Rio Unit 07 Meiosis And Heredity Assessment

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RIO Unit 07- Biology Meiosis and Heredity 1. What are variations within a species most likely the result of? (Generating) A mutations and sexual reproduction B synapsis and disjunction C mitosis and asexual reproduction D overpopulation and recombination 2. During synapsis, chromatids in homologous pairs of chromosomes often twist around each other, break, exchange segments, and rejoin. What does this process usually contribute to? (Analyzing) A the formation of polyploid offspring B nondisjunction of homologous chromosomes

3. Why can mutations be considered as one of the raw materials of evolution? (Evaluating) A Because they contribute to new variations in organisms B Because they are usually related to the environment in which they appear C Because they are usually beneficial to the organism in which they appear D Because they usually cause species of organisms to become extinct 4. Which process is illustrated by the diagram below? (Knowing)

C the production of identical twins D increased variability in offspring A crossing over B nondisjunction C sex determination D independent assortment

5. A child is born with an extra chromosome in each of its cells. What is this condition usually the result of? (Applying) A nondisjunction B crossing over C segregation D hybridization 6. Which of the following is normally impossible because the gene for hemophilia is located on the Xchromosome? (Generating) A carrier mother to pass the gene to her son B hemophiliac father to pass the gene on to his son C hemophiliac father to pass the gene to his daughter D carrier mother to pass the gene to her daughter 7. If many hybrid tall pea plants are cross-pollinated, what will the offspring produced probably be? (Evaluating) A 100% homozygous tall B 100% heterozygous tall C 50% homozygous tall D 50% heterozygous tall

8. A hybrid black-coated guinea pig produces two million sperm cells. Approximately what number of its sperm cells would contain the recessive gene for white coat color? (Applying) A1 million B 2 million C0 D .5 million

9. In which structure do chromosomes normally occur as homologous pairs? (Organizing) A a sperm cell B an egg cell C a zygote D a gamete 10. Some individuals with blood group A may inherit the genes for blond hair, while other individuals with blood group A may inherit the genes for brown hair. Which principle is this best explained by? (Evaluating) Dominance B multiple alleles C incomplete dominance D independent assortment 11. What is the outward appearance (gene expression) of a particular trait in an organism referred to as? (Knowing) A a genotype B a phenotype C an allele D a chromosome

12. What percentages can be expected in the offspring of cross between a female carrier for color blindness and a male with normal color vision? (Applying) A 25% normal male, 25% colorblind males, 25% normal females, 25% carrier females B 25% normal males, 25% colorblind males, 25% carrier females, 25% colorblind females C 75% normal males, 25% carrier females D 50% colorblind males, 50% colorblind females

13. Which represents the genotype of a homozygous condition? (Analyzing) A Bb B BC

16. In squirrels, the gene for gray fur (G) is dominant over the gene for black fur (g). If 50% of a large litter of squirrels are gray, what was most likely the parental cross that produced this litter? (Generating)

C bb

A GG x Gg

D bc


14. What does the process of meiotic cell division in a human male usually form? (Applying) A one diploid cell, only B four diploid cells C one haploid cell, only D four haploid cells 15. Which cross could produce a child with type O blood? (Integrating) A A female who is heterozygous for type A blood and a male who is homozygous for type B blood B A female who is homozygous for type A blood and a male who is heterozygous for type B blood C A female who has type AB blood and a male who has type O blood D A female who is heterozygous for type A blood and a male who is heterozygous for type B blood

C Gg x gg D gg x gg 17. Which represents the number of autosomes and type of sex chromosomes normally present in a human egg cell? (Analyzing) A 44 + XY B 44 + XX C 22 + Y D 22 + X

18. In humans, what does the fusion of the nuclei of two functional gametes result in? (Knowing) A The formation of a haploid cell B The formation of a zygote C The formation of a cotyledon cell D The formation of a polyploidy cell 19. When Mendel crossed true-breeding tall plants with true-breeding short plants, why were all of his offspring tall? (Integrating) A Because the allele for tall plants is recessive. B Because the allele for short plants is dominant. C Because the allele for tall plants is dominant. D Because they were truebreeding like their parents.

