Right Approach To Achive Unification Of Religions

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,575
  • Pages: 6
Shri Datta Swami


RIGHT APPROACH TO ACHIEVE UNIFICATION Correlation of Scriptures is Inadequate [December 2, 2006 Shri Ramanath asked to give more discourses on correlation of scriptures of various religions in a more detailed way so that the universal spirituality can be stressed in the propagation of knowledge.] O Learned And Devoted Servants of God, Swami replied: The correlation of the scriptures of various religions was done in a detailed way by several prophets who aimed at the world peace. Even I have done this correlation in major topics like human rebirth, concept of human incarnation etc. The effect of such correlation is not much because the devotees of various religions are neither influenced by the unity of the scriptures nor by the unity of human beings having the same bodies of matter and energy externally and the internal souls made of the same pure awareness. Scriptures are the concepts given by various forms of God. Devotees feel that these forms of God are totally different from each other. Unless you bring the correlation of the various forms of God belonging to different religions, the problem is not solved in the root. You have to come from top to bottom in the solution for difference. The correlation of unity in the scriptures and in the human beings is an attempt of solving the problem from bottom to top. If you can prove the unity of the forms of God and establish the concept of single God in various religions, the scriptures have to be correlated forcibly because one God cannot speak contradicting concepts in various religions. Like this if you come from the top for the solution, there is always a tremendous binding force acting on the heads of devotees to correlate the scriptures. Even if some little variations exist in the scriptures, they have to be unified by force in the light of unity of God, who is the single speaker of various scriptures. Today the development of science is terrible, which is the faculty of logic and analysis. Today the heart is reduced and the brain is expanded. The old generations were having a broad heart and less brain. The heart can be inspired by appeals but the brain will not be satisfied by appeals. If you appeal “All the human beings are one and the same internally and externally. God is one only. Do not quarrel with each other and be united as one family”, the effect of such appeal is

Shri Datta Swami


temporary only. When the devotee returns back, the emotion is subsided by next day itself. The reason is that his or her intellectual faculty (Buddhi) is not satisfied. You have not given the logical analysis of such concepts. You have worked at the level of mind only and not at the level of intelligence. Mind is the steering rod and the intelligence is the driver. Mind is in the hands of intelligence. Due to this reason only, the Lord started the Gita with the concept of knowledge and analysis (Buddhi Yoga). The driving knowledge of the driver is more important than the driver. The correct driving depends on the correct driving knowledge imparted to him by the teacher of the driving school, who is the Satguru. In the case of Arjuna, the teacher of the driving school himself became the driver! You cannot imagine the fortune of Arjuna. When God Himself became the driver, He is called as Satguru. The word Sat is used to mean God. Guru means guide.

‘God: Single Speaker of Scriptures’ is Adequate The logic behind the unity of God in various forms related to the corresponding religions is already given by Me in the “Conversation of Swami with a Christian father.” The analysis presented by Me in that topic is a terrible binding force of various religions. By correlation of the scriptures, if you try to establish the unity of speaker, analysts may not accept it. They may say that the concepts of different speakers may sometimes coincide and that does not necessarily mean that the speakers should be one and the same. The minor differences in the scriptures which were followed by God depending on the various levels of the corresponding communities, the various cultures of different regions also get magnified to be used to differentiate the speakers. When the speakers are different, the devotees will not be united because they believe that their particular unique preacher was only the savior. Therefore, you must start with the final weapon to establish the unity of God as established by Me in that topic. You have to attack the virus and bacteria at the very outset itself by a single stroke. With the help of its continued effect, the subsequent steps of uniting the human beings become very easy and also inevitable. If your God is the only creator of this entire earth, He becomes partial by giving the right knowledge to your region only when other regions were not having any communications with your region. In such case, our forefathers went to hell for no fault of their ignorance about your God and His scripture

Shri Datta Swami


given to you alone in that time. This concept acts like the Brahmaastra and will have the posterior effect continuously in your effort of uniting the devotees of various religions. The subsequent unity of scriptures is forced by the logic of this single concept and the unity of the scriptures becomes inevitable because no religion can accept the blind partiality of God, since their God is the father of all the souls on this earth. The absence of human rebirth in the other religions supports the inevitable injustice done to the forefathers since there is no chance of their coming back to this earth again in human forms. There is no chance for them to rectify their ignorance since their human birth was finished once for all which can not be repeated again under any circumstances. The concept of permanent hell also supports this point, since those forefathers can never be relieved form the permanent hell. When we propagated this powerful logic, one Christian unable to answer this point by logic, shouted saying “Let God be partial, but I will not accept the Universal Spirituality”! Such conservative devotee need not be blamed and infact, we pity him for the power of poison injected in to his brain by the blind tradition of the ignorant priests from generations together! Conservative devotees may not accept the truth today, which is exposed with perfect logic and analysis from all angles. But in course of time, this powerful truth will work and drill their brains and a day will come when the permanent transformation of all the human beings takes place and the dream of Universal Spirituality is sure to become a practical reality and the consequence is the establishment of world peace forever. God also blesses those, who participate in the propagation of this divine knowledge, forever because they have done the work of God, which is going to be eternal. The prediction of the Universal Spirituality on this earth by Nostradamus is going to become true shortly, since that prediction was from God only through him.

