite all of her love and the expert therapeutic help she eventually found, her son, in a programmed self-state, returned for a ritual on his 18th birthday. This is the kind of behavior such abusers seek to produce and hope to rely upon. It satisfies their grandiosity. To programmers, the need for abduction signifies a failure. In cases of survivors who have broken a good deal of their programming, the risk of abduction is likely to be even more reduced. These survivors have good coconsciousness between previously dissociated self-states, and good intra-system cooperation between self-states in their desire to defy their abusers. This largely disables their amnesia programing. This poses a risk to the programmers in that these survivors can recall everything about any contact with their abusers, including the sites of the abuse and the identities of the perpetrators. It is also often a waste of abuser resources to try to regain control of these survivors. However, the risk of abduction should not be discounted, especially when a victim first begins to defy his or her abusers and does not “show up” as “ordered.” Abusers may abduct victims at such times to try to reinforce their programming. This is when victims need to be the most cautious about their physical safety, to not be alone, to not go to isolated places, etc. See this page on this website for more ideas about increasing one’s safety: “Safety Tips for Ritual Abuse Survivors”: http://endritualabuse.org/activism/safety-tips-for-ritual-abuse-survivors/ 43

Murder is a fact of organized abuse and other organized crime. Consider the Mafia and KKK. Organized abusers commit murders for ritual sacrifice, to appease and win favor with their deities, to punish victims, to eliminate rivals and people who threaten to expose them, in snuff films made for profit, and out of rage or pure sadism. However, I believe that organized abusers threaten far more murders than they actually commit. It is also my sense, and the sense of many of my colleagues, that organized abusers have become more concerned about potential exposure in recent years than they were 15 or 20 years ago, and that this is a deterrent to killing their victims. Despite the media campaign of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation to raise doubt about the existence of recovered memories of abuse, to try to discredit Dissociative Identity Disorder as a valid diagnosis, and to try to make the public believe that ritual abuse does not exist, information about organized abuse and ritual abuse has become more publicly available in recent years. Clergy abuse has been making headlines, especially in the last 10 years, including evidence of organized cover-up. There have been criminal convictions of ritual abuse, notably the 2006 conviction of Father Gerald Robinson for the 1980 ritual murder of Sister Margaret Ann Pahl (see “Sin, Shame, and Secrets: The Murder of a Nun, the Conviction of a Priest, and Cover-up in the Catholic Church,” by David Yonke, 2006), and the most recent South Wales conviction (March 9, 2011) of Satanic sex cult leader, Colin Batley, and three of his followers of sexual offenses against children. There are also numerous recent academic publications available on the subject of ritual abuse. Some are listed on this website on this page “Publications on Ritual Abuse and Mind Control in 2008″ (I will update this soon): http://endritualabuse.org/evidence/publications-on-ritual-abuse-and-mindcontrol-in-2008/ . There have been significant additions since 2008. Many survivors understand that they may suffer an initial escalation in abuse as they work to break free, that this is often an inevitable part of the process. Yet, they make the choice to proceed anyway because they decide it is worth it in the long run, and because they demand their right to freedom. These survivors are often fueled by “holy rage” (thank you to Hans Ulrich Gresch, Ph.D., for this phrase) and they will not be stopped no matter what the abusers do. Many feel, 44

“If you are going to kill me, go ahead and kill me– that would be better than living a life under your control.” Support people, e.g., therapists, clergy, advocates, loved ones, etc., often feel highly personally traumatized as they learn of the abuse that a survivor may still be suffering. Short of support people being able to watch the survivor around the clock (this has helped some survivors), it is often impossible, for some time, to stop the survivor from reporting back, or submitting, to her or his abusers. Support people must grapple with what they can and cannot do, what they can and cannot stop, how much support and survivor supervision they can and cannot give, and how much they can and cannot sacrifice of themselves. These situations pose very difficult clinical, ethical, legal, personal, and spiritual dilemmas for the therapist, clergy-person, etc. Many therapists working with survivors in these life and death situations extend themselves in ways that they would not with other clients. Many do things that they know could place them at risk with their regulatory and licensing bodies and professional organizations, but in many cases, believe that they nonetheless made the right ethical decision in taking such risks. Even when therapists, clergy, and support people go to great lengths to support a survivor, it is often the case that the abuse continues for some time as the survivor fights for her or his freedom, until much of the programming and other destructive internal mechanisms (e.g., self-hatred) within the survivor are resolved. How can a therapist, clergy-person, or support person psychologically manage the distress of knowing that the abuse is ongoing? Many cannot. They feel too helpless, too personally traumatized, and they abandon the survivor, or refuse to work with other survivors in the future, or deem these victims as “untreatable.” Other therapists, clergy, and support people learn to accept the things they cannot change (yes- the serenity prayer), often through consulting with peers for advice and support, and then continue the work, doing what they can. They also often eventually realize that victims with dissociative capacities can generally manage ongoing abuse in ways that non-dissociative individuals could not. 45

Dissociation is a powerful psychological mechanism for managing intense trauma. I have no wish to diminish the fact that torture is torture and that it is completely unacceptable. However, I am stating that victims can often psychologically manage abuse in ways that therapists, clergy, support people, etc., can only begin to understand.

3. Fear of Electromagnetic Surveillance and Harassment Many victims of sophisticated abuse who initially believed that their abusers surgically placed microchips in their brains eventually recall that these were pseudo-surgeries, with abusers wearing surgical scrubs, a tray of surgical supplies, a superficial cut, and sometimes a superficial scar. I have asked neuroscientists about the feasibility of an implanted electronic device interfacing with the brain to decipher a person’s thoughts or to transmit thoughts. They have explained that, although it is possible for an implanted electronic device to interface with the brain in a localized area, such as electrically stimulating areas of the brain damaged by a stroke to amplify neural action potentials, it is not possible for any device to decipher a person’s thoughts or to transmit specific thoughts. The mental functions involved in thought are too neurologically-widespread, and involve too many complex chemical, biological and electrical brain mechanisms, for an implanted electronic device to possibly decipher or control. It is conceivable that a small radio receiver could be implanted in or near the ear that could receive audible verbal commands, but these would be received through the sense of hearing, not directly by the brain. But abusers can easily convince frightened children that they can read their minds and control their thoughts with electronic devices, especially when they use tricks, hypnosis, and hallucinogenic drugs, to “seal the deal”, and these programmed child self-states often influence the victim as a whole to feel watched, monitored, and to believe that theirs mind are being read. Some survivors report that computer microchips were placed in their bodies to allow their abusers to identify them with a scanner. This technology has been available to identify lost pets for many decades. However, this technology serves 46

no function at a distance. And, in many, if not most, cases, placement of identification chips is likely an abuser deception to intimidate victims. Some survivors believe that they have been implanted with global positioning system (GPS) signaling devices that constantly alert their abusers of their whereabouts. From what I have read about use of such systems in tracking animals and criminals, the signaling device requires a power source, such as a battery or solar energy, to transmit a signal. This raises questions about how long such a device could potentially work if implanted in the body or brain. However, I understand that there may be advances in this technology that may not be public. I am not a physicist and do not have enough knowledge to parse out true from false information about this and other technologies alleged to be used to track, harass, or harm people. However, there is ample evidence for many kinds of nonlethal technological weaponry, and for intelligence agencies experimenting with these on unwitting victims, as far back as the CIA using radiation and psychoactive drugs on unwitting victims in the MKULTRA program. See: Project MKULTRA, the CIA’s Program of Research into Behavioral Modification. Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, United State Senate, NinetyFifth Congress, First Session. (1977). U.S. Government Printing Office (copy hosted at the New York Times website). Retrieved March 24, 2011, from: http://www.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/national/13inmate_ProjectMKULTRA.pdf . On the other hand, much information on the internet on these technologies clearly overstates the implications of the research being cited and is filled with logical flaws. Some of this poorly-reasoned information is likely driven by genuine fear in trauma victims and survivors. However, some of this information may be deliberate fear-mongering. It is conceivable that ritual and mind control abusers have posted disinformation on the internet about these technologies to terrorize their victims, to try to make them believe that they are in constant danger and under constant surveillance, and even to distract them from being able to recall their ritual abuse or mind control abuse and from discovering their dissociated identities. 47

Survivors of organized abuse who believe, or fear, that they may be being victimized by technological surveillance and non-lethal weapons should work to prevent their fears from snowballing out of control in over-generalized fear. They should do the internal work of looking at the possibility that other dissociated trauma, such as early child abuse, ritual abuse, or torture-based mind control, may hold the roots of their fears. And they should attempt to conduct a reasoned, vs. fear-driven, investigation of what kinds of applications of technological harassment are feasible and which are impossible, of what is science, and what may be disinformation. Even though the study of non-lethal weaponry is very complex, and even though intelligence agencies likely have knowledge not available to the public, it is important that individuals not ascribe omniscience (unlimited knowledge), omnipotence (unlimited power), or omnipresence (being everywhere at once) to these agencies. Note: It is critical that both survivors and professionals working with survivors (therapists, clergy, etc.), tolerate conflicting views on matters of non-lethal weaponry and harassment. Professional helpers should not dismiss survivor claims offhandedly, should be humble in acknowledging their lack of expertise in such matters, and should maintain a stance of running multiple hypotheses at once, pro and con, to continue to critically evaluate such claims. Likewise, survivors who believe they are being controlled by microchips or targeted by nonlethal weaponry must not reflexively dismiss professionals who seek to critically evaluate the feasability of such claims, but should understand that these professionals do not want survivors to suffer from unnecessary or overgeneralized fear. In my work as a psychologist, clients have both viewed me as insensitive when I did not immediately believe their claims of non-lethal weaponry or implanted microchips, and have viewed me as gullible when I did not express uncertainty about such claims.

