Ripper Level 4 Solo Lurker

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 490
  • Pages: 2

Level 4 Solo Lurker

Medium Aberrant Humanoid Initiative: +7

Senses: Perception +15, Darkvision

Disorienting Aura: aura 12; +6 vs. will; Living beings whom are affected by the aura take a -2 to their wisdom modifiers. The ripper cannot suppress this aura in any way. Those affected by the aura are allowed a save every round at a -4 to end the effect. Those who save are thereafter immune to the aura of that particular ripper for the rest of the day, but not of another’s. If a creature is immune to poison or gas, they are also immune to the ripper’s aura and any other pheromone attacks they are subjected to. HP: 100

Bloodied: 50


Fort: 15; Ref:15; Will:20

Resist: Immune to poison

Vulnerable: Radiant Damage 5

Saving Throws: +3



Action Points: 2

Claw: (Standard; At-Will) POISON +9 vs. AC (1d6+2; Poison [1d6 non-lethal sedative]) Pheromone Burst (Standard; Recharge 4,5,6) Close Burst 12; +6 vs. Will; the effect of the burst the ripper emits depends on the situation: 

When a large crowd is near, the ripper will use its WRATH (Close burst 12) pheromone in order to cause the group to riot. If a sufficient number of creatures are affected, they may (25% chance) form a mob and attack the nearest target(s). Otherwise, individuals just attack the nearest target. Those who succumb to WRATH are allowed a save every round to end the effect.

If a ripper is being hunted or wants to take a group quietly, it will emit a SLEEP (Close burst 6) pheromone. Those affected will remain asleep for up to five minutes with a save allowed every round.

If a ripper is severely outnumbered, outmatched, or bloodied, it will emit its FEAR (Close burst 12) pheromone. This functions just like the cleric’s Cause Fear level 1 encounter prayer, except that it affects all creatures within range equally.

If a ripper wants to lure prey toward it, it will use its ATTRACTION (close blast 20) pheromone. Those affected will move in the direction of the reaper as it is guided by a semi-psionic link with the ripper.

A creature affected by ripper’s pheromone attacks are allowed a save every round to end the effect. Those who save are thereafter immune to that specific attack of that particular ripper for the rest of the day, but not of another’s. Chameleon (Minor; At-Will) The ripper gains concealment until the start of its next turn. It can’t use this power while grabbing a creature, or while grabbed. Humanoid Impersonation The ripper looks humanoid at a distance of 4 squares. But if viewed from closer than that or a perception check is rolled (or a passive perception of over 20), its aberrant nature is revealed Light Sensitivity The ripper is dazed in sunlight or within the bright radius of a light spell. Skills: Acrobatics +12; Athletics +10; Perception+15; Stealth +15; Thievery +15

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