Japan Revival

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 464
  • Pages: 2

Shihan Kostas Kanakis Judan Kugyo (15. DAN)


14. - 15. March 2009, Saturday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Sunday: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm


Kampfkunstzentrum Zwickau e.V. Brunnenstraße 19 08056 Zwickau


Japan Revival, with up to date cognition and insights from Japan

Pr ice:

Bujinkan members: Non-members: Bujinkan Shidoshi: Shidoshi with 5 students:

2 days 1 day 2 days 1 day


S ven Gutknecht Tel: 0173-5704554 Fax: 0375-6779163 [email protected]


20th Febr uary 2009

70,00 Euro 50,00 Euro 80,00 Euro 60,00 Euro 30,00 Euro fr ee

About Kostas Kanakis: Shihan Kostas Kanakis has been engaged in Asian Ma rtial Arts and medicine for more than 30 years. During all these yea rs he ha s occupied himself with various arts, studying a nd immersing himself in their spiritual, historica l and cultura l backgrounds. He has been training Ninjutsu with several Masters of this Ma rtia l Art. However, his most importa nt teachers ha ve been Sulvain Guinta rd from Fra nce a nd Sveneric Bogsä ter from Sweden. In Ma y 1992 he pa ssed the Godan test (5th Da n) and since then he hands his knowledge on to his students and other interested persons through regula r seminars. In August 2000 he returned to Crete/ Greece and ina ugurated the first Bujinkan Dojo there. By and since founding the B ujinka n Dojo Greece, the na me of Bujinkan has also been well-established in Greece. The duties of Shiha n Kostas Kana kis comprise not only the continious development of the Bujinkan in Greece, but also the active support for the development of the Bujinkan all-over Europe through the Europea n BKD-Budokai which is run by him. Kostas Kana kis’ work so far has contributed to reduce the nega tive ima ge of Ninjutsu in the public a nd thereby helped Ninjutsu to achieve more popularity. Through his intensive work in Europe he has contributed enormously to the sprea d of Ninjutsu and nowada ys he is known as one of the pioneers of Ninjutsu in Europe and worldwide. Since 1987 and after the first Tai Kai with Soke Hatsumi in England he has attended numerous Tai Kais a ll over the world and visited Japan many times. Toda y he still travels to Japan twice a year to train directly with Grandmaster Hatsumi and his Japanese students. In July 2002 Grandmaster Dr Ma saaki Hatsumi awa rded him the JUDAN and in the year 2007 he was graded Juda n Kugyo (15 . Dan) B ujinkan Budo by Grandmaster Ha tsumi a nd hence he ranks among the most highly gradua ted teachers of Bujinkan worldwide. Kostas Kanakis is the author of severa l specia lised books on Ninjutsu ava ilable in bookstores.


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