4. Threats of Harm to Others for Breaking Free Psychologically-sophisticated abusers (including political torturers) know well that they can get more cooperation from victims by threatening or harming people 48

whom the victim cares about than by threatening or harming the victim her/himself. In this devastating form of psychological torture, the abusers, many of whom have completely disconnected from their own humanity, exploit their victims’ capacity for love. Beginning in early childhood, these abusers almost always demonstrate to their victims that others will be harmed when they do not submit. It is a deliberate setup to make victims feel damned if they do and damned if they don’t. If they submit, they and others are harmed less in the short-run, but are cumulatively harmed more in the long-run, since the abusers have more long-term access. If they defy their abusers, others may be hurt more brutally in the short-run in the name of their defiance, but the cumulative long-term abuse is reduced, because the access is stopped sooner. However, to have anyone hurt in one’s name is devastating, whether the harm occurs in one’s presence, or in cases of knowing that others will be harmed in punishment for failing to attend a ritual or mind control session as ordered. One survivor explained, “The guilt experienced is absolutely crushing, agonizing, and is very challenging to overcome.” Victims also fear that when they do defy the abusers, and others are punished in retaliation, that the other victims will hate and condemn them for this. However, some victims report that they secretly applaud those who defy the abusers, that it helps them realize that they too can break all of the abusers’ “rules,” that they too can fight for their own rights, and that they too can break free, even if others will be harmed in retaliation. It is important to remember that when abusers threaten murder in retaliation for a survivor breaking free, and even if they carry out that threat, this crime is the abuser’s crime, not the survivor’s, as much as the abusers try to set-up victims to blame themselves. It is also important to note that some murders that occur in rituals and programming sessions are staged, not actual. Victims are tricked into believing that the murders are actual to terrorize them. It is not only the abusers’ words that should never be trusted. Memories of abusers’ actions must also be carefully 49

scrutinized for possible deception, faked and staged acts, “smoke and mirrors,” and use of film combined with drugged states to make victims believe that the events in the film actually occurred. Unfortunately, murder by organized abusers is a reality, and we must not discount survivors’ concerns about the possibility of murders being committed in retaliation for thier defying their abusers. Many ritual abuse survivors report that the people most likely to be killed by organized abusers are: 1) homeless people (when they go missing, no one may notice and foul play is less likely to be suspected), 2) children abducted from third-world countries, 3) infants delivered pre-term by the abusers, and 4) people born “off the grid,” raised in captivity by abuser groups and abuser families. People “on the grid” with registered births, social security numbers, etc., are less likely to be killed, because the abusers do not want to risk drawing any attention from law enforcement. The abusers’ greatest concern is maintaining their secrecy. Many ritual abuse survivors report that their abusers take children of their victims to be raised by someone else, in part to control victims by repeatedly telling them that this child will be killed if they ever defy the abusers. In some cases, this is an empty threat. Many victims are significant “projects” of the abusers, an investment of significant money, time, and ego, a valuable asset to be used by the abuser group in the future in some manner, e.g., a profession that benefits the abuser group, or a function in the abuser group. Such victims are not easily expendable to the abusers. If the child was born “on the grid,” it is more risky for the abusers for that child to come up missing. The children at highest risk of being killed are children whom the abuser group always intended to kill for some purpose. Some victims have loved ones who were not raised in the abuser group and who are of no direct value to the abusers. Some survivors report that such people have been killed in retaliation for their breaking free. This may be made to look like an accident, such as a fatal car accident, suicide, or willful disappearance.


Therapists and clergy should not try to convince survivors that abusers will never kill someone in retaliation for their breaking free. No one can guarantee that this will not happen. This is life and death organized crime, and very similar to what we know about more overt organized crime. Survivors’ fears that law enforcement, on a local or larger level, is compromised should also not be discounted. The book, “The Franklin Scandal,” by Nick Bryant, documents an important case of a nationwide pedophile ring that Nebraska legislators nearly exposed ring in 1990. However, Bryant writes, “The legislators’ efforts resulted in rash of mysterious deaths and the overpowering corruption of federal and local law enforcement, including the FBI, Secret Service, and Justice Department, effecting an immaculate cover-up of the trafficking network.” There were many deaths in the Franklin case that raise very troubling questions of foulplay connected to the cover-up. See: http://franklinscandal.com/ . So, the decision to leave or stay is sometimes a true life and death decision. On the one hand, people may truly be killed in retaliation for leaving. On the other hand, to not break free is to subject oneself to the will of the abusers for a lifetime, which usually includes being forced to hurt or kill many other people. And to not break free, to submit to the abusers for a lifetime, for fear of their carrying out their threats, plays right into the hands of the abusers, making threats as a means of control of survivors all the more effective. There are measures that can be taken to reduce danger to victims and loved ones. Survivors who believe that they or others might be killed, or made to appear to have committed suicide, should make a clear and convincing written document or DVD or videotape of their fear of being murdered, their desire to live rather than to suicide, and their having no plans to disappear. This can increase the fear of an abuser or abuser group of being identified upon committing a murder or a murder staged to appear as a suicide, accident, or willful disappearance. Guidelines for making a Safety DVD or Video-tape are outlined on the page on this website “Safety Tips for Ritual Abuse Survivors”: http://endritualabuse.org/activism/safety-tips-for-ritual-abuse-survivors/ 51

5. Promises of Status and Power for Cooperation Ritual abusers usually make false promises to their victims of greater safety and status in return for greater obedience. These lies are a standard part of programming. There simply are not enough high positions in cult groups for all of the victims with self-states who have been told that they were slated for high positions. There are always higher levels and more horrible things one must do and endure in order to rise yet another rank. In cult groups, higher status usually includes needing to prove that one can take more pain than the people “below.” Additionally, since cult members distrust each other and are always vying for position, the higher one rises in the group, the more members “below” them will try to set them up to sabotage them. Self-states motivated by status and power are generally dissociated from selfstates who know the more painful truths about their abuse– that staying in the abuser group means a lifetime of extreme abuse, that no matter what they do, they will be abused, and that there is an enormous emotional and spiritual cost of hurting others. I know a survivor whose children told her, as she drove them home from a ritual, that she said, “I just can’t hurt people anymore.” This was the beginning of her breaking free. Self-states motivated by status and power need to eventually face that their wishful hopes for power and status are rooted in dissociation from great physical, emotional, and even spiritual pain and suffering. I believe that self-states motivated by status and power will almost always be present in victims of ritual abuse and mind control. Their existence does not mean that the “whole person,” or bulk of the person, or the “core” or “heart” of the person has opted for evil. Identification with the aggressor is almost always a response, on some level, to extreme abuse, even if only unconscious or held in dissociated self-states. When helplessness, pain, and terror reach levels of psychological intolerableness, there is a natural human tendency, on some level, even if only unconscious, to wish to be a powerful abuser rather than a helpless victim, and to have impulses to discharge our rage onto others. This is a painful harsh human reality that survivors must learn to face within themselves in order 52

to genuinely be able to work this through, a reality that non-abused individuals can pretend they would never feel.

6. Loyalty and Attachment Based Ultimately in Extreme fear Loyalty and attachment to abusers is a survival mechanism, exemplified by “Stockholm Syndrome.” (See: Brief History: Stockholm Syndrome, by Laura Fitzpatrick (2009): http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1919757,00.html) Adah Sachs, attachment-based psychoanalytic psychotherapist in London, explains that since attachment is ultimately a survival response, victims of extreme abuse, such as ritual abuse, inevitably attach strongly to extreme abusers in order to survive. Extreme and sadistic abusers fully engage with their victims only during their abuse of them. Therefore, the victim’s need for proximity to the abuser, and the full engagement of this abuser/attachment figure, is highest during the acts of extreme abuse, when threat to life is the highest. For the victim, terrifying abuse becomes the inevitable gateway to engage with the abuser/attachment figure on whom their life depends. The victim cannot fight the abuser off or set him/herself free from the abuser because of the heightened intensity of the need for attachment in the midst of terror. This consequently forms a “blueprint” for the victim’s attachment style. Sachs posits that working through this attachment “blueprint” or style needs to be the focus of therapy and that transformation of this style of attachment is the key to any lasting freedom. Sachs discusses these ideas in depth in her chapter, “As Thick as Thieves, or the Ritual Abuse Family– an Attachment Perspective on a Forensic Relationship,” in the new book, “Attachment, Trauma and Multiplicity (second edition)” (2011), edited by Valerie Sinason (see: http://www.amazon.com/Attachment-TraumaMultiplicity-Dissociative-Identity/dp/0415491819/ref=dp_ob_title_bk/1924529334-2985350). In addition, many sophisticated abusers deliberately set up particular self-states to bond to them, to be loyal to them, and to serve them. They go to great lengths 53

to convince these self-states that only the abusers love them, and that any people who truly care for them, or who are a potential source of help or support, including loved ones, therapists, clergy, law enforcement, child protection, etc., are dangerous or are part of the abuser group. One survivor explained to me, “Most of my reporters were created by my abusers to be perpetrator-friendly entities, with no ambitions beyond pleasing or serving their programmer/handler, etc. They just never knew anything different, any other way of being in the world.” If there is a protective parent, the abusers usually work to convince the victim that this parent does not love them and has abused them. Psychologicallysophisticated abusers often abuse their victims while impersonating the victims’ loved ones. The victims are often drugged to make them more suggestible to being tricked by such ploys. The abusers may also trick these self-states into believing that the abusers are the victim’s true parents. The abusers often make victims, usually particular self-states, believe they are their victims’ romantic partners, often including ritual marriages. They often make their victims believe that the abuser group is the only place where they belong, that this is the only place they are needed and valued, that they are special or “chosen,” that some powerful and terrifying deity has a pre-destined important fate for them, etc. The abusers often orture their victims to near-death and stage fake rescues, to make victims believe that the abusers or their deities have complete control of their life or “life force.” Commonly, self-states who “were rescued” from near-death by an abuser have no knowledge that the same abuser also tortured them or turned them over to others to torture them. In some cases, abusers make a victim believe that the victim is the only one whom the abuser can rely on for help, love, and rescue, again exploiting the victim’s capacity for love. Self-states who have been manipulated into bonds of love with their abusers need to learn about the abuse that is known by other self-states.


Svali, a ritual abuse and mind control survivor, has written an excellent article on bonding to abusers that expands upon the above ideas. See: “Trauma Bonding: The Pull to the Perpetrator” (Oct 12, 2000), at: http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/ritual_abuse/50317/1 (Retrieved from the internet on April 24, 2011).