Solution for ‘Corruption Due to Blind Love on Family’ Similarly, if you establish the unity of human beings by showing the same material (five elements) of the bodies and same material (Pure awareness) of souls, this concept alone is not sufficient to bring the concept of one global family. The devotee will say that his family loves him more than the outsiders and therefore, he should show love to his family and neutrality to the outsiders. Infact, this point is responsible for the terrible sins like corruption. He grabs the hard money earned of

Shri Datta Swami


others for the sake of extra luxuries of his family. He is paid salary for doing his duty to the public, which is more than sufficient for the needs of his family. But he aspires for the endless luxuries of his family only even at the cost of the misery of other human beings. This clearly shows that he does not treat others as his family members in practice. He may nod his head for your appeal temporarily but in practice your effort becomes futile since you have not supplied the analysis of the concept to satisfy his faculty of intelligence. In absence of your logic, his insufficient or bad logic rules over his brain, which is that his family members only love him and not the public. The complete and correct logic for this point is supplied by the Veda which states that even the family members love you because you are the instrument for their happiness and they do not love you for your happiness (Atmanah Kamaya Sarvam Priyam…). You can test the truth by becoming reverse. If you do not supply even the basic needs, they will leave you at once like the birds leaving a fruitless tree. Even the wife or husband was an outsider coming from the public only before the marriage. It is your ignorance that you feel that your wife or husband belongs to you and not the outsiders. This bond did not exist before marriage and will not exist after the death. This bond will not exist after death whether the human re-birth exists or not. This bond will not exist when the soul goes to permanent hell or heaven after this birth on the final enquiry. Even if the soul is re-born (Hinduism), the bonds change like the dramatic bonds between the actors in different dramas. The bond is only a feeling, which is unreal with respect to the reality of matter, energy and pure awareness, which are the common constituting materials of human beings. After death these materials of external bodies (matter and energy) are recycled as the bodies of other human beings. In this light, where is reality of even the blood relationship between parents and children? According to Hindu scriptures, the wife and children come to collect their wealth that was grabbed by you in the previous birth (Runanubandha rupena…). Shankara says that which did not and will not exist is temporary and a temporary unit must be always unreal (Yat Krutakam hi…). The dramatic bond between actors during the drama also is unreal. You must give the complete logic also whenever you preach the concept. Mere introduction of the concept without the logic behind it is like a dead body without life or a metallic wire without current, which will not

Shri Datta Swami


work for any practical purpose. The human being acting as a preacher (Guru) can only give the concept, where as the God-preacher (Satguru) like Shankara gives the concept with the related logic and also quotes the scripture. An ignorant person can give only the facts of the case. But the advocate gives the logic in the concept and its related quotation from the constitution, which alone can satisfy the judge and also both the parties. The judge or the opposing party will not be satisfied by the mere facts presented by one party.

Five symbols of Universal Spirituality Buddha kept silent about God and His followers misunderstand this silence as negation of God. Buddha Himself is the human incarnation and is counted in the main ten incarnations of God. The silence of Buddha indicates the nature of the original God, who is unimaginable and beyond words. Mohammed denied the concept of conversion of God in to human form. His message has two angles. In one angle, He was denying the concept of human incarnation because just before His arrival, Jesus was crucified. In another angle, people have misunderstood that God became the human form. Actually God entered the human form and did not modify Himself in to the human form. The current entered the wire and the current is not modified in to the wire. The Gita says that God entered the human form (Manushim tanumaashritam…) and the same Gita says that God is not modified in to human form (Avyaktam vyaktimaapannam…). Jesus also told both these concepts. When He told that He is the Son of God, it means God and Himself are different like current and wire. When the current enters the wire, the alive wire is treated as current and hence Jesus told that God and Himself are one and the same. Since, the current cannot be worshipped directly, only the alive wire should be worshipped as current. When the scent is sprinkled on the shirt of your friend, he enjoys the scent through the shirt. You need not remove the shirt and sprinkle the scent on skin. A fool may even remove the skin and sprinkle the scent on the nerves because the nerves only can receive the experience of the scent. The concept of human incarnation is a two-inone system like a single phase having two components (like the alloy of two metals). The single phase is the human incarnation and the two components are Nara and Narayana. The contemporary human incarnation is the real relevant form of God for the living human beings

Shri Datta Swami


for direct worship of God as can be seen in the case of Hanuman and Gopikas. The universal spirituality shows Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and scientist on its symbol. Science is also an important religion. Science is the sharp logical analysis of the creation. Science cannot show the creator because the unimaginable creator is beyond the creation. But, Science is helpful in rejecting any item of creation that is claimed to be the original God. Such item can be proved as the part of creation through analysis and hence, it cannot be the creator, who is beyond the entire creation. For example, the Advaita philosophers believe that awareness (nervous energy), which is called as soul is the original God. With the help of science, we can clearly understand that this awareness is only a special work form of inert energy functioning through the special nervous system. The inert energy is generated by the oxidation of food (Annat purushah… Veda). The food is matter and is converted in to inert energy as per the conversion of matter in to energy. This energy is converted in to a special work form through the functioning nervous system. For example, grinding is a special work form of electric power (inert energy) through the functioning of grinding machine. This forward reaction of conversion of inert energy in to awareness is the evolution of life. The backward reaction is the death in which the awareness is converted back in to inert energy (Manah tejasi… Veda). Thus with the help of science, we are able to reject the awareness or soul to be the original God. Shankara told that awareness (soul) is Brahman and people have misunderstood that Brahman means only God. Any greatest item in any category can be called as Brahman. For example, the Veda is the greatest among scriptures since it was protected from introductions and deletions. It was preserved by recitation only through generations. Hence, the Veda is called as Brahman (Brahmakshara samudbhavam… Gita). God being the greatest of all the categories can be also called as Brahman. The awareness being the finest form of work energies can be called as Brahman. Such analysis of the soul is clearly helped by Science.

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