20. What term is used to refer to offspring that result from crosses between true-breeding parents with different traits? (Knowing) A True- breeding B Parental generation C F2 Generation D Hybrids 21. In the P generation, a tall plant is crossed with a short plant. Short plants reappeared in the F2 generation. Why is this? (Evaluating) A Because some of the F2 plants produced gametes that carried the allele for shortness. B Because the allele for shortness is dominant. C Because the allele for shortness and the allele for tallness segregated when the F1 plants produced gametes. D Because they inherited an allele for shortness from one parent and an allele for tallness from the other parent.

22. How many different allele combinations would be found in the gametes of an individual whose genotype was RrYy? (Generating)

25. When do homologous chromosomes form tetrads? (Organizing) A Prophase of Meiosis I


B Metaphase of Meiosis I


C Prophase of Meiosis II


D Metaphase of Meiosis II

D 16 23. Which of the following patterns of inheritance explains why a cross between a black rooster and a white hen produces a checkered chicken? (Analyzing) A Incomplete Dominance B Polygenic Inheritance C Codominance D Multiple Alleles

24. What is the haploid number of an organism whose diploid number is 12? (Applying)

26. Which of the following statements is true regarding meiosis? (Evaluating) A It produces two genetically different haploid cells. B It produces four genetically different haploid cells. C It produces two genetically identical haploid cells. D It produces four genetically different diploid cells.

27. What did Gregor Mendel study in pea plants? (Knowing)


A Flowering

B 12

B Gamete formation

C 24

C Inheritance of traits


D Cross-pollination

28. What are Mendel’s ‘factors’ called today? (Knowing) A Alleles

30. What pattern of inheritance deals with traits that are produced by the interaction of several genes? (Evaluating)

B Traits

A Codominance

C Genes

B Polygenic Inheritance

D Characters

C Incomplete Dominance

29. What does the law of dominance state? (Analyzing) A That all alleles are dominant B That all alleles are recessive C That some alleles are recessive and others are dominant D That alleles are neither dominant nor recessive

D Pleiotropy

32. What is the diagram above referred to as? (Organizing) A A karyotype 31. What can you tell about the individual above? (Evaluating) A That they are trisomic for chromosome # 21 B That their gametes will result from nondisjunction C That they are male D That they are sterile

B A genetic map C A gametic representation chart D A pedigree

The following is a diagram representing the inheritance of cystic fibrosis throughout four generations of a family. Answer the following questions with regards to this diagram.

35. Which of the following is possible? (Generating) A A child of individual III-2 and III-3 that does not have cystic fibrosis B Individual IV-2 having a child that is not a carrier of cystic fibrosis C Individuals II-1 and II-2 having different genotypes D Individual IV-1 having a child that is a carrier of cystic fibrosis

33. What is true about individuals in this diagram represented by a square? (Applying) A They are homozygous

36. Which of the following disorders is caused by nondisjunction of chromosomes? (Analyzing) A Hemophilia

B They are heterozygous

B Huntington’s Disease

C They are female

C Down’s Syndrome

D They are male

D Cystic Fibrosis

34. What is true about individual IV- 1? (Integrating) A They are a carrier

37. What is the phenotypic ratio of offspring expected from the cross of two individuals that are heterozygous for two traits? (Applying)

B They have cystic fibrosis

A 9:3:3:1

C They do not have cystic

B 3:1

fibrosis D They are heterozygous for cystic fibrosis

C 1:2:1 D 1:1:1:1

38. Which pattern of inheritance is observed in human blood types? (Organizing) A Incomplete dominance B Multiple Alleles C Epistasis D Multiple Alleles 39. Which individual is credited with discovering our basic knowledge of genetics? (Knowing) A Carrolus Linnaeus B Gregor Mendel C James Watson D Charles Darwin 40. Which of the following organisms undergoes meiosis? (Analyzing) A Yeast B Prokaryote C Mammal D Amoeba

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