7. Perceived Spiritual Attachment Ritual abusers often conduct rituals to cause their victims to believe that demons, fallen angels, and abuser spirits have attached to them, control them, always watch them, can harm them, etc. For victims, feeling influenced or threatened by these forces is often a factor in their believing that they have no choice but to continue to submit to their abusers. Some survivors and some of their self-states believe these perceptions of spiritual influences are simply the result of abuser tricks, smoke and mirrors, hypnosis combined with drug effects, etc., used in rituals and programming sessions. For these survivors and self-states, resolution of the effects of these events is achieved by discovering and exposing the abuser manipulations that were done to convince their self-states that these spiritual effects controlled them. Some survivors, or self-states within survivors who hold very different spiritual beliefs or even who hold no spiritual beliefs, believe that such spiritual attachments are actual. For these survivors and self-states, a spiritual approach is often a required element to resolving their effects. Most religious and spiritual traditions include means of spiritually separating oneself, and protecting oneself, from malevolent spiritual influences. In most traditions, this includes an assertion of one’s own free will. For survivors of ritual abuse, recollection of the rituals in which attachments were perceived to have been achieved is often necessary in order to assert one’s free will against these forms of abuse and their effects.

8. Belief in the Ideology of The Abusers 55

Ritually abusive or mind control abuser groups generally indoctrinate their victims, more accurately– critical self-states within their victims, into their ideology, often beginning in early childhood. This occurs both as a function of belonging to the social milieu of the abuser group, and in specific programming targeted for this purpose. These beliefs are usually held in self-states who hold powerful positions within an internal hierarchy on the abuser group side of the self-state system, not in the “daytime” self-states. Espionage-based mind control groups with political, or ethnic or religious supremacy, agendas indoctrinate their victims into the political/ethnic/religious supremacy agendas of the group. These groups tell their victims that they are providing a valuable service to their citizenry, a public who would otherwise have their security greatly threatened. Self-states who serve these groups are often valued much like honored soldiers. Ritually abusive groups indoctrinate their victims into their spiritual beliefs. This generally includes a belief that their deities will return favor to cult members, such as increased power and some form of immortality, in return for offerings to appease, or win favor with, these deities. These offerings usually include some form of death sacrifice. They also believe that these acts empower their deities, whom they usually view as rivals of the Judeo-Christian God. Or they may abuse in the name of both the Judeo-Christian God and a rival deity, believing that good and evil must be made equal in the world. Victims are usually taught that if they abandon the abuser groups’ beliefs and practices, they will incur the wrath of both the cult groups’ deities and the Judeo-Christian God. In some cases, cult indoctrination leaks into the victim’s daytime self-states resulting in a cloudlike, preconscious sense of being different, evil, bad, or connected to the abuser group’s deities. For example, a survivor reported to me that her first indication of her victimization was when her therapist casually asked her, “Who is your savior?” and the word, “Satan” flew out of her mouth, much to her shock and dismay. In other cases, an alignment with the religious or political agenda of the abuser group by indoctrinated self-states is completely walled off from the “daytime” 56

self-states, who often hold religious beliefs directly opposed to that of their abusers. Indoctrinated self-states aligned with the ideology of the abuser group may sabotage efforts of other self-states to break free of an abuser group. In ritual abuse survivors, some self-states may have a religious identity tied to the cult group, nostalgia for the spiritual practices, and sense of community and belonging in the cult. These self-states are often not conscious of other factors that affect their held ideologies. They often have little awareness of the world outside of the abuser group, so they have little experience with other views, religions, and values. They often have less awareness of the abuse than the self-states who “took” the abuse and hold this trauma. And they often have no knowledge of the specific torture-hypno-conditioning used to make them fear any disloyalty to the abuser group’s beliefs. These indoctrinated self-states often benefit greatly from having experiences of kindness and reciprocity with individuals outside of the abuser group, such as loved ones, clergy, and therapists. In these relationships, they may experience freedom of thought, the right to question and critically evaluate the abuser’s ideologies, and the capacity to choose what they wish to believe for the first time.

9. Feeling Unworthy of Belonging Anywhere but with The Abusers Sophisticated abusers go to great lengths to convince victims and specific selfstates that they are unworthy of love and incapable of belonging anywhere but in the abuser group. They place victims in no-win, forced-choice, Machiavellian setups in which the victim must harm a person or animal, or the abusers will inflict worse harm on that person or animal, and often to someone else as well. When the victim performs the act that averts the greater harm, the abusers then proclaim the victim to be an accomplice, a murderer, evil, unlovable, etc. These claims are lies. The victim was given no choices that did not involve harm being done to an other person or animal. The victim was given no real choices.


In some cases, victims are ruthlessly tortured for the purpose of filling them with rage and then manipulated to turn this rage against self and/or others. Some abusers combine torture and theatrics to make victims perceive that Satan, or some other deity worshiped by the abuser group, saved them, and that God and the rest of humanity abandoned them. Similar tactics are used to trick victims into believing that most therapists, clergy, police, and child protection workers are part of the abuser network. They are told that no one outside of the abuser group will ever love them, believe them, accept them, or deem them to be anything but crazy. These unfair beliefs about the self are often very difficult to right. But, this work is a very necessary part of the process of breaking free. Survivors need to make a deep decision to defy their abusers’ messages and to assert within themselves their rights to kindness, dignity, happiness, and healing. They must stop judging and punishing themselves for the things they did in the context of torture and threat to life and limb. Sometimes, specific rituals need to be recalled in order to resolve the roots of some of these beliefs in specific self-states.

Satanic Mind Control 1. Methods of Indoctrination Terminology: Building the Exit Cost A cult or religion will build up the "exit cost" of leaving the group. Building up an exit cost is one of the greatest defining features of a cult. The harder it is to leave, the more dangerous the cult. The exit cost can be comprised of many elements: Imagined, real, social, psychological or practical Power To Command There is a branch of New Age science called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Techniques developed by Richard Bandler and Dr. John Grinder that enable reading of eye movements and other visual cues during conversation or counselling to program a neophytes behavior. By giving feedback, support at the 58

right times, a person can be unconsciously led down the precise thought processes that the executor wishes them to realize. In Satanism and the Left Hand Path similar tricks exist, I call them a Power to Command, and it is not limited to body language, but to all aspects of a person's communication. I do not believe you can teach someone the skill of Power to Command; I think people need to be natural at this skill, rather than taught it. Internet links on NLP: www.nlp.org, www.nlpinfo.com A person the Power To Command is overwhelming when the time is right, they are quiet, sensitive, persuasive at the right times, and can possess much charm and intelligence. Sometimes certain personality types are immune to this. I know people who are immune to it, I think I can spot them quite quickly, and I normally respect them more than most! I think different people interact in different ways, and can lever Power to Command against different personality types. The "The Satanic Witch" by Anton LaVey (1970) contains some similar charts, matching personality types, I think Power To Command as a concept is similar, but more universal. The Satanic Witch is becoming out dated (although it was _excellent_ at its time), and the tactics of control in it are not usable by many. Hugs and love bombing People have a basic physiological need for plain affection. Love-bombing may include a session where all members hold hands, hug each other or perform other light hearted and affectionate bonding. The actual "bonding" that occurs to the other people is very small, most the bonding comes from a general feel good factor resulting from this primal need being satisfied in a safe and consenting atmosphere. Love bombing appeals to our basic humanity. Associating this with a particular place, teacher, location or concept promotes that concept and makes it homely, acceptable, "normal". If you experience love bombing mixed with intellectual teachings or the preaching of a leader then their teachings will be associated with this brotherly and good feeling of being soothed and accepted. 59

When encountering criticism of the cult leaders' teachings, the victim himself feels rejected, angry, hurt. It ties a person down to the group and ideas being preached very effectively and does it without them knowing. It increases the social exit cost, and the longer you associate with the group the harder it is to leave it behind. The opposite of love-bombing is unconditional love. Love-bombing is highly conditional. This means the love is directly tied down to membership and participation in the group. When it is clear that a neophyte will not join the group or voices doubts or leaves the group, all love ceases; the technical name for those is shunning. It can be hurtful and painful for the leaving member and is something which they suspect will happen if they leave the group. Love bombing occurs in many traditional, secretive cults and also in many successful organized religions. Complacency Tactic This cult-like activity is especially prevalent in fundamentalist and extreme churches and groups. The preacher will teach what the congregation expect to hear and continually stroke their egos, pride and self esteem, simply reassuring them that they are correct in what they believe; and this is also what the group believes. This pseudo-social behavior is similar to love bombing, but appeals to people's laziness and intellectual complacency... they do not wish to be challenged, they simply wish to live. The exit cost is built up in that the victim will not receive this support in the real world; they experience the opposite of it when people attack their beliefs and association with the religion or group. In this case, external criticism can increase the imagined exit cost and make them need the complacency of the group's mutual reassurance. Compliments, complimentary tactics 60

Making a person want to listen to you, feeding their ego and simply being nice to them. Members are given constant encouragement and praised in front of the group. Children's games employ this (to an extent). For the cult control tactic to work effectively, you must ensure there are no "losers", that the game is completely and utterly trivial, but also with a "fake" element of struggle, so that people must bind together. These include "trust games", such as blindfolding one member of the group and having another direct him around the room, in order to complete a task. Linking the tasks in the game, for example... you'd have the guy aiming for a basket containing "happiness", represented by chocolate, or something and the person issuing the calm commands would represent some force or idea of good in the ideology the cult is promoting. Incense/candles Used in hypnotism, intense one on one sessions between an acolyte and neophyte, and associated with deep internal thought, candles have an almost magical ability to confine the practitioners/victims to the area. Used in many rituals and meditation, candles' dancing flames and vague heat have an effect on us. It easy to theorize that they catch our attention and open our minds; but I am not sure how! Singing/chanting/loss of breath The loss of breath and growing euphoria that comes with strong repetitive exhalation serves to tie the atmosphere (such as singing in Church) down to the theology and preaching during the "come back" phase. "Alpha phase" is the relaxation after the singing/chanting is over, and should remain quiet. After alpha phase is a phase of susceptibility and suggestibility, a person is in a more docile state, their minds are fired up with oxygen and they will be slightly light headed. Perfect timing for some indoctrination! 61

