Revival In School Gt Version

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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,332
  • Pages: 3
December 01, 2009 It all started after some of us brothers had decided to just have an evening together eat some pizza and play some games. Some played chess, and some played crokinole, while others played dominos; everyone seemed to be thoroughly involved in the game that they were playing, and we just had a “good” time. Around 8:40 P.M. some wanted to leave and it was suggested that we have a word or prayer before anyone leaves, and after that everyone was free to leave when they wanted to. Well, we walked into the living room and sat down; two of the older brothers shared some things and exhorted the younger ones a bit on being all we can be for the Lord and allowing him to use us as He sees fit; how not to hold back on the Lord but to just be radical young people now while we have our energy and our strength. As we were kneeling down, one of the brothers asked if we could all pray in unison instead of just having a few lead out. As we started to pray, Heaven dropped down on us!! The glory of God filled the room as different ones cried out to God to forgive them for not having moved faster and for holding back on God. As we prayed almost all of us had tears of joy run down our faces as we thanked God just to be able to be saved young people, and asking Him to help us to move faster and to be the radical young people that He is calling for in this end time. After a good season of praying together, a few lead out in prayer with heavy anointed. As we prayed conviction seized the hearts of the unsaved and the unsanctified. After we had finished praying we felt the Lord was doing a work and we did not want to stand in the way by closing the evening if there were those that needed help. We told the brothers if there was someone there that needed help, now was the time to move. God was stirring the waters now, and they needed to get in while He was moving. A couple of brothers went into another room by themselves to pray together. Soon another brother asked to go upstairs and pray. When we got into the room, he said that he had held back long enough and needed to be sanctified. After a while of praying and seeking God he got up and said, “I got it.” As we walked back down stairs to where the other brothers were, another brother was waiting at the bottom of the stairs and asked to go back up and pray that he might be sanctified as well. We did so and again the Lord answered in a wonderful way. GLORY!!! In the mean time another brother had taken one of the unsaved with him into another room where this young man confessed to being a hypocrite. After they prayed for a while and pleading with God, they both came out of the room with smiles all over! During the time when the different souls were seeking God, the ones that were already in the fold, gather in yet another room and pleaded God to help them, and those that were still seeking.

Once one of the brothers got a chance, he ran to the computer and to let Bro. Henry know what was going on. It was not very hard to convince him to come over and witness what God was doing. He arrived while there were still different ones praying. Afterwards we sang some songs and had a bit of a rejoicing service, and he encouraged the newly saved and sanctified ones not to stop or slow down, but to keep running with what the Lord had given them that night. Finally around 11:10 P.M. we finally all retired to our respective places. December 02, 2009 Already last night we knew we would have a good day in school today. As we got to school everyone was still stirred and the fire was still burning. During devotions two of the brothers testified about what the Lord had done, after which one of the teachers had a good devotion on crossing the line of accountability. Everyone crosses the line where you become accountable at one point time and some never cross back to the right side. As we ended the devotion Bro. Henry called and asked that we pray as the Lord was dealing with different people in a very special way. Some had called from work and said how they could hardly work because they were under such heavy conviction to be sanctified. We knelt down and started to pray and again the Lord just came down in such a wonderful way. Brothers from the other classes started to join in and not long after we had pretty much all the brothers that were in school in the room praying. The sisters in the mean time had gathered in the chapel and were praying there. The Lord was starting to deal with some of the children that were not saved or sanctified. It did not take long till different ones started to seek the Lord to be saved and sanctified. Thank God that He is not a respecter of persons. He does not care if you are 16 years old or if you are 6 years old. If you meet the condition, He will answer your prayers. After about two hours, we went into the chapel. At this point the sisters were standing and singing alter-call songs while the prayer bench was flooded with seekers. We joined in the singing and a few more of the brothers went to the prayer bench to seek salvation and sanctification. The ministry arrived during this time and assisted with the praying and counseling. After having prayed for a while and there seemed to be no more that would move we went back to class. We had just been there for a few minutes when Bro. Henry walked in with another young brother and asked that we all kneel down again pray with them as they prayed for sanctification. Not long after the Lord gave the witness that He had done the work. We had just “settled” down when Bro Henry walked in with another three young brothers all seeking to be sanctified. After a while of praying two of them prayed through gloriously. By this time it was a bit past noon, and after a little

more trying to get a little bit of work done we had our lunch and called the school to a close to get ready for a glorious evening service. The saints were so stirred up that we many came almost an hour early to service and had a season of prayer before service began. One of the brothers that had been under conviction during the day to be sanctified came early too and some brothers went into the school, where they prayed till God sanctified another soul. Service had already begun by the time they came back. He was beaming all over and started testifying to what the Lord had done for him. The Lord had done a good work, and behold it was very good. We had a wonderful service as different ones testified about what the Lord had done for them during the day. Glory!! Glory!! Glory!! In the evening time it shall be light! We are no longer talking about and reading about how wonderful it would be to have a revival, but revival is here!!! Not just among the older people either; God is doing a work among the children and young people. God’s work is moving along and He is doing a swift work. You must run to keep up; but if you find this difficult, what will you do when the horseman come?

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