Good cop/bad cop I will not describe this at great length, anyone who has seen cop films will know the stereotypical good cop/bad cop method of controlling a person, and making them reveal themselves and feel accepted or understood by the good cop. Perhaps an element of all dualistic religion, this approach sets up 2 contrasting characters. One of them is hateful and angry and hard to deal with emotionally. The other is compassionate and appears to be much more intelligent. It is a frequent debating method, where you place antagonists in the crowd or group to argue with you using stupid, ignorant and angry comments, allowing you to show yourself as rational, calm, patient and good natured. Them and us Increased psychological pressure and social pressure, causing anxiety and stress when the individual faces the outside world. For example... building a "them and us" mentality. E.g., a Church that maintains *it* is true, and all others are false. A religion that claims it is the only true religion and that other religions contain no worth is using this tactic. When you begin to consider elements of the ritual and teachings as the only or authoritive source of knowledge on subjects like morality or cause and effect, then you are becoming a cultist. In rituals this can appear as symbolic stories or plays as part of the ritual (when you are more suggestible), portraying the followers of the group as being better than everyone else. Fascination This is ability to appear good natured, good hearted and a spiritual person. It fosters an amount of trust and respect in those around you. Post-Trauma gullibility After an intense "session" of something, such as an intense visual display, physical exertion or during mental fatigue you are more suggestible. Hunger will make you more irritable, but also more suggestible and weak minded. Confusion and the voice of reason Put the congregation through a confusing experience, such as a parable that makes no obvious sense, then their minds will be unconsciously and automatically 62

trying to figure it out. It's such an automatic instinct, and is used to get people's attention and subconsciously make them rely on your subsequent reasoning. This is the "voice of reason". Even if they are not happy with the justification and explanation of the parable, you will implanted your "moral" into their minds during a time when their minds were very willing to learn. Sensory deprivation Psychological experiments on sensory deprivation chambers show shocking and dramatic results. Such a chamber, in its most extreme form, will be one where you are tied down on a bed, or standing, in a darkened and sound proofed room. Traditionally experimenters have allowed a "signal" to indicate the subject wants to go to the bathroom, which is then organized for him by attendants, in absolute silence. Such a chamber will cause a person to have full scale delusional hallucinations. 10 days in such a chamber (the same as with sleep deprivation) results in permanent and serious psychological damage. But... on less severe experiments, the chambers were modified so that the analyst could speak, at times, to the subject. The suggestibility of the subject was akin to hypnotism, only much more effective, with the subject being aware of and remembering everything that is said, but also finding themselves uncontrollably agreeing as a result of their intense suggestibility after only a day in the sensory deprivation chamber. Other forms of this, leading to suggestibility, are: Hunger; where food is given along with a "teaching". (Pavlov style!) Chinese water torture (also results in hallucination and insanity) A cold atmosphere and uncomfortable seats Long periods without human communication The Sensory Deprivation Chambers of the 40s and 50s are now considered a form of torture. 63

Flotation Tanks Flotation tanks are not what I am talking about. In a flotation tank you are induced into sleep very rapidly (you are in a laying down position, not a standing position), and it is frequently used by new agers and as a relaxation tool. 2. Examples of Use Religious ritual (multiple elements) A cold environment with uncomfortable chairs, candles and a speaker addressing the congregation. Periodical singing serving to cause euphoria and suggestibility (combined with religious lyrics, too). Some moments of group "togetherness". Confusing parables or stories followed by a voice of reason serve as an indoctrination tactic. The speaker is powerful and claims inspiration or authority from a "higher power", etc. Elements of good-cop, bad-cop exist in most religions, where an "enemy" and his attacks are easily countered by the preacher's ideology and beliefs. Exit costs can be high, especially in more popular religions, as a person's entire social life can be based around the Church, creating a high exit cost of combined Black Metal Music (confusion and the voice of reason) The music is very wall-of-sound, with multiple layers of noise, patterns and very fast and confusing sequences. The lead vocalist is mostly inaudibly unclear, grunting and shouting. At times, there will be a "voice of reason" in the song. This is when a secondary singer, in a slow and deep voice (frequently in a speaking role) recites some text or lyrics. These lyrics are always the most compelling, as they are the "voice of reason" in the confusion. Your mind is trying to keep up with the multiple layers, speed and untraditional patterns (and low production quality in many albums), your mind is "open" for suggestibility at that time of confusion, and the voice of reason becomes the sole rational input during the song. Religious environments (a form of sensory deprivation and voice of reason) 64

A retreat or location where the members remain mostly in silence, with little communication, or alone is an ideal place to force a person's mind. Other elements must be involved though, for example placing a person in isolation with a carefully set reading pattern can heavily influence and indoctrinate them. This is hard, however, as it is not "subtle", the person will know they are being forced into reading. A way round this is to provide a vast quantity (scientology...) of material, which is all very similar but which gives the illusion of choice. Material read under circumstances of reduced stimulation will have a greater effect on you. 3. Indoctrination tactics and Satanism “A Satanist should not allow himself to be programmed by others. He should fight tooth and nail against it, for that is the greatest enemy to his freedom of spirit. It is the very denial of life itself, which was given to him for a wondrous, unique experience - not for imitation of the colorless existence of others.” "The Devil's Notebook" by Anton LaVey (1992)1 Part of the reason for writing this text is because knowing these tactics is the absolute best way to avoid their affect on you. In the most extreme cases (such as deprivation chambers), there is however little you can do. Mind control elements The chanting of the Infernal Names is probably the closest thing to "togetherness" that a Satanic Ritual has. It does not, however, have the same quality that causes lack of breath or euphoria. Satanic Ritual does have an element of Confusion; with multiple things happening at once, or lots of imagery that you might not understand unless you're used to it or study it. So; the Confusion and Disorientation do serve to put you in a slightly more suggestible frame of mind; but only if you don't know what's going on. And very few group Satanic Rituals are performed with true neophytes; Anton LaVey and 65

most Grotto Masters will only allow people into a Ritual if they do know what's going on. Consent Part of the reason for this is that consent is essential in Satanic Rituals. You can't consent to something that you don't understand, or know about. Study is required. Some group rituals such as Anton LaVey's Black Masses were for public consumption; most are not. Intellectual Decompression Chamber The most consistent part of Satanic Rituals are the opening and closing elements, the clearing of the air and chanting of the Infernal Names and calling of the Infernal Princes. "I believe it is very important to have a clear and concise start and end to a ritual. You know that everything in between those 2 events are part of the ritual; that intellectualism will work against you during that time. Rituals are the time of emotion and this is the case for both group and private rituals." "Intellectual Decompression Chamber" by Vexen Crabtree 2003 Feb 24

The Father Of Modern Mind Control Edward Bernays was the master of influencing and shaping public opinion who developed upon the ideas of earlier social psychologists and the work of his uncle, Sigmund Freud, in order to create techniques to manipulate the subconscious desires of the masses. Throughout his 103-year lifespan, the “father of public relations” was at the pinnacle of his field advising US Presidents Coolidge, Eisenhower, Hoover and Wilson, as well as inventor Thomas Edison, US industrialist Henry Ford and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. He also reportedly refused invitations by Hitler and Franco to work on fascist propaganda campaigns in Europe. 66

At the end of World War 1 Bernays served as a propagandist for America before going on to work with various government departments and corporations throughout his lifetime, including: the US Department of State, CBS, Procter and Gamble, and the American Tobacco Company, as well as designing the propaganda campaign for the United Fruit Company which led to the CIA coup against the Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz in 1954. Bernays combined the work of people such as the French social psychologist Gustave Le Bon to create techniques which appeal to the subconscious emotions of the public, as opposed to engaging the public in rational and intellectual debate. Le Bon studied the mental characteristics and the behaviour of the crowd, believing that when part of a mass, individuals are subordinate to the crowd mind and that a human behaves in a more emotive, irrational manner. Bernays observed that if a propagandist could understand the “motives of the group mind”, they would possess the ability to “control and regiment the masses”: “The systematic study of mass psychology revealed to students the potentialities of invisible government of society by the manipulation of the motives which actuate man in the group. Trotter and Le Bon, who approached the subject in a scientific manner, and Graham Wallas, Walter Lippmann, and others who continued with searching studies of the group mind, established that the group has mental characteristics distinct from those of the individual, and is motivated by impulses and emotions which cannot be explained on the basis of what we know of individual psychology. So the question naturally arose: If we understand the mechanism and the motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing of it?” (Bernays, 1928, p.71) Bernays continues to reveal the growing ability of the propagandist to understand and successfully alter “public opinion” way back in the 1920s, long before television sets were in every household and the sophisticated modern media techniques of today:


“The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits. Mass psychology is as yet far from being an exact science and the mysteries of human motivation are by no means all revealed. But at least theory and practice have combined with sufficient success to permit us to know that in certain cases we can effect some change in public opinion with a fair degree of accuracy by operating a certain mechanism, just as the motorist can regulate the speed of a car by manipulating the flow of gasoline.” (Bernays, 1928, p.71 & p.72) The basic premise of Bernays thesis is that humans are “rarely aware” of the true motivations ad desires powering their actions, and if certain individuals could uncover the real desires of the mass mind, the public could be influenced and manipulated without their knowledge of it: “Men are rarely aware of the real reasons which motivate their actions . . . It is chiefly the psychologists of the school of Freud who have pointed out that many of man’s thoughts and actions are compensatory substitutes for desires which has been obliged to suppress. A thing may be desired not for its intrinsic worth or usefulness, but because he has unconsciously come to see it as a symbol of something else, the desire for which he is ashamed to admit to himself…. This general principle, that men are very largely actuated by motives which they conceal from themselves, is as true of mass as of individual psychology. It is evident that the successful propagandist must understand the true motives and not be content to accept the reasons which men give for what they do . . . Human desires are the steam which makes the social machine work. Only by understanding them can the propagandist control that loose-jointed mechanism which is modern society. (Bernays, 1928, p. 74, p.75 & p.76) The study of mass psychology and herd behaviour were important areas which had to be understood to intelligently manipulate the public: “The whole basis of successful propaganda is to have an objective and then to endeavour to arrive at it through an exact knowledge of the public and modifying circumstances to manipulate and sway that public (Bernays, 1928, p.126). But clearly it is the intelligent minorities which need to make use propaganda 68

continuously and systematically . . . Small groups of persons can, and do, make the rest of us think what they please about a given subject.” (Bernays, 1928, p.57) In ancient times, leaders of a tribe, group or society processed tremendous power over the rest of the people especially if they are skilled in the art of persuasion. Political leaders in modern times have the ability to shape and mould the psychology of their followers in a truly profound manner, especially if they have the ability to use propaganda effectively: “The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. Fortunately, the sincere and gifted politician is able, by the instrument of propaganda, to mould and form the will of the people.” (Bernays, 1928, p. 109) Bernays reveals the power propagandists have to manipulate and control the “public mind” through understanding the techniques of managing the public: “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of . . . Whatever attitude one chooses toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons – a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million – who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.” (Bernays, 1928, p.37 & p.38)

Celebrities And Mind Control 69

If you believe that slavery is a thing of the past, you are still a slave. The continuity of the practice of slavery on planet earth is staggering. The idea of owning another person is as old as civilization itself, going all the way back to ancient Sumer. Predating all other forms of coerced labor, not only is it ancient, but it is oh, so contemporary...and fashionable! When Bob Marley sings about slavery, he calls it the Babylon System and hits the nail on the head. The Bible calls Nimrod, the King of Babylon “a great hunter before the Lord." According to archeology and biblical context, the word “hunter” translates to plunderer or conqueror. Nimrod was immortalized not for his skill in hunting beasts, but in the success of his slave trading and the hunting of men to establish his imperial kingdom of tyranny. Nimrod hunted men and brought them into bondage to Babylon and forced them to build him a great tower to piss off Yahweh. The foundation of Babylonian society was the slave population; the necessary component of all mass economic activity. The sources of their slave supply were endless. Military conquests furnished many; others had fallen from the position of free laborers; still others were purchased from abroad, or were children of native slaves. Nimrod's Babylon is associated with slavery, military and economic power, seduction, and worship of the state. If you want to see the Babylon system at work today, look no further than Hollywood. Every year the Academy Awards are held in the heart of downtown Hollywood at the Kodak Center. Adjacent to the theater is the Hollywood and Highland Center called the Babylon Courtyard. Its décor is taken straight from a 1916 movie about ancient Babylon called Intolerance. Four story columns topped with standing elephants surround an archway depicting two curious characters. The figure on the left holding the basin of water is Enki, one of the Annunaki brothers who were gods of the ancient Sumerians that came to earth to genetically engineer a slave race. Enki is also known as Ea and is usually distinguished from other gods by two streams of water erupting from his body, or from a pot held in his hands. The figure on the right is the Assyrian god, Nisroch. Both of these gods were usually depicted holding a pinecone like object, believed to be an ancient depiction of the pineal gland, however, in the Hollywood version the glands are strangely absent. 70

The most famous of slaves were the Jews of Babylon, so it is ironic that their own empire of Hollywood is founded on slavery. During Hollywood’s golden age of the 1920’s and 1930’s, major studios spent a considerable amount of money to help locate, establish, and groom their legendary celebrities. The studio did as much as possible, even dictating social activities and personal relationships to ensure proper exposure of their best stars. The process of becoming a star invaded every aspect of a person's life. These actors essentially became the property of the studio once they signed a contract. Remember, the foundation of black magic is the pact or contract. Actors and actresses operated on strict contracts and this situation kept the power in the studio's hands. An actor's contract also entitled the studio to assign them to any role it chose, as well as loan out its stars to other production companies. Because of this, stars very often found themselves playing roles they weren't too crazy about. Actors of the studio really had no power or control over their own careers; their futures were at the mercy of the studio that signed them. With strategic planning and decision making that took place at the highest levels of studio management, they built unknowns into household names. Babylon’s legacy of blood sacrifice, human trafficking and slavery has been handed down through the generations. It exists today through a practice of slaves creating slaves called trauma-based mind control victims. Survivor of generational Satanic ritual abuse, Jay Parker, recalls a story his mother once told him about the Statue of Liberty. She told Jay that it was, in fact, Semiramis, wife of Nimrod. She said that their tradition of ritual abuse to create slaves was the religion with no name, “the old religion” from the time of Babylon. Today, if an artist wants to “make it” or have their art shared with the rest of the world, there are many gatekeepers and processes of dark initiation that they must pass through. Many times artists, through their work, spell out exactly what they must go through in the name of fame. In her thirteen minute music video, Marry the Night, Lady Gaga explains, in an artistic way, the trauma she is made to endure to become a super star. In the beginning, Gaga delivers a monologue that defines the plight of a mind control victim. While lying on a stretcher that is pushed by two nurses, she describes the way she perceives reality and only by escaping into her own world is she able to go on: 71

“When I look back on my life, it’s not that I don’t want to see things exactly as they happen, it’s just that I prefer to remember them in an artistic way. And truthfully, the lie of it all is much more honest, because I invented it. Clinical psychology arguably tells us that trauma is the ultimate killer. Memories are not recycled like atoms and particles in quantum physics. They can be lost forever. It’s sort of like my past is an unfinished painting and, as the artist of that painting, I must fill in all the ugly holes and make it beautiful again. It’s not that I’ve been dishonest, it’s just that I loathe reality.” The creepy nurse that attends to Gaga after her trauma session says, “I remember when I delivered you.” A clue about how slaves are conditioned from birth from inside their circle of friends and family. When the camera pans out, it shows that Gaga is not alone. She is in a ward filled with victims who are going through the same conditioning. In the video, the transformation from the real Stefani to her alter, Lady Gaga, is symbolized by the dying of her hair blonde. Ritual abuse survivor and Mother of Darkness, Arizona Wilder, explains that the dark occultists prefer their ritual goddesses blonde. In the context of the video, the expression “marry the night” takes on a metaphysical meaning. Marriage is a binding religious ritual. To marry the night means that Gaga is bonded to the elite occult slave masters and embraces her own “dark side”. The Britney Chronicles Britney-Hit-MeBritney Spears’ career is a perfect case study of trauma-based mind control in the entertainment industry. From Lolita/kitten themes to group sex to Mars and clone labs, practically every aspect of MK ULTRA programming can be witnessed in her career. When her music videos are watched in chronological order, they tell a horrific story of never ending enslavement. Britney has been a performer since her childhood days of Disney’s Mouseketeers and won many pageants and talent competitions in the vein of Toddlers and Tiaras. Her 1998 first hit single, Hit Me Baby One More Time, is an obvious reference to physical abuse and identification with her handler and she appears in a uniform similar to a catholic schoolgirl. The Babylonian Mystery Religion eventually became the Roman Catholic Church and factions of the church are at the root of the mind control network. Survivor 72

Cathy O’Brien’s formal induction as a presidential model mind controlled slave began with her first Holy Communion where she was given the “Rite to Remain Silent.” She received a Rosy Cross necklace which would lead her through the rest of her mind controlled existence. Her abuser told her he worked for the Vatican and now, so did she. The Rite to Remain Silent is anchored in the “Vow of Silence” performed by the Jesuit monks. At the end of the music video Britney awakens from her disassociation to find that the entire scenario was all in her imagination. This becomes a common theme in many of her videos. In the 1999 video, You Drive Me Crazy, Britney co-stars with Nickelodeon star, Melissa Joan Hart otherwise known as Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The setting is a factory for mass producing slaves. Common lyrics of her songs include the mind control themes of being lonely, losing her mind, losing her senses or going crazy. That same year she released Born to Make You Happy – a reference to the generational programming that usually begins before birth. The video opens with Britney dreaming/disassociating on a bed made of two cubes. She’s wearing a shirt covered in Monarch butterflies. In the world of dark occultism, the double cube, or hypercube represents an inescapable prison and the butterflies represent the genetic memories pass through the bloodline. Britney is related to Laura Bush, after all. In 2000, Britney’s masters released the video, Oops I Did it Again, in which Britney is shown laying on a bed made of two eight-pointed stars that represent Inanna/Ishtar, the goddess of Babylon. Sacred Prostitution and hermaphroditic bodies and feminine men were particularly involved in the worship and ritual practices of Inanna's temples. Inanna, Sumer’s “Queen of Heaven”, unlike any other deity, has the ability to descend into the netherworld and return again to the heavens. Many girls in the industry are led from innocence to the pit of Hell, and “back again” in honor of Inanna. The interlude of the this video is the most bizzare. An astonaugt meets Britney and she removes his helmet and to his surprise there is an atmosphere on Mars! He hands her a chunk of black stone. Britney exclaims, "But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?"-- a reference the Heart of the Ocean necklace from Titanic. The astronaut says, "Well baby, I went down and got it for you." In the Babylonian story of creation, the god Marduk battles the goddess Tiamat, who is the ocean deified. 73

She is often seen to represent a female principle, whereas Marduk stands for the male principle. Marduk is victorious, kills Tiamat, and creates the world from her body. HPR-Britney-SnakeAs mega rituals were unfolding in 2001, Britney Spears blatantly sang I’m A Slave 4 U declaring once and for all who is controlling her. At her VMA performance of the song, she dances with a giant python on her shoulders. Scenes from a black mass of the Church of Satan look strikingly similar. In 2003, Britney became a fully grown woman and an industry veteran when she teamed up with Madonna to sing Me Against the Music, another video that ends with her waking up from disassociation. Her “consecration” into the Babylonian industry was celebrated in a symbolic performance during the 2003 VMAs, alongside fellow Mouseketeer, Christina Aguilera, where the two were wed to “Hollywood” by the Kabbalistic High Priestess, Madonna. In her very next video, Toxic (2004) she appears as many different characters while playing a spy in some sort of weird espionage scenario. In mind control victims, the Delta alters are programmed to carry out assignments such as assassinations. Lady Gaga continues this assassination theme in her video, Paparazzi, when she poisons her boyfriend to death while dressed in a Mickey In the 2004 video, Everytime, Britney is shown drowning in a hotel bathtub. The scenario was chillingly close to the death of Whitney Houston at the Beverly Hilton in 2012. In her bathtub scene, she is wearing a Kabbalah bracelet. According to many mind control survivors, the Tree of Life from the Kabbalah is a structure that programmers use to house different alters. When Britney ‘dies’ in the bathtub, she is born again as a baby in a hospital. Could this possibly be an Aleister Crowley Moonchild reference? Once again, at the end of the video, she wakes up as if it was all a dream. In 2004 Britney embarked on a world tour called The Onyx Hotel. It was described as a "unique, mysterious hotel powered by an onyx stone, where guests who enter shine their own light into the gemstone and make their fantasies come to life. It's a vibrant, whimsical place where wondrous dreams are realized, and the darkest of secrets are revealed." The tour was marketed to a different demographic than her previous tours, changing from families and children to a 74

more adult audience and the show also heavily targeted the gay market. Britney told MTV that “The onyx stone is kind of symbolic of what guides me in my life, like there's a bigger picture in everything, and there's something that guides you where you need to go.” The onyx stone has a deep occult significance. According to Fritz Springmeier’s work, The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave, black onyx is used by the Mothers of Darkness to capture souls. The concert begins when the master of ceremonies, a creepy, belligerent, one eyed cross between Fat Bastard and RuPaul, welcomes spectators to the Onyx Hotel. He takes an onyx and throws it into the video screens, causing a virtual chandelier to fall into the floor. Britney’s face appears on the giant screen and says “Once you check in, you can’t check out.” In a pre-recorded video interlude during the concert, Jada Pinkett Smith morphs through from another dimension to lead Britney down a dark alley to reveal a secret doorway to the “Mystic Lounge.” In the next act, there is a video interlude of Spears wearing a ribbon and flowered-themed dress and entering the "Mystic Garden". In mind control, alters are created called Ribbons, which are the beginning of the Luciferian alter-like demons. Ribbons live in the garden and guard the System’s “Garden of Eden.” They are primarily the message bearers to the different, levels and alters. The ribbons might have angelic names such as Michael or Gabriel. In 2006, Britney posted a repeated loop of her song “Rebellion” on her website even though it was not a single. In the song, she talks of people close to her using poison and voodoo. Was this the beginning of her realization? In 2007, she released an album called Blackout just as her programming began to deteriorate. This is the same year that Britney had her infamous breakdown. Survivors report that when victims of mind control approach 30 years old, their brain attempts to break the amnesiac barriers and reintegrate itself. First, she dyed her hair dark brown. She then walked into Esther’s Hair Salon and demanded to have her head shaved. The owner told Britney that she would not shave her head and Britney took the shears and did it herself. When Arizona Wilder told David Icke of her escape from the Mothers of Darkness she said that she had dyed her hair brown to be removed as the ritual goddess of the order. When this wasn’t enough to keep her out of the rituals, she then shaved her head. When Britney was asked why she did it, she replied that she was tired of people touching her and she 75

didn’t want them plugging things into her. She had been in and out of “rehab” before the salon incident. After she shaved her head, she checked into Promises clinic in Malibu where she terrified staff by scrawling 666 onto her bald head, screaming she was the Anti-Christ and then attempting to hang herself with a bed sheet. Nickelodeon star, Amanda Bynes, has exhibited some of the same bizarre behavior this year. Even after all that, she had still not been able to break free, neither was she allowed to take a break. Her handlers stuck her in a blonde weave and a sparkly black bikini and sent her back on stage to lip-synch with auto-tune for her supposed "comeback" on the 2007 VMA’s. Britney 666 Promises ClinicIn January 2008, TMZ.com reported: “Sources are now painting a very disturbing picture of Britney Spears, or whoever she happens to be at any given moment. We're told the whole British accent thing -- well, it's more than an accent. Britney has multiple personalities, including, as people in her life call it, "the British girl." We're told when Spears loses the British personality, she has absolutely no idea what she did during the time she assumed that personality. Sources say Brit has a number of other identities, where she becomes "the weepy girl, the diva, the incoherent girl," and on and on. Sources say Britney had become the British girl the day she didn't show for her deposition and has no recollection of it.” Her 2008 video, Break the Ice, is an animation where Britney seems to enact some revenge on her handlers. Her character crashes an Eyes Wide Shut type Illuminati party and fights off the Men in Black. Dan Aykroyd has an interesting story that relates to the time some “Men in Black” monitored his phone call with Britney Spears. As Aykroyd spoke to his Crossroads co-star about appearing on Saturday Night Live with her, he noticed the MIBs observing him, but looked back a second later to realize that they had vanished. Two hours later, the producers of Out There, the program he was taping, were ordered to shut it all down. A coincidence until you realize that the show itself was about to set the stage for UFO disclosure. Aykroyd believed that this program was a key and motivation to socially transform the planet to a more peaceful, loving and tolerant state. In Break the Ice, Britney finds a clone lab under the mansion where they are keeping hundreds of “Britneys” in liquid tanks. She battles the MIBs and blows up 76

the lab. She then finds her handler, a robotic business man in a dark office and delivers a death kiss to him. That would be the second time she assassinated someone by kissing them. This video represented somewhat of a victory for Britney and ended with “To Be Continued…” When mind control slaves begin to break their programming, their handlers will stop at nothing to get them back on track. Her victory was short lived as the press declared her insane, a drug addict, an unfit mother, and a “trainwreck”. When a slave has outlived their usefulness or poses a threat, they are assassinated or programmed to self-destruct. This is called being thrown from the Freedom Train. In interviews, Britney can be seen switching between alter personalities. She talks of being completely alone, she tries to reach out to people but they don’t understand what she is telling them. She describes her life as “groundhog day” and tearfully whispers “I’m sad.” Her 2011 album was named Femme Fatal. Her video Hold It Against Me was directed by today’s go-to director for mind-control/occult imagery, Jonas Akerlund, who also directed Lady Gaga and Beyonce’s video about mass murder, Telephone. In Hold it Against Me, Britney is wearing a white wedding gown that gives away the ritualistic aspect of the video. It seems that she wasn’t all that successful in getting people to stop plugging things into her. In the video, she is shown attached to intravenous lines to further emphasize her mind control. While Britney is levitated, strange eyeless dancers emerge from under her gown. A quick shot of one eye with two pupils is shown for about a half of a second. The short scene is very significant, it represents the existence of multiple personalities within the same person. Britney’s 2011 video, I Wanna Go, tells the saddest story of all. It begins as Britney gives a press conference where she declares she’s pregnant with Brad Pitt’s quintuplets. During the video she sexually harasses a fan, seduces a baby, flashes a cop in front of a child and gets searched/molested by said cop. She slaughters the paparazzi with a microphone only to find that they are programmed robots like the Terminator. She is “rescued” by a character famous for playing Guerrmo, a merciless drug lord on the HBO show Weeds. This character apparently loves convertibles, dancing girls, and 2% milk. At the end of the video she wakes up from disassociation once again to find that she’s back at the press conference. 77

Guerrmo takes the stand with Britney saying “No more questions” to the press. Britney turns to him and says “I had the strangest dream.” He replies, “I love dreams…and sea shells” He gives Britney a handful of sea shells and leads her away. If you look up sea shells in Fritz Springmeier’s book, it explains that the “the VOW OF SILENCE is a keep quiet program activated by ‘THE WALLS HAVE EARS & THE PLANTS HAVE EYES SO YOUR SILENCE IS TANTAMOUNT TO SUCCESS.’ This is explained to the victim that the sea shells and plants have the ability to hear and that a sensitive occultist (programmer) can psychically pick up what the plants and sea shells hear.” In the end Guerrmo turns away from Britney back to the audience to deliver a maniacal laugh and reveal that he is actually a programmed robotic demon handler. She has come the full circle of innocence, victimization, realization and rebellion, but this video clearly illustrates that she is still ultimately under the control of her handlers. Russell & Katy More stars like Britney are struggling to break free, but they desperately need our help. Cory Feldman is outing Hollywood for pedophilia. Roseanne Barr is publicly speaking out about trauma based mind control and has become a political advocate of the legalization of marijuana for victims of post-traumatic stress disorder. Recently, British actor and comedian, Russell Brand, has had David Icke and Laura Eisenhower on his talk show. Key people with a large outreach are waking up and allowing truth to enter the mainstream media; but they need our support as they try to enlighten their audience and loved ones and sometimes, they pay a terrible price. In October 2010 Brand married pop star Katy Perry on top of an elephant in Northern India, the same place he had proposed to her just a short time before. The marriage lasted only fourteen months. Is this just another example of Hollywood’s cavalier attitude towards commitment or are there other dark forces at work? In February 2011, Katy embarked on the largest tour of her career. The tour was described as “Alice in Wonderland” and “Wizard of Oz,” two of the most classic Monarch programming motifs. The year proved to be a tremendous success in the industry for her, but also showed a devastating personal heartbreak. Katy Perry has been identified as one of the top Illuminati princesses/slaves since her debut in I Kissed a Girl, written and produced by pop 78

mogul, Max Martin. Martin has had his hand in just about every slave hit since the mid 90’s. He has made superstars out of the Backstreet Boys, N’Synch, Ace of Base, and Britney Spears. He revived the careers of Celine Dion and Bon Jovi. He has written for and produced Kelly Clarkson, Pink, Usher, Taylor Swift, Justin Beiber, Ke$ha and many more. Katy Perry hypnosisThe film Katy Perry: Part of Me documents the story of Perry's career as gospel singer, Katheryn Hudson, until the present day as global superstar Katy Perry. Scenes from the movie document her last world tour, the California Dreams Tour. Katy talks about her childhood, where her mother and father are traveling Pentecostal preachers, something she oddly has in common with Aleister Crowley whose parents were members of a strict Christian sect called the Plymouth Brethren. Many times, a strict Christian upbringing can bring about a serous backlash like Katy, Crowley or even Marilyn Manson. When Perry first started recording, she was paired with a team called “The Matrix” to give her a point of entry into the mainstream. They eventually dropped her and she later went on to sign with Capitol Records. Before fame, Katy sang gospel and Christian rock until one day she somehow made that age-old deal. According to one interview, Katy states: “When I was 15, because I grew up in a household where all I ever did was listen to gospel music…I swear I wanted to be, like, the Amy Grant of music, but it didn’t work out, and so I sold my soul to the devil.” It seems that Katy got the raw end of the deal when the devil turned out to be a literal slave driver. The tour for her album was no joke. It ran a whopping 124 shows in 108 cities in 337 days. The show begins with a video screen introduction which tells the story of a girl named Katy who lives in a colorless world wasting her life cutting meat for a mean old butcher. One night, Perry escapes her dreadful reality by falling asleep and visits a vibrant candy land in search for her pet cat, Kitty Purry and also for the love of her life, the Baker's Boy. Kitten programming is classic trauma-based mind control and the most widely used program. This programming is specifically for eliminating the learned moral convictions that Katy grew up with. It stimulates the primitive instincts devoid of inhibitions. This program is for developing the “ultimate prostitute.” In the first number, Katy appears on stage and starts performing Teenage Dream, while wearing a white dress with hypnotic spinning peppermints. In one interlude, 79

Perry is shown taking a shortcut that leads her into a candy forest where she meets two naughty mimes who join her to perform a song called Ur So Gay. At the end of the performance, Perry takes a bite of their magical brownie. In the next section, a video interlude reveals that the mimes' brownie has transformed Perry into a catwoman, a plan executed by the evil butcher all along. A song called Circle the Drain is performed while Perry battles her dancers who are dressed as butchers before going into her song about love with inter-dimensional reptilian beings, E.T. The show continues with Who Am I Living For in which she is strapped up by her dancers with elastic strings and is left on the ground defeated. The encore begins with the final interlude of the show, which reveals that Perry has been dreaming/disassociating all along, suddenly the Baker's Boy enters her room dressed in a gingerbread costume to deliver cupcakes she has ordered for breakfast. During her marriage to Russell, most of which she spent on her California Dreams tour, the mandate from Katy was to tour for two weeks and then take three or four days off to spend with Russell. Her handlers sabotaged this at every chance. To see Russell, Katy would fly across the world, to New York, L.A., New Orleans…wherever Russell was, just to spend time with him. In the documentary, she runs herself ragged trying to get to where he is. She was committed to him and she describes him as the love of her life. Around day 214 of her tour, Katy looks exhausted as she asks to see a calendar so she can look for her “relationship days,” days she had planned to spend with Russell. Her handlers tell her that she should be resting on her days off, not trying to see her husband. During her stop in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Katy is shown weeping backstage. Her handlers attempt to cheer her up by giving her a gift from her “trinkets box” which upsets her even more, it was a necklace given to her by Russell that she thought she had lost. She is still crying heavily until the moment her platform raises her to the stage. When the peppermints start to spin, she puts on her bravest smile for the crowd. In December, 2011, Russell filed for divorce in Los Angeles citing irreconcilable differences. The pair met when he was filming Get Him to the Greek, and she did a cameo with him. Katy recalls being so happy to be working with Russell that she was hopping like a bunny. Kevin Smith appeared on Russell Brand’s show and told the story from his point of view. One day Russell showed up at Smith’s house to 80

work on a project but he could not concentrate because he had just met the most amazing woman. Kevin was so touched he had to give Russell the day off to go and be with her. There is no doubt that Russell and Katy were very much in love, so what went wrong? Given Russell Brand’s recent taste in guests it is safe to say that he has at least some sense of reality and a quest for the truth. Is this why Katy’s handlers tried so hard to keep them apart? Was Russell feeding her information that the powers didn’t want her to be aware of because they needed her to help program the masses? According to interviews Katy Perry was having a profound positive effect on Russell as well—something the controlling occultists could not tolerate. Katy told Esquire Magazine that she had reformed the former sex addict, who according to rumors used to sleep with up to 80 women a month. “He was a heroin addict and now he's not. He was addicted to all kinds of things and now he's not. And he basically used to be a professional prostitute and now he's not,” she said. Brand also seemed to be perfectly comfortable with monogamy. "I am living in a different way at the moment. Regardless of what happens in my current situation," he said. "I am unlikely to be satisfied with the calamitous promiscuity of the preceding five or six years." He went on to say that monogamy is not the only change he's made since getting sober, he was living a much healthier life overall. "I'm living in a disciplined way, do lots of yoga, exercise and transcendental meditation.” After the divorce, in interviews of Katy, the mere mention of Russell puts her in tears instantly. Her fairy tale had been destroyed. Her 2012 hit, Wide Awake, (another Max Martin song) conceals many references to Monarch programming within its symbolism. It is a story of her thinking she has “woken up” and escaped, but in the end we find the story conveys that this is never possible. wide-awake-monarchAt the beginning of the video, we see Katy completing the filming of her single California Gurls, which is based on the board game, Candyland. This candy theme is no doubt part of Katy’s personal Monarch programming and Candyland appears in a list of internal structures found in recovering mind controlled slave, Cisco Wheeler. In the beginning of Wide Awake, Katy is fully into her “pop star” persona. When she enters her dressing room, she removes her wig, which symbolically represents her switching to another alter. Katy then stares at herself in the mirror for a while until she begins to dissociate from reality and enter a fantasy world. This is the inner-world of her psyche and it 81

is a dark labyrinth. She knows that she won’t make it through the maze without the one who has been stripped from her during the programming--her core persona. Through lights emerging from her breasts, she makes a call for help and her core appears before her in the form of a young Katy. It is the “real her” before her values and convictions were taken away. The little girl is the personality she had before being subjected to programming. Katy and her core then enter a room designed in classic Monarch trigger decor and her dress is made of butterflies. Through the mirror, she sees the evil paparazzi. Katy breaks the mirror in front of her and leaves the room, a symbolic act representing her attempting to break out of her programming. Then next scene is a ghoulish contrast to the rest of the video. She is now in a cold, sterile mental institution similar to the institution we see in Gaga’s Marry the Night. We appear to be out of Katy’s head and back to reality. She is completely “shut down” sitting in a wheel chair. Is this her MK programming site? While Katy is immobilized, little Katheryn, is “Wide Awake” and is determined to get them out of there. Upon escaping the institution, Katy and her core persona find themselves back in the fantasy land. A cat with hypnotic eyes is a reminder that she is still one of their “kittens” and under the control of her handlers. The butterflies on Katy’s head also symbolize this. Katy then “defeats” her fairy tale prince charming by delivering a powerful punch. Was this supposed to be Russell? At this point, little Katheryn gets on her bike and leaves. The core, authentic persona of Katy says goodbye and leaves in her place only a butterfly. The butterfly leads from the dressing room to a stage, before a performance of the song Teenage Dreams. Katy has also gone full circle and is back at the beginning, in her pop star persona, who she really is now. The real Katy has disappeared and she is merely a puppet of the music industry and a mind controlled slave. Wide Awake represents the false rebellion that so many others like Britney Spears went through, but ended up right back in slavery. At this time, Perry is halfway done with her new album called Schizophrenic. In one final twist, it seems the devil has left his mark on Russell Brand’s career as well. According to Aleister Crowley’s system of sorcery, the symbol for Russell’s show, Brand X, is the actual Mark of the Beast! Like so many other things in life, when it comes to slavery, it takes one to make one. A true free and sovereign person would have no use for slaves. The 82

programming really is like an infinite train, or a virus, where slaves are programmed to be handlers and programmers to create more slaves. The kings and priest craft of Babylon, were themselves, slaves to their gods. The duties of their religion were an indispensable element of their life. Before their idols they came, bowing as dependents and slaves, to make their offerings of flesh and blood. Girded with burdensome restrictions, they believed that the violation of their rituals would entail disaster upon themselves and their city. On the other hand, they claimed to be as gods before their subjects and captives, demanding from them the same type of servitude and reverence. Hurt-Children-Weird-Stuff We are all victims of trauma-based mind control to varying degrees. The rich, powerful and famous are the worst off. Their opulence and degenerative behavior is promoted in the tabloids so that we can worship and envy their lifestyle, never knowing that to obtain those things, they are yoked in absolute physical and spiritual servitude. The trauma that they endure trickles down and is expressed through their art so that everyone can be traumatized vicariously and they call it entertainment. The creation of dissatisfaction of life in normal people is another form of trauma. Extravagant weddings, awards ceremonies and vacations are splashed around in the headlines to a population that can barely make ends meet. America’s economy is worse than ever, but it is nothing for President Obama and his family to take a trip to Africa that reportedly cost between $60 and $100 million dollars. How do you think a young, struggling single mother feels when she goes through the grocery store checkout and sees that Beyonce and Jay-Z spend $1,000,000 a year to rent nursery space in the basement of the Barclays Sports Center (probably a MK programming site) to have a place for their daughter to play while they watch the games? If you want to live like this, you must sell your soul.

Selection And Preparation Of Victims The Selection and Preparation of The Victim A. Selection Based on Genetics and Dissociative Abilities 83

B. Availability C. Mental and Physical Features One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically. The Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a Master race in part through genetics. If knowledge can be passed genetically (which it is), then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch mind-control. The primary important factor for the trauma-based mind-control is the ability to disassociate. It was discovered that this ability is passed genetically from generation to generation. American Indian tribes (who had traumatic ritual dances and who would wait motionless for hours when hunting), children of Fakirs in India (who would sleep on a bed of nails or walk on hot coals), children of Yogis (those skilled in Yoga, who would have total control over their body in trance), Tibetan Buddhists, children of Vodoun, Bizango and other groups have a good ability to disassociate. The children of multigenerational abuse are also good at dissociation. The Illuminati families and European occultists went to India, and Tibet to study occultism and eastern philosophy. These Europeans learned yoga, tantric yoga, meditations, and trances and other methods to disassociate. These skills are passed on to their children via genetics. A test is run when the children are about 18 months old to determine if they can dissociate enough to be selected for programming or not.


Mind-controlled slaves are created for different purposes, hierarchy or nonhierarchy purposes. The Illuminati create mind-controlled slaves who are to function within the Illuminati hierarchy. These slaves will usually have their genealogies hidden, and will be created to have excellent cover lives to insure that they are not detected. They will be given multifunctional programming, and will usually be used to help program other slaves. The abuse will not be as physically visible as it will be on the bodies of slaves who are not born to be part of the Illuminati elite. Members of Moriah’s (Moriah = the Illuminati) LUCIFERIAN elite will have undergone as much trauma as other slaves, however the torture scars and the control are better concealed. These children will often receive lavish experiences as well as talks to convince them that they are part of the elite. (By the way, body scars will show up better under black light, that is the same black light as used in clubs). The Illuminati and other organizations have also programmed individuals who are simply expendable. These are sex slaves who are used up and killed very early in life, one-time use saboteurs, breeders, soldiers, drug couriers and so forth. The bodies of these people will often show visible torture scars. The expendable are the children of parents who were blackmailed into turning their children over to the CIA. This is all hidden by the power of the National Security Act. These are children, who have been sold by pedophile fathers, or pornographic parents. The programmers/masters program them with the expectation that they will be "thrown from the freedom train" when they get to age 30. (Freedom Train is the code word for the Monarch trauma-based mind-control. To be thrown from the Freedom Train means to be killed). The CIA and the Illuminati are skilled at blackmailing parents to give up their children. They would watch the mail for porn. Pedophile and murderers who abuse their children are warned that they will go to prison for long lengths of time if they do not cooperate by selling their children into mind-controlled slavery. In return for the parent’s cooperation, they provide rich financial rewards to the parent(s). It’s clearly a case of "if you don’t cooperate you lose in life big time, if you do cooperate you win big time." 85

Ministers are often set up with Betas (a sexual model) who then blackmail them. The ministers do not want to lose their status and profession via scandals, so they agree to turn their children over when young to the CIA to work with. The Illuminati like to blackmail these ministers when they are finished with their Seminary schooling and committed to the ministry at about 33 years of age. The idea of having nothing to fall back on after they have committed their entire life to one profession is too much for these weak willed men, and they buckle under the threats. If they don’t buckle under, the resulting consequences will remove them from ministry. The type of father who is most preferred by the Programmers to offer up their children for programming is the pedophile. If a father will abuse his own little baby girl, then the Programmers know that the man has no conscience. This father’s involvement in criminal activity (and thereby his vulnerability) can be continually increased. They want men who they believe will not develop any qualms later on in life about what they have done. A man, who waits until his daughter is a teenager to molest her, is usually esteemed to have too much conscience for the programmers. A big distinction must be made between hierarchy Monarch slaves, and nonhierarchy Monarch slaves. The reason there is such a big distinction is that they are not programmed the same way. Since this book is giving the recipe for how to create a Monarch slave, we will have to cover the distinction between slaves within the Illuminati and those slaves who function outside of the Illuminati hierarchy. It is important to stress that the label "Monarch" is used in this book in a generic sense for the modern trauma-based total mind-control that is taking place. Whether an Illuminati mind-controlled slave is technically in the Monarch records or out of the actual Monarch Program data files kept on computer is merely a technicality. In my (Fritz’s) other writings, I explain about how the Illuminati created the CIA. I know that some of its directors were members of the Illuminati and I strongly suspect that the other CIA directors were probably full-fledged members too. The two organizations need each other. If the CIA didn’t have the international 86

backing of the movers and shakers of the world, it would have been exposed and done away with. Likewise, the Illuminati, because it is so secret, needs organizations through which it can work. The CIA is a front for the Illuminati, and the CIA in turn sets up fronts. Some of those fronts, are elaborate well-staffed, well-equipped programming sites, (such as many of the state mental hospitals, McGill Psychiatric Training Network consisting of 8 Montreal hospitals esp. St. Mary’s, NASA in Huntsville, AL; the Presideo, CA; and NOTS at China Lake, CA, to name a few. For a more complete list see Appendix B.) The Illuminati couldn’t do it alone without its fronts. Satanists within the Network & the CIA took over Boy’s Town, NE in the early 1950s, & used that famous orphanage for a constant supply of boys for programming. Boy’s Town is perhaps the most famous, but there are whole long list of others. When the Monarch Programming started, the top men were Illuminati. Originally, Joseph Mengele was the lead programmer. He had already achieved the rank of Grand Master (later Ipssimus) within the Illuminati. He had become skilled in music, in Kabbalistic Magic, in dancing, in abortions, and in torture (by the way, Mengele had a sadistic mother) and programming children. Many of the concentration camp children that Mengele programmed still survive and still love him to this day as "Daddy". Mengele disappeared from Auschwitz in Jan. 1945, several months before the final chaos began in the Third Reich. He disappeared so the Illuminati could smuggle him to the U.S., so that his exceptional knowledge of programming-honed and fined tuned on thousands of concentration camp child victims could be put to use on a grand scale in the U.S. He traveled worldwide but especially in western U.S. doing his programming accompanied by his pair of two black servants. American Monarch survivors remember his spotless German uniform, his shiny boots which he wore during programming, his thick German accent, his 87

handsome features, his cleft chin, the space in his front teeth, the way he would jab with his thumb while programming, as if he were still saying "links, rechts" to lines of Jews coming into the concentration camps. The reason Mengele was so excited to do the selection process of inmates coming into Auschwitz was that he was choosing inmates for his numerous mindcontrol trauma experiments. He was especially anxious to get identical twins, because his genetic research related to mind control needed persons of identical genetic makeup. Traditionally, the Illuminati had been having their children inspected by a woman with the rank of Grande Mother. She would determine the fitness of the children and then present them for a formal acceptance ceremony at age 3 to the Grande Druid Council. This procedure didn't change when Mengele came over-the programming just jumped from being an occult science to one that had full access to the Medical, Psychiatric, Judicial, Scientific and Governmental sectors via the power of the National Security Act and the Intelligence agencies. The Illuminati's programming of multiples prior to Mengele's arrival were simplistic, compared to the sophisticated techniques engineered by the Nazi Germans (whose Mind Control research included some non-German nationals such as some Italians). Just as a victim who is killed by an 18th century musket is just as much victimized as someone killed by an M-16, so a victim of the pre-1946 programming was just as victimized as those programmed with more sophisticated techniques. For the Illuminati, the child's programming is planned by the Circle (another name for their organization) before it is born. From the Illuminati's perspective their plans involve generational spirits and positions within the hierarchy. The child is conceived according to their rituals, and the steps that that child will go through follows a well-thought out detailed regimen for programming it. In contrast, the children from foster homes, or pedophiles do not receive the same regimen. 88

Hierarchy slaves will in turn be used to program and train other hierarchy children, while CIA slaves and Mafia slaves and KKK slaves etc. will be discarded. This is why a Presidential Model is "thrown from the Freedom Train [the name of the Monarch Program in the Underworld]". Women and men in the Illuminati will continue to help with the programming their entire lives. The Illuminati is programming such vast numbers of children, they need everyone of their able members to help. Moriah's total membership worldwide numbers in the millions. The Illuminati regimen for their children is far more controlling than the CIA's programming. Not everyone in the Illuminati gets their mind-split and becomes a programmed multiple. However, everyone does get some type of mind-control. Those who have been spared multiplicity still must participate in a two-week intense mind-control session that might be compared to the Army's Ranger school. Those who participate in this have learned obedience. Those who haven't learned obedience, are forced into ritual gladiator type duels or other punishments to eliminate them. Finally, a traitor’s death as pictured on one of the Tarot cards is waiting. Sharon Tate was left hanging in the No. 12 Tarot Card’s "hangman position" from the house rafters. The best therapists will quietly admit that traditional therapy is inadequate. Unless God intervenes, people who are born into the Illuminati don’t escape it while alive. This book isn’t a mere exercise of academic thinking, but is written with the assurance that freedom is possible, there are viable answers. Some children live in foster homes, or with adopted parents, or in orphanages, or with caretakers and guardians. Because these children are at the mercy of the non-related adults, these types of children frequently are sold to become mindcontrolled slaves of the intelligence agencies. 89

In review, remember that because many of these organizations are controlled by the Illuminati; an Illuminati slave may often work for one of these front groups, while the Illuminati maintain control over the base-program. The intelligence networks were started by and run by the Illuminati. They are Illuminati fronts. The use of slaves crosses many organizational boundaries within the overall Network. If a slave is to be used as a Delta model (assassination), they may be selected for strength and dexterity. The Delta Force is the army’s elite unit made up of Monarch slaves. If they are to operate as a Beta model (sexual slave), they will be chosen if they can master technique. Occasionally they might in some circumstances be selected for how pretty the programmers expect the child to become. Some parents have produced good looking children and are actually sought-after to bear children to sell into the Mind Controlled Slavery "Freedom Train" System. However, vastly more important for Beta Sex Slaves are their ability to be programmed to have charm, seductive skills, charisma, and creativity. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the programmers can put almost any kind of body to use as a sex slave. Almost any sex slave can fit somewhere into the script of the Illuminati/New World Order/crime syndicate "porn" movies. (I place porn in quotation marks-because what they call porn doesn’t resemble what the public thinks of porn— we’re not talking Playboy type porn, we’re talking ghastly horrible atrocities that are as sick as anything done in the Nazi concentration camps). For instance, it takes little acting ability or beauty to have one’s head chopped off while having sex. There are different types of sexual slaves, but the Illuminati wants to get Beta alters which are sharp, talented, skilled, and resourceful. They will use these Beta alters, such as the Black Widow alters, for espionage and blackmail. To make sure that the child’s mind develops properly, the baby will be interacted with so that those areas of the brain that are important to develop will 90

develop to the maximum. It is a well-known fact that areas of the brain grow according to how much stimulation and use that area of the brain receives. For this reason, Grande Dames, who are involved in programming, will spend time drawing and showing faces to the child and seeing if the child can recognize identical faces. Almost any other item will be used, candy canes with stripes (match the candy canes with the same no. of stripes), trees, or pencils. The child must learn to match identical items very early--even before they can speak. This is so they will be able to build mirror images into their mind.


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